VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #1 *Arrests*

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Yes they arrested a 19-year-old girl. The story just played on CNN about 30 seconds ago. I knew from the first details of her disappearance this was going to be a strange case with a lot of twists and turns. I was just hoping she would be found alive. Esp when they arrested him BEFORE she was found. I thought maybe he would give up her location and she would be fine. Wishful thinking I guess :(
Raises hand

I was 16 and he was 23.

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Yep I snuck out a few times as a 14 year old to be with a 17 year old. At the time I of course did not feel I was being taken advantage of. Now as an adult I have different feelings on the whole thing. The teenage years are very confusing.
Likes the TV show NCIS...
eta: Scorpion.

So, in addition to being an engineering student, fairly bright and likely has basic knowledge about investigations/ forensics, etc.

Add to that manipulative and narcissistic. He's a sociopath. That's why he's good at sports probably. Focus and goal oriented activities. Track is an individual sport, not with a team like football or anything. He didn't play well with others.

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Nichole Lovell experienced some tough stuff in her young life. The toughest being that she is dead at 13 and her loved ones will never get to see her finish that life.
BBM - if this is directed at me - please re-read what I posted. I did NOT say he was not involved in her life. I did say that she FELT that way or that is what she wrote to him. I took great pains to qualify what I posted and what I thought it meant. I said it was HER perception that mattered whether it was accurate or not. I am a teacher and I see teens every day. I believe a young girl's self-esteem is often dependent upon her relationship with her father. I think if you look at her postings we can agree that she suffered from low self-esteem regardless of the reason... it is also very likely related to her previous serious medical issues which I also mentioned.

As far as basing my opinion on one post - at this point all we have are little glimpses into the lives of these 3 individuals. Just their previous online presence which most definitly is NOT the total picture. Often when a case happens people look at one post or one picture and speculate about what it means. That is fairly common here and everyone understands that it is not a blanket statement and that there is without a doubt many missing pieces to the puzzle.

I am sorry my post bothered you!

It wasn't directed at anyone in particular, that's why I didn't quote anyone. I've read several posts that acted like the dad wasn't involved in Nicole's life at all, all based off of the one screenshot - like they hadn't even seen any of the other things Nicole posted. If you didn't say that, then it wasn't directed at you.

My post was just a reminder to those who do base their opinions off of one piece, to make sure to include all pieces. I've been around here for a while and I know how things become a game of telephone quickly when posters start basing their opinions off of another poster's post and not off the facts.
A Bobby Franks-type scenario? I cannot get that thought out of my mind.
I think one of the hardest things about being a teenage girl today is that the Internet allows them to compare themselves to millions of girls and women around the world. I am only ten years older than Nicole, and when I was her age, I would mostly compare myself to girls I actually knew--from my school, my cousins, from camp, etc. I think Instagram has had such a huge impact. Now girls can see the Instagram profiles of "instagram models" who are wearing tons of makeup, might have plastic surgery, photoshop, etc.
If you are not familiar with 4Chan said:[/url]

4Chan isn't on the dark web or underground at all. Google "4Chan" and it will come right up. It's an unregulated, anonymous messageboard that's very much on the known web and is very, very famous, the opposite of dark. Because it's anonymous and unregulated, there are sub-boards there can be really ugly, and I'm sure there are people posting there who use dark web networks. But compared to the dark web it's pretty tame. I've never heard anything about 4Chan and "non-normies" (don't know this term at all?). It's just a messageboard that's mostly full of young men. Its "'/b" messageboard is/was pretty notorious, but it's hardly the dark web or explicitly for people walking on some far out societal edge. It's more like college aged white guys still living with their moms, gamer dorks who hate feminists and troll them on Twitter in organized campaigns. It's people's suburban sons. The dark web is something completely different, not famous sites indexed by Google!

"Anonymous" largely started there, and has actually done some good. Mostly 4Chan is just synonymous with jerky young men playing bad boy behind the safety of a screen.

Your friend's son is unusual. Typically, long before schizophrenia becomes full-blown between 18-21 years old, the person has had a long history of antisocial behavior. It's not typical that a successful popular young man goes off to college and then is diagnosed with schizophrenia - usually, the child has struggled academically and socially all his life.

I would have to dispute this based on friends, reading, and a psychologist relative.

Back to lurking now. Ciao bellas!
A Bobby Franks-type scenario? I cannot get that thought out of my mind.

Do you mean you think NK may have been involved in her death? If LE had any reason to believe she was involved in this little girl's death, don't you think they would have charged her with murder as well or at least waited until they had enough evidence to charge her with murder? Not trying to be critical of your speculation I'm just wondering if LE would rather wait for the highest charge they could get instead of going with something lower before all the evidence is in. IMO they have a pretty good idea of what happened now if they went ahead and charged NK.
If you look it up on Urban Dictionary, you'll see exactly what it means and it clarifies exactly what was going on, IMO.


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Jeebus, yer right....never thought to look there........brutal.
It wasn't directed at anyone in particular, that's why I didn't quote anyone. I've read several posts that acted like the dad wasn't involved in Nicole's life at all, all based off of the one screenshot - like they hadn't even seen any of the other things Nicole posted. If you didn't say that, then it wasn't directed at you.

My post was just a reminder to those who do base their opinions off of one piece, to make sure to include all pieces. I've been around here for a while and I know how things become a game of telephone quickly when posters start basing their opinions off of another poster's post and not off the facts.

Ok - well I read back through the posts and did not see anyone else address the post about her dad. I'm sure we will learn more about their relationship (or lack of) as the story unfolds. And as I stated (or tried to) it really only matters what HER perception was. Even if he lived in the same household and spent quality time with her and was engaged in her life - if she didn't FEEL the connection - then that COULD have been a factor in seeking male attention/love/connections in those dangerous online places. That is all I was trying to say - not AT ALL blaming the dad.
As usual I'd like to see locations on a map. How far apart is everything, etc.

I wonder if she was killed that first night. Likely imo.

I can't help but wonder if DE went to her room and the assault and murder happened there. Perhaps he removed her in her minion blanket and her body was later disposed of. Poor Nichole. She had no idea at 13 what evil monsters are lurking out in the world. Rest peacefully young one. Prayers for her family and friends.
I agree that this isn't the end of these horrible "teen dating" groups...another one or hundreds will pop up elsewhere.
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