Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #14

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Her eyes are terrified.

Her parents would have been unlikely to present that photo, when they had so many better ones.

Looks like a pretty typical ID photo to me. In official ID pictures you are not supposed to be smiling.
Have done a check of court records for MH and there is nothing there. I've checked both Circuit and District courts for several areas in VA.
Looks like a pretty typical ID photo to me. In official ID pictures you are not supposed to be smiling.

I agree, it looks like the background from a DMV photo or passport photo. And it looks very similar to my DL... (not smiling, eyes wide open, just basically standing there waiting for the photo to be snapped and then be done with it)
The poster quotes MH commenting on line regarding a camping trip which had not been too enjoyable:

"Morgan Harrington Things just went downhill from nails bled for weeks after I peeled those tips off. i lost that sweater at a creepy guys house, and sacrificed my last unicorns so i wouldn't have to make awkward small talk. and then the man stomped me down. November 12, 2007 at 10:26am"

This is sort of shocking and I'm surprised more hasn't been made of this if Morgan actually wrote that. After all, who is this man who stomped her down?? And who is the creepy guy?

It looks like there could be a lot in that that ties into the night she went missing. The guy who stomped her could be the same person who broke her bones and killed her. If she lost her sweater at a creepy guy's house (same guy as the one who stomped her or not?), maybe this guy has some sort of fetish for her clothing, which explains her shirt and perhaps her boots and necklace going missing.

I think the unicorn reference could likely be a veiled reference to drugs. After all, nobody is going to incriminate themselves on the worldwide web by saying, "swallowed my last ecstasy pill" when they could say "sacrificed my last unicorns" to be more ambiguous. The yellow pill at 12:30 in this photo looks like it has a unicorn on it: From reading about the side effects of ecstasy, it seems like it could explain some of Morgan's behavior that night. Some of the side effects include wanting to touch or kiss people (Morgan allegedly kissed her friend), vertigo and impaired vision (she allegedly fell down), it creates an enhanced appreciation for music (possible taken to make the concert more enjoyable), it makes one's body temperature feel hot (could explain why she left the arena and/or could've caused her take off her shirt), makes "everyone your friend" (could explain why she was talking to basketball players or maybe even felt okay about hitchhiking).

The reference about getting stomped down sounds particularly omenous.
This is sort of shocking and I'm surprised more hasn't been made of this if Morgan actually wrote that. After all, who is this man who stomped her down?? And who is the creepy guy?

It looks like there could be a lot in that that ties into the night she went missing. The guy who stomped her could be the same person who broke her bones and killed her. If she lost her sweater at a creepy guy's house (same guy as the one who stomped her or not?), maybe this guy has some sort of fetish for her clothing, which explains her shirt and perhaps her boots and necklace going missing.

I think the unicorn reference could likely be a veiled reference to drugs. After all, nobody is going to incriminate themselves on the worldwide web by saying, "swallowed my last ecstasy pill" when they could say "sacrificed my last unicorns" to be more ambiguous. The yellow pill at 12:30 in this photo looks like it has a unicorn on it: From reading about the side effects of ecstasy, it seems like it could explain some of Morgan's behavior that night. Some of the side effects include wanting to touch or kiss people (Morgan allegedly kissed her friend), vertigo and impaired vision (she allegedly fell down), it creates an enhanced appreciation for music (possible taken to make the concert more enjoyable), it makes one's body temperature feel hot (could explain why she left the arena and/or could've caused her take off her shirt), makes "everyone your friend" (could explain why she was talking to basketball players or maybe even felt okay about hitchhiking).

The reference about getting stomped down sounds particularly omenous.

"The man" is slang for authority (and has been since the 1920's or earlier), and "getting stomped by the man" usually means "getting in trouble with the law" -- often means "I got busted," but could also mean thrown out of a bar, caught in a speed trap, or just got in trouble with her parents. "The man" in this sense doesn't even have to be male.

But you could be right about the creepy guy and the drugs. My college-age youngest says unicorns is usually a sexual reference, but could be drugs in this context. Ecstasy would be the number one choice for a concert these days.
Have done a check of court records for MH and there is nothing there. I've checked both Circuit and District courts for several areas in VA.

If she was under 18 when this hypothetical and probably mythical event happened, the court records would be sealed.
Yeah a unicorn is something very rare, probably some kind of real good drug. I kind of doubt she would give a creepy guy ecstasy though, because ecstasy makes people very touchy-feely and sexually aroused. In her case the unicorns might have been pain pills or something like that.

I also agree with carbuff that getting stomped down by the man means she got in trouble, maybe with her parents.
No, it's because they have done actual studies to investigate how reliable witnesses are under controlled conditions. I have never heard of ANY reputable study concluding that eye witnesses are allways reliable.

As I said before, that's just common sense.

The studies are about discrediting eyewitness testimony to equalize inter-racial conviction stats.
This is sort of shocking and I'm surprised more hasn't been made of this if Morgan actually wrote that. After all, who is this man who stomped her down?? And who is the creepy guy?

"The man stomped me down" is slang for being arrested. Could also have been a joke.

It looks like there could be a lot in that that ties into the night she went missing.

Except for it was two years ago.

The guy who stomped her could be the same person who broke her bones and killed her.

"The man" means "the White man" = LE; slang.

If she lost her sweater at a creepy guy's house (same guy as the one who stomped her or not?), maybe this guy has some sort of fetish for her clothing, which explains her shirt and perhaps her boots and necklace going missing.

The creepy guy was probably some other person.

I think the unicorn reference could likely be a veiled reference to drugs. After all, nobody is going to incriminate themselves on the worldwide web by saying, "swallowed my last ecstasy pill" when they could say "sacrificed my last unicorns" to be more ambiguous. The yellow pill at 12:30 in this photo looks like it has a unicorn on it: From reading about the side effects of ecstasy, it seems like it could explain some of Morgan's behavior that night. Some of the side effects include wanting to touch or kiss people (Morgan allegedly kissed her friend), vertigo and impaired vision (she allegedly fell down), it creates an enhanced appreciation for music (possible taken to make the concert more enjoyable), it makes one's body temperature feel hot (could explain why she left the arena and/or could've caused her take off her shirt), makes "everyone your friend" (could explain why she was talking to basketball players or maybe even felt okay about hitchhiking).

The reference about getting stomped down sounds particularly omenous.

Very interesting point.
If she was under 18 when this hypothetical and probably mythical event happened, the court records would be sealed.

Maybe if you testify against someone else, you can get them sealed.
Have done a check of court records for MH and there is nothing there. I've checked both Circuit and District courts for several areas in VA.

Maybe the camping trip was in some other state.
Comment from "find Morgan site:
Remember Morgan Harrington - View Single Post - Morgan's Pictures on FB

The poster quotes MH commenting on line regarding a camping trip which had not been too enjoyable:

"Morgan Harrington Things just went downhill from nails bled for weeks after I peeled those tips off. i lost that sweater at a creepy guys house, and sacrificed my last unicorns so i wouldn't have to make awkward small talk. and then the man stomped me down. November 12, 2007 at 10:26am"

Forensic Astrology - MORGAN HARRINGTON, missing @concert 10/17/09 Charlottesville,VA - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

In the link above, a psychic gives MH birthday as July 24, 1989.

Therefore, she would have been 18.
That's also why MH so anticipated this concert: she had been looking forward to it for six months. Her parents probably thought that a classic band like Metallica, which has a large following of all ages, would be a safe enough environment. Her parents trusted her companions. DC was there maybe because they were a bit scared, and they wanted a guy with them as a precaution. Unfortunately, the group somehow found out about MH's plans. MH herself posted on a Metallica site that she would attend the 10/17 concert. This info could have been picked up by a cyber-stalker, or somehow an acquaintance may have mentioned it to the wrong person.

Somehow they lured MH to separate from her companions, and maybe tricked her into leaving the venue, well-knowing that she had no way of getting back in. Then, outside, alone, her cell phone was taken, she was completely vulnerable. The grandmother who witnessed an argument between a man and woman behind her car may have been right all along. The "Let's go" incident may have MH trying to get protection or help from that older guy, but he wasn't patient enough to listen. She was afraid of LE. The security may have been disrespectful and abusive; after all, they are there only to control the crowd, not for customer service. Or one of the guards was in on the plot? She may have tried hitching a ride in desperation, if she thought she was being followed by someone ... There was one report that someone thought he saw some man following her as she headed towards the RV lot.

Two of the companions had family in LE, and they may have suspected what they were up against. They were terrified for their own safety as well as MH's; but they weren't sure if MH had just gone off with some BF, and they didn't want her back in prison. (If only they had thought to contact her father ... )That would explain their seeming cluelessness: they honestly did not know what to do. That's also why MH called her father on arriving at H'burg, and why her father called her friends as soon as she was late at their home the next day: most college students are more independent, but in MH's case there was reason for concern.
I think in this case the "unicorns" are cigarettes. She was standing outside and rather than make conversation with this guy she just gave him one of her last cigarettes while she was smoking. Earlier in the threads someone else confirmed that unicorn is slang for cigarette. If you don't want to spend a bunch of time with someone you're not going to give them your E, that would be insane. Also, it's too valuable to just give away to someone you don't like if you only have a couple left.

I don't like the way this thread contains wild speculation in the extreme without making it VERY CLEAR that what's being posted is just some imaginary made up theory based on zero facts at all. I completely disagree with this whole bit about Morgan going to prison, and I think speculation this wildly out of the bounds of what is factually known only muddies the waters when newcomers try to read up on what the current case status and established facts are.
I think in this case the "unicorns" are cigarettes. She was standing outside and rather than make conversation with this guy she just gave him one of her last cigarettes while she was smoking. Earlier in the threads someone else confirmed that unicorn is slang for cigarette. If you don't want to spend a bunch of time with someone you're not going to give them your E, that would be insane. Also, it's too valuable to just give away to someone you don't like if you only have a couple left.

I don't like the way this thread contains wild speculation in the extreme without making it VERY CLEAR that what's being posted is just some imaginary made up theory based on zero facts at all. I completely disagree with this whole bit about Morgan going to prison, and I think speculation this wildly out of the bounds of what is factually known only muddies the waters when newcomers try to read up on what the current case status and established facts are.

I agree about the prison speculation. That's prett wild.

But I think her own statement that she crossed paths with a creepy guy in the past is relevant.
I agree about the prison speculation. That's prett wild.

But I think her own statement that she crossed paths with a creepy guy in the past is relevant.

Yeah, absolutely. Anything she said anywhere about anyone that even hints at shadiness is super-relevant in my mind. Hopefully LE interviewed the friends about who this might have been that she was referring to so that they could question him thoroughly.
I don't like the way this thread contains wild speculation in the extreme without making it VERY CLEAR that what's being posted is just some imaginary made up theory based on zero facts at all. I completely disagree with this whole bit about Morgan going to prison, and I think speculation this wildly out of the bounds of what is factually known only muddies the waters when newcomers try to read up on what the current case status and established facts are.

Frankly, I do not see MH as a "criminal" at all; however, sometimes young people get led astray. Sadly, this info is relevant to solving her murder. She did not deserve this fate no matter what she did.

If we can identify the group, whether they be some Mansonesque collection of hippy-wannabes or some criminal gang, we can effectively fight to remove their presence from Virginia & wherever else they may be.

Somehow this scenario (or a possibly related scenario) fits a lot better than accusing SS of shooting MH in the back, which has occurred without your objection on this thread.

Correction: Shooting someone through the left eye could be either from the front or the back.

Can we account for MH's whereabouts during the time period Dec 2007 to August 2009?
Where was it ever stated that Morgan switched colleges? Does someone have a link for that? I know that she switched High Schools and I've never read that she had not attended VT her first two years. Can someone please clarify??
As far as I know she switched high schools not colleges.
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