Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #6

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Forgive me if this has been posted before...but I was at the bridge the other day (shopping at a nearby store) and there are just a ton of dumpsters and ravine-ish areas...have those been checked? The Wild Cafe that was mentioned is also a bar, rather than a regular restaurant....
Since we are discussing her possible psychological state I'll ask one more question...are the pictures of Morgan which show her to be very thin the most recent pictures? That's the impression I got.

The reason I'm asking is because I wonder if she had an eating disorder. Even if she didn't have an eating disorder, if she had recently lost weight she would probably have been more easily intoxicated by a drug or alcohol than when she was a little heavier. If she did have an eating disorder that could mean that she internalizes control which may indicate passive aggressive behaviour. A person in passive aggressive mode would tell her friends "I'm OK, don't worry about me. I'll handle it on my own" when she really means that she needs help.
I'm sorry if this has been brought up before, but do we know why she changed high schools her senior year? I'm assuming her family didn't move. It just seems weird.:waitasec:
I'm sorry if this has been brought up before, but do we know why she changed high schools her senior year? I'm assuming her family didn't move. It just seems weird.:waitasec:

I smell something funny with the friends...just like the rest of you guys =P Possibly changed high schools because of major problems socially? I can't really think of another reason....This is IMO and MOO, but what if she got locked out, called her friends, told them she was just going to drive HER car home, and one or more came outside to go home with her, a fight ensued and something happened?
I smell something funny with the friends...just like the rest of you guys =P Possibly changed high schools because of major problems socially? I can't really think of another reason....This is IMO and MOO, but what if she got locked out, called her friends, told them she was just going to drive HER car home, and one or more came outside to go home with her, a fight ensued and something happened?

Could be. But LE claims she didn't have her keys, and when she was spotted before 9:30 it was usually described as around other people but seemingly not with anyone (so not with a friend who would have exited with her). So any fight and something happening with a friend would have had to be after that, and if in the parking lot, someone likely would have seen. But if it's all a cover-up by friends and LE is as in the dark as anyone, then who knows?

There has been lots of speculation about the change in schools, but I have no idea if there's any consensus on that.
I just want to say that I hope I didnt offend anybody while discussing the possibilities in this case today.
I do not care what ppl do with their lives, I do not judge and I was not judging Morgan at all. Ok so maybe we all judge but that is not what I was doing here at all. I dont care if she was shooting up in the parking lot or anywhere else, yes indeed she deserves to be found and brought home to her family that she loves and that loves her..

Huuugs all around!!
Truthful Lies, I totally agree with you. There is really no reason for her to leave that arena. Yeah, if she got sick then go to the bathroom, but don't walk out of a concert, that your not going to be able to get back into. To be honest, these so called friends are useless. I have said this too many times, if I were the friend I would be in the car driving her home. She lived what 1 1/2 hr away or something. How did they think she was going to get home? I really hope they find her safe, but as time goes by my hope is fading.
True, when I think of it the "we are missing someone" is actually a common expression when someone is not present in your expected party of people- so there probably isn't anything to it

It's not regular normal wording.
Most people would say:
"oh Morgan isn't coming" or at least give a reason why they weren't there if asked in wordplay.
"Morgan couldn't make it"
"Morgan left early"
etc. There are a ton of other words that people would be more likely to use, especially college age kids than "we are missing someone".

It's very odd, imo.
So true on all points.

I have a horrible feeling the trail might have gone completely cold and she's vanished for good :(

I am sort of on the fence about the friends. On the one hand, I was also in college once and more than once walked home by myself, in the dark, drunk at 2 in the morning - I walked about 20 blocks in Washington DC once, and walked across the toughest part of the BRONX as well. Most of the time we never walked home alone, but occasionally it happened. Hindsight's 20/20, and we all did stupid less than safe things at that age. So I am hoping they are just feeling stupid about letting her go alone, and that's why they are being shady.

I do feel that they need to refocus on what happened when she got to the bridge, and maybe look for patterns and other cases. I know I've said it before and I apologize for repeating this, but I think it needs to be said: If she can vanish at the hands of another without a trace, then the perp is someone who KNOWS how to make people disappear without a trace and blend back into society without suspicion - a Ted Bundy. I really think that's what we have going on in the southeast US for the past five or so years. They need to look at other cases and start establishing patterns, a perp profile, etc. They will eventually catch whoever it is, but I just hope it's not an Anthony Sewell situation where it takes 10 bodies in a house to get some answers.

That being said, I am still working on my own side project of putting together a list of missing women in the southeast US in the past five-ten years, and mapping them out to see if there are patterns - such as a route that runs through a number of them, for example. I don't know if it'll go anywhere but it can't hurt to try. Also, your suggestions on how to go about doing this or making it a better project would be appreciated - just PM me (to keep it off the boards for now).
Just wanted to share something here. A HFMDH FB site regular who was one of the people who were alarmed about NK and called it in to the head of the investigation at FBI (who is a woman), private messaged me. Her ex is FBI, and she said she was dismayed at the attitude he (ex boyfriend in FBI) expressed about MH, alluding to the fact that she is not as innocent as made out to be, and that MH's history and behaviour at concert led LE to believe she put herself in this mess as was her habit. Isn't that awful? I really hope her being looked down on and judged has not hampered the investigation in any way.

What is HFMDH?

This could be a completely false story, made up by someone; it hasn't been said via news or press release by LE? So it's a rumor. Although anything is possible, i wouldn't jump the gun on things until they are confirmed by LE.
That may be what your friend's exboyfriend FBI agents thinks and that's horrible and wrong, however i don't think it reflects all of what LE thinks.

There's been a lot done for Morgan's case and i came name a whole bunch of cases of missing people on here that we hardly hear anything about.
SO i do think that LE is trying at finding out what happened to her.
What is HFMDH?

HFMDH is a Facebook page set up to organize, and discuss the case. Do you really think LE is going to issue a statement like "we disregarded this whole thing for a while because MH isn't as innocent as she seems"
I live very close to Charlottesville and my niece and her husband participated in a search yesterday and today for Morgan. She said Morgan's parents were there and looked just devastated and very tired. My niece also spoke with one of the friends that was at the concert with Morgan, but she didn't press for any information. The friends have been participating in the search as well. One of Morgan's other friends told my niece that Morgan was very trusting and would probably accept a ride from someone without thinking she would be harmed. I still pray she will be found alive.

I would have liked to help with the search, but my Mom had a stroke recently and I have been taking care of her.
What is HFMDH?

HFMDH is a Facebook page set up to organize, and discuss the case. Do you really think LE is going to issue a statement like "we disregarded this whole thing for a while because MH isn't as innocent as she seems"

Hmmm, my niece spoke with several friends at the search this weekend, and Morgan wasn't portrayed that way at all. :waitasec:
Portrayed which way? I was merely qouting a rumor someone was posting.
Regardless of what Morgan was into, etc, doesn't mean she deserved to go missing or worse.

I was referring to the "wasn't as innocent as she seems comment". I didn't mean that you thought she deserved it or anything. Sorry for the confusion.
That's the mystery question. Speculation is that she went out to smoke (the smoking area is near the stage and she might have inadvertantly stepped outside it).

It wouldn't have mattered if she had a dozen ticket stubs. The JPJ arena has a no reentry policy.


Ok, I did find out about the no-reentry thing after posting that.

Is it confirmed about her car being there? I don't see why if her car was there a friend couldn't meet her at the door and given her the keys so she could at least sit in a warm, running vehicle until the concert was over if she really didn't plan to buy a ticket to get back in. There's just something weird there...if your car is there you don't just go off walking alone in cold weather hoping to chance a ride somehow. If she had friends in the area they could pick her up closer to the arena. I just think there was something wrong that she was not able to think clearly.
Ok, I did find out about the no-reentry thing after posting that.

Is it confirmed about her car being there? I don't see why if her car was there a friend couldn't meet her at the door and given her the keys so she could at least sit in a warm, running vehicle until the concert was over if she really didn't plan to buy a ticket to get back in. There's just something weird there...if your car is there you don't just go off walking alone in cold weather hoping to chance a ride somehow. If she had friends in the area they could pick her up closer to the arena. I just think there was something wrong that she was not able to think clearly.

Oh I agree, I think that something was wrong as well. LE said that she suffered a small injury to the face/head while she was in the arena. Since it wasn't looked at by a doctor it might have been more serious than people believe. THat would make her an easy target for someone out "hunting".

All of us here have gone over & over every detail that we have and does anyone really believe we know everything? Also as much as we are trying to not slag on these "friends" wouldn't LE have taken the whole thing way more seriously if MH had been reported missing the night of the concert?? I get the fact that LE withholds some info. but there are some really basic parts of the sequence of events that do not make sense.
I know I have posted this before--but is there proof outside of her "friends", that she even arrived at the concert? Friends have hurt friends before and all cover for each other. That would answer a lot of questions. JMO
I would say the fact that LE from the beginning said that what went on in the stadium was irrelevant indicates pretty strongly that they didn't care whether she might have been stoned or whatever -- she's missing and in danger and they're going to look for her.

And I wish people would be more careful about taking rumor, innuendo, and hearsay as if they were facts. It doesn't help find Morgan, it doesn't help support her friends family, and it doesn't help figure out what happened. It just confuses the issue.
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