VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #4 *Arrests*

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I also agree that NK is a monster, but the issue for me, is I strongly believe some people are just that: monsters. I do often wonder what caused these people I would classify as "monsters" to become monsters and if something could have prevented it. Speaking generally, I believe many have anti social personality disorders, but the question of what causes that is one that I struggle with even after reading many theories on it.

I also have difficulty with understanding why monsters exist.

As a side note, I favor the general theological explanation (monsters are willfully and fully evil) over the psychological explanation (monsters have sociopathic or psychopathic psychological conditions).

A willfully and fully evil person is defined as an individual who places no restraints or limitations on his or her behavior to obtain what they want. That does not mean that all fully evil people commit murder. Some, or most, never "need" to. Others do a risk / benefit analysis and conclude that the rewards from committing a contemplated murder are not worth the risk of getting caught.

Though the definition above probably also fits a fully sociopathic person, the general theological explanation for monsters is that monsters are monsters because they choose to be so. Though I think there several psychological explanations, I believe that they are increasingly favoring the theological explanation.
I never felt NK was suckered. I said very early on I believed she was the mastermind behind all of this and I still firmly believe that. I have seen many such cases where the female participant was the dominant player in the plot to murder another.

<modsnip> What does he mean when he says 'the truth can set me free?' Is there more to this story than just what Keepers has said? It makes me wonder if something happened that he didn't want to see happen. If he was all for this he wouldn't be the least bit upset and would be proud he had accomplished his goal. His reaction is at odds with him plotting and planning Nicole's murder. If he had planned this then he knew he would have to come back into his room appearing as nothing had happened and be his same old self but he did not. His roommate knew instantly something wasn't right.

I find Keepers very diabolical and downright scary. She reminds me somewhat of the girl who murdered the little 9 year old girl just because she wanted to know what it felt like to murder someone.

I don't think she had an obsession with David. I think she had an obsession with drama/ murder and death. I believe she directed this entire plot from beginning to end like she would if she was in a play. Here she could be the director, producer, and one of the main character.

I don't think David was her boyfriend but I do think he was her best friend on campus. Often in friendships there is a dominate one and one who is more of a follower. It wouldn't be the first time a female had a male friend murder someone for them. I am continuously amazed at the stupidity of some males who can be talked into doing a gruesome murder for a female just because she asked them to.

I also believe the reason David's attorney hasn't spoken out is he keeping what he knows about what David has said to himself while letting Keepers statements come out. The more she talks the more the evidence will have to line up with what she has said. I suspect it will not.

I think she is a pathological liar along with being a psychopath. No one other than a psychopath would be excited to participate in the plot to murder a young child of 13 she had never even met. That is as macabre as it gets. It shows Keepers is filled with evil thoughts to the point it makes her giddy.

There is no way this 'excited' psychopath would miss the chance to see her plan completed. That would be the ultimate thrill and there is no way she would want to miss it.

I think she thinks the talking parrot will be the one who gets a possible plea deal. Which isn't uncommon in cases which involve a male and female team. The female is usually the one to throw the male conspirator under the bus.

This case is unnerving on so many levels even more than others. I cant even begin to imagine how anyone could go to a fast food place and sit down to casually talk about how they are going to murder a thirteen year old child and deciding the weapon of choice. But I do know to be capable of such wickedness the hearts of both have to be as dark as their evil minds are.


Getting caught up on the thread now.

Maybe DE freaked out afterwards because he was mad that it didn't go as planned. Upset that they left a lot of evidence and would likely be caught.
The Cook Out restaurant where DE and NK plotted the murder. The day I took this photo (Saturday, February 6, 2016), it was a pretty busy place and not ideal for public plotting on this day:

View attachment 88762

1311 South Main Street, Blacksburg, Virginia

Wow.....our man Tate on the ground. Good job.
I can believe he gave her a side hug. We now know that DE was just luring NL to kill her. He was not interested in her, so why give her a real hug?
And who says "side hug" anyway? Dont small bits of truth always leak out in a great big lie? Perhaps "head lock" is more accurate. Or he "side hugged" her as he did his awful deed. I dunno. Just a funny use of words IMO. Unless LE asked him "how did you hug her?" And maybe he replied, "you know I gave her a side hug".

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I meant about the situation in general. That the spokeswoman shushed the track coach from commenting even on how his players were coping

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The university is damned if they do and damned if they don't in this situation. If the coach says too much or says something awkward, the whole university can look bad. What if he says the team is coping well? Then, maybe the students don't care. What if he says the team is devastated? Questions will arise about why they are devastated--becasue of their teammate, because of the death of Nicole. The media is looking for a soundbite. The university wants to make sure that those that speak on behalf of the university get it right. The murder occurred in their backyard and campus.

I think it was wise for the PR person to signal him. He would feel awful if he said the wrong thing or if he came off indifferent or not respectful enough. While we all hate to think of the PR that is associated with these kinds of tragedies, the interest of the college and the community does need to be accounted for. JMHO
That page links to:

Nicole's father mentions that Keepers mugshot appears to have a scar. I wonder if he got a good look at her at the bond hearing and if the interview was before or after.

That scar or hair???? I do wish we could determine what it is. NL's Dad mentioned it in Dr. Phil interview - but was unable to see in court because NK had hair in her face.
Somebody out there in WSland who has a big ol monitor and photoshop??

I think we all concluded it was hair so no mention was made otherwise. On the other hand, maybe LE's not mentioning it either way for a reason because as Dr. Phil would implicate that NK was there while NL was alive.

If you stare at NK pics we've seen on here...her hair was naturally very curly. Dunno if a long straight streak would hang like that on her face. If its a cut, it sure looks deep, raw and new and I wonder what it could be from? Doesn't look like a finger or hand scratch or claw. Maybe the knife?????
This little girl, NL, had too much free time on her hands. With her mother allowing her to skip school because she was being bullied, that gave her all day with nothing to do. Just assuming here that mother worked, and the aunt and uncle worked at least part time. Grand father is probably retired.

Since she was allowed to spend so many hours in her room in the evening unattended, I would imagine the daytime was the same.

I may be the odd one out, however, at 13 a child needs parental supervision and not allowed to be off in a closed room by themselves. To me, that is asking for trouble!

I think it really depends on the child.

New information about the tragedy is revealed, including that her parents had recently grounded her from using all social media after learning she was chatting "inappropriately" online with older men.

airs Feb 10th!
Her social media contact and phone taken from her at Christmas so how did she communicate with DE for the death date night? a month later she was killed.

The quote on the Dr. Phil page says...

&#8220;You could tell these older guys had fake profiles. Some of the things they said were way too grown up for the picture they had. We found out before Christmas and took her phone away from her.&#8221;
- David Lovell on finding out his daughter Nicole was talking to older men online. She later got the phone back.
Nicole&#8217;s father David shares his thoughts about his beloved daughter, what he says he knew about her secret online world, who he thinks may have killed his daughter and his intense emotions when he came face-to-face with one of the suspects. Nicole&#8217;s step-mother Terri Lovell and her 14-year-old step-brother Levi also speak with Dr. Phil and discuss their relationship with her as well as their favorite memories of Nicole.

The emotionally-charged episode airs Wednesday, February 10 (check local listings).

&#8220;I bet she fought like a wildcat. She&#8217;s my kid. The Keepers girl, in her mug shot, looks like she has a scar. I&#8217;m pretty sure that would have been my daughter trying to fight back. She would not have gone out without a fight.&#8221;
- Nicole Lovell&#8217;s father David
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