VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #4 *Arrests*

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My question about the furniture being pushed up to the door, why wasn't the door just locked? A typical bedroom door lock, that you can open from the outside with a dime or a fake little key. In an apt complex, you could even ask maintenance to replace it if it didn't work.
Unless, she had locked the door before to sneak out???? Who knows. Usually then, you take the door off the hinges.

My guess that is that possibly the door did not have a lock or the door itself was so warped it wouldn't latch properly. IIRC, none of the bedroom doors in the house I grew up in had working locks. Only the bathrooms did. And at times, I did push furniture in front of the door to "lock" myself in.

What doesn't make sense to me is that if I was planning on sneaking out my window, I'm not sure I would have wanted to make any more noise than necessary and risk someone waking up by me dragging furniture around to block the door. Even if it was carpeted or the furniture light enough to move without much noise, I'm not sure I'd even want to bother taking the time. I'd just hop quietly out the window and be on my way. I'm not sure why that was done. At best it was buying her a minute or so of time. To me, blocking the door makes most sense if you have plans on sequestering yourself in the room, and want to ensure your privacy by making it impossible for someone to walk in on you. Not if you have plans to sneak out the window. I tossed around the idea that someone else blockaded the door, but I'm sure LE has dusted the furniture for fingerprints. I also tossed around the idea that maybe she was hoping DE would come inside and she wanted to keep her family from opening the door an seeing them. But, that is just pure speculation on my part. I have nothing to base that on.
What makes you think he was rich? He couldn't be too well off-- he has a public defender.

He drives a Lexus, not very cheap. Me thinks his folks cut him off after his arrest. Of course, this is pure speculation on my part.
His parent's house is on a golf course and valued near $700,000. He likely has no money of his own, though.

I'm from the same area. His parents house is valued at $650k and as sad as it sounds around here that does not buy luxury. It buys a decent single family home. I live in an 11 year old one bedroom condo that cost 450k if that gives you some insight.
So while they are not lower income by far-- around here they are certainly not wealthy based on their house and the cost of it.
As far as it being in a golf course.... Again- in the DC metro area-- that is due to shortage of land not increased value.
Dc area is ridiculous with real estate and you can't get half as much as you can get out further in Virginia for what you get here.
He drives a Lexus, not very cheap. Me thinks his folks cut him off after his arrest. Of course, this is pure speculation on my part.

Agree. But again. Let's not speculate the money they have. The assets we are basing our assumption on that they have money are the average around here. I have a Lexus es350 -used. That I paid the same amount for that my parents paid for their Avalon. Just trying to put things in perspective. I assume the car he drives is probably a car his parents gave him to commute to school with.
And I do think his parents cut him off when this came about.
Thank you for this post.

I teach at an alternative school. Kids might attend because of emotional disabilities, offenses committed on school property or in the community, etc. We have involved parents who do their best and parents who don't give a crap. Just because a kid is troubled doesn't mean the parents are negligent. It's hard to keep up. I'm tech savvy, have been teaching a while, and I still learned stuff about social media from this case.

Nicole's online activities are certainly a cautionary tale, but the last thing her parents need right now is to have their home and circumstances ripped apart in the media.

Thank you a million times for this post!

It makes my heart hurt when I read posts slamming her mom's parenting. It's the equivalent of saying, Well you could have prevented this if you were a better parent", and we can't know that. I am sure Coley's mom is going over everything she has done, or not done, in her own mind, and will likely revisit that the rest of her life. No need for a Pile-On.

Such posts are usually thinly disguised as a "cautionary tale" for others, in order to make them seem relevant, but they are really cruelty dished out by judgmental know-it-alls imo.

When my son was 10, he got hit by a car, he was crossing at a cross walk with a friend. There was a van parked curbside, and he neglected to peek out around it, stepped off the curb and got hit. He almost died. Couple weeks later, I was pushing him, in his wheelchair, into a little corner store, and there was a group of people gathered around the counter, with a news account of his accident open in front of them, and I heard one woman say, "what kind of a mother let's a little kid run the street like that?! ya that made me feel real good. NOT. I quietly wheeled him over, and introduced myself and my "little kid"... you could have heard a pin drop. People need to learn to stop being cruel and judgmental.

A little kindness and support is what is needed when people are suffering.
That's not all that high considering it's in a Balt/Wash/Annapolis area. Hard to find anything under $500K...and $500K can get you a piece of crap (we bought in the area at the very beginning of the housing crash and paid through the nose for a complete fixer and are house poor). They likely are also house poor, in debt up to their noses, etc. It is a VERY expensive area.

Somebody posted the address and it looked quite nice on Google StreetView. Plus, the backyard borders the golf course. Not shabby at all. Not Hollywood celeb nice, but not bad at all.
The median house value in Columbia, MD is $330,000. So half are above that and half below. I think it's safe to say $650,0000 is well above.
Great post, Safeguard! I completely agree! I shudder at the posts with veiled blame.

I'm really glad your son is still with us and I hope he's doing well, now! I'm sure you're a great parent! Accidents happen!

Why are people so interested in DE family finances? I'm just curious...
Pertaining to people posting on the parenting of the victim or their living environment and it being cruel. I have not seen any post that particularly blames anyone for this as for the most part everyone on here is saddened deeply not only for the victim but the families too. Facts being discussed that may pertain to the living conditions have to do with dissecting fine details pertaining the the bow and what in this case. (Door locks, rooming, etc). As far as the supervision of a child and social media I have seen multiple posts where all have admitted what they have learned from this pertaining to surveillance of their own children, different social media outlets etc. and while that will never bring these innocent girl back-- perhaps will assist is all in ensuring we do our part within our own homes to proactively avoid any possibility of this or even better become a part of an organization that helps educate families and children on the dangers of this.
We may be here to sleuth the details of this case-- but the hard facts here is the social media aspect and the ability for a minor to access these places is a huge part of this.
I don't think anyone's intention in bringing up the facts is to hurt an already hurt family. But to a. Sleuth and b. Educate- ourselves. As this is never going away (social media) and if one factoid or warning or tool to prevent this from happening helps us with other kids, then we are better for it.
I don't believe anyone I have seen post this far would agree with anything that openly slams or points the finger at anyone in the family. But I also don't think LE, schools, neighbors, even the evil college kids families should be either-- unless it is proven that they knew about this and didn't do anything about it.
This is just my opinion.
His parent's house is on a golf course and valued near $700,000. He likely has no money of his own, though.
Thanks for pointing that out, JohnTate90210.

That *sounds* like an expensive house for most people -- but it's in a premium East Coast market not far from the Capitol. (You'll also aee this price inflation in, say, San Francisco and other parts of California, where there are million-dollar starter homes, if you can find one.)

His father is highly educated and has a good job he has workedlong and hard for. He and his wife are fortunate to have the wherewithal saved to put their son through college, footing at least part of the bill. They have done no more than any person here would wish to do for their own child given the same opportunity.

I just get more than a little tired of the "privilege" card being tossed out constantly. I see no proof of entitlement or bashing of the lower class (what is that anymore, anyway?) just because of their perceived wealth. When people are damned for working hard instead of hardly working... well, the so-called American Dream is all but destroyed at this point, no surprise there.

God forbid anyone here goes through this nightmare in their own family and comes to WS to find some of the posts calling for blood. I'm all for proposing measured, considered theories since we have nothing but allegations to work with at the moment. What I find highly disturbing is the immediate and prolonged crap-flinging at people and their relations with the hope that something nasty sticks.

The situation is tragic enough. The parents and families of DE and NK are victims in this as well, intentionally or not; their children are quite likely murderers. But whether they are or not, no family comes through this firestorm intact. Please, just have some basic compassion.

His family moved from Yakima, Washington to Columbia, Maryland when DE's father was transferred at the end of DE's sophomore year of high school.
Would anyone be super nice and point me to posts commenting on Nicole's mom's parenting? I haven't seen that. Please pretty please????
Based on a Google search, I think my previous guesses at the apartment were wrong. In the map I posted, it's the one where Google labeled the apartments as Lantern Ridge Apartments. In my photo #11, it would be the one straight ahead of the camera. Also, at the right edge of photo #9. It appears DE would NOT have had a view of Nicole climbing out the window if he remained in his car. A large bush would have blocked most of the view.
I thought the discussion about finances was mostly in regards to relying on a public defender or not. You can call a 600K+ house, a Mercedes, and a Lexus "not that rich" but except under exceptional circumstances I would assume people who own all three able to hire someone other than a free public defender or at least have the resources to get the money. I think it is very curious that he is sticking with the public defender unless there is something we don't know.
I did hear the public defender is actually quite good so I guess it could just be that.
Great post, Safeguard! I completely agree! I shudder at the posts with veiled blame.

I'm really glad your son is still with us and I hope he's doing well, now! I'm sure you're a great parent! Accidents happen!

Why are people so interested in DE family finances? I'm just curious...

Thank you. He is well. That's him, with his little sister, in my avatar pic. Army Special Forces Air Defense. He's in the Middle East, right now, quietly watching out for us all. We are glad to have him still with us. Everyday.

I have made my share of mistakes as a parent, but I do try and do my very best. I am forever learning and refining things as I go, and I am hugely grateful to the people I've met along the way, who had some encouraging words, at those times when I may have dropped the ball.
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