GUILTY VA - Meghan Landowski, 16, raped & murdered, Portsmouth, 10 April 2008 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Big Mike~
You are my hero (as well as the other WSers that came out to support Meghen!! My dad lives to ride, and when you made the comment about your bike being loud and standing out, you sounded just like him :) btw Mike- thats a good thing in my book

I hope her memorial made lots of money today. What a shame that the reward is so low, but I have a feeling this POI cant hide for long and will be caught VERY soon.

Keep up the GREAT work locals- you are in my thoughts as well as Meghan in my prayers.....God Speed to all of you :blowkiss:
I posted earlier but I'm not sure why it didn't show up. :confused:

Jeepgirl and I were at the walk. I'm sorry we didn't see you Mike. We met up at 9:05 on the backside of TowneBank.

Kelly, that owns Dance Explosion, said she will continue to hold this walk each year. She also talked twice (once at City Park and once in front of the Shortt's old home where Meghan was killed) about the kids speaking up if they knew anything that might help LE find out who did this.

I'm not good at numbers but I would say there were at least 100 people there. Lots of friends from Dance Explosion and Tiger Martial Arts. At the park Meghan's mom read a poem she had written. I had to walk away; it was heartbreaking.

There were quite a few LE there (I think even the detective that's working on her case but I don't think he wanted anyone to know that). My sister said she saw one looking at people and writing on a clipboard. I'm not sure what that was all about. The PPD did a great job on escorting the walkers. We had one whole lane on Portsmouth Blvd. and they blocked intersections before the walkers crossed.

I feel bad that I forgot my camera. My sister brought her's but unfortunately after the first picture the batteries went dead. I did take one picture at the crowd at the park with my cell phone. If it's not too bad I'll post it.

The memorial tree is a Crepe Myrtle. I wasn't able to see it closely because there were too many people. I plan to go back sometime tomorrow and take a picture to post. Pastor Tom Potter said anyone was welcome to come anytime and place flowers or just be there at anytime. I think it's a great idea for the teenagers in the area.

It was a sad and draining day.
In the interview the parents don't mention the killer at all. It could be because it's too painful, they were obviously in agony, but I also wonder if it's because they know who did it, but the police can't arrest them yet without more proof.
In the interview the parents don't mention the killer at all. It could be because it's too painful, they were obviously in agony, but I also wonder if it's because they know who did it, but the police can't arrest them yet without more proof.

I don't know if you noticed but when the reporter briefly touched on the killer, the Mother's demeanor changed from grief stricken to confident in a matter of seconds when she said that she is very confident that the killer will caught and put to justice. I think they know who it is, but I think they have to make sure they prove w/o reasonable doubt so this person will be stashed away forever. JMHO

*just a side note: when my sister at 16 yrs old was murdered in 1977, it only took a month before the killer was brought to justice. The reason being is because due to semen analysis, the killer was already arrested for rape. He apparently wanted to go to the funeral and the DA would not let him. In that same breath, he gave his confession. So, LE did not have to do much investigative work on my sisters case because the killer confessed. It seems as though in Meghan's case, nobody is feeling any remorse for what they did.

It just makes me wonder why they would request just Maryview ER records from the 4/10-4/14 for stab wounds, etc. Why would they isolate it just to P-town hosp? Why would they cry out to her friends to tell what they know because they believe someone knows something and is not telling?
This is just my theroy: It seems logical to me that one of her peers must have done this. They must have known about the trial coming up against the Navy guy and thought all fingers would lead to him, therfore they would be in the clear. This makes sense to me because they are not able to get the DNA of the other blood in the house. A teenager would not have a DNA record, necessarily. I think it was either a thrill kill or a local peer might have been connected with the Navy guy and was doing his dirty work. You never know if this child *advertiser censored* ring is big and competitive even among teens. Especially if they use jealousy to get one to do what the other would not normally want to do. I realise this is going out on a limb, but I have my reasons for believing this happens. There are a lot of sick SOBs who will go to all extremes to get that video or picture or even a chance to molest a child.

Anyway, I step off my soap box. Thanks for hearing me out.

*** Continues prayers for Meghan's family and that her killer will be brought to justice - soon! ***
Unfortunately, I had competing commitments, but I was there at the end of the walk when everyone came back. It was heartwarming to see so many people turn out for Meghan and that love for her continues to shine brightly.

I know I have said this many times, but she was a lovely kid and she - and her family - deserve justice.
I don't know if you noticed but when the reporter briefly touched on the killer, the Mother's demeanor changed from grief stricken to confident in a matter of seconds when she said that she is very confident that the killer will caught and put to justice. I think they know who it is, but I think they have to make sure they prove w/o reasonable doubt so this person will be stashed away forever. JMHO

*just a side note: when my sister at 16 yrs old was murdered in 1977, it only took a month before the killer was brought to justice. The reason being is because due to semen analysis, the killer was already arrested for rape. He apparently wanted to go to the funeral and the DA would not let him. In that same breath, he gave his confession. So, LE did not have to do much investigative work on my sisters case because the killer confessed. It seems as though in Meghan's case, nobody is feeling any remorse for what they did.

It just makes me wonder why they would request just Maryview ER records from the 4/10-4/14 for stab wounds, etc. Why would they isolate it just to P-town hosp? Why would they cry out to her friends to tell what they know because they believe someone knows something and is not telling?
This is just my theroy: It seems logical to me that one of her peers must have done this. They must have known about the trial coming up against the Navy guy and thought all fingers would lead to him, therfore they would be in the clear. This makes sense to me because they are not able to get the DNA of the other blood in the house. A teenager would not have a DNA record, necessarily. I think it was either a thrill kill or a local peer might have been connected with the Navy guy and was doing his dirty work. You never know if this child *advertiser censored* ring is big and competitive even among teens. Especially if they use jealousy to get one to do what the other would not normally want to do. I realise this is going out on a limb, but I have my reasons for believing this happens. There are a lot of sick SOBs who will go to all extremes to get that video or picture or even a chance to molest a child.

Anyway, I step off my soap box. Thanks for hearing me out.

*** Continues prayers for Meghan's family and that her killer will be brought to justice - soon! ***
I was thinking the same thing wondered if it could be someone young who has no criminal record and has not been in the military...Now I'm not sure how large the dna database is and if its all in one place so maybe they have more searching to do...I would hate to think it could be a young teen that she went to school with. Sorry we missed you Big Mike... it was very touching how the community came together wanting justice for Meghan and keeping her memory alive so police won't give up and let this case go cold after all there is a violent criminal still at large that needs to be locked up ..
I was thinking the same thing wondered if it could be someone young who has no criminal record and has not been in the military...Now I'm not sure how large the dna database is and if its all in one place so maybe they have more searching to do...I would hate to think it could be a young teen that she went to school with. Sorry we missed you Big Mike... it was very touching how the community came together wanting justice for Meghan and keeping her memory alive so police won't give up and let this case go cold after all there is a violent criminal still at large that needs to be locked up ..

Hello all- You did a great job and thanks to all who showed up!! I was with ya in spirit, and about 3,000 miles between us :crazy: Anyways, I was reading what Gayle and jeepgirl said about the perp being soemone in her peer group, therefore lack of DNA on file. The only problem I have with this, is that he/she had to be GOOD at covering their tracks and not gettinh caught. They were obviously put up to this since I doubt one of her peers would have reason to harm her- I also think they would have mase a connection wuth her computer forensics if there was a special young kid she was close to. I am trying not to discount your theories, just brainstorming outloud- Any suggestions or something I am off on, please help!!! I want Meghen's killer caught ASAP!!!

PS- In the news article that lizzy linked, that was the first pic I saw of mom- Im glad her and her family were able to make it to the tribute- Sounds like the Crepe Myrtle tree will be plentiful and long lasting- If I ever end up in VA again, I will make a point to stop and pay my respects :blowkiss:

PS- sorry if I have typos- My spell check wont work on WS???
I'll post the pic of the memorial tonight hopefully. I'm not very computer saavy as far as getting them from my camera to the computer. I found out yesterday I have shingles and my patience level is about zero right now.

I go back and forth on this as to who I think could have done something like this. Since LE only recently let the public know that someone else's blood was found I wonder how many other things they haven't released. Maybe the murderer wasn't as good at hiding his identity as we think. But then they would have the evidence they needed to arrest so I'm back to square one.
I am trying not to discount your theories, just brainstorming outloud- Any suggestions or something I am off on, please help!!! I

Oh, i don't take you as discounting my theories. Right now, that is all we have to go by is our theories. I of all people would like to think that it is not one of her peers. Believe me! However, after seeing enough Dateline and 20/20, where today's youth are being desensitized by violent shows, movies, and music that...I tend to want to gravitate toward that theory.

You're right, it seemed like everyone loved her and admired her amongst her peers. And again, I would like to think that one of her peers would not have had anything to do with it, but they would be the least likely suspected. (This board is proof positive.)

I truly hope that this has to do with the Navy guy, he gets put away for life and I will be the first one to say..."ooops, I'm totally wrong here for thinking that a youth could do this!" I really hope i am wrong! Until the case is solved, I guess all we have to go on is our own theories and what the LE allows us to know.

I love brain storming with you all and getting other ideas and facts. Thanks for the links to the stories and video. I would have never know it was available if it wasn't for you all. I hope I am not coming across as self righteous or arrogant, as that is not my intention. Like all of us here and in her community, we just want to see justice and resolution. As all of us have been impacted by this tragedy in one way or another.
I don't know if you noticed but when the reporter briefly touched on the killer, the Mother's demeanor changed from grief stricken to confident in a matter of seconds when she said that she is very confident that the killer will caught and put to justice. I think they know who it is, but I think they have to make sure they prove w/o reasonable doubt so this person will be stashed away forever. JMHO

Oh yes, Angie (mom) is determined that Meghan's killer will be found. It was so heartbreaking to see her in the interview, and I was in tears by time it was done.

I'm not sure if I agree with the killer being a peer, but it could be true. I still want to think that the Navy guy is involved, just too coincidental for me to discount him, KWIM? Plus the fact that they found child *advertiser censored* on his computer but have not arrested him for that, I don't know...maybe they are waiting for other charges? It seems logical to me that from all the hearsay he'd be the one involved. But that's just my guess.

The DNA bothers me though, because if the Navy guy could have been linked to this by DNA, it should have happened by now. And the LE didn't release this information (about the DNA), it should have been a sealed file but the news got it from the court.

I think they are starting with Maryview and going from there. If there are no suspects from their list of patients during that timeframe, I have no doubt they'll hit up other hospitals nearby.

I pray they get the leads they need to make an arrest soon.
I would hate to think it was one of her peers too ..I was thinking that since the dna is unknown (as far as we have been told by the media) that it could be someone young who has no criminal background or military background with dna on file ...but i',m just guessing...hopefully LE has more to go on ...I didn't know her but everything I've heard about her she was a sweet girl and loved by many which breaks my heart how someone could do this to her
I'm curious. I know sometimes that LE hides things from the media (for good reason) but did LE JUST NOW decide to request the records of area hospitals? Wouldn't that have been something that they would have done as soon as they found out that some of the blood wasn't Meghan's? Did it take that long for the forensics to get the info back? Or did they do this long ago and are only letting the media know now?
I heard they had the forensics back quite a while ago...and surely they cannot have been sitting on their hands all this time! Unless it takes a really long time to work through DNA on file and they are going this route now that they have confimed the DNA they found isn't on file anywhere and they have become desperate.

I am pretty sure that the military doesn't do DNA on dependents...I was one myself and I am sure they would have had to let us know if they were doing this with HIPAA and all.

But the way the information is coming out now is almost like they are giving the media information to either jog someone's memory or flush someone out.
I think you are BOTH exactly right!! I think they are trying to jog people's memories of anyone that may have had an injury at that time, whether they treated it at home or went to the ER- MY dad is one that would stitch it himself before driving to the hospital and he has FULL coverage- Obviously, this peron would have other reasons as to not go to the ER, but militaty training teaches survival training also, and they would have used something home-made 'Mc-Gyer crap' to 'mend-their-wounds'.

I do agree they (LE) know LOTS more, which make us ALL feel better. Out Meghen ahs NOT been forgotten, and will get her due justice.

Thanks again locals for keeping me and others up to date on the good articles- Nice to know they are working on her case :dance:.
By no means am I trying to offend anyone, but I really can't believe that people think that this case (or Meghan herself) has been "forgotten". This is so far from the truth. There are a few people whose lives have been absolutely CONSUMED by this horrible crime.
It sounds like the guy in the service had motive to want to get rid of Meagan.
If the other charges had been brought against him and he was booted out of the service he would lose everything. He no doubt couldn't have afforded that. So had he raped Meagan before?

A peer...male...could have been upset at Meagan for some unknown reason and planned to go over to her house after school. Maybe she was afraid of the person and that is why she wanted someone to go home with her or her go home with someone. I believe that that her friends said.
When she went over to the neighbors she probably would have acted normal and also when she talked to her mom. Teens are more open with their friends.
If she was afraid of someone I wish she had told someone who that person was.

Was there forced entry to her home? As far as the killer being cut...did LE check the kids at school to see if any of them had cuts? They could have talked to teachers and the principal or even just walked the halls at the school checking kids out. Same with the service guy. Did he have any cuts after the murder? Checking out the teens and the service guy would have been pretty easy. Someone in that town was running around with bandages or bandaids probably on his arms and cuts on his hands. LE could have had the teachers hold the kids in their rooms for a period or two and several detectives/cops could have walked through each room and looked at every kid's arms and hands. That way the kids would be ruled out or the guilty one would have been taken to the station. Was Meagan stabbed to death?

I sure hope the killer is caught soon. Sounds like there are several unsolved murders in Portsmouth. A young man in 2007 and case is un-resolved. The Lt.
murder is still unsolved and now Meagan. There are probably more.
By no means am I trying to offend anyone, but I really can't believe that people think that this case (or Meghan herself) has been "forgotten". This is so far from the truth. There are a few people whose lives have been absolutely CONSUMED by this horrible crime.

Welcome to Websleuths Gatorgirl! :blowkiss:
I hope you started in the archives and read the first thread on Meghan, and you will clearly see that she hasn't and NEVER will be forgotten. In fact, here ya go~ It brings back lots of memories. She was a darling girl.

Have we said something that has offended you by chance? :waitasec:
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