Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #1

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No when I got left it wasn't my car, but there was a time where one of our friends wandered off from his car and we were riding with him and we waited and waited and because he was more intoxicated than us we had his keys, so after a while we took his car to look for him, after about an hour of not being able to locate him the person who was driving his car left him there took us home and just went home and went to sleep. So you see alcohol can make you do really stupid things. If that happened today I probably would have called police, but if I were intoxicated would I think he was in danger? probably not, I didn't then. When you're intoxicated the world is filled with rainbows and happy things. You feel invincible! Not to mention your thought processes are way off and are very illogical.
P.S. My friend was found the next day passed out by a freeway. When he woke up he called his mom and she came and got him. He was safe. Thank God!

Hmmm after thinking about it I think you maybe right. Trying to think back I guess if I was in that situation I would have eventually just left b/c I would have thought what else can I do and I think I would not have gotten the law involve b/c I would have figured give it 12 hours and most likely tell turn up. Although I think part of this attitude has to do with being male. Not that we can just behave recklessly, but we don’t have to be nearly as careful as ya’ll b/c we are much less likely to be targeted.

I know a lot of ppl think this is crazy, but at the time I lived a crazy life style and the people I associated with often behaved erratically (in no small part due to various chemicals and alcohol etc.) so you sort of got used to stuff happening to where crazy things did not seem like such a big deal. Being young you always think things will come together in the morning (it's was just dumb luck that most of the time they did for me).

But at the same time I believe all the ppl who say they would never have left someone and would have called LE that night. I think this is the way MOST ppl would react, but after reading your post I must admit it’s probably not what I would have done. I guess it comes down to what sort of life style was she and her social group living, and I guess I kind of got the feeling that while she is not a saint she also didn't seem to be really out there bad if you kwim.
I guess Im going to go with what comes out of LE's mouth (Rader - is that the presser dude's name?) bc/ the written reporing is so skewed.

Rader said in the presser that Morgan drove to JMU and left her car there. Then she and friends took a different car to the arena.

Is that our consensus here?

Also, have Mom or friends (LE) verified the coat situation?

And how did she have her hair that night? Down? Pulled back?

The brother could perhaps offer some info like -- did she know any of his friends since he recently graduated from the Univ of Virgina ...where the concert was held. (Like who could she have likely called there, "for a ride" if anyone. Did she have their phone #s etc)

The poster who mentioned the band, roadies, etc. Give me a break....please. Metallica's members are well in their 40's, pushing 50, all are married with children. Anyone who knows/follows the band is aware that this tour is the "tamest" they've ever played. They play a week or so and then take a week or so go home and be with family. Plus, they've all come clean with their "dirty laundry" and are living clean lives. To insinuate their roadies or crew could have had something to do with this is absolutely ludicrous. I used to work in the concert/venue industry and have met many band members, roadies, and crew. Believe me, they have more on their minds than abducting young women.

I agree with the point about the re-enter rule being need, but not so much with the part quoted above. The band members are older and seem to live fine upstanding lives but i'm not sure what this has to do with the crew. I don't know for a fact but I would assume these types of big time (arena) tours are put on by some sort of production company and this company hires the people to work on the crew and I doubt there any stringent back ground check or anything.

I sure many, probably most, people working the crew are fine upstanding people, but at the same time jobs that involve being on the road a lot and aren't worried about if you have been a saint in the past generally have a higher than average number of ppl that don't live stable lifestyles working them.

For the record I don't think this is what happened, but I think your reasoning for ruling this out is not sound.
I guess Im going to go with what comes out of LE's mouth (Rader - is that the presser dude's name?) bc/ the written reporing is so skewed.

Rader said in the presser that Morgan drove to JMU and left her car there. Then she and friends took a different car to the arena.

Is that our consensus here?

I thought that was what they had said also but i saw it writen somewhere that they said "she did not drive" which I reasonably (imo) interpreted to mean they did not take her car. But I guess it does not necessarily mean that and they didn't take her car. So personally I'm back to the I have no freakin' idea stage....
I guess Im going to go with what comes out of LE's mouth (Rader - is that the presser dude's name?) bc/ the written reporing is so skewed.

Rader said in the presser that Morgan drove to JMU and left her car there. Then she and friends took a different car to the arena.

Is that our consensus here?

Also, have Mom or friends (LE) verified the coat situation?

And how did she have her hair that night? Down? Pulled back?

The brother could perhaps offer some info like -- did she know any of his friends since he recently graduated from the Univ of Virgina ...where the concert was held. (Like who could she have likely called there, "for a ride" if anyone. Did she have their phone #s etc)


As far as the hair goes, she could have wore it down and got hot and pulled it back or got sick and pulled it back to throw up, so if she indeed wore it pulled back from the beginning then it could be a clue, but if not then she could have easily done that through the course of time that she was there. As a female, with long hair, I tend to carry a scrunchie with me everywhere I go just in case I want to pull me hair back.
Were the parents aware (before her disappearance, that is) that she is a smoker? (as reported by the friends IIRC) (?)

The reason I ask is that if she felt she had to keep that tidbit from them, maybe a boyfriend is out there or an acquaintance exists that she felt she had to keep secret too. Im just wondering where she is on the must-have-parental-approval scale. Not judging right or wrong, just wondering where she stands on those types of things. Iow, even tho a certain something may not be "bad," she may feel that the parents wouldn't approve for some reason. IDK. I guess I cant see her going off with a a stranger when she had her friend's car right there; she just didn't have the keys on her. I cant get over why the friends didnt simply come to the gate/door and give her the keys to wait in the car after she told them she was locked out.

I just cant get around that - especially since it was cold. Im really stuck on that part. Even stoned or tipsy or whatever (if she was- we dont know for sure) who goes with a stranger if there is another appealling option right there?.... your friend's car. Clearly, she was at least somewhat safety conscious b/c she called her dad to say she made it to JMU from VT.

I thought that was what they had said also but i saw it writen somewhere that they said "she did not drive" which I reasonably (imo) interpreted to mean they did not take her car. But I guess it does not necessarily mean that and they didn't take her car. So personally I'm back to the I have no freakin' idea stage....
Yeah I see what you're saying. She did drive at least to JMU tho b/c she called her dad to say she made it there. I take it that they took a different car to the arena. The presser dude (Rader?) said that HER car wasn't a big issue for him as far as her disappearance - which sort of makes sense if it was still sitting at JMU (I mean, rather than at the arena.)
I think it's time for a new thread for Morgan...though I am behind quite a few pages. :wink:

I capoly started the thread, but isn't on-line right now. Should I just start a new one or wait for capoly or a mod to bump capoly's 1st post to open it? I can take capoly's post to use it in the 1st thread to still give credit for being the one who started the thread since it isn't locked yet!

When it's started I'll find the most important media links, Myspace links, all videos, etc. to add to the new thread for easy reference for everyone

What do you all think?

Hmmm after thinking about it I think you maybe right. Trying to think back I guess if I was in that situation I would have eventually just left b/c I would have thought what else can I do and I think I would not have gotten the law involve b/c I would have figured give it 12 hours and most likely tell turn up. Although I think part of this attitude has to do with being male. Not that we can just behave recklessly, but we don’t have to be nearly as careful as ya’ll b/c we are much less likely to be targeted.

I know a lot of ppl think this is crazy, but at the time I lived a crazy life style and the people I associated with often behaved erratically (in no small part due to various chemicals and alcohol etc.) so you sort of got used to stuff happening to where crazy things did not seem like such a big deal. Being young you always think things will come together in the morning (it's was just dumb luck that most of the time they did for me).

But at the same time I believe all the ppl who say they would never have left someone and would have called LE that night. I think this is the way MOST ppl would react, but after reading your post I must admit it’s probably not what I would have done. I guess it comes down to what sort of life style was she and her social group living, and I guess I kind of got the feeling that while she is not a saint she also didn't seem to be really out there bad if you kwim.

I wish this didn't sound like Im calling the friends liars, but what was the atmosphere there after the concert? Do people file out, leave immediately even if it's a little congested getting out? Or do folks hang around afterward partying or tailgating - or whatever the word - in the parking lots?

It seems the venue people would want folks to go the hell home (or go somewhere else) b/c people "partying" on their property til all hours after the concert is over seems like an unnecessary liability without any gain for them.

I mean, if the friends thought she "had a ride" (b/c she told them that) (?) how likely is it that they sat in their car... late at night.. in the the cold.... in a deserted (well presumably eventually deserted) parking lot... in a town in which none of them reside... for "hours" or "a significant amount of time?" and no one had her paged on the PA system? (or did they?)

So far the grandmother sounds like the most credible witness with details to me. If she is right then there has to be a boyfriend out there. I think the chances are very high LE knows who he is.
I mean, if the friends thought she "had a ride" (b/c she told them that) (?) how likely is it that they sat in their car... late at night.. in the the cold.... in a deserted (well presumably eventually deserted) parking lot... in a town in which none of them reside... for "hours" or "a significant amount of time?" and no one had her paged on the PA system? (or did they?)

It would be nice to have LE release an 'official' timeline here with updated information. Right now there seems to be more speculation than anything else!

Is there a way to start one of those threads where we list information that has proven to be substianted fact? For example--THE CAR ISSUE! Do we even know whats fact yet to start a thread like that?

Very frusterating...especially as we move into 7 days after last sighting with no new information.
So far the grandmother sounds like the most credible witness with details to me. If she is right then there has to be a boyfriend out there. I think the chances are very high LE knows who he is.
Which link is the grandmother in? I missed that one.

When is the last time it can be verified that Morgan was seen? By security camera or something along those lines? Do we know FOR SURE that she made it TO the concert?

I'm not entirely comfortable taking the statement of her friends as whole truth, especially with what kant posted, about them waiting for her in an empty parking lot.
I've gone to many many concerts in my time....I have done both hung out in the parking lot waiting for traffic to clear up & have left soon after the last song played. As far as looking at the roadies they usually do have a lot ot do before, during & after a show. They wouldn't make very good roadies if they are hanging out in the parking lots.

I know that it does happen more often than not to pick up hot chicks who are groupies & want to hang with anyone with a band...just because they want to be close to the band members in hopes of getting to met the band themselves.

At this point & time I do feel that everything & everyone needs to be looked, at since we have no leads as to who/where/what happened to Morgan.

My gut tells me that it isn't someone within the band & someone who just was hanging around the venue to party. I have often seen many who don't have tickets, but pay for the parking just to hang out & party.

Everything & everyone needs to be looked at until we know more yet. No rock should be left unturned at this time.

I've also have worn mini skirts to concerts & don't see anything into how she dressed for those who feel that it was inappropriate for her to wear to a concert. She was wearing black leggings with it does go to show that she was thinking about the walking & steps & was making sure that no one could see anything if she bent over etc. I have seen much worse dressed girls at concerts with very low cut tops with their you know what's about to fall out etc. I feel she dressed like any other 20 something year olds.

Does that make any sense? Also I'm 49 & like all types & styles of music, but than again I'm a music lover & open to all styles....classics, alternative, rock, some rap even, blues, R & B, rockabilly, you name it I like some of it. Most of the time I don't even care who the band is...if the song is catchy to me within the 1st 20 secs. I like it. Dosen't matter the slightest who the band is....if I like I like it! JMHO


"Lt. Joe Rader of the state police says friends knew they would NOT be meeting up with Morgan after the concert.

"Everything we have is consistent with they were aware they may not meet up with her after the concert and friends were aware that because they did not meet up with her after the concert, there was no need for immediate alarm," says Lt. Rader.

What's known for sure is Morgan called her friends from outside the arena about 8:30 Saturday night. "

Police say the last confirmed sighting of Harrington came about an hour later."

Who had the last sighting? A friend? Was she in a picture? How was it confirmed that it was her?
Anyone still waiting for someone's opinion if I should go ahead & start a new thread or wait for calopy or a mod to bump calopy's post to start it with? TIA

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