VA VA - Kelly Catalano, 40, Chesterfield, 15 Jan 2010 - #3

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I do think they are looking at this as a possible murder. If they were not I believe the death certificate would have been released. I live in Virginia and someone I know commited suicide and his death certifacate was released within days.

Unfortunately that is not necessarily indicative of how they are handling the case, as suicide or homicide rulings that come in fast are usually because the COD or total circumstances point in an obvious direction - when they don't, then the ruling can take a great deal of time as they wait for tests to rule out any number of things. In addition, when there is advanced decomposition and water involved, it makes a definitive ruling even harder to arrive at, and a good M.E. will take their time to make sure that they get it right.
I just wanted to Thank You who came to Kelly's Memorial this weekend. It was nice to put a face with the names and to hear what you thought face to face. Sometimes thoughts get lost while typing so face to face was great. Thank You for your time and prayer! And for you that could not make it because you live so far away or whatever the reasons, I would like to Thank You for your kind messages and your prayers.
AnotherNiece: Glad you're back safe. Were you able to learn anything new from LE while you were down in the area this weekend? Many prayers & thoughts continue for you and your family...
AnotherNiece: Glad you're back safe. Were you able to learn anything new from LE while you were down in the area this weekend? Many prayers & thoughts continue for you and your family...

Nothing new we are still waiting on the ME's report with a COD. They say it could be up to 6 months but we do know others that were found after Kelly have their reports back. Of course the usual answer...suicide!

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers they are so still needed1
Some information has landed in my lap that needs to be brought to light. I cannot and will not divulge my source, but I can say I feel more than 100% certain this source can be trusted.

One of the people who was there when Kelly's body was found has stated that Kelly's body did not appear to have been in the water for the length of time she was missing.

(Remember Patterson's comment (he's LE), that Kelly's clothing was intact when she was found. 2 months in water, with rocks, debris, fish, wildlife, and Kelly's clothing is in tact...ummmm ok.
"He added that the body was clad in the same clothes Catalano was wearing when she disappeared Jan. 15 and that all her clothing was intact.")

I have also been made aware of certain issues surrounding Jill Edmond's corpse. Both of these women in the water approximately the same amount of time (supposedly). The upper portion of Jill's body was found, in the water, the lower portion was found on land, presumably, scattered by animals. Jill's body had far more decomp. than Kelly's. The decomp between the 2 did not add up, and it's been said that Kelly's body only appeared to be out in the elements for possibly 2 weeks or less.

Also, if you've noticed from the various news reports - Kelly's body was found 1 week to the day after the family went home. It is believed by some that Kelly's body was placed where it was found upon the family leaving - possibly leading the perp to believe that no further searches or no intense searches would be taking place.
Some information has landed in my lap that needs to be brought to light. I cannot and will not divulge my source, but I can say I feel more than 100% certain this source can be trusted.

One of the people who was there when Kelly's body was found has stated that Kelly's body did not appear to have been in the water for the length of time she was missing.

(Remember Patterson's comment (he's LE), that Kelly's clothing was intact when she was found. 2 months in water, with rocks, debris, fish, wildlife, and Kelly's clothing is in tact...ummmm ok.
"He added that the body was clad in the same clothes Catalano was wearing when she disappeared Jan. 15 and that all her clothing was intact.")

I have also been made aware of certain issues surrounding Jill Edmond's corpse. Both of these women in the water approximately the same amount of time (supposedly). The upper portion of Jill's body was found, in the water, the lower portion was found on land, presumably, scattered by animals. Jill's body had far more decomp. than Kelly's. The decomp between the 2 did not add up, and it's been said that Kelly's body only appeared to be out in the elements for possibly 2 weeks or less.

Also, if you've noticed from the various news reports - Kelly's body was found 1 week to the day after the family went home. It is believed by some that Kelly's body was placed where it was found upon the family leaving - possibly leading the perp to believe that no further searches or no intense searches would be taking place.

MBLover, thank you for sharing this news. So many thoughts come to mind, omg...disturbing...concerning...WTH is going on with the investigation?!
Some information has landed in my lap that needs to be brought to light. I cannot and will not divulge my source, but I can say I feel more than 100% certain this source can be trusted.

One of the people who was there when Kelly's body was found has stated that Kelly's body did not appear to have been in the water for the length of time she was missing.

(Remember Patterson's comment (he's LE), that Kelly's clothing was intact when she was found. 2 months in water, with rocks, debris, fish, wildlife, and Kelly's clothing is in tact...ummmm ok.
"He added that the body was clad in the same clothes Catalano was wearing when she disappeared Jan. 15 and that all her clothing was intact.")

I have also been made aware of certain issues surrounding Jill Edmond's corpse. Both of these women in the water approximately the same amount of time (supposedly). The upper portion of Jill's body was found, in the water, the lower portion was found on land, presumably, scattered by animals. Jill's body had far more decomp. than Kelly's. The decomp between the 2 did not add up, and it's been said that Kelly's body only appeared to be out in the elements for possibly 2 weeks or less.

Also, if you've noticed from the various news reports - Kelly's body was found 1 week to the day after the family went home. It is believed by some that Kelly's body was placed where it was found upon the family leaving - possibly leading the perp to believe that no further searches or no intense searches would be taking place.

Was she held captive?
Yes, this news is very disturbing. I believe the investigation is at a standstill until the ME report comes in, which will hopefully be soon.

I was 100% sure that Kelly didn't do herself I'm 200% sure.
Was she held captive?

That remains to be seen...but I would guess is quite possible. Or she was secured in some way to keep decomp to a minimum. With the weather as cold as it was this Winter here in VA that wouldn't have been too hard to accomplish IMHO.

ETA: It's been a little over 2 months since Kelly has been found. Hopefully the tox tests won't take much longer.
For those of you that haven't seen this video - this shows Kelly being found. Sorry family - but believe this gives a tad more perspective in what I posted a few posts ago.
ETA: My heart still aches for those family members and dear friends who truly loved and cared about Kelly.
Some information has landed in my lap that needs to be brought to light. I cannot and will not divulge my source, but I can say I feel more than 100% certain this source can be trusted.

One of the people who was there when Kelly's body was found has stated that Kelly's body did not appear to have been in the water for the length of time she was missing.

(Remember Patterson's comment (he's LE), that Kelly's clothing was intact when she was found. 2 months in water, with rocks, debris, fish, wildlife, and Kelly's clothing is in tact...ummmm ok.
"He added that the body was clad in the same clothes Catalano was wearing when she disappeared Jan. 15 and that all her clothing was intact.")

I have also been made aware of certain issues surrounding Jill Edmond's corpse. Both of these women in the water approximately the same amount of time (supposedly). The upper portion of Jill's body was found, in the water, the lower portion was found on land, presumably, scattered by animals. Jill's body had far more decomp. than Kelly's. The decomp between the 2 did not add up, and it's been said that Kelly's body only appeared to be out in the elements for possibly 2 weeks or less.

Also, if you've noticed from the various news reports - Kelly's body was found 1 week to the day after the family went home. It is believed by some that Kelly's body was placed where it was found upon the family leaving - possibly leading the perp to believe that no further searches or no intense searches would be taking place.

WOW, thank you SO MUCH for choosing to bring this information to light, especially due to the extreme lack of any other information to date by LE. We of course all highly anticipate the COD of the ME report. I hope I'm wrong, but am not necessarily confident the ME report is going to bring the needed closure.

**IF in fact the body was placed in the water upon the family leaving, that makes me continue to believe not only did Kelly know this person, but this person knew her family as well. How else would they specifically know the families comings/goings unless they had an inside track so to speak???

I still wonder about the ex-girlfriend. (I know her 'mother' said they ate lunch together that day....but was there ANY OTHER corroboration other than a mother/daughter who would not surprsingly stick up and support one another no matter what?)

We all need to keep doing anything and everything we can, no matter how small to keep digging for answers and find the person (s) who did this. THAT would be JUSTICE4KELLY!!

MBLover: Thanks again for your information, you obviously have a great contact and/or source of information. Please do everything you can through your source to keep this case ALIVE until the TRUTH comes out!!! Even the smallest of details can be a break in the case!!

Let's do this for Kelly! Let's do this for the family! Let's do this for Kelly's friends and all who loved her and even the ones such as myself who didn't really know her, but like many of you through this process feel like we all lost an amazing & beautiful close friend.
Some information has landed in my lap that needs to be brought to light. I cannot and will not divulge my source, but I can say I feel more than 100% certain this source can be trusted.

One of the people who was there when Kelly's body was found has stated that Kelly's body did not appear to have been in the water for the length of time she was missing.

(Remember Patterson's comment (he's LE), that Kelly's clothing was intact when she was found. 2 months in water, with rocks, debris, fish, wildlife, and Kelly's clothing is in tact...ummmm ok.
"He added that the body was clad in the same clothes Catalano was wearing when she disappeared Jan. 15 and that all her clothing was intact.")

I have also been made aware of certain issues surrounding Jill Edmond's corpse. Both of these women in the water approximately the same amount of time (supposedly). The upper portion of Jill's body was found, in the water, the lower portion was found on land, presumably, scattered by animals. Jill's body had far more decomp. than Kelly's. The decomp between the 2 did not add up, and it's been said that Kelly's body only appeared to be out in the elements for possibly 2 weeks or less.

Also, if you've noticed from the various news reports - Kelly's body was found 1 week to the day after the family went home. It is believed by some that Kelly's body was placed where it was found upon the family leaving - possibly leading the perp to believe that no further searches or no intense searches would be taking place.

Excellent information, MBLover.

By drifting upstream, I don't believe Kelly's body could possibly have made it "naturally" to the location where it was found. As I've mentioned several times, if you look at maps of the discovery site, the body would have passed through a large number of very narrow passageways in rather shallow water, and then, as the body approached I95 (again, traveling upstream), it would have had to make a very sharp left turn to enter another narrow passageway that led to the rock on which Kelly was found. What could possibly have occurred to make the sharp left turn take place? To me, this theory of naturally arriving at that rock makes no sense and never did. I definitely agree that it is more likely that her body was placed there, and probably much later than we thought.

As far as I'm concerned, LE knows this is not a suicide and is simply biding its time to tie up all the loose ends and name a person of interest (POI). If we've all pretty much come to the same conclusion about who was involved (and we've been sorely lacking in LE-supplied info), I would guess that LE, with all the information it has, is on the same track.

Thanks again for this info MBLover!

Amen to the let's do this for Kelly and for Kelly's family!

(O/T: I just typed a long post...and my puppy dog just walked over the powerstrip and cut off my computer...)

What do you folks think of going back to the beginning...well actually to the day/evening before Kelly's disappearance? Think we need to go back to square 1 and rehash and weed out what we know and don't know? Anyone believe that would be helpful?

I'm thinking we could get a fresh perspective. Truth has a great post going on reasons Kelly didn't commit suicide. I'm of the opinion (thanks to another poster) that we need to get a timeline up and running as well - Such as Kelly going to yoga class the night before, filling up her car with gas, etc. How long was she at yoga, at what time did the class begin/end. Filled up her car before or after yoga. How long did she hang out before/after yoga? Etc.

Then to continue on with the timeline of what time did Kelly clock into work on that fateful morning, and get a better line of exactly when her 1st break was (I've seen the break listed as 9-9:15). But I've seen the time Kelly left BPA on the unscheduled break as 10:00 or 10:30. When did others realized Kelly didn't come back...and when did they begin their search for her? It was stated that after the passing of 4 hours LE was notified...what time was that... Etc.

I've gone through all of the news articles I can find through and have picked out bits and pieces of the story that stand out to me. I have made comments and questions regarding certain quotes. As soon as I have this cleaned up and in presentable form, I will post this to get the perspective of others.

Anything else anyone can think of...let's get this thread rolling again and bring JUSTICE 4 KELLY and her family!!!

TRUTH - ITA with you. It is incomprehensible to me of how Kelly could have made it to that point naturally. Too many things in the way to impede her making it to that spot.

One other thing we need to add to your excellent list - NO suicide note. With Kelly being the loving and caring person she was: 1- she would not have done this and not left some kind of apology/explanation to her family; 2- When a person commits suicide their body is usually found fairly quickly (as it's a really hard thing to hide yourself once you've passed...)

Amen to the let's do this for Kelly and for Kelly's family!

(O/T: I just typed a long post...and my puppy dog just walked over the powerstrip and cut off my computer...)

What do you folks think of going back to the beginning...well actually to the day/evening before Kelly's disappearance? Think we need to go back to square 1 and rehash and weed out what we know and don't know? Anyone believe that would be helpful?

I'm thinking we could get a fresh perspective. Truth has a great post going on reasons Kelly didn't commit suicide. I'm of the opinion (thanks to another poster) that we need to get a timeline up and running as well - Such as Kelly going to yoga class the night before, filling up her car with gas, etc. How long was she at yoga, at what time did the class begin/end. Filled up her car before or after yoga. How long did she hang out before/after yoga? Etc.

Then to continue on with the timeline of what time did Kelly clock into work on that fateful morning, and get a better line of exactly when her 1st break was (I've seen the break listed as 9-9:15). But I've seen the time Kelly left BPA on the unscheduled break as 10:00 or 10:30. When did others realized Kelly didn't come back...and when did they begin their search for her? It was stated that after the passing of 4 hours LE was notified...what time was that... Etc.

I've gone through all of the news articles I can find through and have picked out bits and pieces of the story that stand out to me. I have made comments and questions regarding certain quotes. As soon as I have this cleaned up and in presentable form, I will post this to get the perspective of others.

Anything else anyone can think of...let's get this thread rolling again and bring JUSTICE 4 KELLY and her family!!!

TRUTH - ITA with you. It is incomprehensible to me of how Kelly could have made it to that point naturally. Too many things in the way to impede her making it to that spot.

One other thing we need to add to your excellent list - NO suicide note. With Kelly being the loving and caring person she was: 1- she would not have done this and not left some kind of apology/explanation to her family; 2- When a person commits suicide their body is usually found fairly quickly (as it's a really hard thing to hide yourself once you've passed...)

MBLover: AGAIN, another excellent post with great points. In my opinion, until this case is solved and we bring JUSTICE4KELLY her family and friends, if we need to go back to the beginning a billions times, let's do it! Let's absolutely keep this thread rolling!!!
Hey everyone... I need to correct something in my post I made regarding the decomp.

I misunderstood something and want to set this straight. Kelly had been deceased for some time and there was a good amount of decomp - However, it didn't appear to be due to being in the water. It was like she was on land for a while before being put in the water... Hope that makes sense.

Why Kelly Catalano's death was not a suicide:

1. Body found upstream
2. Goggles discovered on the second day of the search in an area that had already been searched
3. Kelly expressed things had been moved around in her home
4. Kelly's mailbox was vandalized; vulgarities written on it
5. Kelly took her car keys and cell phone with her as she ran out of BPA and toward the river; seems she was planning to return to work
6. Kelly left her machine running, as if she planned to return
7. Kelly bought 30 gallons of gas and a volleyball pass and signed up for cooking classes the night before her disappearance; she had future plans
8. Kelly made plans to meet and walk with coworkers at 11:00-11:30 on the day she disappeared
9. Kelly had just gotten a raise
10. Kelly had just bought a new car, which she loved.
11. Kelly reported to others that she was being stalked
12. Water in Swift Creek was shallow; Kelly was athletic and a strong swimmer
13. Body traveled upstream approx 1.5 miles
14. Doors to Kelly's home were found unlocked (after police locked them) following Kelly's disappearance
15. Kelly told coworkers she'd "be right back" or "be back in a minute"
16. She went to work that day. If she planned on suicide, wouldn't she have taken a vacation or sick day and just stayed home?
17. Near date of anniversary
18. Surveillance cams weren't working at BPA?
19. Shortly after Kelly went missing, someone turned off Kelly's cell phone (which she took with her when she left BPA on the morning of January 15). Who would bring their cell phone with them when they are running to the river to commit suicide and then turn it off before entering the water to end their life? No one.
20. No suicide note. Kelly was a loving and caring person, and would not have left without some kind of apology/explanation to her family.
21. When a person commits suicide, their body is usually found fairly quickly (as it's a rather difficult thing to hide oneself once one has passed...)

ETA: Added #20 and #21. Also edited 2-3 entries for grammatical purposes only.

Remembering a “great girl”

Loved ones gather to honor the life of Kelly Catalano

Friends and family remember Kelly Catalano during a memorial service last Saturday.
Page Dowdy/Chesterfield Observer It’s been only four months since Kelly Catalano, a welder at BluePrint Automation in Colonial Heights, left her workplace and disappeared. Four long months since Catalano’s family, friends and co-workers last saw her.

Yet, she’s with them still. Having been generous of spirit, an easy friend and a safe haven when in need of some cheer, she’s left behind bits of herself to encourage those who knew and cared about her.

Friends and family members gathered last Saturday at Clover Hill Assembly of God to celebrate Catalano’s life.

Catalano grew up in a lively family in Meadville, Penn. The youngest of seven children, she was one of only two of the septet to really leave the fold by moving out of state. About 12 years ago, she moved to North Carolina, and a few years later migrated north to Virginia, settling in Chester and taking the welding job at Blueprint.

(more at link)
Hi All, wanted to bring forward comments from Soulscape over at the Astro forum. I usually provide only a link, but thought the entire post was warranted in this case. The charts really do say that Kellys death was no suicide ...

03-12-2010, 07:38 AM

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Kelly Catalano Last Seen Jan. 15, 2010, Colonial Hts., VA
A few notes regarding the Kelly Catalano Last Seen Chart (posted above by LeoMoon):

1. Kelly's sudden departure from her workplace that day was not planned (SUN in 11th House of Circumstances Beyond One's Control), but it was instigated by something/ someone in the workplace (Leo on the 6th House, the workplace/ coworkers).

2. Clues it was homicide:

(a) Critical degree (17 mutable) rising with Lord 1 JUPITER (Kelly) in the unfortunate 12th House in end-of-her-rope 29th degree with antiscion at 00 Scorpio --- partile exact 8th House of Death cusp;

(b) MISFORTUNE in 1st House (FORTUNE in Pisces becomes MISfortune) conjunct URANUS (sudden, unplanned) and the EQ (a secondary ASCENDANT) with MISFORTUNE and the EQ in Fateful Degree and Lord 1 JUPITER (Kelly) quindecile (165 degrees) MARS Lord 8 of Death and close sesquisquare the Arabic Part of ASSASSINATION1 16:42 Cancer.

(c) SUN (as Event) sesquiquadrate MARS/SATURN midpoint (cruelty, brutality); square MARS/PLUTO midpoint (violence/murder);

3. Clues to who the perp may be:

(a) Possibly a co-worker (Leo on the 6th, MARS within and quindecile JUPITER Lord 1 (Kelly);

(b) A jilted lover/ rejected suitor/ someone jealous of Kelly (MOON last passed over VENUS, co-Lord 7th House (Libra intercepted) with JUPITER Lord 1 (Kelly) square VENUS/SATURN midpoint and semisquare VENUS/PLUTO midpoint. Note MOON rules House 5, Lovers/ Love Affairs, etc. and malefic SOUTH NODE within. Also, Aries/Libra interceptions across the 1/7 axis point to hidden relationship issues as background for the disappearance.

(c) A combination of (a) and (b).
Ok, what the he$$? Below is from the news link MBlover posted above?!
Has the family received notice from LE that the ME ruled on COD? Are you telling me a reporter received this info before the family did? :furious:

Niece is this true? Has family been notified? If so can you give me a time of notification (want a chart).

Police turned up no signs of foul play in Catalano’s disappearance. An investigation revealed Catalano had several conversations with relatives and friends about death and what happens when people die within the 24 hours before she disappeared. Police believe Catalano took her own life. The state medical examiner’s office has ruled Catalano’s cause of death as suicide by drowning. Chesterfield police have closed the case.
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