Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #5

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I wonder why they say she is injured? I thought it was confirmed that the cut/bruise on her face happened at home or prior to the concert?

"But before the November 4 press conference announcing that the public would be invited to join the search, new information suggests that the injured 20-year-old Virginia Tech student’s efforts to regain entry to the John Paul Jones Arena after she somehow ended up outside during an October 17 Metallica concert were more intense than previously reported."

Okay so now the facial cut is confirmed by LE to have happened at the concert..

Would she have went to the 7-11 to use the ATM to get another ticket?
She intensely tried to get back in, i wonder if she was getting bad vibes from someone eyeing her outside.

It seems odd that if she was intensely trying to get back in, why she didn't try to call her friends inside the arena more times..?

Hi MeoW333, I never saw anywhere that the injury came from before. The whole time it was from the fall that two sets of witnesses saw...
So multiple witnesses to her being on bridge. In this case it's really surprising no one saw her get into a car... I'm surprised none of the boards on MH have heard from any of these people. It would be interesting to know in what state she seemed. I'm so puzzled about the purse still. And I so want to know what the limited interaction with people in the RV lot was -did she look like she was waiting, was she alone, chatting to people, did she look distressed...We haven't heard from any of those sightings either.
It's very possible a scenario, meeting someone off the internet. Someone also could have been stalking her either from the internet or random. A lot of kids add a ton of people to their myspaces to "friend collect" most of them they don't know. If she had wrote she was going to a concert on either myspace or facebook, a lot of people on her friends list would have been privy to that info.

I thought she went outside to smoke a cig and then couldn't get back in?
I don't know why she didn't just smoke a cig inside somewhere. When i was in HS if i went to a concert, we would smoke inside anyway. There were so many people packed in, it would hardly be noticed.

There is apparently a smoking area in JPJ arena, which has always made this explanation for her exit much more puzzling to me. If she left the arena of her own accord, before Metallica began to play, either it was a major mistake (not understanding or believing JPJ's no-reentry policy) or to "bag" the concert for some reason (a possible meet-up). But if it was a planned meet-up, why are there reports that she tried to get back in (unless to maintain the ruse for parents, LE, and possibly friends inside)?

As for Myspace or FB pseudo-friends/stalkers, since her profile is set to private, there's no way for us to know if she posted a status update about Metallica or added friends recently. I hope LE and/or her family has looked into this to the extent they can.

"Twenty-year-old Morgan Dana Harrington was last seen on a bridge that crosses railroad tracks after she became separated from her friends at a Metallica concert Oct. 17."

If i had a friend who was stuck outside a concert alone i would go outside or do whatever to get her back in. Those venues are huge, it's not safe. Maybe her friends were to wasted..?

Does anyone know where this bridge that crosses the railroad tracks looks like?

There are pictures posted on previous threads such as those taken by Secret Agent Mom. I'll have a quick look now.
In meantime have a look at a couple of pics taken at night in the "photos" section of the HFMDH FB site
Here's a question I haven't seen asked yet.

Who tells her friends she's going to look for a ride without mentioning the names of the people she's going to ask?

Somebody on Facebook suggested that the LE -- and her friends and family -- know who she got a ride from. I think that theory explains pretty much every puzzling point debated over in these threads, from the conflicting information that was released about the car, to why her friends let her leave, to why she did leave instead of hanging around in her car, to why they haven't been looking at surveillance video, or doing extensive searches, to why her friends aren't talking. If this is the case, it makes sense still that what the LE want is an eyewitness who can place the known suspect, or his/her car, at the scene.

Where this theory confuses me is, in a case like this, don't they have the right to just go check out someone anyway? Or do they not know where he is, or do they fear for her safety if they release his ID? (Which would be great, in a perverse way, because that suggests they think she's still OK.) But if this theory is correct, seriously, how much longer can they try this approach? If somebody has slapped the theory up on Facebook, it's certainly not a secret anymore!

ETA: Actually, on extended thought, this theory would still not explain why they were so slow to look at the surveillance video. :(

And edited once again to add: Although this theory could support the idea that she left, at least first, with the idea of running off for the night? A secret date gone bad?
There is apparently a smoking area in JPJ arena, which has always made this explanation for her exit much more puzzling to me. If she left the arena of her own accord, before Metallica began to play, either it was a major mistake (not understanding or believing JPJ's no-reentry policy) or to "bag" the concert for some reason (a possible meet-up). But if it was a planned meet-up, why are there reports that she tried to get back in (unless to maintain the ruse for parents, LE, and possibly friends inside)?

As for Myspace or FB pseudo-friends/stalkers, since her profile is set to private, there's no way for us to know if she posted a status update about Metallica or added friends recently. I hope LE and/or her family has looked into this to the extent they can.

She posted on the FB I Like application that she was going to the concert-it is still visible. Also on a Metallica one I believe but I don't have the link to that-can someone help here?
Sleuthers have looked into posts she has posted on other people's myspace and FB that were not set to private and made some deductions from that.
Here's a question I haven't seen asked yet.

Who tells her friends she's going to look for a ride without mentioning the names of the people she's going to ask?

Somebody on Facebook suggested that the LE -- and her friends and family -- know who she got a ride from. I think that theory explains pretty much every puzzling point debated over in these threads, from the conflicting information that was released about the car, to why her friends let her leave, to why she did leave instead of hanging around in her car, to why they haven't been looking at surveillance video, or doing extensive searches, to why her friends aren't talking. If this is the case, it makes sense still that what the LE want is an eyewitness who can place the known suspect, or his/her car, at the scene.

Where this theory confuses me is, in a case like this, don't they have the right to just go check out someone anyway? Or do they not know where he is, or do they fear for her safety if they release his ID? (Which would be great, in a perverse way, because that suggests they think she's still OK.) But if this theory is correct, seriously, how much longer can they try this approach? If somebody has slapped the theory up on Facebook, it's certainly not a secret anymore!

ETA: Actually, on extended thought, this theory would still not explain why they were so slow to look at the surveillance video. :(

And edited once again to add: Although this theory could support the idea that she left, at least first, with the idea of running off for the night? A secret date gone bad?

No one has named names yet in public, just in private messaging.

I've noticed the wording different according to source. I have heard "she is getting a ride with some friends" and "she will try to find her own way home" -these two are definitely not the same thing so I do wonder which one is actually correct...If my friend has said the latter to me I would say no way, but the former-that's another story.
I just checked the FMDH FB page and was startled to see a post made less than 10 minute ago by a local indicating the Comfort Inn that had been searched before in relation to this case (or was it the Budget Inn?) is surrounded by police cars. The poster also mentioned having seen state police vehicles, unmarked cop cars, and UVA police vehicles heading out from near the state police HQ.
Hi CindyS, I was looking at that too. Didn't they realise last time that it was another girl and not her so they dropped it? There was a story about a vehicle and scent the dogs were onto...If they were wrong, woah!
Waddles, I don't understand what you mean by naming names?
Hi Everyone!

I posted her Missing Person's Poster all over Arlington, VA today! Most places were realy nice and put them right up...The Hair Cuttery and Barnes and Noble are on my you-know-what list!

Most of the bars/live music clubs put the poster right on the front maybe someone who was at the concert will see it and remember something!!!
Wait, is it ok to name the places who refused? If not, please tell me and I will remove
Waddles, I don't understand what you mean by naming names?

Hi Lindsaym-it was in ref to this: "If somebody has slapped the theory up on Facebook, it's certainly not a secret anymore!"

The theory has been slapped up, true, but not using actual names of possible perps ...
Hi Lindsaym-it was in ref to this: "If somebody has slapped the theory up on Facebook, it's certainly not a secret anymore!"

The theory has been slapped up, true, but not using actual names of possible perps ...

OH, I see. Okay.

Now I'm just caught up hoping that this Comfort Inn development reported on FB bodes a fantastic happy ending for Morgan and her family.
OH, I see. Okay.

Now I'm just caught up hoping that this Comfort Inn development reported on FB bodes a fantastic happy ending for Morgan and her family.

Sorry I was so vague before, I was posting hastily. It was a very good post and I think you're right on all points and it would explain everything.

Fingers crossed too for comfort inn
Unfortunately here in England I have not been able to see this press conference. Only yesterday we had a press conference by the parents of Madeleine McCann and I was heartbroken to see the pain that they are still enduring after 2 and a half years, her Mum looked absolutely exhausted, and her Dad too. it must be unbearable. My heart and prayers go out to Morgan's parents and brother, they must be going through hell.

Let's hope that Morgan's parents will have a happy outcome, I pray for this every day.

Is it true that they have sightings of her on the other side of the bridge? If so this could open up a lot more scenarios. Was she trying to hitch-hike? Did she go to one of the shops/foodies/atms across the bridge. I hope they have looked at all the cctv cameras.

I've had a look on google earth street view and Copely Rd Bridge looks dark and long, but I hope that during a concert at the arena it was well lit and lots of people on it .

It shocks me that LE has not interviewed all the staff who were working at the arena, each and everyone of them, whether or not they had a view of the car park, someone has got to have seen her and maybe has useful information. Someone has GOT to have seen something.

I know it's been said before but I think her friends are not telling everything. When I was young (a long time ago) we went to a lot of concerts. When one of us had to pee another would go with us, if not they would 'time' me and if I was not back in that 'time' they would come looking for me.

I pray that Morgan will be found safe and well.
I agree with you completely. I would expect her to give a great discount to the Harringtons, simply as a way of contributing to the community as a whole and specifically to her neighbors.

I checked Google Earth--the distance between Free Union and Charlottesville is 11.6 miles. Hardly a matter of incurring the cost of plane tickets, hotel rooms, food, etc. It will take her 15 minutes to get to Charlottesville.


OK! JMO...but that is absurd! I have been suspecting that Free Union would be a place a perp might have "hidden her"...JMO, Free Union is very rural, houses wayyy off the locale for secret hiding places. Who is this person charging a fee to drive 11 miles?!

Just a though but what if this person is close to the perp and is trying to get involved to throw off the investigation. Just an idea and only my opinion.
I am new to sleuthing...can't find any info on the Comfort Inn. I thought that place was searched a week or 2 ago...

what's the new news???
I am new to sleuthing...can't find any info on the Comfort Inn. I thought that place was searched a week or 2 ago...

what's the new news???

It was! no news yet. This is a link for info about the first search:

"However, after fingerprinting a blue truck in the motel parking lot and having bloodhounds search the surrounding areas, police say the sighting was a "false alarm."
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