Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #4

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When: 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 15.
Openers: Lamb of God, Gojira.
Where: The Q, East Sixth Street and Huron Road, Cleveland.

same back up bands too
I hate to say that it's sort of the perfect "out" - being a roadie or what have you. You're not "suspiciously " bolting to get the hell outta Dodge. You're just smply doing your job - town to town.

yikes (?)

Yeah, but it is not likely that the road crew had any down time at all during the event - they work the whole time from arrival to departure, at least I think so - however, they may have some time during the opening bands. Hmmm, that makes me think - the opening bands probably bring along crew members, and they are probably on break while the headliner is performing.
I hate to say that it's sort of the perfect "out" - being a roadie or what have you. You're not "suspiciously " bolting to get the hell outta Dodge. You're just smply doing your job - town to town.

yikes (?)

Like those nasty carnival people. Not to offend anyone.
Like those nasty carnival people. Not to offend anyone.

The guys on the road crews are very much like nasty carnival people. Especially the ones who have been on the road for a long time with well established bands.
Like those nasty carnival people. Not to offend anyone.
Our apologies to the carnival community.


what I meant was, there is a certain ease of movement built into the job without looking like you're suspciously bolting suddenly.

Okay... What have we got...

1) Tickets for Metallica purchased approx 6 months in advance - purchased by DH for MH and friends

2) Shopping trip for clothes for concert - Choice of 3 different ones - she and Mom decide on outfit

3) Sometime Sat. MH & roommate (however she got to the Harrington's) leaves for Harrisonburg to pick up other friend for concert. Arrives safely per phone conversation with Dad.

4) Sometime Sat. MH, roommate & friend (were there others?) leave JMU & pick up mystery guy somewhere between JMU & C'ville.

5) Arrive JPJ arena in MH's car.

6) Upon arrival guy in car next to them makes small talk with those in MH's vehicle.

7) Enter into arena (per friends)

8) At some point MH seperates from friends to either go to restroom or smoke or both or neither. Kisses one on the cheek...

9) "Witnesses" report seeing MH fall or have injury to face

10) Friend calls MH? or MH calls friend & states she has been locked out of arena and unable to return inside. Tells friends she will meet them at the car or find a ride home?

11) Witness reports MH out front of arena - makes comment to her - she tells him to f off

12) Reports of her having had some kind of interaction with people here and there - or of them having seen MH at various places outside of the arena

13) MH supposedly spotted on bridge

14) MH disappears

15) Friends leave concert - hang around car for a significant amount of time - never see MH and leave venue returning back to JMU

16) Supposedly purse has already been found by a passerby and is supposedly reported as "found property". Cell phone is missing battery

17) MH doesn't show up at parents as expected. DH begins calling friends.

18) DH reports MH missing the next day sometime after lunch.

19) It's MH's car, it's not MH's car, it is MH's car & it's not relevant if it is or not...ummm ok...

20) Phone battery missing... not relevant... hummm well ok if you say so...but somehow that doesn't sit right with me...especially if you can't decide whether or not it was her car...

21) Only trace of MH found inside or outside of the arena is the pocketbook - she's not picked up on security cameras, or other personal video recorders or personal cameras.

What did I miss? Anything?

Very concise post. Great timeline, too. Thanks a bunch.

After reading it, two things stand out: The guy that was supposed to be with the group who isn't mentioned until days after she's been missing. Why? I'd really like to know why he wasn't mentioned.

The other thing that bothers me, and this is sleuthing 101, is that often the perp returns to the scene or inserts himself into the investigation. What if the guy from Pennsylvania followed her around all night. Maybe he was really cute and she didn't mind. He did give a statement almost immediately to LE which would place him innocently at the scene as an eye witness. Maybe there's more to it and then again, maybe not.
I am sure there are pictures somewhere they are just keeping all of that "secret" so Morgan can't be found".

LE seems certain that MH was in the arena. They keep saying that they are more interested in what happened after she left JPJ than what happened prior to that point in time. I believe that LE has pictures, but they don't want to release them because they are using the details of her clothing and appearance to determine if a witness really saw her or not.

I also believe that they have other sightings of MH beyond the bridge, but are only releasing information if two or more independent sightings occurred in a particular spot.

LE is obviously withholding a lot of information; I guess they have their reasons. I do find it interesting that LE's focus is on events after MH left the arena -- especially considering the factual inconsistencies existing prior to MH's exit from JPJ.

The whole going to the restroom and winding up outside the arena story is simply not credible. LE must know what happened inside the arena, they just don't want to tell us.
What first bothered me about the body that was found in SC, was the fact that she was described as the same height, white female, and slightly larger weight in her 20's. Now when they released the further description and the clothes I thought surely it couldn't be her, but only for one reason, the dark eyes. Because all of the rest could have been changed. It still bothers me that the girl hasn't been identified.

The other thing that really bugs me... when it was first reported I immediately looked on the map to see how far it was. The part that sent chills down my spine was that in order to get there they would have driven right thru Roanoke and Blacksburg. And then the fact that the town where she was found was less than 45 mins from Charlotte, where Metallica played the following night!

There's something about the girl that was found that still bothers me. The only thing that makes me believe it's not her is the eyes.

I cannot believe they have not found her yet!
LE seems certain that MH was in the arena. They keep saying that they are more interested in what happened after she left JPJ than what happened prior to that point in time. I believe that LE has pictures, but they don't want to release them because they are using the details of her clothing and appearance to determine if a witness really saw her or not.

I also believe that they have other sightings of MH beyond the bridge, but are only releasing information if two or more independent sightings occurred in a particular spot.

LE is obviously withholding a lot of information; I guess they have their reasons. I do find it interesting that LE's focus is on events after MH left the arena -- especially considering the factual inconsistencies existing prior to MH's exit from JPJ.

The whole going to the restroom and winding up outside the arena story is simply not credible. LE must know what happened inside the arena, they just don't want to tell us.

this is well put....and I totally agree.....I think I have mentioned that my father was a policeman and he has always said that the general public knows diddly squat about what they really know.......

I mean nothing has been mentioned about the guy in the car and also what was on the texts she sent to the other guy when she was outside!!!!!!!

I am sure these texts listed exactly why she was outside and what she was going to do.......and where was this guy actually from...

nah guys the police know way way more which is making it impossible for we nobodies to try and work this out......
The guys on the road crews are very much like nasty carnival people. Especially the ones who have been on the road for a long time with well established bands.

I used to work a lot of these type of concerts as a stagehand. The road crew is usually very small in number. The bulk of the workers are locals who are members of the IATSE union (theatrical workers). The road crew basically supervises a bunch of local stagehands who do most of the setting up.

Some of the road crew works during the concert as do a small portion of the local stagehands. But there are also the truck drivers who are part of the road crew and do nothing while the concert is going on. Metallica would probably have 5-10 trucks and a couple buses for their tour. The bulk of the local stagehands set up the concert during the day then return an hour before the end of the concert to get ready to tear it back down and load it back into the trucks. During that hour they loiter around the backstage area.

edit: The road crews can be nasty but not all are. By far the roughest crew I ever worked with was for Disney on Ice. They were horrible. But most of the music people weren't so bad and they all had more of the attitude of supervisors so they were always pretty stressed about making sure stuff got done not roaming around causing trouble. That's why I mentioned the truck drivers.
I was just kicking that idea around b/c of several things... each thing by itself didnt' really mean beans necessarily; but add them together and I well... hhmmm... like that. And yes, un-named mystery male got my attention too.

I already posted it and dont need to repeat, but she only called dad from JMU, not C'ville which was supposedly the final destination.

Has anyone LOOKED at JMU? dang it cant hurt to try every idea. You dont know til you try right?

Also, we haven't seen proof proof that she was there in C'ville have we?

Her dad bought the tickets. Maybe she wsan't a huge metallica fan, but a casual one. If SHE had bought the tickets.... oh IDK. I sound like a nutjob again.

The other hinky disturbing thing among many for me is that she (probably inadvertently) telgraphed her moves to... what...? 400 +plus strangers on FB (and probably more as in whoever could access that page where she said that she would be there) (with a gorgeous pic posted - see below) that she would be there, on that date, at that venue, in that town, for that concert... so IDK. BLARG - shoot me

This is the photo on the metallica concert-goers page where fans responded saying yes Im going and "wish I could go" (that's how I understood it)


That is her FB profile picture. One thing about it is that is not her room at her parents house, the walls are very different, so that is prob. her apartment. ;)
4- I've seen some comments about how police dismissed the injury to her chin. The articles quote as this “It was a minor injury,” says Virginia State Police spokesperson Corinne Geller. She explains that police chose initially not to release the detail because the injury was “consistent with what someone would suffer from slipping and falling, not with any kind of assault.”
Here's my issue with that. Granted eye witnesses may have told them it did not look as such, but how can they be so specific as to their conclusion that it was consistent with a fall rather than an assault if they did not see her. It's been mentioned several times that they've combed security tapes and not seen her in any of them. No pictures have surfaced of her that night before, during, or after the concert publicly, and it seems to be inferred at least that there are none. So tell me how they know so specifically without having seen her????

Respectfullly snipped

"There are several new developments in the case of the missing 20-year-old Virginia Tech student.
State police say Morgan Harrington may have a scratch on her face. However the mark is not from an assault but from an accident."
Hi guys...I know this does not relate to this case....but on our news here they just showed this sowell guy.........with the 6 bodies in his many sickos out there.....

For you who have been on this site for a while some of these girls may be the missing people you have discussed.....

It is all so so sad.........In Australia of course we dont have anywhere near the cases you have (considering australia prob has the population of L,A and New York combined only) however our cases have increased rapidly over the last couple of years.......I live in a town of 180 000 way up on the barrier reef and we are having a murder once every couple of weeks.....

The thing that has increased is the amount of child abuse....and kids murdered by their mothers partners or even their own parents......

anyhow lets hope there is good news on this case....
LE seems certain that MH was in the arena. They keep saying that they are more interested in what happened after she left JPJ than what happened prior to that point in time. I believe that LE has pictures, but they don't want to release them because they are using the details of her clothing and appearance to determine if a witness really saw her or not.

I also believe that they have other sightings of MH beyond the bridge, but are only releasing information if two or more independent sightings occurred in a particular spot.

LE is obviously withholding a lot of information; I guess they have their reasons. I do find it interesting that LE's focus is on events after MH left the arena -- especially considering the factual inconsistencies existing prior to MH's exit from JPJ.

The whole going to the restroom and winding up outside the arena story is simply not credible. LE must know what happened inside the arena, they just don't want to tell us.

great post, agree completely
What first bothered me about the body that was found in SC, was the fact that she was described as the same height, white female, and slightly larger weight in her 20's. Now when they released the further description and the clothes I thought surely it couldn't be her, but only for one reason, the dark eyes. Because all of the rest could have been changed. It still bothers me that the girl hasn't been identified.

The other thing that really bugs me... when it was first reported I immediately looked on the map to see how far it was. The part that sent chills down my spine was that in order to get there they would have driven right thru Roanoke and Blacksburg. And then the fact that the town where she was found was less than 45 mins from Charlotte, where Metallica played the following night!

There's something about the girl that was found that still bothers me. The only thing that makes me believe it's not her is the eyes.

I cannot believe they have not found her yet!
Good post...You never know the brown hair and brown eyes could be incorrect information.
I was just kicking that idea around b/c of several things... each thing by itself didnt' really mean beans necessarily; but add them together and I well... hhmmm... like that. And yes, un-named mystery male got my attention too.

I already posted it and dont need to repeat, but she only called dad from JMU, not C'ville which was supposedly the final destination.

Has anyone LOOKED at JMU? dang it cant hurt to try every idea. You dont know til you try right?

Also, we haven't seen proof proof that she was there in C'ville have we?

Her dad bought the tickets. Maybe she wsan't a huge metallica fan, but a casual one. If SHE had bought the tickets.... oh IDK. I sound like a nutjob again.

The other hinky disturbing thing among many for me is that she (probably inadvertently) telgraphed her moves to... what...? 400 +plus strangers on FB (and probably more as in whoever could access that page where she said that she would be there) (with a gorgeous pic posted - see below) that she would be there, on that date, at that venue, in that town, for that concert... so IDK. BLARG - shoot me

This is the photo on the metallica concert-goers page where fans responded saying yes Im going and "wish I could go" (that's how I understood it)


Morgan is gorgeous and her eyes and facial structure phenomenal.
Morgan is gorgeous and her eyes and facial structure phenomenal.

I have always wondered, in the back of my head, if any modeling agencies in New York, where her brother lives, might have seen her and offered her modeling work.

You are right..she is stunning.

I woke up the other morning and thought..that is where she New York modeling..and then I really woke up.

Every morning I am hopeing that a miracle occurs and Morgan is home safe and sound and this is all just a big misunderstanding. Sigh.......
Every morning I am hopeing that a miracle occurs and Morgan is home safe and sound and this is all just a big misunderstanding. Sigh.......

Me too...

It's not quite 50 degrees yet in C'ville and it's raining... Hoping she is somewhere warm, dry and most of all - safe.
I am here as well rather early this morning (for me, at least), checking to see if Morgan has been found yet. This case continues to mesmerize me.

Where are you, Morgan Harrington?
...The other thing that really bugs me [about the body that was found in SC]... when it was first reported I immediately looked on the map to see how far it was. The part that sent chills down my spine was that in order to get there they would have driven right thru Roanoke and Blacksburg. And then the fact that the town where she was found was less than 45 mins from Charlotte, where Metallica played the following night! ...

I cannot believe they have not found her yet! EDITED TO SAVE SPACE

I was certain this was Morgan. And while I thought Morgan would never wear such God-awful socks, the jeans and belt seemed very much like what she would wear, as well as the red shirt.

Charlottesville VA is approximately 250 miles (or 6 hours) from the SC border. You are absolutely correct that it would be a direct run through Roanoke and Blacksburg to get to the dump site. If the perp (whether a fan or a member of the road crew?) would be attending the Metallica concert in Charlotte NC the next day (as you say, 45 minutes away from the dump site), this would be a perfect place to dispose of the body.

I thought they had found MH for sure. It may still turn out to be her.

Where are you, Morgan Harrington?

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