Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #14

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Frankly, I do not see MH as a "criminal" at all; however, sometimes young people get led astray. Sadly, this info is relevant to solving her murder. She did not deserve this fate no matter what she did.

If we can identify the group, whether they be some Mansonesque collection of hippy-wannabes or some criminal gang, we can effectively fight to remove their presence from Virginia & wherever else they may be.

Somehow this scenario (or a possibly related scenario) fits a lot better than accusing SS of shooting MH in the back, which has occurred without your objection on this thread.

Correction: Shooting someone through the left eye could be either from the front or the back.

Can we account for MH's whereabouts during the time period Dec 2007 to August 2009?

I used direct statements from LE, extensive research and things I have seen with my own eyes for my "scenario". What is your basis for the Manson type hippie group? Why would they follow her to a concert and "lure" her out or whatever? Why her? There were most likely hundreds of other just as likely people for them to snatch and do whatever you are theorizing about. I think a small group of hippie type people have already been run over in this case once. Here is some (SOME) of what I base my scenario on.

Sally, how would you exclude the possibility that MH met up with someone else, left the concert to attend some event with him, and then came to harm?
1. LE statements about the video.
2. Dan Harrington statements that there are no pictures or video of Morgan inside or outside of the arena.
3. The friend’s inconsistent statements – she’s OK and got a ride but hey, let’s sit around for a “significant amount of time” and see if she comes back.
4. The fact that the purse was not gone in the morning. Thousands of drunk/high concertgoers left it there? With a cell phone in it or nearby? With credit cards in it? No way.

What causes you to believe she was shot in the left eye? That seems like such a very specific detail.
Her mother’s repeated statements about looking into her orbital sockets as well as the "shot" references her mother makes and her brother’s Facebook picture from last week. It has been taken down now and a different picture is up. It was a pencil drawing of an eye. Most definitely MH’s. Circular hole in the upper eyelid right at the lash line and a mirror imaged hole on the bottom lash line. As if the eye was closed when the hole was made but the drawing showed the eye open.
(If she were shot from the back through the eye, there wouldn't be any eye left and there would be a large exit wound IMO, NOT "orbital sockets".)
BTW: MH seems not to have attended VTech prior to Fall 2009. Please expand on this statement. I can find nothing that indicates she was not there prior to her Jr. year. Many of us are confused on this point.
Where is the strong VTech community of support for MH? They sympathize, but seems that few people there actually knew her personally. She had enough credits to be considered a junior, so where exactly did she earn those credits, and why is this fact not mentioned?

Switching her high school is overemphasized; I beg to differ. I went to college. Changing high schools in the senior year and leaving your 8 BEST friends since kindergarten would be much more of a "big deal" and much more of a change in life than changing colleges. that had happened long ago, and it's not a big deal. Not everyone is all that sentimental about their high school. In light of the prom or homecoming picture of "the nine" in white dresses and MH in red I would think that high school was VERY sentimental in this situation. But MH had recently gone through a huge change in her life -- switching college --- why is this topic ignored? Because this is the first time many of us have even heard about it. Her most recent past is most relevant to the case. Beg to differ. Plus, VTech may have been a more competitive environment (than JMU, where JMO she had previously been enrolled), and may have put her under more stress. Maybe she sought out old "friends" from JMU for that reason.
I don't like the way this thread contains wild speculation in the extreme without making it VERY CLEAR that what's being posted is just some imaginary made up theory based on zero facts at all. I completely disagree with this whole bit about Morgan going to prison, and I think speculation this wildly out of the bounds of what is factually known only muddies the waters when newcomers try to read up on what the current case status and established facts are.

I agree. This kind of speculating is like playing tennis without a net. Could be the Mansons, could be the Martians, etc. etc. No evidence to the contrary!
I used direct statements from LE, extensive research and things I have seen with my own eyes for my "scenario". What is your basis for the Manson type hippie group? Why would they follow her to a concert and "lure" her out or whatever? Why her? There were most likely hundreds of other just as likely people for them to snatch and do whatever you are theorizing about. I think a small group of hippie type people have already been run over in this case once. Here is some (SOME) of what I base my scenario on.

Maybe you misunderstand my comment regarding the Manson family.
If you are not that familiar with the case, Charles Manson was the leader of band of desperate young people who behaved as a cult. Manson was charged with conspiracy in murder of Sharon Tate among others. The case was unusual in that he was not actually present at the crime scene, but merely instructed others to carry out the killings. The claim was made that he had a "charismatic" personality, and his followers could not help but mindlessly obey him.

JMO: MH's case reminds me a lot of the murder of Sharon Tate, which was a particularly bizarre and brutal crime, seemingly without reason, except jealousy.

Of course, more recently, there has been speculation that her husband was engaged in criminal activity, esp. using minors in the production of *advertiser censored*; however, if Tate's husband's activity were the motive, the defense would surely have tried to use that fact. And, the house guests have not named as possible suspects in any crimes. One victim was an heiress to the Folger Coffee fortune. And, nine-months pregnant, Tate herself was no threat to anyone.

The Manson family was quite large, although there don't seem to be any estimates of the total number of members. They scattered after Manson's arrest. Not impossibly, some of them could still have connections with each other.

One of my theories is that a Manson-like group, even an off-shoot of the original group, may be responsible for the murder of MH; HOWEVER, JMO the murder of MH was pre-meditated, and they deliberately chose MH as their victim beforehand.

That is, a dangerous band of Manson Family-like criminals may have deliberately & calculatingly targeted MH for some bizarre reason.

Sally, how would you exclude the possibility that MH met up with someone else, left the concert to attend some event with him, and then came to harm?
1. LE statements about the video.

If the guy met her outside the arena, we wouldn't expect to see him with her.

2. Dan Harrington statements that there are no pictures or video of Morgan inside or outside of the arena.

An old BF could have called her & persuaded her to leave the arena.

Maybe the power of the camera is exaggerated. The arena was dark, everyone was dressed in black, and the image quality may have been poor.

3. The friend’s inconsistent statements – she’s OK and got a ride but hey, let’s sit around for a “significant amount of time” and see if she comes back.

Let's imagine that they feared that some dangerous criminal group had abducted MH. They may have been terrified for their own lives. To counter criticism that they took off in MH's car too soon, GH spoke to the media explaining that they waited a significant amount of time.

4. The fact that the purse was not gone in the morning. Thousands of drunk/high concertgoers left it there? With a cell phone in it or nearby? With credit cards in it? No way.

You would be surprised how nice people can be. Lots of valuable stuff does get turned in to Lost & Found departments.

What causes you to believe she was shot in the left eye? That seems like such a very specific detail.
Her mother’s repeated statements about looking into her orbital sockets as well as the "shot" references her mother makes and her brother’s Facebook picture from last week. It has been taken down now and a different picture is up. It was a pencil drawing of an eye. Most definitely MH’s. Circular hole in the upper eyelid right at the lash line and a mirror imaged hole on the bottom lash line. As if the eye was closed when the hole was made but the drawing showed the eye open.
(If she were shot from the back through the eye, there wouldn't be any eye left and there would be a large exit wound IMO, NOT "orbital sockets".)

I don't necessarily disagree with you on the manner of death. The picture could be a hint. And GH's comments, too. However, other descriptions are out there, granted from less reliable sources. We don't know anything definite yet.

If being shot in the eye were the cause of death, we still don't know who exactly pulled the trigger. Or why.
BTW: MH seems not to have attended VTech prior to Fall 2009. Please expand on this statement. I can find nothing that indicates she was not there prior to her Jr. year. Many of us are confused on this point.
Where is the strong VTech community of support for MH? They sympathize, but seems that few people there actually knew her personally. She had enough credits to be considered a junior, so where exactly did she earn those credits, and why is this fact not mentioned?

Again: Can we account for MH's whereabouts during the time period Dec 2007 to August 2009?

She was at VTech? Prove it.

Switching her high school is overemphasized; I beg to differ. I went to college. Changing high schools in the senior year and leaving your 8 BEST friends since kindergarten would be much more of a "big deal" and much more of a change in life than changing colleges. that had happened long ago, and it's not a big deal. Not everyone is all that sentimental about their high school. In light of the prom or homecoming picture of "the nine" in white dresses and MH in red I would think that high school was VERY sentimental in this situation. But MH had recently gone through a huge change in her life -- switching college --- why is this topic ignored? Because this is the first time many of us have even heard about it. Her most recent past is most relevant to the case. Beg to differ. Plus, VTech may have been a more competitive environment (than JMU, where JMO she had previously been enrolled), and may have put her under more stress. Maybe she sought out old "friends" from JMU for that reason.

In my opinion, a recent transfer to a new college or a new college situation is more relevant. Recent events are more likely to bear on this case. And a recent switch may have put her under stress.

Some people care a lot about high school proms, homecoming, playing sports, etc; but others could not care less. We don't know in this case, and JMO it doesn't seem to bear much on the case.
In light of the prom or homecoming picture of "the nine" in white dresses and MH in red I would think that high school was VERY sentimental in this situation.

It tells us what exactly?

Maybe she enjoyed the party, or maybe she was bored & only smiled for the camera. We don't know. And, I don't think that it bears on the case.
Maybe you misunderstand my comment regarding the Manson family.
If you are not that familiar with the case, Charles Manson was the leader of band of desperate young people who behaved as a cult. Manson was charged with conspiracy in murder of Sharon Tate among others. The case was unusual in that he was not actually present at the crime scene, but merely instructed others to carry out the killings. The claim was made that he had a "charismatic" personality, and his followers could not help but mindlessly obey him.

JMO: MH's case reminds me a lot of the murder of Sharon Tate, which was a particularly bizarre and brutal crime, seemingly without reason, except jealousy.

Of course, more recently, there has been speculation that her husband was engaged in criminal activity, esp. using minors in the production of *advertiser censored*; however, if Tate's husband's activity were the motive, the defense would surely have tried to use that fact. And, the house guests have not named as possible suspects in any crimes. One victim was an heiress to the Folger Coffee fortune. And, nine-months pregnant, Tate herself was no threat to anyone.

The Manson family was quite large, although there don't seem to be any estimates of the total number of members. They scattered after Manson's arrest. Not impossibly, some of them could still have connections with each other.

One of my theories is that a Manson-like group, even an off-shoot of the original group, may be responsible for the murder of MH; HOWEVER, JMO the murder of MH was pre-meditated, and they deliberately chose MH as their victim beforehand.

That is, a dangerous band of Manson Family-like criminals may have deliberately & calculatingly targeted MH for some bizarre reason.

If the guy met her outside the arena, we wouldn't expect to see him with her.

An old BF could have called her & persuaded her to leave the arena.

Maybe the power of the camera is exaggerated. The arena was dark, everyone was dressed in black, and the image quality may have been poor.

Let's imagine that they feared that some dangerous criminal group had abducted MH. They may have been terrified for their own lives. To counter criticism that they took off in MH's car too soon, GH spoke to the media explaining that they waited a significant amount of time.

You would be surprised how nice people can be. Lots of valuable stuff does get turned in to Lost & Found departments.

I don't necessarily disagree with you on the manner of death. The picture could be a hint. And GH's comments, too. However, other descriptions are out there, granted from less reliable sources. We don't know anything definite yet.

If being shot in the eye were the cause of death, we still don't know who exactly pulled the trigger. Or why.

What the hell are you talking about? That is just a bunch of wild speculation.

And btw, Sharon Tate's husband wasn't involved in child *advertiser censored* as far as anyone knows. You are just making that up.
Do you mean the friends of JB?

That photo #14 was hateful to MH.

And that older red-haired woman (you have to really strain your eyes) in photo #35, who might she be?!/photo.php?pid=3992643&id=735702175

I agree that it's unfair to accuse particular individuals of the murder.

No, I don't mean the friends of JB. I mean the Happie Hippie and his wife and his friends.

I easily found the red headed woman in the friends list when these pics were discovered. She's just another friend.

Maybe there is a blogger out there who would be interested in your wild speculative theory for a story. So far I don't see one single parallel or shred of evidence to indicate a big or small group of Manson type people.

I am well aware of who Manson was. These people were in their 20's when they committed the Tate murders. That would make them - oh, somewhere in their SEVENTIES now. I get quite the comical mental image when trying to picture them stalking and avoiding cameras and such to grab Morgan. Maybe they got her on the farm using their hover 'rounds? Just kidding! Everyone is entitled to their opinions. :rolling:

I know you mean some off-shoot group or whatever. I just think it's too much of a leap.
It tells us what exactly?

Maybe she enjoyed the party, or maybe she was bored & only smiled for the camera. We don't know. And, I don't think that it bears on the case.

She left the school where her eight life-long friends attended in her senior year. Senior year - you know, the BIG year. The year you graduate. The year you finally get the respect you have been waiting for over 12 years of school. The year you are important.

She changed to a new school, none of the "nine" attended. This would be traumatic and difficult to say the least. High school seniors - oh forget it, I give up.
She left the school where her eight life-long friends attended in her senior year. Senior year - you know, the BIG year. The year you graduate. The year you finally get the respect you have been waiting for over 12 years of school. The year you are important.

She changed to a new school, none of the "nine" attended. This would be traumatic and difficult to say the least. High school seniors - oh forget it, I give up.

Many people get into this stuff, but a lot of people find high school a bore. We don't know if she loved the other eight girl like sisters. More likely, they had drifted apart as they grew up. And, at 20, she had surely gotten over it. How is it relevant to the case?
No, I don't mean the friends of JB. I mean the Happie Hippie and his wife and his friends.

I agree. That seemed based on nothing.

Maybe there is a blogger out there who would be interested in your wild speculative theory for a story.

Again: can we account for MH's whereabouts during the time period Dec 07 to August 09?

Where are the pictures from VTech, the pals from VTech, the professors who remembered her, pictures of her at VTech events?

So far I don't see one single parallel or shred of evidence to indicate a big or small group of Manson type people.

Obviously they were killers, obviously they were violent, and obviously they killed MH for no good reason. She was no threat to anyone.

I am well aware of who Manson was. These people were in their 20's when they committed the Tate murders. That would make them - oh, somewhere in their SEVENTIES now. I get quite the comical mental image when trying to picture them stalking and avoiding cameras and such to grab Morgan. Maybe they got her on the farm using their hover 'rounds? Just kidding! Everyone is entitled to their opinions. :rolling:

The Manson family also raised children on their ranch. They influenced quite a lot of people who might identify with them.

I know you mean some off-shoot group or whatever. I just think it's too much of a leap.

Because your mind is locked on blaming one person. Doesn't photo #14 point to something really weird going on?
What the hell are you talking about? That is just a bunch of wild speculation.

And btw, Sharon Tate's husband wasn't involved in child *advertiser censored* as far as anyone knows. You are just making that up.

This possibility has been suggested. And he was involved with underage girls. If you read what I said, the defense could have used it if the Family's motive was rage over someone being terribly abused.

Although hardly a hippie (she was a movie star), Joanna was sure the killings involved some drug deal gone wrong, or revenge by an outraged lover for some kinky sex scene. She was Sharon Tate's best friend and Sharon had told her that Polanski was in the habit of making home movies of himself having sex with young girls ...
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Remember Morgan Harrington - View Single Post - Morgan college

Morgan's Dad
Administrator Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 304

Morgan started at Vt and spent the entire time she was in college there. She was a HOKIE!
I have not locked on to any one person in this case. I am open to most suggestions. Some theories are way too far fetched for me. We can all agree to disagree! I will fully admit that there are so many possibilities in this case. Do I believe that Morgan may not have had the "best" friendship with her life long friends? Absolutely! However, I have not jumped on board that she was shot by either Amy, Sarah or Dan. Sally, I know this is your firm belief and I do truly appreciate all of your insight and research. I'm in no way saying that this cannot be the case....I just haven't gotten "there" yet. I do believe they may have been less than truthful about some of the events leading up to her disappearance and again with the way this case has been so tight lipped...I really couldn't be shocked if LE later tells us that they did not attend the concert that night. As of now, I still have to go on what they have told us and the fact that Morgan did at least enter JPJ that night. (Sally no disrespect - just a difference of opinion)

To go further into this theory....Can you explain a little more about what you think happened? Were they planning on attending the concert that night and never made it? Were they driving aimlessly trying to find a cow field for shrooms and happened upon Anchorage Farms? Why would young college students be carrying around a gun? Was she taken to the farm to be killed there? Execution site?

Like I said, anything is possible. I would just like a little further clarification, if you don't mind. Thanks!
From the forum:

Remember Morgan Harrington - View Single Post - Morgan college

Morgan's Dad
Administrator Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 304

Morgan started at Vt and spent the entire time she was in college there. She was a HOKIE!

Thank you very much for posting this.

I didn't think we could get much more bizarre than the pushed-from-a-plane scenario, but I was wrong...
Here is a link to a picture. It is a picture of Morgan's eye that was posted to facebook in January 2009.

Maybe Alex was drawing his interpretation of Morgan's eye???

OK it won't allow me to post the picture. Can someone tell me how to post an image? Thanks!
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