GUILTY VA - Meghan Landowski, 16, raped & murdered, Portsmouth, 10 April 2008 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Just like praying that Meghan's murderer be caught and bought to justice, prayers need to go out that the real killer or killers be bought to justice. If you look at any kids myspace page, they are typical jokesters/pranksters. Just like with the navy guy, don't rush to judgement. The workings of the Portsmouth PD. How many murders have they solved lately? And what was the publics feelings about them before they supposedly solved this case? And what is the publics reaction to them now? When the pressure is on, you have to do what you have to do. "They solved the case"!? I really do pray for Meghan's family and friends and can only imagine what they're going through and has been through. I know it's not an easy road. My prayers are constantly with them always. My prayers also go out to the young man ACCUSED of the crime. Can you imagine 8-9 hours of grilling by the PPD (the ones everyone hated, but now they love) without an attorney present. That poor young man probably got tripped up all kinds of ways. But all in all, God has the final say no matter what the outcome. Some people use only their heads, some use only their hearts, but God wants us to use both.
Just like praying that Meghan's murderer be caught and bought to justice, prayers need to go out that the real killer or killers be bought to justice. If you look at any kids myspace page, they are typical jokesters/pranksters. Just like with the navy guy, don't rush to judgement. The workings of the Portsmouth PD. How many murders have they solved lately? And what was the publics feelings about them before they supposedly solved this case? And what is the publics reaction to them now? When the pressure is on, you have to do what you have to do. "They solved the case"!? I really do pray for Meghan's family and friends and can only imagine what they're going through and has been through. I know it's not an easy road. My prayers are constantly with them always. My prayers also go out to the young man ACCUSED of the crime. Can you imagine 8-9 hours of grilling by the PPD (the ones everyone hated, but now they love) without an attorney present. That poor young man probably got tripped up all kinds of ways. But all in all, God has the final say no matter what the outcome. Some people use only their heads, some use only their hearts, but God wants us to use both.

They've solved more murders than you think. The only difference is, when it's a crack head from the park, it usually doesn't gain any attention. Grilled for 8 or 9 hours? And as per standards, this child was offered the right to have an attorney and a parent present. Tripped up is not even the case. I wish you could have had the chance to work this case. You think it's so easy. If you only knew....
Do you really think that this kid was arrested by accident?! After 6 and half months I think NOT. This is a result of several agencies and several awesome people working together.
I am soooooo glad for Meghan's family to have an answer to "who". I am also glad for everyone involved to have part of the weight lifted. It's far from over, but the hardest part is done.
If you live in Portsmouth and don't feel like you can trust the police, call a criminal next time you need help.:mad:

Freedom of expression allows me to say "Hogwash!" Detectives use "techniques" for investigation & questioning, but no law enforcement agency would compromise their case by the trickery proposed on that page. Also, I am sorry to see the race card played in this case. In an appeal for contibutions to the defense Hope R writes:

"I am asking you as I know that you would not want to see an innocent young man, loose all the opportunities he has started to build for himself. Lost because of a weak defense when faced with a Police Department that arrested a black boy, with no resources, so they could be seen to have closed a case that has made them look bad in the public eye, regardless of the truth."

This task force did not give in to public critism during a 26-week investigation & would not have made a complimentary arrest.... that's laughable. They have held their cards close to their vest throughout the investigation & will, no doubt, continue until trial.

A major-league defense attorney like Lawrence Woodward (for whom I have zero respect) will bring extra attention to this case. Others may be charged, but I'm betting all counts against Barnes will strick.

Killers, like molesters, often appear to be just like everyone else. People close to them are shocked to learn of their misdeeds. IMO Peter Stinson & Hope R are seriously confused.
Real life is not a 60 minute TV show. It takes time to process evidence and follow leads. And, while PPD has been under pressure to solve this case, they also needed to do it properly to ensure that their case was not thrown out.

Can we please not give the PPD a little support and credit in this matter? Seems to me, by some folks' standards, they are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

One final comment, please let us not forget three important little letters they have on their side in this case: D N A
I live in Portsmouth and believe me there are a lot of white boys out there without resources either. Why didn't they arrest one of them if they were just looking for someone that couldn't afford a good defense? Then they wouldn't have to deal with the racial issue that some are so eager to insert.

I may be wrong but I find it ridiculous that an excuse being made for him is that he was called to come over, crawl through the bedroom window (okay I can believe that if Meghan wasn't supposed to have company when her parents weren't home, especially a boy) but that a masked man with a gun was in the house and forced him to cut himself on the knife. That's a little farfetched. If the murderer was able to keep his prints off the knife so that Robert's would be the only ones there then it would have probably been just as easy to kill them both without forcing Robert to hold the knife and cut himself. Let's just say it did happen like that...why wouldn't Robert have gone to the police? I'm sure someone would say because he was threatened. I don't know. I guess I give him the benefit of the doubt because we don't know all the evidence that LE has. BUT I also don't think that if LE was trying to just pin this on someone that they would have picked someone like Robert who seemed to be a good student, gifted and well liked.

To the friends...did anyone notice any difference in Robert's behavior after Meghan was killed?
If you live in Portsmouth and don't feel like you can trust the police, call a criminal next time you need help.:mad:

Well said! :clap:

I do not think that this guy was falsely arrested. Come think they are just trying to get the public off their back is ludacris!

It seems like people are just not satisfied w/ anything the PPD does or does not do. Yes, it is very sad to think this 17 yr old guy (who had a lot going for him) could do this crime, but PPD would not just randomly arrest a young aspiring adult just to "solve the case." It is what it is. Now you can accept it for the time being (until more details are reveiled) or you can not, but to continue to bash PPD is just plain offensive to me.
I thought they were able to release it because he was being tried as an adult?

Once again this morning on WVEC they said it hasn't been ruled out that someone else was involved. I wonder if he had someone waiting in the Food Lion parking lot with a car and that's how he got home without anyone noticing. I think someone else may have mentioned that it was a possibility. I hope he turns the other person in if there was another one involved.

I wasn't so scared when I thought it was the Navy guy but now that I know it was a kid in the neighborhood and that possibly another one is lurking out there I hate to even go out of the house sometimes.
Me Too
Like I posted before I saw a small glimpse into Robert Barnes (he posted some perverted message to my daughter who he did not know on her my space) and I think this kid has a dark side to him..granted he is intelligent and talented and has a lot going for him but IF he did this he needs to pay because he will do it again...and no I don't think that PPD would go after someone like Robert Barnes unless that had sufficent evidence.. why didn't he go to police before... he had to know they were investigating this case it was all over the news...
Like I posted before I saw a small glimpse into Robert Barnes (he posted some perverted message to my daughter who he did not know on her my space) and I think this kid has a dark side to him..granted he is intelligent and talented and has a lot going for him but IF he did this he needs to pay because he will do it again...and no I don't think that PPD would go after someone like Robert Barnes unless that had sufficent evidence.. why didn't he go to police before... he had to know they were investigating this case it was all over the news...

I agree. I don't know how a kid that is "innocent" as the blog cries could have held on to this for over 6 months. Where is the remorse?

Who started that blog anyway? It's a load of crap.
Just like praying that Meghan's murderer be caught and bought to justice, prayers need to go out that the real killer or killers be bought to justice. If you look at any kids myspace page, they are typical jokesters/pranksters. Just like with the navy guy, don't rush to judgement. The workings of the Portsmouth PD. How many murders have they solved lately? And what was the publics feelings about them before they supposedly solved this case? And what is the publics reaction to them now? When the pressure is on, you have to do what you have to do. "They solved the case"!? I really do pray for Meghan's family and friends and can only imagine what they're going through and has been through. I know it's not an easy road. My prayers are constantly with them always. My prayers also go out to the young man ACCUSED of the crime. Can you imagine 8-9 hours of grilling by the PPD (the ones everyone hated, but now they love) without an attorney present. That poor young man probably got tripped up all kinds of ways. But all in all, God has the final say no matter what the outcome. Some people use only their heads, some use only their hearts, but God wants us to use both.

Too bad Grissom and Warrick didn't get there, this would have been wrapped up ages ago.

The wait time for DNA to come back from the state police lab is considerable. The reality of all this is that real police work isn't something that is done over the course of an hour. The actual time on a DNA test I read was 2-3 weeks, to match it is even longer. I know that fingerprints don't just run through a computer in 35 seconds and come up with a match. Television dramas while really interesting, don't fully emcompass police work. As far as the PPD goes, they did their jobs. They're not the slackers that everyone thinks they are. I also know that everyone wants all the little details of the crime, but I wouldn't think that they'd be released until after a trial, and as well they shouldn't. They do solve crimes, but I'm actually really happy to say that there hasn't been a whole lot of violent crime in Portsmouth this year.

Also, on this note, it was alot easier to look at the Navy Lt and think he was the one that did all this, after all they found child *advertiser censored* on his computer. It's much easier to stomach that it was someone that has a propensity for things that are abhorred in society than it is to have a seemingly normal teenager arrested, and please don't read this as me being ok with what the Lt was doing either, because I'm not. I wonder if we'd even see people with "let's not rush to judgement" if Lt. Hicke was arrested in this case. Probably not.

I'm still a proponent of the PPD, I think they did and do a good job. There is always room for improvement everywhere and I'm sure those men and women will tell you the same thing. Of course when you're pulled over for doing 45 down Portsmouth Blvd. in the 35 mph section they're a pain, but when someone empties out the contents of your garage while you're at work, they're the first people you turn to. I'll still stand by my opinion that the problems in ANY law enforcement community are generally political and media related. So no, I'm not one of those used-to-hate-but-now-they're-great people. I've always said the same thing I am now.

Also, my standard disclaimer applies to this post, I'm not flaming you or anyone else, and hope you don't read it that way, and if you do I apologize.
Too bad Grissom and Warrick didn't get there, this would have been wrapped up ages ago.

The wait time for DNA to come back from the state police lab is considerable. The reality of all this is that real police work isn't something that is done over the course of an hour. The actual time on a DNA test I read was 2-3 weeks, to match it is even longer. I know that fingerprints don't just run through a computer in 35 seconds and come up with a match. Television dramas while really interesting, don't fully emcompass police work. As far as the PPD goes, they did their jobs. They're not the slackers that everyone thinks they are. I also know that everyone wants all the little details of the crime, but I wouldn't think that they'd be released until after a trial, and as well they shouldn't. They do solve crimes, but I'm actually really happy to say that there hasn't been a whole lot of violent crime in Portsmouth this year.

Also, on this note, it was alot easier to look at the Navy Lt and think he was the one that did all this, after all they found child *advertiser censored* on his computer. It's much easier to stomach that it was someone that has a propensity for things that are abhorred in society than it is to have a seemingly normal teenager arrested, and please don't read this as me being ok with what the Lt was doing either, because I'm not. I wonder if we'd even see people with "let's not rush to judgement" if Lt. Hicke was arrested in this case. Probably not.

I'm still a proponent of the PPD, I think they did and do a good job. There is always room for improvement everywhere and I'm sure those men and women will tell you the same thing. Of course when you're pulled over for doing 45 down Portsmouth Blvd. in the 35 mph section they're a pain, but when someone empties out the contents of your garage while you're at work, they're the first people you turn to. I'll still stand by my opinion that the problems in ANY law enforcement community are generally political and media related. So no, I'm not one of those used-to-hate-but-now-they're-great people. I've always said the same thing I am now.

Also, my standard disclaimer applies to this post, I'm not flaming you or anyone else, and hope you don't read it that way, and if you do I apologize.
It makes sense they went after the Navy Lt he had to be the firsst suspect on the list and am sure family and other's had to be ruled out investigated what ever they do since they had albi's and dna fingerprint didn't match they had to start from scratch...canvass the neighborhood interview neighbors,friends,students teacher...and I think they have done a wonderful job..If this kid's dna matches the blood, fingerprint match that means he was there...this was from what i've heard a horrible crime scene ....I for one hope politics are kept out of it..I think the blogger with his scuttle from the streets remarks is trying to create doubtand the police need to interview who ever knows more..

Freedom of expression allows me to say "Hogwash!" Detectives use "techniques" for investigation & questioning, but no law enforcement agency would compromise their case by the trickery proposed on that page. Also, I am sorry to see the race card played in this case. In an appeal for contibutions to the defense Hope R writes:

"I am asking you as I know that you would not want to see an innocent young man, loose all the opportunities he has started to build for himself. Lost because of a weak defense when faced with a Police Department that arrested a black boy, with no resources, so they could be seen to have closed a case that has made them look bad in the public eye, regardless of the truth."

This task force did not give in to public critism during a 26-week investigation & would not have made a complimentary arrest.... that's laughable. They have held their cards close to their vest throughout the investigation & will, no doubt, continue until trial.

A major-league defense attorney like Lawrence Woodward (for whom I have zero respect) will bring extra attention to this case. Others may be charged, but I'm betting all counts against Barnes will strick.

Killers, like molesters, often appear to be just like everyone else. People close to them are shocked to learn of their misdeeds. IMO Peter Stinson & Hope R are seriously confused.

Providing that it was him that did the crime (since he has yet to be convicted)....

I do hope that he gets an adequate defense, I really do. That way everything will be considered. I would hate for a railroad job to be done on a teenager. As much as we dislike it, everyone's entitled to a good defense when accused. Now, I'm not naive and think that money won't buy him a great defense when someone else will only get a good defense or a defender that will show up to plead him out because they're overworked. System's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination.

Criminals aren't easy to spot by looks. I have my days when if you saw me you'd think I was up to something, or had done something and I've never been arrested. They look like everyone else because they are everyone else. Different circumstances people are put in make them react differently, some they create on their own, some are created for them.

It's sad to see a teenager arrested. It's much easier to hope that it was someone that in our minds' we see as "evil" because there's fewer questions that we have. A normal, intelligent, talented teenager in a situation like this makes us all wonder "what? WHY?". I'm afraid that the answers may lie more with us adults than with teens, I tend to believe that they're growing up faster than they mature emotionally and can't fully comprehend what's happening to them all the time. That's me though, I've been wrong before.

And yes, if convicted, I hope to see him punished, harshly.
I am sure if they want to play the race card Jesse J and Al S will be more than happy to drop in and make sure he gets adequate counsel. PD's are damned if they do/damned if they don't most of the time. I don't think they would jump to an arrest only to appease the public. This is going to sound bad, but her murder wasn't that long ago. Families go YEARS with viable suspects and sometimes never get a result and the PD never gives in. So I don't buy it. I gotta take a break from all this crime, I'm getting cynical!
If evidence was gathered at the scene of the crime and it turned out to match this boy that was arrested then that pretty much says it all. DNA doesn't lie. Just because this boy was very talented doesn't mean that he wasn't capable of robbing a home and murdering a young lady. No, every killer doesn't look like Charles Mansion. It's to bad that they don't. Most look like your average person and some are even handsome with personalities that draw people to them. You just can't tell by looking. Evil just doesn't usually look evil. It is just a shame that this kid had so much going for him and he made the choice to throw it all away. His future could have been so different.
By the sounds of it this kid was well liked and popular. A good student. Nothing there that would have led anyone to believe that he was capable of this horror. This will sound cold but if this boy committed this crime then I really don't care what kind of attorney he gets. Meagan didn't have anyone to speak for her when she was tied up and murdered. The killer will never go through the horror that Meagan went through.....not until he meets his maker anyway.
Has anyone heard that lives in Meghan's neighborhood that someone was passing out flyers yesterday? I got a phone call from someone asking me if I received one. I don't think they were handed out in mine.

The flyers gave an account of how Meghan was murdered. I haven't seen them so this is just my impression but I get the feeling that it was very unsympathetic to Meghan.

I wonder if it was the same person that posted that ridiculous blog about RB being tripped up and that he was innocent. Oh, and who can forget the masked man that was in the house with Meghan when RB arrived. What was his name, Peter Stinson? If you go to that blog he has his name on it so I'm not posting anything that isn't common knowledge.

I want RB to get a fair trial too. If he's the one that did it I want him punished as an adult and harshly. If he isn't, I want the real person caught. I think everyone in Portsmouth wants the same thing.

That is crazy! I wonder why they would not just call 10 on your side and discuss it with them. Why would they only pass it around in the neighborhood? The odds of someone in Simonsdale on Roberts Court being on the jury is highly unlikely, so why does the "solicitors" feel compelled to convience the neighbors?!?

I do not believe it. If you read the letter, it sounds like a scene from the horror movie Scream. Robert has had 6 months to concoct this bull crap story. Besides, the letter sounds like they are trying to play the racial card? If the guy was masked and did not want to leave finger prints, then how did Robert know he was white? Seems to me that the "masked" mystery man would be wearing gloves too! Bull crap! Plain and simple!

Thanks for sharing that LB. Good sleuthing.
I see the justice for Meghan blogspot is only open to registered readers (you have to give them your email address) now. :rolleyes:

If they're trying to get the word out that RB is innocent why would they do that?

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