VA VA - Kelly Catalano, 40, Chesterfield, 15 Jan 2010 - #3

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Why would anyone want Kelly gone? (in no particular order)
1. Her job?
2. Her houses/estate? (or other belongings)?
3. jealousy over what she had material wise?
4. Jealousy of her position at work?
5. Jealousy over her life in general?
6. Angry over a new or continuing friendship/possible relationship?
7. Possibility of insurance policy?

I'm sure there are other things...what else can be added to this? Anyone feel free to add to the post!

Also want to keep TS's post fresh too - Sorry ME & LE - we can't let this rest since you folks didn't do your job...

Great list, MBLover!

Two of the most frequent reasons for taking someone's life are:

1. Unrequited/unreciprocated love
2. Rejection of love or rejection a relationship

I believe (JMHO) that it is one of these two reasons that Kelly's life was taken. This was not a suicide.
Well there you go, it's as I said. The ME relied on LE's opinion ... INSANE!!
I hope one day we get to read the investigation files. I really am curious about who the "people" are that LE rely upon so completely to "know" Kelly so well that they feel she committed suicide?!

Good point Knox. Why doesn't Le Ilean more toward how she thought someone broke into her house and moved things around? IMO this is how LE works when they don't know how to solve a case. Ladies in Virginia please be careful and make sure all your family's know that you wouldn't commit suicide. It's really amazing to me how 3 woman all missing ended up by rivers or bodies of water also. It doesn't take a genius to say something is not right here.
Good point Knox. Why doesn't Le Ilean more toward how she thought someone broke into her house and moved things around? IMO this is how LE works when they don't know how to solve a case. Ladies in Virginia please be careful and make sure all your family's know that you wouldn't commit suicide. It's really amazing to me how 3 woman all missing ended up by rivers or bodies of water also. It doesn't take a genius to say something is not right here.

Thanks, I'll remember this next time I go back home to Chesterfield in 2 weeks.
To Kelly's Family -

You might want to check into this group. I saw this story on Discovery ID over the weekend. I don't know if they can help you or not, but they may be able to give to some resources to help and/or get you in touch with people who can help

Contact Jane's Group
Want to contact Alexander's group, Citizens Against Homicide? Call the group, at 415-455-5944. Or send an email, to
You can read about Jane's story here and find out just how remarkable this woman was. Her story is full of courage and one of persistance.


Her motto: "Walk the walk. Never give up. Never stop fighting for the truth."

“Citizen Jane” Alexander is a crusader for crime victims’ rights and the co-founder and vice president of Citizens Against Homicide. Her courageous journey began 20 years ago when her aunt was brutally murdered in her San Jose home. Alexander discovered the identity of the killer and with little forensic evidence to support an arrest, Alexander worked diligently to bring her aunt's murderer to justice. She spent the next thirteen years fighting the red tape of the criminal justice system before finally seeing the killer behind bars. Her organization, Citizens Against Homicide, provides support for the thousands of people who suffer the loss of a loved one and the emotional trauma of the criminal justice system.
I can't get over this. I don't even know Kelly and I think about her all the time. I had a dream about her last night but nothing significant. I Just can't stop thinking about there is no way in this world that someone drowns themselves in shallow water. How would you do that? Your body would'nt let you. If she planned on doing it like LE says. I think she would have better means like taking pills, carbon monoxide in a garage. Buying a gun. Come on. I am sorry to be so graphic, but there is no FRIGGAN WAY. This makes me so angry.
To Kelly's Family -

You might want to check into this group. I saw this story on Discovery ID over the weekend. I don't know if they can help you or not, but they may be able to give to some resources to help and/or get you in touch with people who can help

Contact Jane's Group
Want to contact Alexander's group, Citizens Against Homicide? Call the group, at 415-455-5944. Or send an email, to
You can read about Jane's story here and find out just how remarkable this woman was. Her story is full of courage and one of persistance.


Her motto: "Walk the walk. Never give up. Never stop fighting for the truth."

“Citizen Jane” Alexander is a crusader for crime victims’ rights and the co-founder and vice president of Citizens Against Homicide. Her courageous journey began 20 years ago when her aunt was brutally murdered in her San Jose home. Alexander discovered the identity of the killer and with little forensic evidence to support an arrest, Alexander worked diligently to bring her aunt's murderer to justice. She spent the next thirteen years fighting the red tape of the criminal justice system before finally seeing the killer behind bars. Her organization, Citizens Against Homicide, provides support for the thousands of people who suffer the loss of a loved one and the emotional trauma of the criminal justice system.

***Excellent idea, MB!!***

I have seen Jane on various true crime shows and she is truly an advocate for victims....and her persistence and perseverence (daily phone calls to the lead detective, I believe if memory serves me correctly) worked, purely by irritating the carp out of him!! Good for her! I read her book and it was very impressive.
I feel that Kelly was abducted and murdered by someone she knows very, very well. How that person got her out of BPA and into an automobile is the question. There was a ruse of some sort. I have every confidence that her family will pursue justice for Kelly. It may take some time, but I have faith the investigation will be re-opened and the truth will come out.

MBLover, I watched Jane Alexander's story, she was such an inspiration and left a wonderful legacy for victims of crime.
Please continue here.


Thread 2

Thread 1

Rest in peace Kelly - you will be forever missed.


Bringing forward the links to thread's 1 & 2. I plan to spend some time this evening re-reading some of the early posts. Never hurts to look back at the past, with the knowledge you have in the present.
01-30-2010, 12:11 AM
Concernedfor Kelly
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Originally Posted by truthsleuth
That's not a silly question at all, Soulmagent. I don't think we've ever been told who first reported Kelly missing. I was under the impression that it was several of her coworkers.

What I'd like to know in addition to this is:

1. What does the interior of BPA look like? Is a big open area or a series of enclosed spaces for individuals?
2. Did Kelly have her own cubicle or her own work space, or did she work in a large open area?
3. If she worked in a cubicle, could someone overhear her phone conversations in an adjoining cubicle?
4. Could other workers see if someone spoke with her or stopped by her cubicle/workspace before Kelly left the floor or building?
5. If there is no receptionist in the lobby (and I understand the lobby is often empty), who saw Kelly as she ran past the lobby windows?
6. Who saw her run toward the river?
7. It appears there are multiple floors at BPA. What floor did she work on? And if it was a high floor, did someone see her coming down the stairs? Did she look troubled? Was she running?
8. Did anyone see her in the parking lot? Was there anyone else in the parking lot? We there unknown cars in the lot? (This is a relatively small company, hence someone might recognize an unfamiliar vehicle.)

I could go on and on. Still many questions go unanswered. I just hope and hope that someday we have answers to it all.

Okay, let me see if I can help. Sorry this may be long winded again, but please hang in there with me.

Belting out is right that the President of BPA (gentleman with mustache) was standing out side of A workstation. It is a welding area where there are blue "curtains" to protect eyes and sparking. To be honest, I don't think I could recognize who's station that was, there are several welders. They have to be careful what they say or do, they are a business with very high profile well known customers. Legalities tie their hands, of that I can be certain.

To answer your questions to the best of my ability:

The office interior is an open concept, very European and is only one level with lots of cubicles, few offices, one conference room where a door can be closed, but other conference areas that are cubicle like. There are several windows, but depending on where you are at the time, what you are working on and your focus, you may not be apt to pay attention to what is going on outside. To be honest, if I was still there, I am not sure I would have noticed anything out of the ordinary. = ( With that being said, Kelly is a welder and does not have a cubicle, she is out in the Manufacturing shop. So hopefully that answers a few of the other questions.

Her "running" toward the river was news to me, in talking with different people, no one ever mentioned that, so not sure who reported that, but I do understand she was training for a marathon. Kelly is an athletic person as you have heard testimonies of and as a competitive person, we are some what regarded, we, I hate to say can put up really good fronts. CiV is right and I believe her, being family is one thing, being in a relationship is another. You really don't know what someone is like until you live with them and I mean LIVE with them. I however still hold the belief she did not harm herself and I pray to God above that I am right and she is still ok and we will find her soon.

As for the Reception area, unless things have changed since I was there, the Receptionist has the ability to answer the phones in any part of the building and is asked to do many tasks. As I stated before, that person could have been on break and someone else in the building could have been answering the phones at their desk instead of Reception since they have the ability to transfer the switchboard to any desk.

As for the two gentlemen that she was going to walk with at lunch that day like she had been doing for I believe a couple of weeks, knowing them as well as I do, they are VERY protective and big brotherly type, if you will, to the women there. I can tell you that they are as perplexed as we are, or so they were the last conversation I had. They are quite the dependable type. Hope that helps, my opinion, they have nothing to do with this than be stunned like the rest of us.

When I was there, we were all a pretty tight knit group, had a lot of fun while getting our jobs done. You knew everybody, there is not a lot of turn over there, so yes, Kelly was there for 8 years, but you also need to understand the company only has about 75-80 employees now. The economy has been tough on everyone. If she had a problem with someone, I cannot fathom her not having that dealt with.

As for her work; Kelly to me was very tenacious and wanted to get to a good stopping point before heading off to break. So I suspect, she completed her task before going to the next, especially if she told several of the guys in the shop she was heading out. That's not unusual either since a lot of the jobs coincide with one another.

I wonder if CiV will agree with me when I say that Kelly has a very straight posture, she holds herself up high. Kind of reminds you of someone walking with a book on her head and as a matter of fact, she used to balance a ream of copy paper on her head. = ) When she walks, she kind of has a small bounce, like walking on the balls of your feet. She is energetic, with a wonderful smile and with a great since of humor. You have to have that working in the enviroment that she does. I also know that quite a few guys in the shop were very fond of her and I don't mean in a creepy way, like really liked her as a human being and very accepting of a female being a welder. They liked to take her pictures of her and CiV off of her tool box, at first not too happy about that, but then shrugged it off with an "Oh well, what are you going to do?" and then smile. Not sure that it was done maliciously, but guys can be guys, two women; need I say more?

I have been talking, writing, calling lots of people to spread the word out, but there are still sooooooo many people who have never heard this story. If you don't watch the news regularly you are going to miss these stories. We know more about celebrities than we need to, but someone missing, slightly mentioned then dismissed and we still hear about the celebrity for weeks. Really? Not good I say and I thank you for having this forum. I wish this was around when my father disappeared for several weeks.

Once again I want to conclude this segment (lol) with the usual; God Bless Kelly, her family and friends, and of course all of you. CiV, you're welcome, i still thank you for your insight. You were always nice to me when we were around each other. = )
Bringing forward.
01-27-2010, 08:57 PM
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Here are some corrections to some of the postings (too many to quote and/or tag):

1) I have not had any contact with Kelly since August of 2009.

2) As far as not searching for her, that was my decision. It was hard enough for me to deal with the fliers, driving to her workplace and seeing her coworkers. Maybe according to you all, I should have gone out into the woods to look for her. I offered my help, her family didn't want it.

3) Kelly and my niece carved up a deer in the kitchen of the house you saw on the news. I was not at home at the time, but they both told me about it on the telephone. I asked them both to please clean it up before I got home.

4) I ended the relationship with Kelly.

5) I do not have any life insurance policies on Kelly, nor should she have any on me.

6) I cannot vouch whether or not Kelly had or did not have a motorcycle. As previously stated, as of August 2009, she did not have one, but she did rent one for her 40th birthday.

7) The police informed me that the doors were unlocked only, not left open. As I stated, when Kelly and I lived together, she would often leave doors unlocked and sometimes candles burning after she left the house for the day. In fact, when I came over to pet sit, while Kelly was out of town (sometime earlier last year) Kelly had left the garage door completely open. When I called to inform her, she laughed and said, "oh well!"

8) I honestly thought that the information I provided here would be helpful, but now realize I should have simply reported the person who posted my name on the site, and moved on from there. I guess I was needing to feel helpful in some small and insignificant way.

Bringing forward.

I spoke to one of my friends today. I really didn't want to bring up this subject with him because he has lost a son to suicide. But I did. He says he likes to talk about it, but I feel so uncomfortable doing so. I wanted to get his POV on Kelly's situation.

A little background as to why I asked this person specifically. His son was mid 30's and was struggling with life and what it meant to be gay, as well as some other issues.

My friend felt in no way was this a suicide. He has been in support groups where others have had relatives in this same position and he says he has never heard a story such as this one.

My friend has been in the insurance business for over 50 years and has seen some of the investigative side of claims. He says to check people who she may have had issues/disputes with - those that could be jealous/envious of her status in life. And he said to pursue every avenue of investigation that you can - from a PI to any company who may have held a life insurance policy for her (as they have their own PI's).
Great thought MB;

A P:eye: for the insurance company would surely want to investigate Kelly's death before a large payout if family expresses concerns that she was murdered.

Anyone else know of another case where an investigator for the insurance company worked on a closed case and it was reopened for investigation?
03-14-2010, 09:02 AM
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Posts: 4

Just a thought..... we do not know for sure the location kelly went into the water. The dogs tracked her scent going around and behind Linens of the Week.This could mean she did not go on the water at BPA. She could have wandered for a while, walking until she came upon a place she knew. She stated to fellow co-workers that she had a special place she had found that no one would be able to find her at. I know no one wants to believe she did this to herself, but so many different events of the night before point in that direction. This is hard to accept, but most likely the end result is Kelly's doings.

RIP Kelly...You will be missed by so many.
What events of the night before? Does anyone know what this poster is referring to?[/QUOTE]

Is the tracking to Linens of the week confirmed or was that rumor? How far was Linens of the week from BPA?
Sorry...I don't know how to quote posts from 'locked' threads...

Yes, I'd also like to know what Jitter was referring to especially since Ambersmock made this post regarding the previous nights events:
* * * * *

03-15-2010, 10:42 PM
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Even the detective on the case in all of his 30 years has not seen a person do this. Maybe jump off of a bridge, but never just run straight into shallow water... Your body imeadiately tells you the water is cold and to get out. As for Jitterbug... I am from the family, her nephew and the night before Kelly purchacased 30 gallons of gas and a volley ball pass from a gym. She even scheduled cooking classes with a friend. So what is it you believe she did to lead her to taking her own life??? Someone wrote vulgar language all over her mailbox. Kelly was a kind and caring person. Who will be missed by many... Thank you all for your responces... We do not believe she did this to her self...

* * * * *

Seems someone posted something about Kelly giving someone some make-up or lotion (that she didn't care for) to give to someone else - if my memory serves me correctly.

Surely someone who is signing up for cooking classes, purchasing a volleyball pass and filling their car with gas would not suggest she would have committed suicide.

My friend, who I spoke about earlier, said that there are many signs for someone who is about to withdraw from life...and that from what I told him, he would not consider her a candidate for suicide.

I pray every night, with everything that I AM, that whoever did this, vile, heinous and cowardly act to Kelly that they suffer every bit as much as she did and that their heart and soul is heavy that they will have to eventually unburden the huge load they are carrying.

It's just a matter of time...karma doesn't let good or bad go by without action being taken. In the name of all that I AM, Blessed be! So be it!
Someone refresh my memory, where did Kelly and her co-workers walk for exercise?
In a couple articles it was stated that Kelly was seen "sprinting towards the river".

Did this person see where Kelly actually went? Did this person stop and watch her or did this person go on about their business? Or was this person's view of Kelly obstructed somehow and it wasn't actually witnessed where she might have ended up - that this person just saw the general direction and it was assumed this is where she was headed?
The alleged psychic who was posting over on Topix about where Kelly was supposed to be found... Has anyone delved into who this psychic may be?

I'm sure the IP address was recorded when the 'psychic' made those posts to the Topix board. Could this psychic be someone who was trying to lead searchers astray? Maybe the psychic felt someone was getting too close in finding Kelly?
I had forgot all about that Psychic ... Jacqui I believe her name was, from the UK. I googled her email addy and it brings you to a website where she has various cases listed as well as predictions. Another thing a PI can look into ... Shutter and I looked at her at one point, we found something but I don't think we could verify a connection. I'll look back and see if I saved anything.

The Astro's though have ran charts on Kelly. Soulscape is of the opinion that Kelly did NOT commit suicide, but was abducted and murdered. I always wonder if the Astro's hold back certain things they see in the charts? I think there have been cases where they have given certain information to LE. I am always amazed at the specific details they can see in those charts ... Need I say more?
01-28-2010, 11:55 AM

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Originally Posted by
Shutterfly you think it's okay for me to assume that I know the significance of the date of Kelly's disappearance? Is it more an anniversary that 'would have been?'

And answer this for me, if you're willing....if not just kick me a couple of times and I'll go back to my corner.

I know you've stated that you had no contact with Kelly since August. What I'm curious to know is whether or not she's made any unsuccessful efforts to contact you, especially in the time right before Jan 15th?
Yes, the January date was an anniversary that we celebrated throughout our relationship. As far as I know, Kelly had not make a single effort to contact me since August. Specifically, no calls, texts, emails, smoke signals, letters...etc. She also cut ties with my mom on the same day, via e-mail.
I always thought this so-called "Anniversary Date" was significant, not in regards to Kelly taking her own life, but someone using this day to lure her away from BPA. Something like, hey I was thinking of you this morning and realized I have not resolved all those feelings, can you meet me for a minute outside? I really need to talk to you. But what about cell phone records, a call or voice mail record would exist right?
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