Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #5

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I commented on a line about hiney's, but it didn't seem to go over that well.

I scanned through the posts and can't find anything about hiney's. And...I am very confused. Are we talking about the body part? :waitasec: Can you please catch me up?
I just want to maybe bring some clarity to the river topic.
There wouldn't have been anywhere that MH could have "fallen into a river" if she were drunk around the JPJ or UVA at all for that matter. She would have had to been transported somewhere for that to happen. I've lived in the area for over 11 years, and I've never heard of anyone partying around the river, it's pretty secluded and not the easiest to get to/from at any point locally if you are intoxicated.

I would like to also point out that the 250 bypass is about a mile from the JPJ, and is a straight shot through Pantops and to the Comfort Inn, maybe a little under a 10min drive if there isn't heavy traffic.

I hope this helps a little.
I was going to ignore this post at first...but something kept nudging me

First off - one of the rules at WS is that it's fine to attack the post but not the poster - which P & G obviously did (part bolded by me).

Second - It appears that P & G is a Newbie having posted once - and picked the post I had made to go after. This person CHOOSE to go after Noreen Renier and not offer anything up as far as support or kind words or anything of that nature for MH.

Third - P & G offered a rather lengthy web-site that proceeds to bash Noreen Renier. As you will note from this website - this is totally directed towards NR and at no other psychics - which gives the appearance of this being personal for P & G.

I do not know NR, I have never met NR. I have visited her web-site, saw her on several tv programs and have read her book. There was a post put out by someone suggesting the use of a psychic and I offered up NR's name since she is in the area.

It was just a suggestion - it was not meant that the parents of MH should contact NR just because of my suggestion - but merely something thrown out there that might be of help.

Obviously there's lots of people who do not believe in psychics or the use of them or in astrology or forensic astrology - and that is fine if that is what they believe. However, there are some people who do believe in this for various reasons and when LE and family seem to be out of options - what's it going to hurt.

Add: I or anyone else can put out a web-site and have it say anything I want it to...Doesn't mean it's true... As well as phone calls...I could say I sat and called people all day to verify info...doesn't mean I did it...
Hi MBlover! I read your post and I thought on it and here is how I think I feel about it. If one of my children, who I would die without!, was missing and I had no clue where to look, who had them, where they went, etc? I would take any hint from any psychic, dreamer, visualizer, tea-leaf tosser, or any other avenue if it had one minute chance of helping me find my child. I love my children so much and I have always taught them to BE PARANOID because there are people who will take you and hurt you if they get the chance. Even so, they are not as careful as they should be-they are children and young people and they do not take the precautions that we as parents might wish they would, so if one of them came up missing-I don't know how I would begin to even get through the days...I cannot imagine it. The horror is more than I can take! And if there was one single little tiny chance that ANYONE could help me bring them back? I wouldn't care if they were "questionable" or not, I would take any and all help that I could get.

So to wrap up the rant...thank you for thinking of ANYTHING that might help this young girl be found...I am sure any and all suggestions are appreciated by her family.

And as an aside? I am a HUGE fan of the forensic astrology forum and it is the FIRST place I would go for answers right after the police!!!
i have just been sitting here thinking about the no foul play concept... so just for a bit pondering what she could be doing somewhere. nothing comes to mind. do you suppose that the "no foul play" is just an attempt to bait someone to come forward with a supposed accident scenario? im lost.

No foul play would seem to mean either she ran off or had an accident. Neither seem to make much sense, especially considering why they were searching near the river several miles away.
i have just been sitting here thinking about the no foul play concept... so just for a bit pondering what she could be doing somewhere. nothing comes to mind. do you suppose that the "no foul play" is just an attempt to bait someone to come forward with a supposed accident scenario? im lost.

Hi Nervous_nellie, I'm still here too :)

After thinking about it I agree with people who think the person just misspoke. Maybe said we don't yet have evidence of foul play or something...
me too now!:blushing: sorry!! reading 'bout the hippie

I'm here as well. It's a terribly crazy workweek for me, but I try to check in about 5 times a day to see if anything is happening in this case. You are not alone nervous_nellie! :)

Where are you Morgan Harrington?
Hi Nervous_nellie, I'm still here too :)

After thinking about it I agree with people who think the person just misspoke. Maybe said we don't yet have evidence of foul play or something...


yes, i think you are right...i just get this feeling that there isnt much urgency in their prolly wrong...but thats what it seems. i suppose that if they had any info that they could put out they would. but then i go back to the fact that only verbal descriptions were put out about what she and her outfit looked like that night - jacket or no? from all of the pictures we have seen of her doing all kinds of things and it seems that her and her friends were avid concert attendees, i do not believe that there was not a single pic of her. whatever she was up to the family either really doesnt know or really doesnt want to share. this case is really frustrating - more so than most due to the odd feeling that something lies just beyond and no matter how hard i squint i cant see it clearly...aaarrghh!
I think that perhaps the family and the friends and of course the police know something more than they are talking about. I just get the feeling they are keeping something quiet and on the down low. Hopefully they have already gone over her computer with a fine tooth comb and if she was talking to someone about a meeting then that was discovered and they have a lead to go on...something. She is a beautiful girl and I honestly pray that she will be found safe and sound...but it is not looking like that is what is going to be the outcome. I mean, she was obviously from a fairly affluent family, well off financially, and someone who is used to counting on that does not generally walk away from that security by choice and without a backward glance. She does not have her purse, her credit cards, her checkbook-no financial means, and her cell phone? A young woman like that does NOT do without her cell phone, I mean, no way! They use those things continually and there is no way in a strange town that she tossed her cell phone down and her purse with all her ID and finances and took off willingly. It just does not look good for a good outcome here...It is possible, but the chances are getting slimmer and slimmer every moment that she is not found or heard from. May the peace of all that is holy and good enfold and encircle her family at this horrible and painful juncture.
i will share a very scary experience i had in 1979 when i was a college sophomore in virginia. one weeknight after drinking beer at a little bar closeby, a group of about six of us headed back to our dorm on foot. it was about midnightish. we were walking on the sidewalk on the right side of the well lit street.

i stopped to cup my hands around a cigarette i was trying to light (long since quit, yuck)...and before i could think, a conversion van pulled next to me with an open side door and i was yanked in! i didn't even scream. it happened too quickly. my friends were further ahead and pretty buzzed. no one even noticed. how can that happen and no one notice? well, there were usually other groups of guys/girls roaming about and at times one of us would meander away to join a boyfriend or even run back to the bar if something was forgotten. it was a different time in the 70s and very free flowing.

anyway, i found myself stunned and sprawled on a stained carpet in the open back of a beat up van. it was pitch black outside and i was tossed from side to side with every turn. as my confusion turned to fear, i tried to open the one side door. the handle would not work. guy driver told me to stop messing with the door. 30ish kinda grungy guy with greasy messy dark brown hair that was medium length. my buzz evaporated as i realized i was in bigtime trouble. the van traveled about 20 minutes or so away from town as i noticed denser and denser woods out the back window. no music. no talking. no other cars. i have never felt such fear. i asked his name. no response. gravel road turn off. windy road with close tree branches until the van stopped. silence.

he got out, came around and opened the door. i was hyperalert and decided to be his friend if possible. his face was slack/blank and he reached in to pull me out. i said i could get out. again i asked his name. he replied his name was john. yeah, right. he held my elbow and steered me to a 1950s small brick house into the unlocked front door. peeling paint on door. front room with a dirty fireplace and an old telephone wire spool table with warped wood. one metal rusted chair. yellow gross rectangular table with darkened kitchen beyond. a hallway that prob went to bathroom and bedroom. he told me to sit. i sat on the floor.

i attempted to engage him and used all of my energy to maintain a "normal" demeanor and never show that i was afraid. i tried to act like i knew him and that we were already friends. he sat on the metal chair and lit a cig. asked if i knew why i was there. my reply was that he needed someone to talk to about his family. i told him i was known for helping my friends with problems and that nothing was too weird for me to hear. i wouldn't judge and i would have solutions for him. it took every ounce of strength i could muster to show empathy toward him, but i did. somehow, i knew it was life or death.

i'm the oldest of 4 kids, raised in a comfortable home, but have always had "street smarts". he sat mute while not looking at me. every question i could think of about family, friends, girlfriends, different problems i had had in my life...i babbled. he finally looked at me and told me his parents had died at the same time about a year before and that he had never had a date. he said he had raped girls and that was his plan with me. well, i told him that he did not have to do that because i could give him tips about how to meet girls and talk to people...i "coached" him about dating and kissing and how to look at someone in the eyes. blah blah blah.

i told him that i would give him my phone number at my dorm, so that he could call me whenever he wanted for advice. he gave me a crumpled receipt to write on and i wrote my real first name and a pretend last name and a phone number to a boys' dorm. the sun was coming up and i told him that i had a huge test in german that day. it was a thursday. if he would take me back to my dorm, i would be forever grateful and we could remain friends. obviously, since i'm writing this, he did just that. he said ok and walked me back outside. he asked me if i would sit in the front with him and i said yes.

i talked the whole way back and marked as many landmarks as i could. he took me back to campus and i pointed out a dorm that i did not live in. he dropped me off right by a campus security guard, too. i got out of the van, thanked him and waved bye. as i walked toward the dorm, i glanced back to see him pulling away from the campus. THEN my knees turned to jello and i ran back to the security guard. they called the city police and got my statement and maps and showed me photos. they never found him. or the house. he never called the number i gave him (that we know of). i never saw that van again.

my girlfriends were clueless. they assumed i had spent the night with my boyfriend on campus. that is how things can happen in the blink of an eye. G-d was watching over me along with guardian angels and i give thanks every day that i survived that.

i now have 4 kids from age 21 down to 8 (my oldest is now at uva) and i have instilled a healthy sense of awareness in all of them. always be aware of your surroundings at all times whether on foot or in the driver's seat of a car. use your peripheral vision and notice when people invade your personal space. never let yourself be alone in a crowd if possible. a side note is that i had training as a life guard working the 6 years previous. having experience with putting myself on auto pilot during emergency situations helped me save myself.

so...maybe just maybe morgan is still alive and trying to talk her way out of a bad situation. i hope and pray that is so.

sorry for such a long post
Hi Nervous_nellie, I'm still here too :)

After thinking about it I agree with people who think the person just misspoke. Maybe said we don't yet have evidence of foul play or something...

If they don't suspect foul play and think she ran off with a friend or boyfriend at 20 years old she'd have a legal right to do so.
The purse with her cell and wallet to me screams foul play. Why run off with a boyfriend and not take ID, money or a cell? You'd need resources.
Unless, she wants to fake a disappearance.
This just seems too bizarre to me.
The friends know more. Possibly she took bad drugs or was slipped something in a drink and either was abducted or had a fatal accident. Either way there's way more to this story then getting locked out of the arena and just disappeared off the face of the earth.
I sense serious deception.
Krazykidz.... my God. That story is chilling and almost too much to take in. I'm so amazed by your cool-headedness, and grateful for your fortune.

If they don't suspect foul play and think she ran off with a friend or boyfriend at 20 years old she'd have a legal right to do so.
The purse with her cell and wallet to me screams foul play.

Somebody above mentioned they might circulate this to convince someone to come forward and confess an "accident." That would also fit with the theory I mentioned seeing on FB -- that they know who gave her a ride.

The friends know more. Possibly she took bad drugs or was slipped something in a drink

Okay, here's my turn to tell a tale - not half so chilling at KrazyKatz, but still scary. I got slipped something in my drink when I was traveling alone in a foreign country. I was in a bar with a group of German girls I'd met a couple hours before; I had drunk only ONE glass of wine already (which was nothing for my tolerance back then!). I asked for a refill from our open bottle, and one of the girls passed me a whole glass of wine, already poured. I assumed it was from the bottles we'd ordered. Halfway through, I began to feel really drunk, which was weird. At that point, too, I realized some strange men had joined us -- some Germans and also some Italians -- and realized that the glass I was drinking was from a bottle the Italians had brought over to our table.

At that point, my innate paranoia took over. I stopped drinking the glass. The German guys wanted to head off to the main square. The German girls decided we should go with them. I stood and the room wobbled. I tried to tell the German girls something was wrong, but I was having a hard time speaking and they weren't listening anyway, we barely knew each other and they were merrily flirting in German with their compatriots. The Italian guys were still there, watching us, not showing any sign of following, and I KNEW I could not stay behind with them, so I grabbed onto a German girl and let her tow me out of the bar.

The square was two to five minutes away, I can't remember. But by the time we reached it, I was feeling beyond drunk. I sat down on the church steps and the German girls and guys were frolicking and took no note of me at all. Some migrant workers refinishing the church were concerned for me and asked me in broken Spanish if I was okay. I could not recall my Spanish, and I'd been studying it since kindergarten. I knew suddenly I had to get back to my hostel. I started wandering out of the square. I could not remember the name of my hostel, or the street it was on. I must have looked really bad, because a Spanish gentleman stopped me and took me by the forearms and seemed very concerned for me. But since I could not remember the name of my hostel, how could I ask for help? I sat down on the sidewalk and he sat down next to me for a minute, still saying stuff I couldn't understand. Then I freaked out, thinking, "He knows I'm helpless, I have to get away" and stumbled off.

I still do not know what guardian angel led me to my hostel. The proprietor was outside and called me by name with a smile, which is how I knew it was mine. Upstairs, it took me a very, very, very long time to open my door with my key. Everything, everything was beyond me. And the next day I felt sicker than I ever have in my life -- it was less a hungerover feeling than nauseous, shaking and cold.

This VERY longwinded tale is all to say: if she drank a drink that was drugged while still in public, I think people WOULD have noticed that she was visibly impaired. (ETA: Bolded that part in case people want to skip all the above and get to the point!) Seriously, I really do still tremble when I think what would have happened to me had I finished that whole glass of wine. I definitely would NOT have been mobile. And either way, it sounds like Morgan did not LOOK seriously intoxicated for at least the first twenty minutes she was outside. Seriously, if she was able to *locate* numerous entrances in order to try to get back in, then it seems to me that she was thinking/perceiving far more clearly than a person who'd been slipped roofies or GHB.

Now, I have a friend who was slipped something (a year after my experience! grr) when we were out at a bar (in the US this time). She had moved to another table to flirt with some guy, who went up to the bar to get her a drink, and obviously added something to it between bar and table. When we were ready to leave, she was suddenly nowhere to be seen -- and neither was the guy. We all freaked out. We looked EVERYWHERE in that place. I finally found her passed out on one of the couches in the bathroom, can't remember how they were arranged but we'd checked the bathroom once already so somehow she was barely visible. By that point, with her not answering her cell, I'd been ready to call 911 and report a frigging kidnapping!

Anyway, next day she told us what she remembered: She'd remained conscious long enough to realize something was very wrong; not realizing what it was, she went to the bathroom to get a grip -- and passed out there. She was not thinking clearly enough to find us. She estimated then that between drinking the drink and going to the bathroom, it was fifteen-twenty minutes at most. So, again: that's at least two case studies in which a woman was drugged, and would NOT have been able to walk around NEARLY as long as Morgan did.
Hi Nervous Nellie. I too am still here. I guess we are about done with the speculating and keep hopeing to hear something. What did you think about the Hippy article. Sorry I could not put the link in right. I had read a few things about this person and just wanted a face to go with it. I read it all and I just don't know.

The part that suprises me the most in this case is the nothing. Nobody coming forward with any stories about Morgan at all. I thought for sure there would be pictures and notes and testimonials from enemies and friends. Its this nothing that makes me say..whats up. Why is everybody so darn quiet. Is there a dark side to Morgan Harrington or is she just a really fine person? I guess...sigh...time will tell.
A big hug to you krazykidz for sharing your story. I struggle with issues from my past and hope one day to have the emotional freedom to share.

I applaud your strength, courage, and sense of well being. I've added you to my list of heroes. :blowkiss:
Krazykidz.... wow what an incredible story, I would say you were so lucky but it wasn't luck it was your quick thinking and strategy and boy was it a good one. I remember school councillors lecturing us in how to react in such situations and there was always the idea to try to connect with them-to surprise them...
Wow I'm just speechless really and so glad you were OK!
Krazykidz.... my God. That story is chilling and almost too much to take in. I'm so amazed by your cool-headedness, and grateful for your fortune.

Somebody above mentioned they might circulate this to convince someone to come forward and confess an "accident." That would also fit with the theory I mentioned seeing on FB -- that they know who gave her a ride.

Okay, here's my turn to tell a tale - not half so chilling at KrazyKatz, but still scary. I got slipped something in my drink when I was traveling alone in a foreign country. I was in a bar with a group of German girls I'd met a couple hours before; I had drunk only ONE glass of wine already (which was nothing for my tolerance back then!). I asked for a refill from our open bottle, and one of the girls passed me a whole glass of wine, already poured. I assumed it was from the bottles we'd ordered. Halfway through, I began to feel really drunk, which was weird. At that point, too, I realized some strange men had joined us -- some Germans and also some Italians -- and realized that the glass I was drinking was from a bottle the Italians had brought over to our table.

At that point, my innate paranoia took over. I stopped drinking the glass. The German guys wanted to head off to the main square. The German girls decided we should go with them. I stood and the room wobbled. I tried to tell the German girls something was wrong, but I was having a hard time speaking and they weren't listening anyway, we barely knew each other and they were merrily flirting in German with their compatriots. The Italian guys were still there, watching us, not showing any sign of following, and I KNEW I could not stay behind with them, so I grabbed onto a German girl and let her tow me out of the bar.

The square was two to five minutes away, I can't remember. But by the time we reached it, I was feeling beyond drunk. I sat down on the church steps and the German girls and guys were frolicking and took no note of me at all. Some migrant workers refinishing the church were concerned for me and asked me in broken Spanish if I was okay. I could not recall my Spanish, and I'd been studying it since kindergarten. I knew suddenly I had to get back to my hostel. I started wandering out of the square. I could not remember the name of my hostel, or the street it was on. I must have looked really bad, because a Spanish gentleman stopped me and took me by the forearms and seemed very concerned for me. But since I could not remember the name of my hostel, how could I ask for help? I sat down on the sidewalk and he sat down next to me for a minute, still saying stuff I couldn't understand. Then I freaked out, thinking, "He knows I'm helpless, I have to get away" and stumbled off.

I still do not know what guardian angel led me to my hostel. The proprietor was outside and called me by name with a smile, which is how I knew it was mine. Upstairs, it took me a very, very, very long time to open my door with my key. Everything, everything was beyond me. And the next day I felt sicker than I ever have in my life -- it was less a hungerover feeling than nauseous, shaking and cold.

This VERY longwinded tale is all to say: if she drank a drink that was drugged while still in public, I think people WOULD have noticed that she was visibly impaired. (ETA: Bolded that part in case people want to skip all the above and get to the point!) Seriously, I really do still tremble when I think what would have happened to me had I finished that whole glass of wine. I definitely would NOT have been mobile. And either way, it sounds like Morgan did not LOOK seriously intoxicated for at least the first twenty minutes she was outside. Seriously, if she was able to *locate* numerous entrances in order to try to get back in, then it seems to me that she was thinking/perceiving far more clearly than a person who'd been slipped roofies or GHB.

Now, I have a friend who was slipped something (a year after my experience! grr) when we were out at a bar (in the US this time). She had moved to another table to flirt with some guy, who went up to the bar to get her a drink, and obviously added something to it between bar and table. When we were ready to leave, she was suddenly nowhere to be seen -- and neither was the guy. We all freaked out. We looked EVERYWHERE in that place. I finally found her passed out on one of the couches in the bathroom. She'd remained conscious long enough to realize something was very wrong; not realizing what it was, she went to the bathroom to get a grip -- and passed out there. She was not thinking clearly enough to find us. She estimated then that between drinking the drink and going to the bathroom, it was fifteen-twenty minutes at most. So, again: that's at least two case studies in which a woman was drugged, and would NOT have been able to walk around NEARLY as long as Morgan did.

That had to be a terrible experience for you. I am glad nothing happened to you. I have always believed fate plays a big part in everything that happens to us. So I really believe nothing bad was supposed to happen to you..other than..of course the being so sick and scared.

The only difference I see in your story and what happened to Morgan is when a date rape drug is used isn't it usually in a smaller setting. Not an arena with thousands of people? I always thought that it was more..boy meets girl in bar..he likes..he knows she is not easy..he slips her one..they go off into the night mostly unnoticed.

I am not of any of these drinking college scenes..just a curious person. Anyway I can't see somebody using a date rape drug in this incidence. Those that travel in the concert scene migh enlighten me. Thanks.
Lindsaym-I too had my drink spiked in Paris years ago. I still don't know if it was the bartender or the guy I went home with who was a friend of a friend and I had to fight him off but I was fine. I have also had a very very near sexual attack which I managed to escape from. Krakykidz's story reminded me of it. Something takes over and you get strong and you reason with the person -I have a memory black out of how I escaped but everything before and after is very clear. I think something else took over, my mind took charge, the survival instinct is one heck of a thing!
omgosh thank you, you guys!!!! i debated about whether or not to even post my story. it used to bring a lot of shame to me...weird, huh? somehow, i blamed myself way back when and i never wanted to discuss it after it happened. in fact, i never told my parents...only my very supportive siblings.

i told my husband and my kids and use this and other experiences as teaching tools.

lindsaym -- believe it or not (i think i am a research experiement for teaching), i too had something slipped in a drink in the good ol usa. it was about 1981 at a bar and i was on a double date. the other guy put mda (a powdered hallucinagenic) in my unattended drink while i was in the bathroom with my girlfriend. about an hour later when we were outside, the whole world turned to static. i remember hearing that guy laughing and it took 2 days for me to be able to use the phone. not cool at all. not cool. i never told my parents about that either. thank goodness my date took care of me. i didn't have the courage to do anything more than dissassociate myself from him, but that is another story i tell all people who will listen. never never never leave a drink unattended wherever you are. gosh.

i do believe all of my experiences (and there are more) have made me stronger. so tell all of your younguns!!!!
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