Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #4

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They are not asking you to solve the case for them there asking people that have factual information to come forward and give it. In this situation it can actually hurt to give out too much information b/c it make it easy for crazies or people who are just remembering wrong to give false tips and it makes it harder for them to sift through the tons of calls they get and figure out which are legit or relevant. They are saying give us the information we will analyze it they are not saying we give you the information and you analyze it and get back to us. Rightly or wrongly that is the way the 'world works'.

It is possible that if they totally opened the case file to the public someone like you or I could solve it idk. I also have some concerns as to the handling of the case so far as it has seemed in the very least sloppy. But I think you are misunderstanding what they are asking for the public’s help with. They are asking for information that will allow them to solve the case they are not asking you to solve it.

They are releasing information that they think will help get people to call in tips about sightings possible POIs, and they are releasing any information that they think will not help with this. You or I can disagree with what information needs to be released to further this end (i.e. getting tips). But IMHO you can't expect them to release everything they have in hope that message board posters will solve the case, and (again IMHO) you have to understand what they are asking for. They don't want your analysis of the facts, what they want is anyone with additional facts, or possible facts, to come forward.

Actually they are giving...not much. They are doing...not much. They are searching...not much. Perhaps their plan is not working because we are into the third week and we have no more than when she went missing.

I think they would like us to solve the case but in order for John Q Public to help..we gotta have "something". Just my humble opinion.
I agree - that is the perception I have.

I don't believe the parents had anything to do with this either.

If they felt the need to keep an eye on their child, then so be it. Their relationship with MH does seem to be odd though - especially in the snippet of the article I posted the other day in regard to DH referring to MH as a person and not as his daughter.

ITA with everyone who finds this "battery thing" odd. Whatever the reason...if she supposedly took it out of her phone on a regular basis and Dad KNEW....why wouldn't he say to her that was unacceptable?? Kinda stupid when "pings" are so important these days and I tell EVERYONE to always keep their phone turned on for just that reason - if something should happen to them. If it kept falling out, why wouldn't they insist on getting her a new one??? It's like if someone's attacked, they have to say to the attacker "just wait a sec, gotta get my battery in my phone so I can call for help".
I've noticed a downward trend in participation on all boards: here, FB, FindMorgan, etc.

If they have more information, they can stop people from forgetting about this case. They have the ability. I think they should release more information if only as a way to maintain interest in the case. If they don't give anyone anything else then there is nothing to report on NG, Headline News, etc. and the coverage stops. I would think it's better to release something and keep her face out there for as long as possible, not very many cases get even this much attention and once the public has lost interest she becomes just another anonymous statistic. So sad but we see it happen over and over again.
Also, the information about the H's hiring a strategic communications specialist -- posted by honeybun -- is interesting! Remains to be seen how the family's approach to the situation will change, if indeed it does.

Just a question. Sorry I don't haven't figured out how to quote yet and I am new at this websleuthing stuff. Are they doing this, because they don't like the way the media is portraying them or are they unhappy with the way the police are handling the case?

I would assume its because they are dealing with a ton of stress and grief/fear I think there is only so long one can keep up with this before they hit the wall so to speak. It seems like if you have the means then this would be a good idea I find it amazing they have kept up as well as they have thus far. Also as difficult as it seems even when you are the victim of a tragidy like this there comes a time when life must go on and they may be doing this in preperation for when that day come. I think this is especially true when in a situation that is open ended like this (it could be resolve tomorrow or it never could be resolved). This is all just my speculation I don't have any information on this at all.

"Many have speculated about a battery that was missing from the cell phone," said Virginia State Lt. Joe Radar. "Based on interviews we have conducted, it would not be unusual for this particular incident that the battery would drop out of the cell phone."

if the battery fell out of my phone all the time I would duct tape it on or buy another back off of ebay.
They are not asking you to solve the case for them there asking people that have factual information to come forward and give it. In this situation it can actually hurt to give out too much information b/c it make it easy for crazies or people who are just remembering wrong to give false tips and it makes it harder for them to sift through the tons of calls they get and figure out which are legit or relevant. They are saying give us the information we will analyze it they are not saying we give you the information and you analyze it and get back to us. Rightly or wrongly that is the way the 'world works'.

It is possible that if they totally opened the case file to the public someone like you or I could solve it idk. I also have some concerns as to the handling of the case so far as it has seemed in the very least sloppy. But I think you are misunderstanding what they are asking for the public’s help with. They are asking for information that will allow them to solve the case they are not asking you to solve it.

They are releasing information that they think will help get people to call in tips about sightings possible POIs, and they are releasing any information that they think will not help with this. You or I can disagree with what information needs to be released to further this end (i.e. getting tips). But IMHO you can't expect them to release everything they have in hope that message board posters will solve the case, and (again IMHO) you have to understand what they are asking for. They don't want your analysis of the facts, what they want is anyone with additional facts, or possible facts, to come forward.

You know what, though?? A lot more people(LE) come on these sights for just that get different perspectives and ideas as to what they haven't thought about (for example, YM from the Anthony case). Although some of our theories and hypothetical situations might seem a bit far fetched...they're ALL possibilities, IMO. Often times people closest to an investigation with all the info don't always think "out of the box", so to speak....some answers ARE sometimes found in those off the wall "what if's"...all IMO.
I just ran across this on the HFMDH facebook page:

Here's an article I just read about another psychic's case you havent seen in yet...
She also mentions that Morgan's location starts with a G and also th...e letter B is important. She also says 2 men are involved. One of them has the initials A. and P. and is in his late 20s; the other is in his middle 30s. the man with the initials A.P. may be a landscaper. There may be a gas station attendant involved. She believes the case will be solved this week! I pray she is right and that Morgan comes home safe!

Any thoughts? If I were her parents I would be grasping at any help now.
if the battery fell out of my phone all the time I would duct tape it on or buy another back off of ebay.

I agree - and these are not people who are just scraping by and cannot afford a new battery for a phone - or new phone for that matter.

If a battery is loose phone reception is going to be crappy or no phone reception at all - automatic dropped calls and everything...

So I can't imagine MH having a half a$$ed phone to use...

Whether the cop said it or the Dad said it - common for the battery to fall out... I still think there's something to the battery being missing completely (or is it still missing?)
I would assume its because they are dealing with a ton of stress and grief/fear I think there is only so long one can keep up with this before they hit the wall so to speak. It seems like if you have the means then this would be a good idea I find it amazing they have kept up as well as they have thus far. Also as difficult as it seems even when you are the victim of a tragidy like this there comes a time when life must go on and they may be doing this in preperation for when that day come. I think this is especially true when in a situation that is open ended like this (it could be resolve tomorrow or it never could be resolved). This is all just my speculation I don't have any information on this at all.

Sorry to be back and forth with you this afternoon but...back to Beth Holloway that woman went to the end of the earth for her daughter Natalie.

Beth had her name, face and story on every single tv station and chanel and it continued for over a year. She stayed down in the islands for longer than I ever thought she would. She looked like a dead woman walking but she stayed the course..she never gave up.

Wasn't it in the first couple of interviews that they weren't sitting the table for the holidays to include Morgan.

You never give up on your fight with every breath in your body.

Personally I think they need some media help. She in full makeup and even hair extensions and dressed to the nines..wth!

If somebody is coming to their rescue I sure hope they come news, no searches, no dogs being brought in, no Texas Equasearch, the ship is sinking.
The battery issue I could kind of understand. I have a bad tendency of dropping my phone all the time and my battery is always flying out when it happens. So maybe if someone grabbed her, the phone could of fallen and the battery game out and got lost. Just thinking out loud.
I think two clues have the most importance:

- She thought she could get a ride back to Tech, JMU or Roanoke from someone in Charlottesville. We don't know if she meant someone at the concert or not.

- She was last seen on the bridge.

The two might be related or they might not be. If they aren't she could have walked over the bridge to buy cigarettes at the 7-11 or to get some cash at the ATM to try and buy another ticket. Are we sure if she was alone or not on the bridge? I got that impression just by the fact she was not mentioned walking with anyone. She might have walked around Virginia Tech all the time at night and thought nothing of taking off on foot on the UVA campus. On the other hand she might have been intoxicated and not really thought about what she was doing.

The two clues could be related if she walked over the bridge in order to get to the residence of whomever she knew in Charlottesville. There looks to be an apartment complex right over the bridge on the east side. There is also a residential neighborhood across Ivy Road. Of course the person she expected to get a ride with could have been located at the Metallica concert, in the parking lot or inside the arena. She may have simply been walking to the 7-11 to buy cigarettes or get a bite to eat and was expecting to walk back and meet her ride home outside the arena.

The other clue is obviously the purse and phone. I think that's probably a case of her being so intoxicated she dropped it without realizing it or the attacker took it back to the lot for some reason (maybe he went back to party with friends and left it because he didn't want evidence in his car) or a third party found it somewhere and dropped it there after he took any cash from it or found it didn't contain cash.
I just ran across this on the HFMDH facebook page:

Here's an article I just read about another psychic's case you havent seen in yet...
She also mentions that Morgan's location starts with a G and also th...e letter B is important. She also says 2 men are involved. One of them has the initials A. and P. and is in his late 20s; the other is in his middle 30s. the man with the initials A.P. may be a landscaper. There may be a gas station attendant involved. She believes the case will be solved this week! I pray she is right and that Morgan comes home safe!

Any thoughts? If I were her parents I would be grasping at any help now.

Well my thought would be the same as yours..they surely do need help. So far no breakthroughs in any of the top cases that I know of in regards to phycics. Caylee? Natalie? Haleigh? Madeline?

I still can't figure out why huge search parties aren't being organized by the police. This is a college town and area and I would think with proper supervision those young folks would be pitching in big time.

This case and the way information is not being given baffles me.
Wasn't it in the first couple of interviews that they weren't sitting the table for the holidays to include Morgan.

You never give up on your fight with every breath in your body.

Personally I think they need some media help. She in full makeup and even hair extensions and dressed to the nines..wth!


Brittanee Drexel's Mom stated within the first few days after BD went missing that she thought her daughter was gone.

I think most parents have some kind of gut instinct where their children are concerned.

The dressing up as you believe the Mom has done - BD's Mom has been the same. She was dogged in the beginning because she looked like then she began to present herself in her usual dress...and she's dogged because she doesn't look like ... It's a no-win situation.

I think though that in any scenario you would not see a hair out of place on GH - because this is the way she always presents herself...she's of that generation where appearances are everything.
As I posted days before (sorry for my worse english)

I don't believe she took the wrong way outside to smoke. And i do not believe she has been kicked out of the venue, because of some behaviour. We do not know what person she met inside the concert. The friends did not, too. They were not with her in that time. Someone she knows from internet Myspace, Facebook? A guy knew the routine from working the venue. Noone knows wich way she has choosen to go outside. Maybe a person the parents and friends do not know about? We all do not know. This whole thing started inside the venue because why would she left the venue before Metallica hit the stage? She had her tickets for months. There is no reason to go outside with a no re-entry policy. Maybe she met the wrong person on the way to the bathroom. It's the only reason to leave the venue so early.

I ask my self thousand of times & this question stays always in my mind.

Morgan, Why you leave this venue so early?

Is there any person, a guy knew the routine from working the venue? The person is not unknown in the arena and is entering another door as the main entrance. Because he is known from his earlier work. Those other working people (security / door guys) knowing him very well and are thinking he is "here" to work. So there will be no control for him to enter. That makes it possible to go inside when ever he wants. With ticket/pass or without! Routine thing for him and the others! This Dude came in the arena that night, but not for the work! Knows, Morgan is attend to this Metallica concert, because of FB, texting etc. We read about texting with a young gentlemen about the concert! The Harrington's have confirmed it. What we not know, is about what.

We also heard that this place was full of people "alot of pushing through" and the public can lose the overview.

Maybe Morgan went out through a door, it's only possible entering with him to (talk/ drink/ smoke)?
Always possible to re-enter for him and not for her! Explains why she was outside and could not re-enter.

I've been to 12 Metallica shows here in Europe. The entrance was at 6:00 PM between 7:00 PM. Metallica started with the show between 9:00 PM & some of them at 9:15 PM. The show they normally goe to play is 2 hours 15 minutes.
As i can see is, they have the same time schedule or timetable in the U.S.

This indicates to me, that Morgan was still trying to get back into the arena between 8:20 to 9:00 Pm (40 minutes!)

For me it seems, looking at the timeline given by the State Police, you see Morgan walking away from the arena at 9:00 - 9:10 PM. (maybe given up, relized there was no chance to get in, in any way!)

8:20 - 8:48 PM: Someone matching Morgan Harrington's description was seen outside John Paul Jones Arena parking lot by the ticket office and on the University Hall side.
8:48 PM: Morgan calls a friend inside the arena, discusses trying to get back in. Tells her friend that she will get a ride home from friends around Charlottesville.
8:48 - 9:00 PM: Morgan is still spotted outside the arena. Police say they have no indication she re-entered the building.
9:00 - 9:10 PM: Someone matching Morgan's description was seen walking through the University Hall parking lot. Nobody saw her with someone, but there were other people walking in the same direction.

9:10 - 9:20 PM: Someone matching Morgan's description was seen in the Lannigan Field parking area near the track. This parking lot is used for overflow parking for arena events. The person matching Morgan's description had limited interaction with people who were at the parking area.
9:20 PM: The people who witnesses the person matching Morgan's description left the area.
9:20 - 9:30 PM: The person matching Morgan's description was seen on the Copeley Road Bridge near Ivy Road. The last spotting of Morgan Harrington was at 9:30 PM near the intersection of Copeley Rd. and Ivy Rd.

For me, it looks like to take the victim out of public.
They are not asking you to solve the case for them there asking people that have factual information to come forward and give it. In this situation it can actually hurt to give out too much information b/c it make it easy for crazies or people who are just remembering wrong to give false tips and it makes it harder for them to sift through the tons of calls they get and figure out which are legit or relevant. They are saying give us the information we will analyze it they are not saying we give you the information and you analyze it and get back to us. Rightly or wrongly that is the way the 'world works'.

It is possible that if they totally opened the case file to the public someone like you or I could solve it idk. I also have some concerns as to the handling of the case so far as it has seemed in the very least sloppy. But I think you are misunderstanding what they are asking for the public’s help with. They are asking for information that will allow them to solve the case they are not asking you to solve it.

They are releasing information that they think will help get people to call in tips about sightings possible POIs, and they are releasing any information that they think will not help with this. You or I can disagree with what information needs to be released to further this end (i.e. getting tips). But IMHO you can't expect them to release everything they have in hope that message board posters will solve the case, and (again IMHO) you have to understand what they are asking for. They don't want your analysis of the facts, what they want is anyone with additional facts, or possible facts, to come forward.

True, investigators can't belch up anywhere near all of what they know; it's not good investigative technique from a number of perspectives. Given that LE has:
  1. Forgone clarification of the type of car she rode in to the concert (her black Honda or the larger silver car at JPJ with LE cars in the background pictured early on).
  2. Been mum regarding an exact description as to clothing (jacket or not)
  3. Been late to mention that she'd been cut , depriving potential witnesses of timely memory cues.
  4. Failed to maintain a high level of exposure for the case
asking for public help seems disingenuous. They have given so little and late information that potential witnesses may have forgotten or lost interest. It is impossible for potential witnesses to know what are relevant facts without some inherent analysis framework as to why certain pieces of information are indeed facts of interest in the case. To provide a framework of informational relevance witnesses need coherent cues. I see your points and agree; however in this case LE is running on the lean side of giving out information and it's not presently working out well.

Also, seems LE might welcome some anaysis two and a half weeks on without cracking the case.:wink:

I don't want to sound horrible, because we could never, EVER grasp what her parents are going through. I have a 15 year old daughter and If she was missing my rear end would be in Charlottesville pounding the pavement looking for her. I would be staying on LE to do more, getting in search parties, psychics, ANYTHING! LE may be telling them to let LE handle the investigation.
I want to think outloud about the phone issue..
If her battery dropped out the phone, the battery wasn't found.
Yet her phone was phone, was the back of the phone still on it?
Was it the type of phone that has a removeable back to put the battery in or take it out?
If it was, was the phone found with that removeable back part?
If so, i would think it would imply that someone took the battery out and then put the back back on the phone...?
I think two clues have the most importance:

- She thought she could get a ride back to Tech, JMU or Roanoke from someone in Charlottesville. We don't know if she meant someone at the concert or not.

- She was last seen on the bridge.

The two might be related or they might not be. If they aren't she could have walked over the bridge to buy cigarettes at the 7-11 or to get some cash at the ATM to try and buy another ticket. Are we sure if she was alone or not on the bridge? I got that impression just by the fact she was not mentioned walking with anyone. She might have walked around Virginia Tech all the time at night and thought nothing of taking off on foot on the UVA campus. On the other hand she might have been intoxicated and not really thought about what she was doing.

The two clues could be related if she walked over the bridge in order to get to the residence of whomever she knew in Charlottesville. There looks to be an apartment complex right over the bridge on the east side. There is also a residential neighborhood across Ivy Road. Of course the person she expected to get a ride with could have been located at the Metallica concert, in the parking lot or inside the arena. She may have simply been walking to the 7-11 to buy cigarettes or get a bite to eat and was expecting to walk back and meet her ride home outside the arena.

The other clue is obviously the purse and phone. I think that's probably a case of her being so intoxicated she dropped it without realizing it or the attacker took it back to the lot for some reason (maybe he went back to party with friends and left it because he didn't want evidence in his car) or a third party found it somewhere and dropped it there after he took any cash from it or found it didn't contain cash.

Regarding the ATM..NG asked Morgan's father when he was on the show if there was any cash withdrawn since Morgan went missing and he would not answer. Does anyone remember that? Wonder why he completely ignored that question..And regarding the battery and the cell phone. Back before cell phones (Yes, I'm ancient) My dad was VERY controlling. He used to check the mileage on the car before I went anywhere to make sure I went where I said I was going. I learned how to disconnect the odometer cable so he wouldnt find out I went 100 miles instead of 10. Maybe Morgan did take out the battery so Daddy couldnt track her.
I just ran across this on the HFMDH facebook page:

Here's an article I just read about another psychic's case you havent seen in yet...
She also mentions that Morgan's location starts with a G and also th...e letter B is important. She also says 2 men are involved. One of them has the initials A. and P. and is in his late 20s; the other is in his middle 30s. the man with the initials A.P. may be a landscaper. There may be a gas station attendant involved. She believes the case will be solved this week! I pray she is right and that Morgan comes home safe!

Any thoughts? If I were her parents I would be grasping at any help now.

We are all grasping at straws now, because of the lack of information. If I were her parents, I would be taking any help offered.

I have another theory, that I don't think has been mentioned. What if this was a ransom kidnapping? I know the Harringtons aren't super wealthy, but I cannot imagine that they are hurting for money. On the other hand, there has been no contact from the "kidnappers". Plus she was abducted about 30 minutes from her home.

Idk... i'm just trying for any sort of answer at this point. I'm frustrated as you all are.
Regarding the ATM..NG asked Morgan's father when he was on the show if there was any cash withdrawn since Morgan went missing and he would not answer. Does anyone remember that? Wonder why he completely ignored that question..And regarding the battery and the cell phone. Back before cell phones (Yes, I'm ancient) My dad was VERY controlling. He used to check the mileage on the car before I went anywhere to make sure I went where I said I was going. I learned how to disconnect the odometer cable so he wouldnt find out I went 100 miles instead of 10. Maybe Morgan did take out the battery so Daddy couldnt track her.

lol to that last part!

Strange he was quiet on that -what does that say - this whole thing-the way EVERYONE is behaving is just odd odd odd
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