VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #2 *Arrests*

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this reminds me of leopold and loeb, they murdered bobby franks who was 14 and were aiming to commit the "perfect" murder
both were extremely intelligent but,obviously, their moral compass was broken
when i think of you nicole i hear pink floyd's "wish you were here"
How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears.
Wish you were here.

but you are lost no longer, you were a brave, sometimes silly, sometimes clever, mad about pandas young girl and you fought bravely against the odds
be in peace nicole, you are free now

Lupus est *advertiser censored* homini, non *advertiser censored*, quom qualis sit non novit
Just a note for families who are dealing with bullying in school: Go to the administration and make an absolute PEST of yourself. Do not be afraid to use the word "lawyer." School leaders want as little trouble as possible, so they will appease the families who make the most noise. Don't let families of the bullies throw their weight around--because they will.

My son came home crying a couple times during the first few weeks of middle school, and eventually he very reluctantly told us that another kid was throwing him against the wall and hitting him in the face whenever the gym teacher wasn't looking. We had a meeting with the vice-principal, who got the name of the kid and told us, Don't worry. We'll talk to the kid and tell him we are watching him and he will stop. And the kid did.

Why was my kid's school so on the ball? Not out of the goodness of their heart, but because a family had sued them for a million dollars five years before. In that case, a girl was being racially harassed on the bus. It was caught on cameras--and NO ONE wanted to do a thing about it because the bullying families were prominent in the community. After that, well, you bet your booty the school squashed the bullying before it got out of hand.

Schools have more power than they will admit.

Anyway, I'm just dropping into this devastating thread because whether or not the school bullying contributed to what happened to this poor baby, it didn't help. It's so awful to think about how much pain and unhappiness this child dealt with in her short life.

Rest in peace, dear girl.

I recommend extreme caution, before you threaten any legal action against a school system. Make damn sure you have the financial, and social support to withstand the **** storm that will create. There is a very hight percentage of false DCF charges brought by schools, against family's who make such accusations however true. Schools are almost always believed in such matters, and you will find yourself so ensnared in the system, you will have no time to worry about the school issues. (That is exactly why they do it!). I was threatened with this, in my own case, and I was told by the appellant; " Send your son to school. Every day. Even if he is getting beaten. Because what they are threatening you with is every mothers worst nightmare"!

We moved. And I highly recommend it, if you can manage it. If the schools suck where you live, you don't have time to be all Norma Ray.

How anonymous messaging app Kik is a law enforcement nightmare and may have been used by Virginia Tech student to ‘lure girl, 13, to her death’


But the Washington Post reports that police told the child’s mother Tammy Weeks that she met him online – possibly on Kik, a messaging app that grants anonymity to its users.

‘It was some off-the-wall site I never heard off,’ Weeks said.

The app allows users to only be identified by their usernames. However, third party websites allow users to search for others by age and gender – making the app particularly attractive to pedophiles and predators and the bane of law enforcement.

In February last year, one convicted sex offender spoke about the app to WTNH, and said it is ‘getting dangerous.’

‘The first thing I thought was ‘Wow! I can be whoever I want to be. I can get anybody I want. I can achieve my sexual glorification through this app’,’ he told the station.

He explained that predators could simply download the Kik messenger app for a mobile phone, make up a fake username, and through Kik, download another app called Hit Me Up.

'With the combination of both of those apps, you go on and say ‘I like little boys between this age and this age,’ and people would start sending you pictures,' he added.

The app is also popular with social media savvy teenagers, including Lovell.


Daily Mail
My heart dropped when the news announced the preliminary cause of death was stabbing. How horrible. How much of a monster do you need to be to do that to someone??? What excuse do you have??

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The pattern I have seen with freaks like these two is usually a fetish/fantasy life of some sort. Paquette from Canada comes to mind as does the lady in NH or close by who hired a couple to clean snow or something like that, and they lured her with a story about a broken-down car (my mind is a little rusty on the facts). And then there is the other notorious Canadian couple - Karla and ? Same thing.

Paul Bernardo. And Homolka is now free as a bird, remarried with 3 children. If that doesn't blow your mind...
I recommend extreme caution, before you threaten any legal action against a school system. Make damn sure you have the financial, and social support to withstand the **** storm that will create. There is a very hight percentage of false DCF charges brought by schools, against family's who make such accusations however true. Schools are almost always believed in such matters, and you will find yourself so ensnared in the system, you will have no time to worry about the school issues. (That is exactly why they do it!). I was threatened with this, in my own case, and I was told by the appellant; " Send your son to school. Every day. Even if he is getting beaten. Because what they are threatening you with is every mothers worst nightmare"!

We moved. And I highly recommend it, if you can manage it. If the schools suck where you live, you don't have time to be all Norma Ray.

We were advised by a local whose child had gone through he!! at the same school my son was going through to SUE the school. She said it was the only way. Well, I contacted my son's advocate (through Tourette Syndrome foundation) and she highly advised against it. She said it would make our son and our family outcasts in the community - like my son was not already being treated like a piece of dirt - so we didn't sue. I wish we had now. 20/20 is hindsight. Something I would not wish on any child or any family. It is pure he!!.

I have to admit, I did go all Norma Ray on the principal... I think I scared him, but it didn't do any good. I had one mother wanting to meet me on Main Street to "whup my arse" - completely unrelated to the bullying - had to do with the Tourette's. Anyway the poor 5th grade teacher handled the situation appropriately and after explaining my son's condition the mother was quite understanding. Might I add that the bullies were NOT the kids you might typically expect to be bullies. These were kids of local preachers (we live in the Bible belt - lots and lots of local churches) and the kids of "upstanding" citizens in the town. I'm sorry Nicole had to endure anything like what quite a number of us have experienced.
Thank you for reporting. Ya know... I never *Loved* facebook the way a lot of people do. I have always felt, you can share just as much with family/friends over email.

But it was eye-opening in a really horrific way, for me to see this use of it!

What the hell is wrong with Facebook to allow this?!

These groups might as well be called, "Insecure little girls, meet sexual predators!"

Shame on Facebook for profiting off these pedophiles!

I have a Daughter, who will be 11 in April. My heart is just hemorrhaging, over this child's death. And NO I do not blame her parents. We don't know that she was not, "loved enough, or, monitored, enough.

There needs to be SOME responsibility placed on Web administrators that provide safe haven, for criminal activity targeting minors!

Well, I'm going to go the other way. It is a massive job for admin of all levels to monitor this stuff, especially when some of it is hosted in countries with lax legislation. Parents - people - need to understand that the internet is huge and hard to control and start taking responsibility at the personal level. There needs to be a grass roots move to not allowing your children unmonitored internet access - they don't need a phone that does anything more than make calls or sends texts, they don't need to have the ability to access the internet in their room away from an adult monitor. As a society we spend far too much time making it seem that our kids must have the latest gadget.

Even if Facebook changed it's rules (and I think having a lower limit of 13 is absolute madness), kids will lie about their age to get on there, lie about where they live. They have over a billion daily users worldwide and that's impossible to police. So it has to come back to individual responsibility. We are the ones who have to step up and take action.
This is crazy. What in the world is a college engineering student doing killing some 13 year old?

I will never understand such evil.
I really do not remember kids being as cruel "back then" as they are now. Maybe we were more naive and childish, I don't know. But even in high school, I don't recall the kinds of cruelty so easily available as with social media. It takes guts to be cruel to someone's face, whereas any coward can be mean on a computer.

Oh, they were - at least that was my experience, I was bullied most of my secondary school life. The only difference was that is was less public than it is now, and you were relatively safe in your own home because there wasn't social media and mobile phones.
If that's his Twitter it is indeed vile, and there's really nothing interesting to see. The person made five tweets sending his kik and Snapchat names to sexy sounding twitter accounts. I'm no mod but it's no loss not to post it, lol. Idk if we're allowed to just post the kik and sn names since we really don't know if that's actually DE.

Well in that case...I bet Nancy Grace will have it on her show. lol
In all probability, DE and NK knew each other and were pretty familiar with each other. The dating and sadisitic sexual tendencies are speculation on my part. Though I did intend to label them as such, I should have been more clear.

I thought read here there were no signs of sexual abuse or sexual contact. Was that a reliable report?
I found it too. I guess we aren't allowed to tell what it is? Including his snapchat and Kik? Not sure how much I can say.

If it's his SM you can link it. If it's graphic warn people though..
Why did she take a blanket with her? Weird. JMO

We can only speculate, but I assume it was her security blanket. She may have been playing grown-up, but she was only a young child.
If that's his Twitter it is indeed vile, and there's really nothing interesting to see. The person made five tweets sending his kik and Snapchat names to sexy sounding twitter accounts. I'm no mod but it's no loss not to post it, lol. Idk if we're allowed to just post the kik and sn names since we really don't know if that's actually DE.

Unless you are 100% sure the accounts belong to one of the suspects they should not be linked and breadcrumbs in the form of screen names should not be thrown either.


Can you imagine being the roommate of one of these two? They're lucky to be alive!!

I cannot imagine! It would be like having been the girlfriend of Ted Bundy or Jeff Dahmer's neighbor! I would need lots of counseling.
Unless you are 100% sure the accounts belong to one of the suspects they should not be linked and breadcrumbs in the form of screen names should not be thrown either.



Yep, that's what I figured. Just didn't want to tell anyone that since I'm not a mod. :)
OT, I wish I could believe kids learned from these tragedies...but I think they quickly go right back to "business", bullying the "losers" etc...
I really do not remember kids being as cruel "back then" as they are now. Maybe we were more naive and childish, I don't know. But even in high school, I don't recall the kinds of cruelty so easily available as with social media. It takes guts to be cruel to someone's face, whereas any coward can be mean on a computer.

Not only do they go right back to bullying, they also go right back to SM apps and join groups and post inappropriate pics/messages. Because, it's all "like, really sad and everything" but it's not going to happen to them.

THANKFULLY, some kids, do learn. Some DO stay away from that kind of of cruel behavior and those awful sites.
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