Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #5

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So....she did have an injury. Tried to get back in at more than 1 gate...and none of the security people tried to help her? Find out what happened? No first aid station at the concert? Her "friends" never left their seats to try and help her? Afterwards, drove HER car home without her and what?? Went to bed?? With friends like this, Morgan didn't need enemies!! :furious:

And her parents defend these "friends"? "Friends" who wouldn't even get off their pampered hineys and give Morgan her keys so she would have someplace safe to wait?? Didn't go to the gate to check on her? Try and help her get back in?? :banghead:

And now?? Oh, that's right...Morgans mom says these girls are missing Morgan but need to go to class and get on with their lives....alrighty then! Missing "friends" can be such a bother. spit

There is something seriously wrong with the friends story.
When there's a crisis like your best friend missing they can take off a semester or quarter at college to help look for her.
I sense deception from the friend's story.
They were the last known people to see her alive and there stories aren't similar. Something is seriously wrong.
No public plea for her safe return?
wow- just speechless.
I just get a bad feeling about this case due to this.
Several times I have read people saying Morgan was intoxicated or Morgan took drugs. I have to be the one to speak up in her defense. Since we have heard nothing from her friends or family about this how can we even begin to accuse her of drinking or drug use?

What if she was one of those girls that just didn't??? I just can't put my head in a place where Morgan was drunk and stumbline around parking lots and over bridges. Nobody anywhere has ever told us..yes Morgan drank or yes Morgan was into drugs. We did see one picture of her with a cigarette in her hand but who knows about that.

I would like to think we will find Morgan but if we don't I am going to think that through no fault of hers...she is missing.
So....she did have an injury. Tried to get back in at more than 1 gate...and none of the security people tried to help her? Find out what happened? No first aid station at the concert? Her "friends" never left their seats to try and help her? Afterwards, drove HER car home without her and what?? Went to bed?? With friends like this, Morgan didn't need enemies!! :furious:

And her parents defend these "friends"? "Friends" who wouldn't even get off their pampered hineys and give Morgan her keys so she would have someplace safe to wait?? Didn't go to the gate to check on her? Try and help her get back in?? :banghead:

And now?? Oh, that's right...Morgans mom says these girls are missing Morgan but need to go to class and get on with their lives....alrighty then! Missing "friends" can be such a bother. spit

this is one perfectly acceptable way to look at it and is entirely possible. But at least in my personal opinion it is not the only way to look at it. Its been reported LE says friends are cooperating fully so isn't it also possible that LE for what ever reason isn't releasing their whole story and if they did maybe it would make sense? Also as surprisingly I have meet people who were friends with someone who's dads were doctors who were not pampered (I've also meet some who were pampered). So we don't know if their hineys were pampered they could be quite rough and rugged hiney's we don't really know. They did go back to class at state technical college and not Harvard so it is possible they are not pampered. Should they drop out of school and do nothing at all till Morgan is found even though that maybe never? No one said they are going back to class and therefore have stopped being helpful at all. Maybe they have but then again maybe they haven't. Maybe they feel (rightly or wrongly) that the best thing they can do is to do what LE is telling them and they are telling them to not say anything to anyone so that is what the friends are doing?

Again (and I mean this 100% genuinely) they way you have laid it out could be dead on. But based on the fact the LE and the family are still supporting the friend the opinion I have is that their behavior would make sense or at least a lot more sense if you have the whole story. I maybe totally wrong but I think this is no less likely than your scenario.

I feel like you are interrupting her injury to be so serious that it would have been obvious to her and everyone else that she needed first aid. This maybe the case but all the information we have been given suggest that the injury was not this serious. If I was at a concert and had a minor injury then I wouldn't want to go to a first aid station. It might have been at that point the only help she wanted was help getting back in and this is help the security could not give her at risk of losing their job. It's not like she was walking around with a gun shot wound or a missing limb.
Several times I have read people saying Morgan was intoxicated or Morgan took drugs. I have to be the one to speak up in her defense. Since we have heard nothing from her friends or family about this how can we even begin to accuse her of drinking or drug use?

What if she was one of those girls that just didn't??? I just can't put my head in a place where Morgan was drunk and stumbline around parking lots and over bridges. Nobody anywhere has ever told us..yes Morgan drank or yes Morgan was into drugs. We did see one picture of her with a cigarette in her hand but who knows about that.

I agree :woohoo:. I think it is because we don't have much to go on so as has been stated the situation with the information we have does not make a lot of sense. So I think people are thinking being intoxicated is one reason for someone to do things that don't make sense. I think this is a possible explanation, but I agree with you people have taken this and run with it and now seem to regard it as fact which it is not. She surely doesn’t seem like a junkie to me even if she had a few beers ever now and then or smoke weed some times.

I particularly agree with this:

I would like to think we will find Morgan but if we don't I am going to think that through no fault of hers...she is missing.

There has been no evidence that she was for sure intoxicated, but really even if she was drunk thousands of college kids everyday get drunk at concerts and they don't go missing. If she was victim of a crime its not her fault even if she was drunk. It's not like she was hanging out in a crack house or joined a gang or something.
Several times I have read people saying Morgan was intoxicated or Morgan took drugs. I have to be the one to speak up in her defense. Since we have heard nothing from her friends or family about this how can we even begin to accuse her of drinking or drug use?

What if she was one of those girls that just didn't??? I just can't put my head in a place where Morgan was drunk and stumbline around parking lots and over bridges. Nobody anywhere has ever told us..yes Morgan drank or yes Morgan was into drugs. We did see one picture of her with a cigarette in her hand but who knows about that.

I would like to think we will find Morgan but if we don't I am going to think that through no fault of hers...she is missing.

I bolded that last part, because that's the most important. If something DID happen to Morgan, she was in no way responsible for it...under the influence or not.

I have a high school FB "friend" (were in many high school classes together, but never were very close) who is pretty good friends with Morgan at VTech. After looking through several FB albums in which the two are tagged together, I can verify that she parties and drinks with her friends, although in the vast majority of the pictures - even ones with her friends holding drinks - she is actually not holding a drink. I'm not saying ANYTHING about her character. I'm a college student, too. The reality is...a lot of college students drink. So we can't rule that out, and it might have hindered her ability to react to an attacker/make a judgment about a potentially dangerous person.
But on the other hand, there has been no evidence that she was drinking THAT NIGHT. Even if she was, this would not change that if she is missing, and not a runaway, she isn't at fault.
I bolded that last part, because that's the most important. If something DID happen to Morgan, she was in no way responsible for it...under the influence or not.

I have a high school FB "friend" (were in many high school classes together, but never were very close) who is pretty good friends with Morgan at VTech. After looking through several FB albums in which the two are tagged together, I can verify that she parties and drinks with her friends, although in the vast majority of the pictures - even ones with her friends holding drinks - she is actually not holding a drink. I'm not saying ANYTHING about her character. I'm a college student, too. The reality is...a lot of college students drink. So we can't rule that out, and it might have hindered her ability to react to an attacker/make a judgment about a potentially dangerous person.
But on the other hand, there has been no evidence that she was drinking THAT NIGHT. Even if she was, this would not change that if she is missing, and not a runaway, she isn't at fault.

Hummm. Well that makes you an inside source. That being said and without giving up any confidences you might have promised not to disclose. What is the mood of her friends. Are they hopeful or just waiting for the bad news?

It seems to me that "friends" pretty much have a good feel for the outcome of most situations.
Is there a link to a video of Morgans parents press conference today with Mr. Smart? I thought NG might have something but only that morbid and getting worse story coming out of Cleveland. Wow. I can't even go there or watch or think about that one. Anyway back to my question. Link anybody?
In these cases it seems slow for such news to come out to US, but we have to remember it is not just "notify the parents", even if this is a true report. They in turn need time to notify aunts, uncles, grandparents, close friends etc. and reaching a lot of people who need to know before such an announcement hits the media can take time. Each of those people would need to talk a bit with the family for all of their own peace of mind, comfort and support. It is a time consuming process, and depending on how large of an extended family exists, it could take hours.


Are you reffering to cases of deaths? A lot of the time the public finds out quick, sometimes the families find out from the news as there are leaks to the media of info.
Hummm. Well that makes you an inside source. That being said and without giving up any confidences you might have promised not to disclose. What is the mood of her friends. Are they hopeful or just waiting for the bad news?

It seems to me that "friends" pretty much have a good feel for the outcome of most situations.

Well, the girl I know wasn't one of the friends that went to the concert, and she wasn't one of "the nine," because she went to a high school in NY, where we both live. But it seems like they've been friends for almost two years, and if you can see the FB group for Morgan, they are pictured together in quite a few of the pics posted there.
The tone of her FB statuses and wall posts were very, very sad/scared at first, with some tinges of hope throughout. I remember one said something along the lines of I wish I could be hanging out with Morgan between classes, instead of hearing more about her on the news. But there were many that said Come Home, and 241. She publicized all of the vigils, there's one more recent one about a banner that VTech students could sign in front the chapel on campus. She is one of the friends that still has the "Missing" poster as her profile picture, so I guess that shows she's holding out hope. I noticed a lot of her other friends have taken that down.
I also see a lot of signs that they are getting back to their normal lives, too.
I wish I could give you all more info. I'll let you know if I find anything else. And I don't think I violated any rules in this post...but if I did, let me know and I'll edit.

Copeley Bridge over the tracks looking back towards the University Hall/Parking. John Paul Jones Arena is behind the UHall.
Seeing that bridge is totally creepy. It seems like a really easy place to grab a girl and GO! I hope this is NOT the case.

Several times I have read people saying Morgan was intoxicated or Morgan took drugs. I have to be the one to speak up in her defense. Since we have heard nothing from her friends or family about this how can we even begin to accuse her of drinking or drug use?

What if she was one of those girls that just didn't??? I just can't put my head in a place where Morgan was drunk and stumbline around parking lots and over bridges. Nobody anywhere has ever told us..yes Morgan drank or yes Morgan was into drugs. We did see one picture of her with a cigarette in her hand but who knows about that.

I would like to think we will find Morgan but if we don't I am going to think that through no fault of hers...she is missing.
I did not say she was drunk. I said that is what MY college age daughter said to me. Personally, if she was drunk then that's ok-many young people get drunk-par for the course for many, heck, for most! Fact of the matter is that MANY people going to Metallica concerts and the like (heavy music) will tend to get inebriated beforehand so as to totally give themselves over to the moment, the music, what have you...and many will smoke weed, and personally I see FAR less harm in this than say, snorting pills or doing X or something like that. It happens...not every time, but in a majority of cases...

And speculation often leads to new clues, new evidence, we speculate. It is not intended to mar her image or the image of any other victim, but to think outside the box, get a more realistic idea of what may or could have occurred based on the information available, etc...

And let's face it: her friends are not being truthful.
A.) You go to a concert with your friend in HER car.
B.) Your friend gets seperated from you but you reach her on her phone and she is STUCK outside.
C.) When YOU get outside your friend is NOT THERE!
D.) So you leave, take HER car and drive back to your college, and do not notify her parents or police or anyone?

UH UH! No way this is true!


there is something to lie about, and one obvious thing would be drinking...that perhaps they did not wish for their parents to discover...

But something is definitely wrong with this entire FRIENDS thing...

Friends don't leave you in a strange town with no car and no way to reach you (her last call on the cell was like 8:48? Why did they not try to call her after that? And if they did and could not reach her-why did they not IMMEDIATELY call the police? Perhaps they had reasons not to wish to deal with the police right at that moment...we do not know...but those girls know something that they are not telling and that is almost guaranteed.:waitasec:
If i were in the situation of her friends i would have never let her stay outside the concert alone, i would have went to look, got her a ticket to get back inside, whatever it took
I also wouldn't be able to focus on classes with a good friend being missing. It would be too emotionally distracting for me.
And i certainly wouldn't feel right about leaving a friend and then taking her car home without hearing from her again that night at least to make sure she got somewhere okay.
Then again a lot of these kids nowadays seem desensitized to things in general..
Smiley face killers..?

this is one perfectly acceptable way to look at it and is entirely possible. But at least in my personal opinion it is not the only way to look at it. Its been reported LE says friends are cooperating fully so isn't it also possible that LE for what ever reason isn't releasing their whole story and if they did maybe it would make sense? Also as surprisingly I have meet people who were friends with someone who's dads were doctors who were not pampered (I've also meet some who were pampered). So we don't know if their hineys were pampered they could be quite rough and rugged hiney's we don't really know. They did go back to class at state technical college and not Harvard so it is possible they are not pampered. Should they drop out of school and do nothing at all till Morgan is found even though that maybe never? No one said they are going back to class and therefore have stopped being helpful at all. Maybe they have but then again maybe they haven't. Maybe they feel (rightly or wrongly) that the best thing they can do is to do what LE is telling them and they are telling them to not say anything to anyone so that is what the friends are doing?

Again (and I mean this 100% genuinely) they way you have laid it out could be dead on. But based on the fact the LE and the family are still supporting the friend the opinion I have is that their behavior would make sense or at least a lot more sense if you have the whole story. I maybe totally wrong but I think this is no less likely than your scenario.

I feel like you are interrupting her injury to be so serious that it would have been obvious to her and everyone else that she needed first aid. This maybe the case but all the information we have been given suggest that the injury was not this serious. If I was at a concert and had a minor injury then I wouldn't want to go to a first aid station. It might have been at that point the only help she wanted was help getting back in and this is help the security could not give her at risk of losing their job. It's not like she was walking around with a gun shot wound or a missing limb.
Virginia Tech is a highly accredited school and although not "ivy league" it certainly is not a community college by any standard. It is a very well respected university and turns out some of this countries top engineers etc...and the cost is nothing to sneeze at either. If you are a student at Tech you are either on a brains scholarship or other scholarship like sports, OR your parents have money and you made the grades...Just fyi...:innocent:
On the HFMH page, in discussions, under "this is what's haapening"-post 36, J tells of a terribly sad story -it's really one of the most tragic and heart breaking stories I've ever heard. Please don't let this be MH's case, but I'm not very hopeful to be honest.
If i were in the situation of her friends i would have never let her stay outside the concert alone, i would have went to look, got her a ticket to get back inside, whatever it took
I also wouldn't be able to focus on classes with a good friend being missing. It would be too emotionally distracting for me.
And i certainly wouldn't feel right about leaving a friend and then taking her car home without hearing from her again that night at least to make sure she got somewhere okay.
Then again a lot of these kids nowadays seem desensitized to things in general..
I agree, when I used to bar hop if my friends and I were going to split up for a bit or for the night we at least communicated that and made sure we were ok with it and with who was going where. It wasn't babysitting it was just being a friend.
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