VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #3 *Arrests*

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Quote from article: "Her father said Keepers is being held in solitary confinement at the jail because she is “not street smart” and would be bullied and targeted in jail.

Her dad complained that Keepers is not getting the correct medication in jail, and that she does not have a proper mattress for her allergies."

I know this would be hard for a parent, but he will have to realize his daughter is no longer his princess. She opened a door to a world/life that she will never be able to escape from.

BOO HOO :jail:
Under Virginia's Criminal Code, the following offenses carry the possibility of death:
Willful, deliberate and premeditated murder in the commission of abduction

I think DE is eligible for the DP, if he has been charge with abduction.
Eisenhauer told police he had communicated to Lovell in he days before her disappearance and he greeted the teen outside of her bedroom window at the Lantern Ridge apartment complex in Blacksburg on the night she went missing, Pettitt said.

Eisenhauer told police he gave Lovell a "side hug" and then returned to Keepers' dorm on Virginia Tech’s campus.
What is on Craig Creek Road? a building? or it was done out in the open?

Former reporter Orly Salinas posted a video showing police searching near the western end of Craig Creek Road near the shooting range. It's not some nice paid type range. Just basically a spot leveled by the state forestry service with some targets. I'd guess at night it's totally empty and the only danger would be if police patrol. I don't know if the lot is chained at night, though.
Keepers took the stand during Thursday's hearing, telling the judge about mental health issues she has struggled with since the eighth grade, when she had thoughts of suicide and began cutting herself.

She testified that she began seeing a counselor and psychologist through Virginia Tech in August, as soon as she arrived on campus. She said she is on antidepressants and medication for anxiety, and recently had been much healthier.

"I've learned, especially at [the Virginia Tech Cook Counseling Center] how to love myself," Keepers testified.
Before I get into my thoughts on the below quotes, since Keepers and Eisenhauer have been charged, someone want to link all their known social media in one post? I started listing Nicole's last night, not only to have them in one place, but for parents to see how many different media outlets are out there!!! So many I hadn't heard of, and I'm sure other parents haven't either.

Regarding the friend of Nicole's reporting an inappropriate relationship to the resource officer. I certainly do believe this child (as evidenced by her facebook post calling Nicole out on this), but have a hard time believing a resource officer wouldn't respond to this. Wouldn't this be "child abuse" and he is a mandated reporter?

Her mother saw these same pictures. Even commented on a topless boy's picture asking who he was?

I saw that as well, but wasn't sure it really was her Mom, or if Nicole was joking as in telling a friend they were being like Mom. Was late last night when I read it.

If the murder took place on campus perhaps something was seen on security cameras? Whether it be the whole crime, parked car, them putting the body in the car I would assume VT would have multiple security cameras covering that campus.

There are many security cameras around, and lots of traffic cameras as well. I have only been on the campus for veterinarian services, so unsure how many cameras are throughout the campus, but with the past killings, etc on campus, I would be super suprised if any more cameras weren't added.

An adult resource officer had recieved prior knowledge that Nicole had inappropriate relationships with adult men on social media

Her friend stood up and said something and she was ingnored. I don't think she should be ignored by the rest of us.

What are you seeing as a potential danger to her saying who she is and what she did?

I would be proud of my child. I see no threat to the girl here. I feel she deserves respect for trying to help.

Also, keeping her anonymous would just make it easier for the school to avoid the whole issue.

Yes, her friend was trying to get help the best she knew how. I do believe the comments on Nicole's SM backs up that story of notifying someone in authority. She was obviously concerned about her friend. On the other hand, I personally wouldn't want my child's name mentioned. Apparently her parent must have given the media permission to publish it. Likewise, the twins that saw David's photo and messages, I wouldnt' have wanted their name in media if they were my kids. They are all witnesses in a way. Sadly sometimes people want witnesses silenced, or shut up.

If Nicole did take her blanket then it's quite possible she was sitting/laying on it at the time of the attack so they might not be much evidence at the scene.

As for motive, my wife speculated two things that make sense. One: as somebody else posted, Nicole was talking too much and DE was scared. Two: possible pregnancy? Of course there's nothing to back up the second one but we see that motive in wife murders a lot.

Then there's the NK mugshot. If it is a cut, it could certainly help her case. She could claim DE cut her to force her to help dispose of the body.

Still not sure on the blanket, and whether it's been found. However, HLN just said Eisenhauer met Nicole as she climbed out of her window, and per his account, he gave her a side hug, and walked away. While I don't believe that last bit, knowing he was at her apartment, and helped her out the window just adds more sadness to this all. Hopefully cameras are present at her apartment and captured him leaving with her. Maybe the blanket was laid down on the window seal to help her get out without bricks rubbing her skin, or something. Don't know.

It was reported that her blanket was missing, but was it recovered? So little information.

Could that evening be the first NL meetup with DE, and DE discovered then that she was a little girl and rejected her. NL couldn't handle another rejection and storm off alone on foot and was abducted?

No, I don't believe he rejected her after meeting her at all. In fact, in December, Nicole posted a photo of her with a candy cane in her mouth, stating she was going on a date and nervous. JMO, but I believe that may have been their first meeting. If Eisenhauer had decided he wasn't going to see her anymore, I can see from prior breakups how Nicole would have responded. Still, HLN was just saying that Keepers and Eisenhauer were at a picnic the day before this abduction/murder, and planned to slice Nicole's throat to kill her. Unfortunately, it appears this was a thrill kill.

If she was pregnant, they would have had sex almost immediately upon meeting (Jan 4?) to know that on Jan. 27 and then confront him with that.

I personally believe they met back in December, which would make it possible for a pregnancy, but I'm doubtful. The amount of treatments for the liver transplant, and the non Hodgkin's lymphoma could have made Nicole sterile. JMO.

From my kid, I know Facebook is about dead with the kids. I suspect they don't like their parents seeing everything and they don't want their friends to see them tagged in mom's embarrassing photos. Twitter was hot but died off quite a bit, too. Instagram is still pretty active with them but a lot of activity has now moved to SnapChat. I think YikYak is the one that seems to largely be used for bullying. I haven't heard my child mention the slightest interest in it... yet.

My kid's only post on FB when they want family to see something, like passing a semester of college, new job, etc. Twitter, and other aps are their primary means of online contact.

Apparently they are saying the motive was that Nicole was going to expose the relationship. Expose is an interesting word use to use. I feel like if Nicole just wanted to share about her new BF on social media, David could convince her not to? He could tell that college kids don't do that anymore or whatever, I feel like she would likely listen to what he said. But what if Nicole threatened to expose their relationship because she knew it was illegal or at least would look very bad for him. Nicole may not have even been serious---just desperate in the moment.

Maybe, and maybe not. Nicole was a child, and thus had a very immature reaction to being rejected, or a breakup. When likely hood most were only hooking up for sex, and dumping her. Sadly too many young girls think that if a guy has sex with you it means something to him. Many guys the emotionally connection isn't needed for sex. They just want to get off.
Social media apps that appeal to tweens/teens, especially girls, need to be more exclusive and not inclusive. Teens need to have the 'you can't sit with us' mentality when it comes to social media and adding/texting people they don't know.

For example if the app of choice is Instagram, make sure the tween/teen is only friends with real life friends or relatives. If a good friend can vouch for a friend of theirs, then that should be fine, but a friend of a friend is the furthest I'd let it go. And keep the account private. Society as a whole (speaking in super broad terms, so I do not need a lecture) often conditions females from a young age to be overly nice, helpful, and trusting. Mix that together with a tween who desperately wants a boyfriend and it's not a good outcome.

There is nothing wrong online with keeping your circle of friends nearly the same as you have offline.

Yes, if I don't know you, you aren't going to be added. But I'm surprised at even adults who want brag about how many 'friends' they have. One recently attempted to belittle me for having so few 'friends' on my facebook. Reality, I have fewer friends than facebook states! But the ones on my list are people I have known from school, college, work, rescue work, and family. Not just anyone gets added no matter how many request I get. Teens are immature. Many will keep adding because "Oh, so and so knows them, and we have lots of friends in common, I'm going to add".
Dawn Jefferies ‏@DawnWSLS10 2m2 minutes ago
"Her involvement was from the very beginning... She killed someone she never even met," said CW Attorney Mary Pettitt re: Natalie Keepers.

wow. I have no words.

THIS is heartbreaking. How in the heck can you want someone dead you've never met? What could they possibly have done for you to want them dead? Unfortunately as we've seen with so many cases, thrill kills exist. As my husband stated when I asked how someone can just decide to molest young kids, or murder someone.....he said says they didnt' just decide it. It's who they've always been, and decided to act on those thoughts. Scary!

Our Annie Andersen was in court today and reports that Keepers admitted to be a cutter in high school.

She was in and out of counseling through high school.

Keepers also admitted that she had trouble adjusting to college.

Keepers said her counselor in college then sent her to a psychiatrist who prescribed Prozac and other anti-anxiety medication.

Her father said that "When he found out, it was like a punch to a stomach."

The Commonwealth attorney said that Keeper told police that Keepers and Eisenhauer sat down and bounced ideas off of each other on how to kill Lovell.

According to the Commonwealth attorney, they agree at the time that they should cut Lovell's throat.

We will have the latest information for you.

Sigh. Of course some type of mental illness, deficiet, something was going on with Keepers and Eisenhauer for them to commit such a heinous crime. Unfortunately I don't know that any amount of meds, or therapy could change either. Wheither it's a personality disorder, or pure evil within their brains, I don't know. Anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc., medication and therapy can help. I don't think it can stop a murderer though. Scary. Even if known issues exist, how do you stop someone from acting on those thoughts in their head????
Geez, why is info from the hearing today coming out in dribs and drabs?!?

Keepers described some of her problems in her own words.

Her father also was questioned, and he described her having an appendectomy sometime in the fall. He said fellow student 18-year-old David Eisenhauer took her to the hospital.

Keepers also said she's not getting her full medication and is gluten intolerant and can't eat jail food.

Keepers took the stand during Thursday's hearing, telling the judge about mental health issues she has struggled with since the eighth grade, when she had thoughts of suicide and began cutting herself.

She testified that she began seeing a counselor and psychologist through Virginia Tech in August, as soon as she arrived on campus. She said she is on antidepressants and medication for anxiety, and recently had been much healthier.

"I've learned, especially at [the Virginia Tech Cook Counseling Center] how to love myself," Keepers testified.

Bolded by me...
But not others?
"I've learned, especially at [the Virginia Tech Cook Counseling Center] how to love myself," Keepers testified.

Too bad she learned to love herself rather than love others. I can't believe she got on the stand and said that given what she helped to happen to Nicole.
Same thing I was thinking ... keep digging that hole, NK!

yep, looks like her hole is dug very deep.....I see no way she or even DE gets off on these charges. Throw them both away in jail forever.
Our Annie Andersen was in court today and reports that Keepers admitted to be a cutter in high school.

She was in and out of counseling through high school.

Keepers also admitted that she had trouble adjusting to college.

Keepers said her counselor in college then sent her to a psychiatrist who prescribed Prozac and other anti-anxiety medication.

Her father said that "When he found out, it was like a punch to a stomach."

The Commonwealth attorney said that Keeper told police that Keepers and Eisenhauer sat down and bounced ideas off of each other on how to kill Lovell.

According to the Commonwealth attorney, they agree at the time that they should cut Lovell's throat.

We will have the latest information for you.

As this information comes out, I am thinking personality disorder, or some mental illness surfacing. JMO
Eisenhauer told police he had communicated to Lovell in he days before her disappearance and he greeted the teen outside of her bedroom window at the Lantern Ridge apartment complex in Blacksburg on the night she went missing, Pettitt said.

Eisenhauer told police he gave Lovell a "side hug" and then returned to Keepers' dorm on Virginia Tech’s campus.

So apparently he's been talking to police, too.
Keepers took the stand during Thursday's hearing, telling the judge about mental health issues she has struggled with since the eighth grade, when she had thoughts of suicide and began cutting herself.

She testified that she began seeing a counselor and psychologist through Virginia Tech in August, as soon as she arrived on campus. She said she is on antidepressants and medication for anxiety, and recently had been much healthier.

"I've learned, especially at [the Virginia Tech Cook Counseling Center] how to love myself," Keepers testified.

Whaaaat!!?? She learned how to love herself? But a load of bull.
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