Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #9

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When we think of "the friends group of nine" that leaves 8 after Morgan but only two were involved, with Morgan that night. Only two aren't talking. Sarah and Amy, Morgans roommate. Isn't Sarah the one who's father is LE.

The more you say the deeper the hole you dig. I think they are receiving counsel to not speak. Is that right..I think for them yes but for Morgan no.


I believe the daughter of LE is not SS, nor AM, but I don't recall who she is. I think she's another "A," though.
When we think of "the friends group of nine" that leaves 8 after Morgan but only two were involved, with Morgan that night. Only two aren't talking. Sarah and Amy, Morgans roommate. Isn't Sarah the one who's father is LE.

The more you say the deeper the hole you dig. I think they are receiving counsel to not speak. Is that right..I think for them yes but for Morgan no.


Amy is the one with the LE father from what i remember, Sarah is the one that was show all unemotional chatting nonchalantly with the interviewer in that video.

I agree with you, that they've got lawyers who are helping their "silence". I think it would be good for them to speak, as they look suspicious not speaking. Where are their pleas for Morgan? Why weren't they walking next to Morgan's parents in that parade? Why continue on with their lives like nothing happened? It's like they are trying to forget a bad dream.
It won't work repressed that night, they'll have to deal with it at some point emotionally to get past it or it will continue to haunt them. I hope they are seeing therapists to talk to.

Since they never talk, it's easy to think them guilty. SS's coldness in the interview makes it easier, however it is possible they are only guilty of being bad friends that night.

If one of my friends went missing due to my bad judgement, i would be taking a break from school until she was found. I would be pleaing to the media for her return. I would succumb to guilt. Since her friend don't talk we can't see how they feel.
The video with Sarah talking, she was very cold apathetic in it.

IMO, i think her friends not talking make this case more screwy since it makes them look shady.

I keep having to tell myself it's possible they are just guilty of being horrible excuses of friends that night.

There's a perp out there somewhere that needs to be caught..
Maybe they didn't call because they chose to follow her???

If you are refering to the BB players, why would they choose to follow her?
They were probably tired from practice and were heading home.

In UVA's statement it said that they had comperated fully with LE, so honestly, IMO, i don't think they are involved in Morgan's disappearance.

Who knows, i've been wrong before, i thought Gary Hilton was an innocent old man lol
Maybe they didn't call because they chose to follow her???

This remains a possibility, and I don't remember if we ever clarified here that LE had cleared that players. I can imagine several scenarios, many of which have been addressed here previously, happening at Lannigan or on the bridge. I also know that many posters have risen to the BB players' defense.

All told, I personally would like to know more about what transpired among MH and the BB players, what they told LE about their interaction and her condition and intentions, how LE knows she didn't get into one of their cars at Lannigan and was instead hitchhiking on the bridge, and if anyone other than the BB players are witnesses to the MH time line after 9:10-9:20.

And, I hope that LE has thoroughly checked all this out and is being tight-lipped for a reason, but I fear not.
See the quote below the one you referenced from the 2nd link in my post. I can only quote your message here, but the Hook says "now confirmed by Geller" about multiple purse drops. I guess I believe that.

Maybe the Hook is reading into Geller's comment about Morgan dropping her pocketbook and cell? I don't see a direct quote from Geller or anyone official stating that witnesses saw her repeatedly dropping her pocketbook.
It's fine to speculate about what happened that night, but for my own sake I just want to make sure there is a no confusion over what has been officially stated, and what is conjecture by media outlets and/or websites.
I wanted to make sure it was an official statement, because the pocketbook being left in that field area is the only real physical evidence we have of Morgan in the area that night. How it got there is important. Was it dropped by her and left? Did someone else drop it there after the fact? Did she go back to that area after being seen hitching but nobody noticed? On and on.....

If there is an official statement confirming she was repeatedly dropping her pocketbook that would clear up a lot about why it was in the field area when MH was last spotted somewhere else.
This remains a possibility, and I don't remember if we ever clarified here that LE had cleared that players. I can imagine several scenarios, many of which have been addressed here previously, happening at Lannigan or on the bridge. I also know that many posters have risen to the BB players' defense.

All told, I personally would like to know more about what transpired among MH and the BB players, what they told LE about their interaction and her condition and intentions, how LE knows she didn't get into one of their cars at Lannigan and was instead hitchhiking on the bridge, and if anyone other than the BB players are witnesses to the MH time line after 9:10-9:20.

And, I hope that LE has thoroughly checked all this out and is being tight-lipped for a reason, but I fear not.

IMO the BB players didnt do anything. Too many of them. The more people involved the more chance someone is gonna feel guilty and talk to someone. I think they were just there. One killer can get away with so much, but more than one and someone is gonna squeal like pig eventually. Especially some college kid.

MH friends are just horrible friends IMO. They dont wanna be bothered and just forget it all happened and I'm sure the parents are telling them to keep their mouths shut. Its a shame really. MH probably thought they were good friends, but nope.
IMO the BB players didnt do anything. Too many of them. The more people involved the more chance someone is gonna feel guilty and talk to someone. I think they were just there. One killer can get away with so much, but more than one and someone is gonna squeal like pig eventually. Especially some college kid.

respectfully snipped

But if one picked her up from the bridge in his car at 9:30...I'm not accusing, but it's possible.
Maybe the Hook is reading into Geller's comment about Morgan dropping her pocketbook and cell? I don't see a direct quote from Geller or anyone official stating that witnesses saw her repeatedly dropping her pocketbook.
It's fine to speculate about what happened that night, but for my own sake I just want to make sure there is a no confusion over what has been officially stated, and what is conjecture by media outlets and/or websites.
I wanted to make sure it was an official statement, because the pocketbook being left in that field area is the only real physical evidence we have of Morgan in the area that night. How it got there is important. Was it dropped by her and left? Did someone else drop it there after the fact? Did she go back to that area after being seen hitching but nobody noticed? On and on.....

If there is an official statement confirming she was repeatedly dropping her pocketbook then that would clear up a lot about why it was in the field. Even though I still wonder why anyone would leave their ID and cell.

I guess I think the Hook is pretty reputable as a local news source, and this writer, if it's who I think it is (CS?), has been following this actively since the start, so if she says "which Geller now confirms" about the multiple drops, that lends credence for me.

I totally agree with you, however, that how the purse got to be where it was probably holds a key, so don't mean to discount your desire to have only confirmed facts to work with.
Also, college is a ripe area for budding rapist and killers. They gotta start somewhere. I've heard horror stories and almost witnessed a rape of a drunk girl. Peer pressure and raging hormones, plus a bit of a nutter all comes into play. Then there is the silence and shame of rape in college. Dont wanna leave school, get embarrased, have to change schools, getting drunk and feel it's your fault, telling your parents, etc. I'm convinced that this happens more than what is reported.

So so true. I won't specify which college I attended, though I have probably alluded to it in previous posts, but it is one frequently discussed on this thread. Out of my friends I can count 5 who were raped during college. All of these occurred either on campus or in student housing. Out of those 5 only one perpetrator faced charges and he received next to no punishment.

As a previous poster mentioned, Virginia received a lot of snow this weekend. I hate that I can't help but wonder what it might be covering up now :(
IMO the BB players didnt do anything. Too many of them. The more people involved the more chance someone is gonna feel guilty and talk to someone. I think they were just there. One killer can get away with so much, but more than one and someone is gonna squeal like pig eventually. Especially some college kid.

MH friends are just horrible friends IMO. They dont wanna be bothered and just forget it all happened and I'm sure the parents are telling them to keep their mouths shut. Its a shame really. MH probably thought they were good friends, but nope.

right, but they(bball players) didn't leave all together - in the articles I've read it stated they got into their car(S) and left after talking with Morgan. I have posted before and will again now that perhaps after they pulled out in their carS she started over the bridge and ONE of those guys circled around and picked her up.
Yeah, I just don't buy that one of them took her. if they did where's the body. It's like she disappeard from the earth. You can't always believe what you read in the press. maybe they weren't the last to see her. Really, how many people were around the sports center, on bridge, or outside the stadium. Any of them could of taken her. I always felt that who ever took her was sick and new what they were doing. I don't think it was a spur of the moment thing, because they would have found her body by now and I'm sure one of the three bb's would of talked by now. Just my two cents.
I don't know what college everyone else went to, but my personal experience is that stumbling drunk on a weekend night on campus is about par for the course.

That made me laugh out loud! Thank you.
So so true. I won't specify which college I attended, though I have probably alluded to it in previous posts, but it is one frequently discussed on this thread. Out of my friends I can count 5 who were raped during college. All of these occurred either on campus or in student housing. Out of those 5 only one perpetrator faced charges and he received next to no punishment.

As a previous poster mentioned, Virginia received a lot of snow this weekend. I hate that I can't help but wonder what it might be covering up now :(
I read an account from a young man talking about Morgan having an attitude with him and even kicking him, and saying "You should call the police on me." Was that an actual validated account? It makes it sound like she was agitated possibly alcohol, a drug, or a head injury. Dropping her purse more than once? What actually happened when she went to the rest room? Was she confirmed to have been injured in someway? I just don't know how much of what I read/heard is true and confirmed.

The BB players leaving soon after seeing Morgan bothers me, too. I'm confident LE will stay on this, and it's good so many bands have helped raise reward money. May somebody get loose lips and tell what they know soon.
Yeah, I just don't buy that one of them took her. if they did where's the body. It's like she disappeard from the earth. You can't always believe what you read in the press. maybe they weren't the last to see her. Really, how many people were around the sports center, on bridge, or outside the stadium. Any of them could of taken her. I always felt that who ever took her was sick and new what they were doing. I don't think it was a spur of the moment thing, because they would have found her body by now and I'm sure one of the three bb's would of talked by now. Just my two cents.

If, as some have pointed out, just one circled around and picked her up on the bridge after leaving the other guys, what would the other BB plays have to talk about? She would, IMO, be more likely to get in a car with one of them than with a perfect stranger (being a smart-alec here, as they were perfect strangers 10 minutes before). But, MH and a BB player had built a 'relationship' that might cause her to be more trustful of him.

I'm not ready to count any one of them out.
Out of my friends I can count 5 who were raped during college. All of these occurred either on campus or in student housing. Out of those 5 only one perpetrator faced charges and he received next to no punishment.

Oh. My. Lord. I'm just truly stunned. I ran around a college town in the 70s as a teen/early twenties just as wild as could be (growing up there, not a student), and I know I must have been charmed, as nothing ever happened. But to know 5 that were raped?!? Just unreal. I'm so very sorry for all the lives that were shattered. How are the women now?
If, as some have pointed out, just one circled around and picked her up on the bridge after leaving the other guys, what would the other BB plays have to talk about? She would, IMO, be more likely to get in a car with one of them than with a perfect stranger (being a smart-alec here, as they were perfect strangers 10 minutes before). But, MH and a BB player had built a 'relationship' that might cause her to be more trustful of him.

I'm not ready to count any one of them out.

exactly, in their brief encounter she could have gotten enough info on the guy (college student, bball player, lives on campus etc.) to have felt comfortable hopping in his car.

If she got into someone's car like that, it doesn't mean he took her and raped her or something - it could have been drug od or something like that just as easily, or perhaps a situation that at first was consensual but she began saying no and it became a sexual assault and struggle at some point.

Even if it wasn't one of the bball players who picked her up, maybe it was someone else in that lot with them that went unnoticed at the time by both MH and the bball players?
I ruled the BB players out quite a while ago but with nothing new coming in I have to go back to them. I keep asking myself if they actually knew it was Morgan. I have looked for a tie between Morgans group and the BB or even Football players. The athletes and the girls. If we could find that tie then we would know if they really knew it was Morgan they were talking about or just another look alike. Was it just a chance encounter. I also wonder if Morgan was in distress why they didn't call security or escort her to a safe place. Or did one of them take advantage of her situation?

The basketball players were the last to talk to her and then the bridge sighting. We have so little to speculate on after over two months.

The purse continues to puzzle me. How did it get there? When did it get there? Wouldn't a PI be scared to return to that scene and leave it there. Were there any fingerprints on the purse?

Round and round we go.
I ruled the BB players out quite a while ago but with nothing new coming in I have to go back to them. I keep asking myself if they actually knew it was Morgan. I have looked for a tie between Morgans group and the BB or even Football players. The athletes and the girls. If we could find that tie then we would know if they really knew it was Morgan they were talking about or just another look alike. Was it just a chance encounter. I also wonder if Morgan was in distress why they didn't call security or escort her to a safe place. Or did one of them take advantage of her situation?

The basketball players were the last to talk to her and then the bridge sighting. We have so little to speculate on after over two months.

The purse continues to puzzle me. How did it get there? When did it get there? Wouldn't a PI be scared to return to that scene and leave it there. Were there any fingerprints on the purse?

Round and round we go.

Since MH attended Va Tech, and these were UVa basketball players, it's more unlikely she would have had links to them (or UVa football players) before that night.

For what it's worth, I think that while there were probably a lot of young women dressed all in black for the concert, there were probably a lot fewer wandering around outside as Metallica was taking the stage or early in their set (the time frame of 9:00 - 9:30), and I assume LE is sure it was MH who had a brief interaction at Lannigan Field parking and then was on the bridge. But, yes, that's an assumption.

Purse - plausible explanations to me, ranked from highest to lowest probability (moo):

1. Perp picked MH up hitchhiking on Copeley Bridge and then almost immediately threw MH's purse out the driver's side window into the grass and sped off. Maybe inexperienced, maybe wearing gloves, would have had to subdue/overcome MH. Driving that direction, there would be two signal lights with one left turn at Massey and then going straight to merge onto 250 bypass east (with more stoplights to come, so it's not open freeway).

2. Someone picked up MH and returned later after whatever happened happened to toss the purse, after perhaps wiping it down and possibly to throw off investigators.

3. MH dropped it in a struggle (that nobody has reported seeing), on the bridge or in the lot, and it was moved after being rummaged through if this didn't occur in the lot. If she was hitchhiking on the bridge or had walked back to Lannigan lot, then that could have happened, and it may have been that at 9:30 on a cold rainy Saturday night nobody observed anything.

4. MH dropped it in the lot without realizing it, and then whatever happened happened. We've never heard if she had her purse while (reportedly) hitchhiking...
But, MH and a BB player had built a 'relationship' that might cause her to be more trustful of him.

I'm not ready to count any one of them out.

So your sayin, she met them that night and now she trusts them or as you say built a relationship. Their strangers. Not likely that this happened.
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