VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #2 *Arrests*

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Most of those aren't Hobbits Glen, it ranges from $685k to $1.4m. Several of those listings are Harper's Choice, where I lived in the 80s. My kids both went to Wilde Lake HS. I didn't want my gdaughter going there since recently they had trouble with fighting and a rape in a bathroom. Columbia is divided into neighborhoods that each have a town center, elementary school, middle school and high school. It's designed so that low end housing and high end housing blend in each neighborhood. It's famous for diversity...but has gotten a little shabby over the years. I don't think James Rouse ever planned on drugs taking over many of the areas with devastating effects.
Bingo. This beheading. Also two Tech students murdered when they went camping nearby. One student murdered another student several years ago. LE shot and killed near campus. Several men and women not connected with the school also missing within the region.

gruesome campus murder in 2009:

(CNN) -- A female graduate student at Virginia Tech was killed Wednesday night when a man she knew attacked her with a knife and decapitated her, a school spokesman said.

Virginia Tech police Chief Wendell Flinchum talks about the first slaying on campus since the 2007 shootings.
Thinking out loud here.

I wonder if they binge watched Making A Murderer over break like so many of us did. If either of them had previously thought of killing someone, I wonder if the series inspired them even more. Simply a very random thought here people. Nothing set in stone.

(And there is an odd energy set over this region. You have the VT massacre. Something happening at Tech nearly every other year since. The murders of the news anchor Alison Ward and photojournalist Adam Ward. And countless people dying on Smith Mountain Lake each summer. There are others as well, but they aren't coming to mind at this moment. JMHO of course from someone who lives nearby.)

Smith Mountain lake is about an 80 mile drive from campus so including Parker, Ward and lake deaths is really stretching it. As for crimes actually close to or connected to the college, there was the Childs/Metzler double-murder. Both were VT students with an unknown assailant who was likely a local. There was the non-student that stole a vehicle and killed a cop on campus. Again, just a local rather than a student. Then there was the beheading of one student by another. Of course, the Cho massacre. I think with a college town and 30,000 young people you're going to have problems but no more than most other college towns. At college age at lot of mental problems seem to surface and the pressures of school exacerbate them.
I am somewhat confused why so much emphasis seems to be put on DE and NK being college students at Virginia Tech. Why does it matter? How does that change anything or the facts of the case?

Killers and co-conspirators come from all walks of life but it is their violent criminal acts they have done is really what is most important. What they may have been doing at the time before they committed the crime/s.... whether they were a college student, a high school dropout, a doctor or a lawyer or all professions in between is really irrelevant to the murder of Nicole.

Being a college student never means the individuals attending are immune from being bankrupt morally.

Evil walks among us all that is for certain. We here at WS have seen it rear its ugly head way too often.

I was bullied when I was 7 until 11 years old when we finally moved and I no longer attended that school. Growing up I was always petite (still am), and since I came from a home with a very abusive father, I was scared of my shadow back then, and was an easy target for bullies. My bully was a girl my age. So I feel the pain Nicole had to endure. Bullies are the scum of the earth, imo. It isn't normal behavior for any human being to delight in someone else's pain and suffering...they are causing. Bullies have to have a sadistic streak in their makeup. And we see how powerful words can be now that the abuse can continue 24/7 on social media sites. Teens are now pushing the other depressed teen to kill themselves instead of trying to help and support them through their times of great need. What a scary world we live in.

I do believe Nicole's death was very premeditated. I see coldness in both of the defendants. No compassion or empathy. They both emit an air of evilness and coldness. When I see photos of Nicole its heartbreaking because she really looked around 12-13 and you don't see that much nowadays since most 13 year old girls seems to want to look 18 instead.

I believe both of them lured Nicole into believing they were her trusted friends with the intentions all along to kill her.

I also believe that Keepers is much more involved in this and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if she was the mastermind behind the entire plot. The investigation has just begun and I think even more additional charges will be filed against both.

I really don't even see why Nicole was interested in DE. He looks mean and downright scary looking. He isn't the least bit attractive to me either (jmo) but maybe the draw may have been more because he was paying attention to Nicole and she was lonely, sad, and was seeking affirmative attention. And strangely Keepers gives off the same vibe. In her mugshot she looks totally unremorseful, angry, emotionless, hard, and devoid of feelings.

It always has intrigued me how two evil people can find each other out of the millions of people out there. Its like they have a honing device that brings the two evildoers together so they can do heinous crimes like this one as a team.

I think they killed Nicole just because they knew they could. Just for the thrill of it. I think they felt Nicole was beneath them and they thought she had no value.

I read an article last year that stated 1 out of 5 people from the age of 18-25 have a serious personality disorder of some kind. How scary. I think our society now is creating more and more psychopaths than ever before with narcissistic/ sadistic traits. I have seen several interviews concerning teen murderers and the one common denominator I see constantly is, no matter how horrific their murders were, they aren't remorseful one bit nor could care less about the victims.

I believe these two defendants care about no one but themselves and are in the 'ME 'ME' 'ME' ME' group of young people we are reading so much about in the recent years. Imo, they both felt entitled to take Nicole's life. To them she meant nothing. Both of them were cold and ruthless when they lured her away imo. To murder Nicole with a knife shows they wanted her feel pain and great suffering before she died and wanted her to know who was killing her. Its shows a lot of cruelty, imo. And she may not have died right away but she may have been tortured/humiliated before the final stab came.

It still perplexes me why DE wasn't also charged with improper disposal of Nicole's body and only Keepers was. I have seen many DAs over the years who charged a defendant with first degree murder also attach additional charges depending on what law the murder suspect broke. It gives the jury more charges to consider.

These two just didn't decide one day out of the blue to become evil cruel human beings who are capable of murdering a child so there is a backstory on who these two really are... whether their family enabled them or simply chose to ignore the odd behaviors they saw.

Beautiful insight into Nicole from Jane Vance. I didn't know that she worked at Nicole's school. For those that don't know, Jane was Morgan Harrington's professor and is very active in HSTNG.

I didn't know that she was at Nicole's school either, but I follow Morgan's case and think very highly of Ms. Jane. This article tore me up. It's so scary to be the mother of a beautiful young lady in this day and age. I wish I could give Coley's mom a big hug.
Virginia teen girl’s death points to larger pattern of sexual predators
The Guardian Baynard Woods
Wednesday 3 February 2016 08.57 EST

When Jane Lillian Vance heard that 13-year-old Nicole Lovell was missing, she couldn’t believe it was happening again.

Vance worked as an instructional assistant in Lovell’s class at Blacksburg middle school, near Virginia Tech University, during her sixth grade year and the two had bonded over a love of animals. Vance described Lovell as “sunny”, but she knew all too well what kind of darkness such a bright girl can attract.


“There is only one source of her murder and that is her predator,” she said. “When you wonder about the bullying in the school or whether the parents were attentive enough or whether cyberspace is going to be clean, you dilute the real attention to the fact that there are sexual predators. Nicole’s naivety is conjectural – she’s not here to defend herself. The fact is what we need to look at is sexual predators, perverse sexual violence and why that happens.”

“I don’t know the accused in the case but I want to know, as educators – I don’t care if it is in college or church or middle school – how we can begin to ID the early warning signs of that coldness” that could allow someone to kill a 13-year-old.

Very informative and helpful link:

A dependent student is a student who receives substantial financial support from his or her parents or legal guardian. A college or university in Virginia LOOKS AT the supporting PARENTS' DOMICILE to determine if a dependent student is eligible for in-state tuition or state financial aid programs.

If you are under age 24, an institution will CLASSIFY you as a DEPENDENT student UNLESS you:
are a VETERAN or ACTIVE-DUTY member of the U.S. armed forces;
are a GRADUATE or first-professional student;
are a WARD of the COURT or were a ward of the court until age 18.

If a student under the age of 24 does not meet one of these exceptions, then he must be able to demonstrate that his parents have surrendered the right to his care, custody, and earnings, and do not claim him as a dependent for tax purposes.

Obviously, we have no way of knowing if his parents have surrendered the right to his care (but my guess would be no---considering the fact that he was unsure if his car is owned by his parents).
To me it's all in the same 'region.' I was talking about the energy in this region. Not linking it to VA. Tech. Perhaps you thought I was linking all of this to Tech. Indeed I am not. I live here and we all watch the same news stations. When you watch the same local news, in my opinion it's all in the same region.

The energy hovering over the region is a bit off. Simply my opinion. I'm not linking all of the incidents to Tech.

Smith Mountain lake is about an 80 mile drive from campus so including Parker, Ward and lake deaths is really stretching it. As for crimes actually close to or connected to the college, there was the Childs/Metzler double-murder. Both were VT students with an unknown assailant who was likely a local. There was the non-student that stole a vehicle and killed a cop on campus. Again, just a local rather than a student. Then there was the beheading of one student by another. Of course, the Cho massacre. I think with a college town and 30,000 young people you're going to have problems but no more than most other college towns. At college age at lot of mental problems seem to surface and the pressures of school exacerbate them.
Eva Pilgrim (@EvaPilgrim):

Natalie Keepers conspired from Jan 4th until Jan 27th in the death of Nicole #Lovell per arrest warrant. Charges premediated murder. @abc

* * * * * *

What in the heck could be the cause for this? 23 days she had to back out of this but she chose not to.

BBM. Strangely, it appears that the above Tweeet has been deleted, and I haven't been able to find a copy of the arrest warrant.

I am sorry if this has already been pointed out, and/or if the screenshot I am going to try to attach here is not allowed (mods, please snip/delete, if not permitted). Alternatively, here is the link (which I do believe is allowed):

I know we haven't agreed as to whether the "David A" here is in fact David Eisenhauer, but I believe that it is (besides, AP reported that the mother of Nicole's 8-year-old neighbors told them "her daughters told her that the seventh-grader had showed them a picture of "David," along with a thread of texts they had shared using the Kik Messenger app on her phone.").

Nicole posted this to Instagram nine weeks ago (or November 28th to be exact; this shows up if you hover the mouse over the "9w"), and it shows that "David A." had texted her the previous Friday, which would have been November 27th.

I am so glad that Ms. Snider, the neighbor, spoke up. Without the tip, I suspect it would have taken LE quite a bit longer to connect the dots.
I don't think the majority of these kids are taking gen-ed classes. It was pointed out that DE was NK's math tutor. Why would a first semester freshman at VT in engineering need a math tutor?!?

Where did the math tutor info come from? I see an article that says Keepers tutored freshmen in math but nothing about Eisenhauer needing a tutor (or the other way around).
Where did the math tutor info come from? I see an article that says Keepers tutored freshmen in math but nothing about Eisenhauer needing a tutor (or the other way around).

It was reported by one of NK's friends that they first heard of DE when she said he was tutoring her in math. The same friends indicated that she had a boyfriend and it was not DE.
I haven't looked to see if this has been commented or not so I apologize if it has. I'm catching up. Anyway, I have lived in 2 states that have reciprocity agreements for students who live within a certain amount of miles from state lines. Meaning I grew up in NC 25 miles from the TN line so I would have gotten in-state tuition had I chose to go to The University of Tennessee in Knoxville ( which is around 100 miles from my childhood home). East Tennessee State also has this agreement. And I also lived in the Greater Cincinnati tri-state area and they also had those agreements with certain schools. I have no idea how close Columbia is to the VA line and really none of this is important anyway. I just wanted to share that there are certain states that allow this.
Nicole Lovell apparently stabbed to death; 2 Virginia Tech students charged
By Eliott C. McLaughlin, Greg Botelho and Catherine E. Shoichet, CNN
Updated 8:38 AM ET, Wed February 3, 2016


Virginia Tech student Natalie M. Keepers now faces a charge of being an accessory to murder before the fact, the prosecutor said. The 19-year-old had already been charged with concealing a body and being an accessory to murder after the fact.


Investigators have been tight-lipped about the evidence they have that allegedly ties the two college students to the killing. In an arrest warrant for Keepers obtained by CNN, authorities gave a date range for when they believe her alleged connection to the case began: January 4-January 27.
Where did the math tutor info come from? I see an article that says Keepers tutored freshmen in math but nothing about Eisenhauer needing a tutor (or the other way around).

It is mentioned in this article:

Keepers’s friend CP, 18, said Keepers had a boyfriend at the time she last spoke with her and had never mentioned Eisenhauer in any other context other than as someone who helped her with her math work.
It was reported by one of NK's friends that they first heard of DE when she said he was tutoring her in math. The same friends indicated that she had a boyfriend and it was not DE.

Just a guess, but maybe DE's "alter ego" was her boyfriend. If these two had a fantasy life they were acting out with Nicole, maybe they dated as their fantasy characters.

I feel ridiculous suggesting that, but this case is so weird anyway....
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