VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #4 *Arrests*

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8 weeks :sigh: :waiting: Eisenhaur won't be in court until March 28th? That little tidbit he gave LE about the "side hug" I don't understand. He gave Nicole a "side hug" and that means he could not have killed her??

I find it very interesting that he used this term. Isn't it used to show that there's no sexual component to the hug? Why did he feel the need to make that clear? He's accused of murdering her, and his answer is "But I wasn't having a sexual relationship!" ? Odd.
It was said that they went back to campus and it was agreed neither one of them would tell of what had happened or else... (or else what?) I can't remember where I seen - read - or heard that sorry.

I think this was once again from the not-allowed-on-WS reporter.
I have lurked on WS for many years and just recently registered. I love seeing everyone's view points and opinions and such, but I have to say that the above is pretty offensive. This one person you knew may be odd, but many who self harm are in immense pain and do so as a coping mechanism. I'm sorry she scared you, but this post seems out of touch with most people who self harm.

That said, NK is a monster. I hate using that term because I think it allows us to ignore the very real causes and therefore prevention, but what she has done here is cold and beyond incomprehensible. She may very well have been in immense pain at some point and self harmed because of that, but I don't believe that has anything to do with her actions here. She is a sickening individual, truly, but I would go out on a limb to say that most people who self harm, a younger version of myself included, are not. Wanted to put that out there.
Welcome to you! I'm pretty new here, too! Way to speak up, it's not always easy!
I find it very interesting that he used this term. Isn't it used to show that there's no sexual component to the hug? Why did he feel the need to make that clear? He's accused of murdering her, and his answer is "But I wasn't having a sexual relationship!" ? Odd.

I agree. I keep coming back to this. Of all the things to focus on and choose your wording for-- why is the side hug reference of importance to him.
I keep wondering if both NK and DE have suffered some sort of abuse if some kind. For different reasons for each of them, of course.
I agree. I keep coming back to this. Of all the things to focus on and choose your wording for-- why is the side hug reference of importance to him.
I keep wondering if both NK and DE have suffered some sort of abuse if some kind. For different reasons for each of them, of course.

Yes that might well be the case. Both are so unemotional in the videos (DE on that news program and NK in that other clip from last year, can't remember what she was campaigning for). They both seem repressed, unhappy, flat. Lot of anger boiling underneath is my guess.
Keepers's emotional travails -- and her claim in court Thursday that a Virginia Tech counselor told her that she "no longer needed therapy" in December, less than two months before the slaying -- have once again put the university's mental health services at the center of a grisly criminal case. The case also highlights the harrowing transition to college that has served as a backdrop for other acts of violence by troubled students.
I really believe it was a 'thrill' killing. And I think NK was fully involved and very into it herself. She was not just 'helping a friend', in my opinion.

I think it's quite possible the motive is what police said it is. If this college student was having inappropriate relationship with a 13 year old, he could have run into a lot of problems. Depending on what the relationship was, it could mean being expelled from the college, going to jail or ending on sex offender registry. He didn't even have to have met her for some of these consequences (such as did he send her any inappropriate photos or did he ask her to send him any inappropriate photos?) So he could have decided to kill the victim to keep that from coming out. And we know the victim seemed excited that she had an older "boyfriend" and told other children about it. So by "exposing" the relationship perhaps it is meant that the victim was telling other people about it, or that she was going to post about it on the internet, etc (not necessarily exposing like telling the police).
Saturday I visited Blacksburg and went by most of the related sites including Craig Creek Road. I drove all the way out to Caldwell Fields which is far beyond the suspected Lovell murder site but is the location of the Childs/Metzler double-murder. The road is now paved all the way to Caldwell Fields. I don't know what snow conditions were that night but the road is in good shape and easily driveable in clear weather.

I did take photos but mostly concentrated on the area right at the shooting range. Sunday, the Washington Post ran this article:

It tells more about the exact location and it is NOT the shooting range. It's about 0.7 mile past the range as best I can tell. If you compare the Orly video showing police with the Google StreetView, I believe it is right here:,830m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0

The StreetView would be:!1sC5sV-BTbwdnN1TohE-DTQg!2e0!7i3328!8i1664

I think the Orly video link may not be allowed but can be found on the Positiv Press page at Facebook. Note that the driveway is apparently newer than either of Google's views. The StreetView, which doesn't show the driveway since it's too new, is this:

Keepers's emotional travails -- and her claim in court Thursday that a Virginia Tech counselor told her that she "no longer needed therapy" in December, less than two months before the slaying -- have once again put the university's mental health services at the center of a grisly criminal case. The case also highlights the harrowing transition to college that has served as a backdrop for other acts of violence by troubled students.

I have been thinking this is why VT et al are so tight lipped. They are afraid of lawsuits like in the theater shooting

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I have been thinking this is why VT et al are so tight lipped. They are afraid of lawsuits like in the theater shooting

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They have to be tight lipped even without a threat of lawsuits. Federal laws prevent universities from releasing information about their students, and prevent doctors from releasing information about mental health of their patients.
Here is a photo that shows the veterinary school and the pond. The pond is difficult to see but is to the right. Note the security camera on top of the building:


A view of the pond. This is the area a news photo showed police diving. There is an opening in the guard rail here which would have allowed the killers to park easily.


The previously mentioned security camera:


Another camera which was directly behind me when I took the first photo. Both were pointed in a direction that would record cars on this road. The second camera even appears to have a third dome-type camera below it:

The Cook Out restaurant where DE and NK plotted the murder. The day I took this photo (Saturday, February 6, 2016), it was a pretty busy place and not ideal for public plotting on this day:

Cook Out.jpg

1311 South Main Street, Blacksburg, Virginia
They have to be tight lipped even without a threat of lawsuits. Federal laws prevent universities from releasing information about their students, and prevent doctors from releasing information about mental health of their patients.

I meant about the situation in general. That the spokeswoman shushed the track coach from commenting even on how his players were coping

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The main entrance to Lantern Ridge Apartments. There is another entrance, also:


The sign:


Typical apartments. There are quite a few buildings. At the far left are the mailboxes and offices:


More apartments. The one nearest the middle did have a blue ribbon but could be totally unrelated. This photo does show what ground floor windows look like:


The rear of the same apartments as above:


Right beside where I took the last photo is a large round paved area where one could easily part to wait on somebody. You can see it in the Google StreetView:!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xa3e246f97174dad3!6m1!1e1
The Cook Out restaurant where DE and NK plotted the murder. The day I took this photo (Saturday, February 6, 2016), it was a pretty busy place and not ideal for public plotting on this day:

View attachment 88762

1311 South Main Street, Blacksburg, Virginia

Nothing at Cook Out is gluten free. My husband has celiac and we cannot eat at Cook Out. They don't have a gluten free menu.
I have lurked on WS for many years and just recently registered. I love seeing everyone's view points and opinions and such, but I have to say that the above is pretty offensive. This one person you knew may be odd, but many who self harm are in immense pain and do so as a coping mechanism. I'm sorry she scared you, but this post seems out of touch with most people who self harm.

That said, NK is a monster. I hate using that term because I think it allows us to ignore the very real causes and therefore prevention, but what she has done here is cold and beyond incomprehensible. She may very well have been in immense pain at some point and self harmed because of that, but I don't believe that has anything to do with her actions here. She is a sickening individual, truly, but I would go out on a limb to say that most people who self harm, a younger version of myself included, are not. Wanted to put that out there.

Welcome!!! This is an excellent post. I think you touched on some really important issues regarding self harm and I thank you for sharing that with us because I think many of us are in agreement with you.

I also agree that NK is a monster, but the issue for me, is I strongly believe some people are just that: monsters. I do often wonder what caused these people I would classify as "monsters" to become monsters and if something could have prevented it. Speaking generally, I believe many have anti social personality disorders, but the question of what causes that is one that I struggle with even after reading many theories on it.
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