Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #1

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I tried to look at the maps posted here and I saw the arena area layouts (thanks for those BTW) but I cant figure out where the purse was found in relation to the arena;

Also do we know which lot they parked in?

What side it the main entrance on?

Is there more that one entrance? And is it (or are they) "entrance" only? (like with those one-way turnstiles?)

Where are the exits?

And is there a performer-only entrance?

I wonder if they've looked into the staff of Metallica, the roadies etc And also does the arena employ local folks to act as security or do they have "real" cops? And if so, do they stay the whole time or just thru the pre-show seating of the throngs? Does Metallica (or even the warmup bands) have their own security, like bodyguards? (I have no idea - just asking.)

Could a roadie or security person or even a vendor or some such person have lured her with a promise of a backstage meet and greet? Could someone have posed as a roadie or security and promised her a backstage pass? "Follow me.. to the back.." or something?

Im still stumped as to why she left the arena in the first place; and could it be something as simple as wandering out the wrong door?

But wouldnt the friend on the phone ASKED why she went outside? (I would)

Did they text or actually talk?

John Paul Jones Arena provides multiple entrances on the front side of the Arena. They are entrances and exits for most events.



The exits are clearly marked and I think it would be difficult to not realize that you are going outside.

There are separate entrances for the performers in the rear of the building near the largest parking lot.

I thought about the idea of someone promising to get her in the back way, too. Especially since her purse was located back behind the building.

Hope this helps a little. We have been to lots of events in the arena so let me know if I am not being clear and I'll try to clear things up.
I wonder if they've looked into the staff of Metallica, the roadies etc And also does the arena employ local folks to act as security or do they have "real" cops? And if so, do they stay the whole time or just thru the pre-show seating of the throngs? Does Metallica (or even the warmup bands) have their own security, like bodyguards? (I have no idea - just asking.)

Could a roadie or security person or even a vendor or some such person have lured her with a promise of a backstage meet and greet? Could someone have posed as a roadie or security and promised her a backstage pass? "Follow me.. to the back.." or something?

kant, I've been wondering the same thing. Having frequented quite a number of concerts back in the day (roughly the stone age), I was approached a few times myself by band personnel with backstage invitations. IMO, Morgan is an exceptionally beautiful girl, and no doubt she could have very easily found herself the subject of special attention by the crew or other arena employees.
Not to attach any significance to this action, but I do wonder why Morgan transferred to another high school at the end of her junior/beginning of her senior year in high school. It does seem like an unusual action for a young woman as established as she seemed to be in her community, etc., and looking forward to college.

Does anyone have any ideas /info about this?

Also - about the security...there is usually UVA police all over the arena area outside.

JPJ employs its own security staff.

Both are there for the entire events, to my knowledge. Traffic is always an issue so there is definately a need for LE to direct traffic.
I thought about the idea of someone promising to get her in the back way, too. Especially since her purse was located back behind the building.

Hope this helps a little. We have been to lots of events in the arena so let me know if I am not being clear and I'll try to clear things up.

I don't believe the purse and phone was found near the arena. They have been reported as being found a quarter mile away from the arena near the softball fields.
I don't believe the purse and phone was found near the arena. They have been reported as being found a quarter mile away from the arena near the softball fields.

I guess to me that is near the arena because during events there is parking down there. It seems like one big place to me. Parking is so bad - walking a 1/4 mile doesn't seem that far.

Sorry for any confusion.
Not to attach any significance to this action, but I do wonder why Morgan transferred to another high school at the end of her junior/beginning of her senior year in high school. It does seem like an unusual action for a young woman as established as she seemed to be in her community, etc., and looking forward to college.

Does anyone have any ideas /info about this?

Really? That is interesting. Senior year is when they generally dont want to leave the place where they began, right? I wish we knew that... and a lot other things. It might be significant somehow. I think I heard that, but when I did, I assumed it was due to the parents moving for a job etc. But that wasn't the case? (Iow they're in the same home as before - just she went to a different high school for the last year?) hhhmm...
*NOTE: Much more info in article link!

Vigil unites supporters of missing Tech student
Thursday, October 22, 2009; 10:14 PM
Family pastor Diane Scribner Clevenger opened the ceremony in prayer for Harrington&#8217;s safe return. &#8220;This may not be a time we can wrap our minds around,&#8221; she said, &#8220;but this is a time we can wrap our hearts around.&#8221;

While all in attendance had unique stories to tell, one theme was clear: Harrington&#8217;s closest circle of friends firmly believes she is alive and will be safely returned.

Dan Harrington, Morgan&#8217;s father, said that his daughter was &#8220;not a person who was trying to run away from her family, friends, and life at Virginia Tech.&#8221;

&#8220;I think Morgan was taken,&#8221; he said, &#8220;and if someone out there has her, please, let her go.&#8221;


This comment may be from 2007, but my first reaction was "Her parents don't think of her as Miss Perfect, as some people seem to think she's being portrayed as". Or they are/were just strict. Who knows.

Jul 27, 2007 1:01 PM

"I'm not grounded anymore.."!50!2!2541848!2541757

That comment is not much, but that's what came to mind. Personally I don't find anything strange about their relationship.
If and this is a BIG IF...

If she possibly had some kind of problem - whether it be drug and/or alcohol or anything else maybe that is why she transferred schools and maybe this is why her parents seem to be so overly protective and are very close with her.

Have no idea...just saying...
And in regards to this comment from that guys myspace..

"Jun 20, 2008 8:48 PM
hi, i usually dont comment people i don't know but.. how are you?"

If you look back in the comments.. she has commented quite a bit on his page and left another comment like that one "Have we met?". Plus her friends are friends with that person, so he's not a random guy.
Thought about the same thing with her getting ill so fast. But GHB wouldn't have let her recover fast enough to be coherent and trying to re-enter. Also she had people with her probably old enough to buy for her. So now I'm thinking more a light drinker who overindulged and panicked.


Have they checked hospitals? Maybe she was really ill and someone took her to a hospital? Maybe they didn't know her name? Seems weird if she was making phone calls from outside the arena. Hmmmm.....

Personally that comment doesn't hold much merit in my opinion. Who is to say that person/people even know/s her? Maybe she did.. but saying that on someones "missing persons page", come on now. I don't see how that is helpful.

Really? Why should we think that your comments hold any merit? Who is to say that you even know her?

I don't know why you reposted your comment below.. But there is NO need to attack anyone. This is about Morgan. I left a simple comment, because you never know peoples intentions behind what they say, especially a comment like that on her "find me" page.
Morgan Harrington vigil fills stands at Northside High School
Published: October 22, 2009
Updated: October 22, 2009
Everyone was wearing t-shirts with the Harrington family motto.
&#8220;The two dots, the four dots and then there&#8217;s one dot. They stand for I love you too much, forever and once more,&#8221; explained Whitney Crawford, a family friend.

&#8220;Saturday as she left, Morgan&#8217;s last words to me were 241 momma,&#8221; Gil Harrington said, Morgan&#8217;s mom.

A New Website Was Created Thursday "Help Find Morgan":


Thanks to all for the information, links, and speculations...

I am left with a sense of outrage at the policies of these venues to disallow an individual re-entry! Good grief-- what is their "security" for, if not to watch out for the welfare of their visitors? Only to protect the arena property? Bull pucky!!

I know these concerts are not cheap, and are well staffed! Why on earth would a visitor who's been separated from their group be abandoned right outside the doors of an organized population? How frightening...

I hope this incident prompts some changes to this kind of dangerous alienation. Morgan, and all visitors to ANY venue, deserve to be treated with humanity. I am sickened. :furious:

The no re-entry policy is to prevent multiple people from gaining admission on the same ticket. It will never be changed. They might as well allow people to wander in for free at will. Patrons are also usually fully searched (and fair or not, the heavier the band, the greater the suspicion and the more intense the search) at the door to prevent them from bringing in weapons (and, in theory, drugs), and they simply are not going to re-search every person who wants to go in and out for a breath of fresh air. They can't start making exceptions, because it will get out of hand in a nanosecond.

The bottom line is that we're talking about grown adults attending an event where they are responsible for knowing the rules and making their own choices. Security and door staff are responsible only for ensuring safety while you are inside the building. They have their hands full with drunk concert-goers, people trying to sneak backstage, people trying to slip their floor wristbands onto other people's arms, and the dude groping girls in the mosh pit.

Please don't misunderstand, I hope this girl is safe somewhere and comes home. But it is not the fault of the venue that she left the building of her own free will and vanished.
This comment may be from 2007, but my first reaction was "Her parents don't think of her as Miss Perfect, as some people seem to think she's being portrayed as". Or they are/were just strict. Who knows.

Jul 27, 2007 1:01 PM

"I'm not grounded anymore.."!50!2!2541848!2541757

That comment is not much, but that's what came to mind. Personally I don't find anything strange about their relationship.

Yeah it reminds me of my younger days. I did my share of partying and tried my best to keep it from my parents to keep them from getting stressed but I got in trouble a few times. They knew I wasn't a saint but didn't know everything I was doing. From reading the comments she left it's pretty clear that Morgan like to party too.
Secret agent mom...or anyone else who has been to the arena -

Do the bathrooms have any emergency exits? Is there any way she could have gotten turned around in the bathroom and quite literally walked outside by mistake, while intending to go back out the way she came?
info on Facebook page "Scotti Clark: It's also been stated that someone outside of the arena saw a girl fitting morgan's description dropping her purse multiple times while leaving the arena towards the parking lot. The battery could have fallen off at any time onto the sidewalk, been throw away by someone working there cleaning up, in the grass, in the drains, etc..
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