Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #14

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Last post I swear :innocent:

I have some questions for you all:

1. Complacency. The Harrington's seem very concerned about the citizens of Cville becoming complacent that there is a killer on the loose. Why was there never a warning issued or any statement made by LE? Were they worried about a panic? Or could it be that the killer(s) aren't IN Cville and they know it?

2. Why did the friends wait for MH after the concert if they thought she was ok?

3. If they thought she was OK, why didn't they go meet up with DS and friends?

4. How did they think she was going to get inside any apartment in Blacksburg OR Harrisonburg if they had her keys?

5. What the heck does BBM mean?

BBM means "bolded by me" -- to highlight the specific part of a post that we're responding to.
2. Why did the friends wait for MH after the concert if they thought she was ok?

3. If they thought she was OK, why didn't they go meet up with DS and friends?

4. How did they think she was going to get inside any apartment in Blacksburg OR Harrisonburg if they had her keys?

5. What the heck does BBM mean?

Let me start out with the easiest one first... BBM = Bolded By Me

This is something that always struck me as strange as well. If the friends were so sure MH had a ride then why did they wait around? I never understood that.

It was supposedly made plain according to the friend that when MH called she said she would find a ride home.

I have to go with what Judge Judy always says - "If it doesn't make sense, it's not true".

I have never believed that statement that was so nonchalantly stated..."Oh I'll find a ride home." (Or words to that effect). What makes more sense, to me, if MH said those words there were more choice words added to that statement and I believe it would have had to have been a heated statement, not an "oh well" kind of thing. was her was a concert she wanted to go to and her father had bought tickets for.

IF those who saw MH outside of the JPJ arena and IF those reports are true that this was her and that she was in an agitated mood (cussing and kicking at people, etc) I will guarantee that phone call to her alleged friend was not so polite.

So yet, these folks who came with MH wait around on a cold night in the dark waiting for MH who supposedly states she's finding another ride. And they say they wait a "significant" amount of time. Why? Why would you wait if you know for sure that your friend has a ride? Knows what time the concert is over...isn't there within 20 or 30 minutes.

So one just decides to take MH's vehicle and drive it without permission? Leave their friend behind without knowing what has happened to her. She can't be reached by phone and yet they know she was under the influence of something...but no one bothers to call her parents? (who cares if MH gets tattled on...I wouldn't be driving someone else's car without permission).

Why didn't they just go hang with DS and her friends? Supposedly DS met them at the car (or nearby) since DS was told they had a missing friend... They could have crashed in the car or at DS's place or someone's place. But yet they leave...and as "Sally" has alluded to they returned the next morning. (I also remember reading that some place).

That also doesn't make sense. Concert is over 11ish/12ish...wait a significant amount of time (so really what does that mean? an hour/two)...they leave and return to Harrisonburg, allegedly...which is approx 1 hr away...and then possibly drive another hour back to C'ville that morning? Hmmm...if that is correct, that is an awful lot of driving to be doing when your friend has supposedly told you she has a ride IMHO.

If these folks drove back to C'ville that morning/afternoon, was it before or after the phone call from Dr. Harrington?
I agree with you 100% that no one is above suspicion. What I meant about the microscope comment is that what little the friends have said or done HAS been examined under the microscope; if I were them I wouldn't say a word to anyone other than LE or the Harringtons directly. Everything they do or say, or don't do or don't say in the public eye will be picked a part and taken out of context. I firmly agree the friends should be looked at hard and long.

I will say that in defense of the friends, the partying pics were not taken by the group that were Morgans friends, nor released by them publicly. The photos were taken, and posted, by others attending the same party.

I beg to differ about the microscope note. I don't think any forum or boards have fairly examined the friends. I do realize their partying photos made them look bad. Maybe they should have thought about that before posting them publicly. In the Anthony case (and others), everyone in the case was examined - everyone with no exceptions. No one is above suspicion. I don't think we are being fair to Morgan or our own investigation (of sorts lol) by not looking everywhere including these friends.
1) a couple of reasons 1) LE firmly believes that Morgan's murder was an isolated incident a) it was a sexual assault gone bad, and the perp most likely will not do it again b) they have evidence the perp was transient 2) LE has a poi that is presently incarcerated or deceased so unable to kill again, and is awaiting the final evidence nail against poi.

2) Rumor has it the friends and Morgan had some kind of arguement and that is why she seperated from them, and they may have believed her "I'll find a rde home" was an idle threat just to make them worry about her, and she would eventually sho up at the car, which was, afterall, hers.

3) Perhaps they were feeling guilty about her missing Metallica and being locked out of JPJA, and the rumored arguement. Perhaps they realized it would just be really bad manners to continue to party with out her. From what I read, I believe DS and her group were actually pretty tired after the show, and decided to return home themselves rather than party.

4) Depends what she was referring to as home. Perhaps she meant her parents house. And again, perhaps the "I'll find a ride home" was just an idle threat, and had Morgan not been adbucted prior to the show ending (if that is when she was taken) she would have been waiting for them at her car.

5) BBM = Bolded By Me

Last post I swear :innocent:

I have some questions for you all:

1. Complacency. The Harrington's seem very concerned about the citizens of Cville becoming complacent that there is a killer on the loose. Why was there never a warning issued or any statement made by LE? Were they worried about a panic? Or could it be that the killer(s) aren't IN Cville and they know it?

2. Why did the friends wait for MH after the concert if they thought she was ok?

3. If they thought she was OK, why didn't they go meet up with DS and friends?

4. How did they think she was going to get inside any apartment in Blacksburg OR Harrisonburg if they had her keys?

5. What the heck does BBM mean?

Quote from the above link: [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]In the particular pasture where Harrington was found, the grass had been at least knee-high, Bass said. He saw the remains because he was on a tractor, several feet off the ground, he said.

Bass initially thought the body was a deer, but when he saw what appeared to be a human skull, along with fingers and toes, he knew he had to call police, he said.[/FONT]

Walker, I do not consider a media source any sort of excellent fact. In this case particularly the media – both internet blogs and MSM have misreported repeatedly. This statement by Bass above from wsls is not in quotes and is the ONLY source to have said anything about fingers and toes. I don’t believe it. Besides, she was completely skeletonized. At best he saw finger and toe BONES which are very small and not connected with any ligaments or tissue in a skeletonized body.

Journalists do sometimes make mistakes, but media articles are our main source of information regarding this case. I agree that if Bass saw "toes," what he meant was toe bones. So it follows that you might be correct that the boots were still on MH's feet, but JMO whether or not the boots were there doesn't reveal much about how she may have died.

The photos are from Jesse Cantelope's Anchorage Farm album. Maybe you could ask someone else to pull them up for you on their log-in. Not sure why it asks you 2x though.

B]I have seen these pictures. Morgan is not in them. I do know why I am asked 2X for my password.[/B]

JMO: Photo #14 is intended to be a depiction of MH. If you read back on the thread, we have already discussed this image.

According to your theory, what was DC's role? And why didn't AM & SS show signs of having struggled with MH? Would every sighting that evening then be wrong? And how would AM & SS gain? Wouldn't the Harrintons have picked up bad vibes from AM, their daughter's roommate, if she were a killer?
I think DC rode to Cville with the girls to meet his girlfriend who was there for whatever reason. I think he may have attended the concert but with her and separate from Morgan and her friends.
The friends didn’t show signs of a struggle because a gun was used. I think she was shot in the left eye. Yes every sighting that evening was either incorrect or made up.

Couldn't the police just tell from the way the bones shattered that it was a gun shot? Not only that but they could probably find the bullet.

My theory is that MH was killed by some weird group like the Manson Family. Maybe bffs were part of the group, or associated with the group; or maybe MH separated from them to join some other people.

Since you are unfamiliar with the Caylee Anthony case I will tell you that there were HUNDREDS of sightings that LE and the FBI pursued. NOT ONE SINGLE ONE was correct or true in the slightest way. If Caylee’s bones had not been found, they would still be chasing down these sightings. Here is some interesting info on the unreliability of eyewitnesses. By the way, what color shirt did you wear 3 days ago? How about your spouse or a friend? Sorry, eyewitnesses cannot do this with any accuracy. [/B]
This is wiki:
Eyewitness identification evidence is the leading cause of wrongful conviction in the United States. Of the more than 200 people exonerated by way of DNA evidence in the US, over 75% were wrongfully convicted on the basis of erroneous eyewitness identification evidence.[1] In England, the Criminal Law Review Committee, writing in 1971, stated that cases of mistaken identification "constitute by far the greatest cause of actual or possible wrong convictions".[2] Yet despite substantial anecdotal and scientific support for the proposition that eyewitness testimony is often unreliable, it is held in high regard by jurors in criminal trials, even when "far outweighed by evidence of innocence."[3] In the words of former US Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan, there is "nothing more convincing [to a jury] than a live human being who takes the stand, points a finger at the defendant, and says 'That's the one!'"[4]

At the same time, numerous psychological studies have shown that human beings are not very good at identifying people they saw only once for a relatively short period of time. The studies reveal error rates of as high as fifty percent — a frightening statistic given that many convictions may be based largely or solely on such testimony.
These studies show further that the ability to identify a stranger is diminished by stress (and what crime situation is not intensely stressful?), that cross-racial identifications are especially unreliable, and that contrary to what one might think, those witnesses who claim to be "certain" of their identifications are no better at it than everyone else, just more confident.

Much of the criticism of "eyewitness" testimony is just political correctness. Innocents are supposedly being sent to prison, because some middle-class bigot had the nerve to accuse them of pulling a knife on someone! Such nonsense does get tired. Regarding this case: most unfortunately, MH looked & dressed like many other college students that night at the concert. The witnesses could reasonably have been mistaken.

Very good questions Ladybug. So far the only connection I can find to AF is the mushrooms. I don’t know if Morgan or the friends knew JB or JC.

There could have been many other connections: hunting, biking, college classes, political activism, family, some band, a coven ... We don't know.

The shirt was found 3 days prior to a big planned and highly publicized search. I am thinking SS planted it but no way to be sure. No, her friends can’t be tied to the LAX player that turned in MH’s purse the next day that I can find.

We don't know.

Who would have thought to take the shirt from her purse, before she was even reported missing? She had a bag of clothes in her car. Remember Gil talking about taking it out and repacking it with comfortable clothes to take with her to the police station when they find her? If Morgan changed shirts, she would have put it back in that bag – in the car – right side out – with her DNA on it. I have no idea which friends own a gun. Lots of people own guns, have family with guns, can get their hands on a gun fairly easily.

MH could so easily have switched clothes. Some posters acted as though it were entirely impossible that she somehow borrowed someone's jacket, or removed her leggings, or changed boots. If she switched her top while she was locked out of her car, she may have left it in some other place than the bag.

BTW: MH seems not to have attended VTech prior to Fall 2009. Where is the strong VTech community of support for MH? They sympathize, but seems that few people there actually knew her personally. She had enough credits to be considered a junior, so where exactly did she earn those credits, and why is this fact not mentioned?

Switching her high school is overemphasized; that had happened long ago, and it's not a big deal. Not everyone is all that sentimental about their high school. But MH had recently gone through a huge change in her life -- switching college --- why is this topic ignored? Her most recent past is most relevant to the case. Plus, VTech may have been a more competitive environment (than JMU, where JMO she had previously been enrolled), and may have put her under more stress. Maybe she sought out old "friends" from JMU for that reason.

MH may likely have been killed by a group of persons at least one of whom she mistakenly considered a friend; however, her companions (AM, SS & DC) that night are not necessarily the murderers.

Sally, how would you exclude the possibility that MH met up with someone else, left the concert to attend some event with him, and then came to harm?
I think I covered some of your other points in my last post.

I believe that DC is/was friends with DS, and it was via a phone call between him and her after the concert where plans to meet up after the show were changed. DS was from Harrisonburg, went to JMU, about an hour away from Charlottesville. That would be the main reason they would not have stayed at DS's place. I also believe according to reports, the friends did wait around after the show to see if Morgan would show up. I do not believe the actual amount of time they waited has ever been cleared up or verified though.

I also do not think they returned to Charlottesville the next morning, or if they did, it was after Dr. Harrington had contacted them to find out about Morgans whereabouts. I can not find any verifiable reports about what the friends did the next morning.

Why didn't they just go hang with DS and her friends? Supposedly DS met them at the car (or nearby) since DS was told they had a missing friend... They could have crashed in the car or at DS's place or someone's place. But yet they leave...and as "Sally" has alluded to they returned the next morning. (I also remember reading that some place).
From MLE [FONT=&quot]Is AM high in the photos?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]You know, I never really noticed how red her eyes are but I am guessing yes as I have seen last Christmas photos of her in a nice gray sweater dress with a belt. The belt buckle was a pot leaf. I will try to set up a photobucket with what I have. Good catch MLE.[/FONT]

If she was high in the photos, maybe it was meth or some other type of stimulant.

During WWII, the Germans would sometimes give their soldiers meth and I recall watching a documentary a few years ago where an American veteran was talking about how wild-eyed and crazed-looking all of the German soldiers looked during a major offensive in December of 1944 and how he thought for sure the Germans had to have all been drugged up on something during that particular battle. Based on our soldier's description, I kind of imagine the German soldiers looking like AM in those pictures. lol.

I'm interested in seeing the other photos, because I sort of sympathize with her right now and assume the worst is being shown, kind of like how Rush Limbaugh would select unflattering photos of Hillary Clinton or a sports fan would choose a silly photo of an opposing team's coach or star player.
The friends didn’t show signs of a struggle because a gun was used. I think she was shot in the left eye.

What causes you to believe she was shot in the left eye? That seems like such a very specific detail.
4. How did they think she was going to get inside any apartment in Blacksburg OR Harrisonburg if they had her keys?

Separate key chains? Multiple keys? Maybe she had gone out with friends, met up with guy or other people & left the friends behind before ...
Comment from "find Morgan site:
Remember Morgan Harrington - View Single Post - Morgan's Pictures on FB

The poster quotes MH commenting on line regarding a camping trip which had not been too enjoyable:

"Morgan Harrington Things just went downhill from nails bled for weeks after I peeled those tips off. i lost that sweater at a creepy guys house, and sacrificed my last unicorns so i wouldn't have to make awkward small talk. and then the man stomped me down. November 12, 2007 at 10:26am"

Assuming MH followed the usual academic course, she would have been in the first semester of her senior year in high school, when she wrote this statement. Many posters were puzzled over its meaning.

Maybe she was arrested, and spent 2 years in prison? Most prisons offer study opportunities, and maybe that is how MH was able to enter VTech as a junior.

If this theory is true, then maybe the info was suppressed to avoid people passing judgment on the victim. HOWEVER MH did not deserve to be abducted, abused or killed no matter what her history was.

Unfortunately a prison sentence would also put her in contact with some very bad people. Possibly she testified against someone else in exchange for a lighter sentence?
Comment from "find Morgan site:
Remember Morgan Harrington - View Single Post - Morgan's Pictures on FB

The poster quotes MH commenting on line regarding a camping trip which had not been too enjoyable:

"Morgan Harrington Things just went downhill from nails bled for weeks after I peeled those tips off. i lost that sweater at a creepy guys house, and sacrificed my last unicorns so i wouldn't have to make awkward small talk. and then the man stomped me down. November 12, 2007 at 10:26am"

Assuming MH followed the usual academic course, she would have been in the first semester of her senior year in high school, when she wrote this statement. Many posters were puzzled over its meaning.

Maybe she was arrested, and spent 2 years in prison? Most prisons offer study opportunities, and maybe that is how MH was able to enter VTech as a junior.

If this theory is true, then maybe the info was suppressed to avoid people passing judgment on the victim. HOWEVER MH did not deserve to be abducted, abused or killed no matter what her history was.

Unfortunately a prison sentence would also put her in contact with some very bad people. Possibly she testified against someone else in exchange for a lighter sentence?


Hey Walker,

I don't mean to correct you here, but... I have a correction. I don't know how much difference it makes.

Me and Morgan are/were the same age. She was born in July 1989 -- me in May 1989. We both went to high school in Virginia as well. That said, I graduated in June 2007 and was a first semester freshman in college at the time of this post. Morgan would have been, too, as you can see from her Facebook profile.

Just throwing that out there. Like I said, I don't know what difference it makes, if any.

Hey Walker,

I don't mean to correct you here, but... I have a correction. I don't know how much difference it makes.

Me and Morgan are/were the same age. She was born in July 1989 -- me in May 1989. We both went to high school in Virginia as well. That said, I graduated in June 2007 and was a first semester freshman in college at the time of this post. Morgan would have been, too, as you can see from her Facebook profile.

Just throwing that out there. Like I said, I don't know what difference it makes, if any.

Thank you. You are right MH would have been a freshman at the time the post was written, which would make even better sense, since she would not likely have gotten more than two years for possession (?).
Thank you. You are right MH would have been a freshman at the time the post was written, which would make even better sense, since she would not likely have gotten more than two years for possession (?).

Explains why the parents were keeping such close tabs on her: was she on probation? That might be why her companions were so averse to reporting MH to either LE or her parents and "getting her in trouble." And the first photo of her looked like a mug shot: LE had it on file?

LE is not warning the public of any danger because the guy that ordered the hit is locked up. Photo #14 is done by someone closely associated with him. That's why the image is so hateful; somebody blamed her for his conviction. Note that the image is looks like tattoo art. Apparently among tattoo artists, there was a world-wide contest to create an image of the Tibetan Buddhist deity, Tara, to benefit Tibet in its struggle for political independence. So tattoo artists studied the Buddhist style and forms, but maybe not the actual philosophy; that's why these images on the scroll seemed so ignorant.

Also, no VTech roomies or close friends spoke out at all. If MH had sat through several classes with another student, surely they would have said something publicly about her disappearance. But she didn't have any old VTech roomies or pals because she had not been at VTech. AM was attending a different college.
Much of the criticism of "eyewitness" testimony is just political correctness. Innocents are supposedly being sent to prison, because some middle-class bigot had the nerve to accuse them of pulling a knife on someone! Such nonsense does get tired. Regarding this case: most unfortunately, MH looked & dressed like many other college students that night at the concert. The witnesses could reasonably have been mistaken.

It is not "political correctness", it has been well established that eyewitness testimony can be seriously flawed. Unless the witness actually knows the person they were witnessing, and unless the events witnessed were sufficiently dramatic, the witness could easily be wrong. And even when those two conditions ARE met, the witness can still be wrong since they may be colored by bias or may not fully comprehend what they saw.
Explains why the parents were keeping such close tabs on her: was she on probation? That might be why her companions were so averse to reporting MH to either LE or her parents and "getting her in trouble." And the first photo of her looked like a mug shot: LE had it on file?

LE is not warning the public of any danger because the guy that ordered the hit is locked up. Photo #14 is done by someone closely associated with him. That's why the image is so hateful; somebody blamed her for his conviction. Note that the image is looks like tattoo art. Apparently among tattoo artists, there was a world-wide contest to create an image of the Tibetan Buddhist deity, Tara, to benefit Tibet in its struggle for political independence. So tattoo artists studied the Buddhist style and forms, but maybe not the actual philosophy; that's why these images on the scroll seemed so ignorant.

Also, no VTech roomies or close friends spoke out at all. If MH had sat through several classes with another student, surely they would have said something publicly about her disappearance. But she didn't have any old VTech roomies or pals because she had not been at VTech. AM was attending a different college.

It looks like an ID picture to me, perhaps a drivers licence or passport photo.
Explains why the parents were keeping such close tabs on her: was she on probation? That might be why her companions were so averse to reporting MH to either LE or her parents and "getting her in trouble." And the first photo of her looked like a mug shot: LE had it on file?

LE is not warning the public of any danger because the guy that ordered the hit is locked up. Photo #14 is done by someone closely associated with him. That's why the image is so hateful; somebody blamed her for his conviction. Note that the image is looks like tattoo art. Apparently among tattoo artists, there was a world-wide contest to create an image of the Tibetan Buddhist deity, Tara, to benefit Tibet in its struggle for political independence. So tattoo artists studied the Buddhist style and forms, but maybe not the actual philosophy; that's why these images on the scroll seemed so ignorant.

Also, no VTech roomies or close friends spoke out at all. If MH had sat through several classes with another student, surely they would have said something publicly about her disappearance. But she didn't have any old VTech roomies or pals because she had not been at VTech. AM was attending a different college.

Would also explain the friends silence; when MH disappeared, they must have been terrified.

Also, the group responsible was taunting LE with the tee and the association of the Bass name with forensic science. They didn't take the jewelry because they wanted her body identified; she was supposed to be an example of what happens to a "snitch."

People raised a lot of objections to the idea the body was dumped from a plane, but in Mexico that is a common method to kill informers.
It is not "political correctness", it has been well established that eyewitness testimony can be seriously flawed. Unless the witness actually knows the person they were witnessing, and unless the events witnessed were sufficiently dramatic, the witness could easily be wrong. And even when those two conditions ARE met, the witness can still be wrong since they may be colored by bias or may not fully comprehend what they saw.

That a person could be honestly mistaken is just obvious, and any person with common sense would weigh that fact in evaluating their testimony. However, the reason the little professors are making such a big deal about it now is political correctness. Those naughty middle-class people are just seeing things ...
It looks like an ID picture to me, perhaps a drivers licence or passport photo.

Her eyes are terrified.

Her parents would have been unlikely to present that photo, when they had so many better ones.
That a person could be honestly mistaken is just obvious, and any person with common sense would weigh that fact in evaluating their testimony. However, the reason the little professors are making such a big deal about it now is political correctness. Those naughty middle-class people are just seeing things ...

No, it's because they have done actual studies to investigate how reliable witnesses are under controlled conditions. I have never heard of ANY reputable study concluding that eye witnesses are allways reliable.
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