VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #4 *Arrests*

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Mugshot does look like hair to me, but is there a scratch/ mark that we do not see in photo? but LE did?
The university is damned if they do and damned if they don't in this situation. If the coach says too much or says something awkward, the whole university can look bad. What if he says the team is coping well? Then, maybe the students don't care. What if he says the team is devastated? Questions will arise about why they are devastated--becasue of their teammate, because of the death of Nicole. The media is looking for a soundbite. The university wants to make sure that those that speak on behalf of the university get it right. The murder occurred in their backyard and campus.

I think it was wise for the PR person to signal him. He would feel awful if he said the wrong thing or if he came off indifferent or not respectful enough. While we all hate to think of the PR that is associated with these kinds of tragedies, the interest of the college and the community does need to be accounted for. JMHO

Yep! Sad! The responsibility lies on the perps themselves... DE and NK. I don't work directly in the mental health field, but close enough that I know the mentally ill often seek help when they are having HI (homicidal ideation) or SI (suicidal ideation). NK had this choice to come forward with what she and DE were planning, but she chose not to and allowed the counselor deem her to be safe to release from care. She could have spoken up then that no she wasn't okay because she and a friend were plotting to kill someone. She needs to as someone said "suck it up buttercup" and own it. She is as guilty as DE, mental health issues, gluten allergy and all.
NL put up a fight? forensics will tell!!! DNA.........Dad saw her in courtroom, sw mugshot up close and personal or LE told him about a scratch...........which we thought was hair. Can anyone enlarge the area on the mugshot?

First, here's the biggest version I can find:


In the next one, I've left Photoshop double the resolution (ImageSize) and have cropped it to the area of interest:


Finally, I lassoed the area and had PhotoShop do AutoLevels and AutoContrast:


To me, the upper end does appear rather reddish, like a wound. If she has a wound I wouldn't be surprised if she claims Eiserhauer threatened her into helping.
Could it be that NK cut herself in the face? After the murder ... maybe it brought up so many emotions and she couldn't handle it so she cut herself? I know it's not the place where cutters "normally" cut themselves, just wondering.

If it's not hair & is in fact a cut/scratch, going with my previous thoughts about how this all played out, heck yea she could've done it to herself!!! What better way to make it appear that you were made to do something? Or in her sick mind she might've done it to herself after the murder, with NL's blood still on it. But she'll probably say something to the effect of "After he killed NL DE put the knife to my face & told me how does it feel." It'll be something sexual between the two of them, because in the end that is what I believe NK wanted from DE, but he never reciprocated those feelings back, in his mind he was her tutor. And for me that is what I believe is the motive, fatal attraction & to frame DE for all of it. She's going to eventually play the victim, that's what her attorneys were pitching by stating "NK likes Sweedish fish candy & is a member of the Disney Princess Fan Club" they want her to seem to be sweet, innocent & almost childlike, that's going to be their defense, she had to have been coerced into this. Hell I'm a member of the Bieber Fever Fan Club, so what, does that mean I can do no wrong? No it means I get to purchase concert tickets before the public does. And I like all kinds of candy too!
Look at Gypsy Rose Blanchard, she was known to be all those above mentioned things, innocent, childlike but she still got some guy who she found online to travel across state lines to murder her mother (who was imo off her rocker, but that's not a reason to murder someone or have someone murdered; otherwise there would be lots of dead people all over the world.) Mark my words, my gut feelings are usually pretty spot on, I mean yes I have been wrong before so if I am I'll be the 1st to eat my words!

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.
To me it is hair, I can see where the piece comes from & that the piece of hair continues past her cheek/jaw & then blends back in with her other hair. I'm on my phone but I zoomed in & cropped it, I can still see it.

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.
First, here's the biggest version I can find:

View attachment 88785

In the next one, I've left Photoshop double the resolution (ImageSize) and have cropped it to the area of interest:

View attachment 88786

Finally, I lassoed the area and had PhotoShop do AutoLevels and AutoContrast:

View attachment 88787

To me, the upper end does appear rather reddish, like a wound. If she has a wound I wouldn't be surprised if she claims Eiserhauer threatened her into helping.

thank you! great work!
Now to confuse everything could it be both hair and a scratch?
Hair sticks to oozing substance and scabs...............
It is a lot to digest. Just visit when you want to. There are no rules :)

Unfortunately WSLS never does any sort of news investigation. They keep everything happy go lucky as if we live in Mayberry. They usually only report what we already know. Simply my opinion of course.

I think I am going to leave this conversation. I have seen so much and read so much and for the life of me I can't remember half of who said what. I am on medication that makes my memory sketchy. Along with my fibro fog I am beginning to feel its not wise to comment. I might read but don't think I will respond. I am afraid to. I just know this young girl needs justice and that's nothing on here that will bring it. To be honest I don't take stock in anything any news reporter has or will say. Whether it be Orlando Salinas or WSLS, MSM, or who I am beginning to DOUBT them all. Thanks for understanding
So... I found this. Pertaining to NK

scroll to page 14-15
easier view

anecdote written by NK and published in an online Literary Arts magazine called THE VISION at her high school. NK was also a member of the editorial staff.

Interesting. I judge a high school literature contest every year, and that essay wouldn't get more than one read before it was put in the stack of "participation awards". Students who don't even bother to proof read their essays for spelling and grammar don't usually go far, but sometimes, if the essay is particularly compelling they can win. It is an interesting thing, to ditch your close girlfriends when you're 14, apparently because they spent too much time gossiping, if you don't have other people to replace them with. Young teen girls tend to be VERY attached to their circle of girlfriends and will go to some effort to keep them unless they are transitioning into another group of girls. It does shed light on her - apparently, she doesn't particularly care for girls.
Oh no, not the hair/cut debate again! I think we went over this in detail in Thread #1 or soon after NK was taken into custody and the mugshot displayed.
I know :gaah: lol. I thought we decided it was a hair? Because didn't someone say at the bond hearing they didn't see it?

Oh no, not the hair/cut debate again! I think we went over this in detail in Thread #1 or soon after NK was taken into custody and the mugshot displayed.
I'm going to re-post something from this morning but with some extra photos I left out the first time.

Here's a map of Nicole's apartment complex. I've included photo numbers:


Photo 1 is the sign. Facing lower right corner of map.:


Photo 2 is an enlargement of the previous photo.:


Photo 3 is facing right. You can see mailboxes and office at the left:


Photo 4 is facing upper left corner of map. The apartment nearest the middle had a blue ribbon which has been used a lot in remembrance of Nicole:


It looks like the forum is going to make me split this over multiple messages so, look for more in a minute...
Photo 5 is looking straight up the map and shows rear of apartments from photo 4:


Photo 6 is looking toward bottom of map:


Photo 7 is looking toward top of map:


Photo 8 is looking toward bottom of map:


Photo 9 is looking toward the upper right:

Photo 10 is looking toward bottom of map:


Photo 11 is looking toward bottom of map:

Photo 10 is looking toward bottom of map:

View attachment 88799

Photo 11 is looking toward bottom of map:

View attachment 88800

Thanks for all of those photos! It helps to have actual images of where Nicole and her family lived. What I wonder is this:
DE and NK did dry runs past Nicole's apartment building prior to the night of the abduction. But that means little Nicole must have told DE exactly where she lived, right down to the address and her apartment number! How else would he know which apartment window to go to to meet Nicole? I suppose this info will come out when/if LE releases the text messages between DE and Nicole. I just find it interesting that DE knew exactly where to go right down to the correct bedroom window!
There's a photo on Nicole's Instagram of her and her brother on the patio. From the reflection in the sliding glass door, you can see they had a satellite dish. It also appears the rear of their apartment faced downhill. This could match the same apartment where I saw a blue ribbon. It appears near the center of photo 4 and the left of photo 5. In the map, it's the one at the top left beside the words "Fairfax Rd."

If I were betting, that's the one I'd put my money on. I don't know if the news media every reported an apartment number. I mostly wonder about the exact one due to Eisenhauer picking her up. If it was that building, he could easily have stopped right behind the apartment and quickly turned around at the round area I've marked with "5."

I'll also note that Nicole posted a photo on Instagram of herself near where I've put the number "10." The background shows the apartments just above "10." She was near the western end of Cedar Hill Drive and very possibly going to or from the park. It's fenced but there's an opening and steps visible in Google StreetView. According to Orly Salinas she met an older male at that park. Her selfie shows this area:!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

In her Instagram photo, the screen for the sliding glass door is silver rather than brown like the other apartments. That could match with this:!1szKT4FD4UPChySdurJ1KbmQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

That means Eisenhauer could have waited at the end of Essex Court to pick her up.
I know :gaah: lol. I thought we decided it was a hair? Because didn't someone say at the bond hearing they didn't see it?

I'm not sure if anyone has seen this photo of NK, but it's from a different angle than the mugshot. I'm assuming it was taken the same day:

NK angle 2.jpg

I still can't really tell if it's hair or a scratch, but a second angle can help some determine what they think about it.

Also, here's a photo of DE from the same site. It looks like his mugshot but it's different when you compare the two:


Found here and here. Sorry if these have been posted before!
I'm not sure if anyone has seen this photo of NK, but it's from a different angle than the mugshot. I'm assuming it was taken the same day:

View attachment 88802

I still can't really tell if it's hair or a scratch, but a second angle can help some determine what they think about it.

Also, here's a photo of DE from the same site. It looks like his mugshot but it's different when you compare the two:

View attachment 88803

Found here and here. Sorry if these have been posted before!

I've thought that DE appears to have a bruise of two on his nose. We also know that stabbers often end up with cuts from their own weapons. I wonder if that happened in this case.
I've thought that DE appears to have a bruise of two on his nose. We also know that stabbers often end up with cuts from their own weapons. I wonder if that happened in this case.

I noticed that also. About 2-3 spots on the left side of his nose. I didn't pick up on that until just recently watching his video again.
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