Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #9

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But in this scenario would they not know where the ex was or, if on the run, surely they would have put out a description. JMO

Yes, unless they have nothing on this person... I think this may have been why LE has asked "Did anyone lend MH their phone that night?" They might have suspicions but no evidence.

In this case, my guess would be they need him to feel safe, so they can watch where he goes, etc. They may be investigating, and just not have enough evidence to search his residence, etc.

The interesting thing about a "she knew her abductor" theory, is that it doesn't negate any of the sightings, theories on whether she was drinking, etc that night. All those may be true and accurate. It makes me wonder what - if anything -happened six months ago as GH stated Morgan had had such a good relationship with her father for the past six months. What was wrong before then? Was there a problem with a boyfriend? This is what we don't know...

Just a theory!
Futurecriminologist, what is your opinion on what happened to Maura? I don't want to take away from Morgan, but I'm curious about the "maybe she just walked away" aspect.... (Please feel free to post a link if there is somewhere you have discussed this in greater detail so I don't hijack Morgan's thread!)

**Apologies for going off topic for this post, it will just be once!**

I've followed the Maura Murray case for a couple of years now and I think that it is possible that she has chosen to start a new life somewhere, if you look at the circumstances leading up to her disappearance, and there were many - possible involvement in hit and run, parental/boyfriend pressure etc. However, there is no indication in Morgan's past that would lead you to think that she had engineered her own disappearance. Although you never know.
I've followed the Maura Murray case for a couple of years now and I think that it is possible that she has chosen to start a new life somewhere, if you look at the circumstances leading up to her disappearance, and there were many - possible involvement in hit and run, parental/boyfriend pressure etc. However, there is no indication in Morgan's past that would lead you to think that she had engineered her own disappearance. Although you never know.

AH, so interesting! There are so many unknowns in life... I can categorically state I will never take off and torment my friends and family, it's just too cruel....:(
The statement that she hasn't become a victim because she knows evil is out there and is vigilant in her surroundings. From all accounts JK was the same. I hate to hear people, especially women feel that they are untreachable because they are paying attention.

Women unfortunately (myself included) are at a disadvantage. While i will insist I am strong and fast, (for a woman) I know that most men can overpower me. There have been times when I have felt illl at ease with particular persons, and thruthfully thinking about if that person was truly the bad person I had the feeling they were there would be very little I could do besides run. Even recently I have reallized how even more exposed i am . I am 8 mos pregnant. I still run 2 miles every morning (down from 15 miles every day before i was pg) But I am now clumsy and definitely not the agile person i was 9 months ago. I feel even more hypervigilant because i realize I am now an easy target. And what frightens me even more is that in less than 2 months i will have a constant impediment. A small infant that makes me an even bigger target. One might think that is paranoid, and the likelihood of someone picking me out is slim to none, but after reasing and researching so many cases, I feel like I am bait on a hook. I worry that on top of being encumbered physically by a child that I wont be as aware of my surroundings and such.

check out the case in my avatar/etc. they think there was a man targeting women with children at malls in south florida area.
did u leave us?? have any new info. another site was discussing you and the fact you are a "dude"
come back to us.
AH, so interesting! There are so many unknowns in life... I can categorically state I will never take off and torment my friends and family, it's just too cruel....:(

Totally agree, I'd at least contact them and let them know I was ok.

I've followed the Maura Murray case for a couple of years now and I think that it is possible that she has chosen to start a new life somewhere, if you look at the circumstances leading up to her disappearance, and there were many - possible involvement in hit and run, parental/boyfriend pressure etc. However, there is no indication in Morgan's past that would lead you to think that she had engineered her own disappearance. Although you never know.

I have as well. It is one of my pet cases, and I have done a lot of research and study and that is my conclusion as well. And I agree, I don't see or feel voluntary for Morgan. I agree you never know and I could be wrong on both, but, I personally doubt it.
AH, so interesting! There are so many unknowns in life... I can categorically state I will never take off and torment my friends and family, it's just too cruel....:(

I wouldn't either, but, we never know what another's perceptions and experiences are. Maybe there are some cases where a person feels that disappearing is the answer. A lot of times we the public don't know both sides, in cases like Maura Murray's she has never spoken out, obviously, so we don't know her side.
Good Evening All!

I am headed to JPJ tomorrow night for a concert...and was hoping to do a little sleuthing while I am there.

I want to see how chaotic the hallways are, to see if someone could accidently end up outside. I also want to see how well posted the signs are about no re-admittance (although they may have made them more visible since her disapperance). I also want to get a feel for the parking lot.

Any other ideas for things I should look out for? cameras--where and how many? Are there blue emergency call boxes in the parking lots? Security cars patrolling lots? Security guards inside only or also outside of entrance area?

Virginia Doll -- I Hope you'll have a great night of music.

Others have come up with some great ideas! Looking forward to your report.

My request is pretty simple...
I'd like to know, does your ticket say "no re-entry" (or words to that effect) on it?


Good Evening All!

I am headed to JPJ tomorrow night for a concert...and was hoping to do a little sleuthing while I am there.

I want to see how chaotic the hallways are, to see if someone could accidently end up outside. I also want to see how well posted the signs are about no re-admittance (although they may have made them more visible since her disapperance). I also want to get a feel for the parking lot.

Any other ideas for things I should look out for?
VA DOLL - One thing maybe to take note of... Security and/or other JPJ personnel - is there one guard per door/double door or how far are they spaced from door to door (say like one guard per every 3 or 4 doors)

Enjoy yourself tomorrow night, but please be safe!
sorry if i have missed something? but do they have a door security person denieying her "re-entry", i haven't seen that note, maybe missed it.
yes, i think there are drugs involved somehow or alcohol...but, still?someone knows something...she was going to meet someone or got something at the concert...but why would her friends just not care?
sorry if i have missed something? but do they have a door security person denieying her "re-entry", i haven't seen that note, maybe missed it.
yes, i think there are drugs involved somehow or alcohol...but, still?someone knows something...she was going to meet someone or got something at the concert...but why would her friends just not care?

Sorry - don't have the link handy, but it has been posted here (maybe it was one of the stories) that MH was denied re-entry into the arena several times.
I've finally read up on this thread, and have this to add on the behavior of Morgan's friends the night of the concert.

About ten years ago, when we were 21/22 ish, I drove to Chicago (about 2 and half hours away) with my roommate/best friend, and her friend (her ex-boyfriend), to see a band. It wasn't a band I really cared about, but this was *the* concert of the decade for my friend, so I went along for the ride. I had noticed that the tickets said it was a 21+ show. My friend had not noticed this, and even though she was driving, had not brought her ID with her (weird, I know, but she was odd like that sometimes). We got to the venue, and they would not let her in. We argued with the door guys for a very long time over this. The third friend and I were willing to skip the concert and go home, since we weren't all that into the band. My friend *insisted* that we go to the show, and report to her on what she had missed. So we did.

There has been a lot of discussion on why Morgan's friends stayed when she was locked out. I can *kind* of see why they might have stayed, because I have basically done the same thing. On the other hand, (a) I don't remember what time of year it was, but my friend was stuck sitting in a lobby, not outside in the cold; (b) after the opening act played, a few songs into the main show, the door guys got sick of my poor friend quietly crying in the lobby, and let her into the show with a promise on her first-born child that she would not attempt to drink any alcohol; and (c) if things had gone differently, and she had gone missing, you better believe I'd have been doing everything to find her.

Some perspective, for what it's worth.
Good Evening All!

I am headed to JPJ tomorrow night for a concert...and was hoping to do a little sleuthing while I am there.

I want to see how chaotic the hallways are, to see if someone could accidently end up outside. I also want to see how well posted the signs are about no re-admittance (although they may have made them more visible since her disapperance). I also want to get a feel for the parking lot.

Any other ideas for things I should look out for?

If you take a look at your tickets I would be willing to wager that there is language to the effect of no re-admittance is permitted. And I think unless one has never been to a function like this (sporting event, concert etc) it is common knowledge.
It will be interesting to hear more about the arena.

however, I think that it is pretty hard for "us" to know what is going on here...I think this has been a sort of controlled and hushed up case from the start

so many "simple" questions with no, why did she leave, was she still smoking, how many people went to the concert, what car they went in, etc
just totally odd from the start

I think her parents may have been protecting her "image" in the beginning...I think the other kids are protecting their own images (lawyered up)

and who knows?? The "6 months" ...the last 6 months..of closeness between Morgan and her family...yet never a mention of what happened before that?? A boyfriend who didn't suit the family? Maybe an abusive relationship that they wanted her out of ? a "bad news" boyfriend? Drugs?? A guy who got her "into" drugs??

More and more I think that there are 2 possible scenarios here>>

1) Morgan left and was trying to get in touch with this "bad news" guy , or somehow got in touch with him...maybe had been talking to him, or trying to....felt that was important enough to leave the arena for?? Maybe connected with him...and either had an overdose with him and he "got rid" of her body OR a fight, he killed her??

or 2) something very random...a "killer"...serial killer? or just a bad guy's first timie out on the prowl....someone somehow came upon her on that road, she may have been "impaired" (drunk, on drugs?) and he offered her a ride OR forced her into his vehicle and no one saw

the "stranger" is a very hard type of crime to they can take the victim miles away....or to another state...or to all the wilderness, state parks etc...there is no real "link" or clues in that sort of case

maybe the LE have gone over all the "links" and ex boyfriends, friends etc and have come up with nothing, so are not making the details public to protect reputations...
the longer this drags on the more it seems as if it may be one of those random horror stranger cases?? JMO of course
Her ticket was up in section 312, iirc.

Floor plan:

However, if it is her on the video, it suggests being thrown out of the concert for going somewhere she wasn't supposed to (the floor when she didn't have a ticket) as a greater possibility, but LE says there's no evidence of that.

I doubt they would throw her out for that, they'd just make you go back to your section.
Honestly, people are not thrown out of rock concerts easily unless there is something bad going on, like fighting or blatant drug use/smoking a cigarette inside the arena. Even then, in my experience, they just tell you to "Put it away or come with me".
A warning is issued first.
My conclusion is either one of these scenarios: she either fell prey to a SK or disturbed person ( stranger or not) or partied and something went wrong and died bc of it.

Do not believe she ran away. She had her own apartment, was finishing her bachelor's, had what seems to be a great relationship with her brother, came from a well to do family that could help her, was smart and beautiful. With all these qualities there's nothing she cannot overcome. Of course, if she was mentally unstable ( which we do not have any evidence of ) then maybe.
But,we really don't know what the recent history has been with her friends,the fact that something was going on that her mother wanting her to get back with past friends.A 20 year old giving father a password to a social site of hers is odd.I think if there's been something with new friends,parents didn't want her to have and she needed to prove accountability to them again,something was up.I imagine in the position her father is in,the family has to keep a good reputation in the community,so why did she leave the other college?

Drugs of any current friends would be a big issue here,if anyone of them was the call to pick her up from the concert.Is that why LE is looking to see who she called or if she called someone?Hard to believe she just left,but who knows what was going on with her family for awhile?Was there ultimatums for her staying in school and keeping her own apt.?But,I think more than likely,it's a stranger,(I'm really worried about the unsolved missing people in area),or a friend involved in the rumored drug problems and something happened to her while out with them.It could even be some wealthy school friend with a family get away house she is staying at for awhile,that's if she was that angry at her family or worried about losing her freedom and living at home.
But,we really don't know what the recent history has been with her friends,the fact that something was going on that her mother wanting her to get back with past friends.A 20 year old giving father a password to a social site of hers is odd.I think if there's been something with new friends,parents didn't want her to have and she needed to prove accountability to them again,something was up.I imagine in the position her father is in,the family has to keep a good reputation in the community,so why did she leave the other college?

Respectfully snipped and BBM.

It is soooo odd. I would never ever give my password to my parents, unless it was maybe to my bank or credit card account so they can pay it or help with balancing check book? DH never specified which passwords he had he never said it was to her social sites. We are the ones implying that.
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