VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #5 *Arrests*

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I didn't post this one before but it's the Wendy's where Nicole met with an older guy. Hopefully it was DE or that means there's another freaky guy in town.

We've heard she met with one guy at the park near her house. That's possibly a bit easier for the man to do without drawing notice, but a Wendy's is pretty brazen. He'd have been risking others hearing conversation that might have given away the relationship as being something other than brother/sister. Assuming it was DE, coupled with how careless he was on social media in his contacts with Nicole, it seems he didn't make much of an effort to conceal his actions. Perhaps he did freely tell NK about NL without much of a second thought. He just happened to tell somebody that had her own issues and was happy to join in.

I remember being herded into the auditorium in middle high to watch a cartoon on menstration. Maybe such a class could be taught on the unfortunate happenings online?

Edited to add : I met my DH in '99 online.

I think serious programs needs to be developed for schools, online safety is a life or death issue, and should be treated as such. Kids SHOULD be scared by the true cases of kidnapping, grooming and murder. Even then, I doubt they would take as much caution as they should, but maybe some would take note. Parents need to be more proactive in keeping their kids online activities out of the privacy of their bedrooms, etc...jmo
I wonder if Nicole truly had close friends, or if those coming forward are claiming friendship after the fact, when perhaps they were more like acquaintances or "non-bullies". Only wondering because if she did have a group of close friends at school, she probably would have felt more protected and less vulnerable and maybe not so miserable about going to school. I fear she may have told others about her "older boyfriend" as an attempt to get attention, maybe interest, from schoolmates. Jmo

From what I see with my seventh grader, the girls constantly change best friends. If they're close to somebody this month, don't count on it next month.
NL doesn't show her scar in any of her SM posts. Do we agree that DE probably didn't know about her previous health issues? She likely didn't tell him for fear of rejection over it.
We had moved to a new state the summer before my 8th grade year. Our house was about 30 min away from the school so I would have to occupy myself by walking around the town and eventually hanging out with friends until my mom got off work. The 21 yr old would hang out in a shopping center across from the middle school and try to talk to me constantly. At first it weirded me out but then I got used to him and felt comfortable with him. He was there to pick up and hang out with a guy in my grade. The next year I moved 2-3 miles away to the hs and after about a month he started driving by and waving. That turned into talking and things progressed.

I never snuck out of the house. Didn't need to. Going to the movies, bowling, or the mall was all a cover for spending time with him. Sleepovers at my girlfriend's house was another cover. We told my parents he was a Sr at a rival HS. I got straight As and was in accelerated courses so my parents weren't concerned. I'd been in and out of therapy since my horrific kindergarten year so moody me was nothing new.

It wasn't that I was interested in that yet. It was just a tool to keep him happy to be told I was loved and had value. So messed up.

My parents were married and in love for 42 years. I think they were too trusting of the world around them. I was shown much love and affection. If anything they weren't strict enough and when I told my mom things that were beyond her comprehension she continued on as if the world was a beautiful place. They believed children need to be given room to make their own mistakes. I was left believing that I had to fend for myself in many ways.

Last post about me but I wanted to answer in case it helps identify warning signs. I wont have children but I'm ever observant with those I love.

I can't figure out the DE and NK dynamic. DE is such a mystery to me. I just don't get this!

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Thanks for elaborating. Your candor is so refreshing. You bring up a valid point about parents continuing on as if the world was a beautiful place and believing that children need to be given room to make mistakes. My parents were the same way. Back then, many parents didn't talk about the things they encourage you to talk about now. Many didn't go to every single sporting event on the weekend, or check up on where you were. Parents' lives were less "wrapped up in their children's", so to speak. We had a tremendous amount of freedom, and so in many ways became better decision makers as adults. But that freedom opened the door to some things I wish hadn't seen and hadn't tried.

I can't figure out DE or NK either. I'm at a loss.
I wonder if Nicole truly had close friends, or if those coming forward are claiming friendship after the fact, when perhaps they were more like acquaintances or "non-bullies". Only wondering because if she did have a group of close friends at school, she probably would have felt more protected and less vulnerable and maybe not so miserable about going to school. I fear she may have told others about her "older boyfriend" as an attempt to get attention, maybe interest, from schoolmates. Jmo

i wonder that, too. Middle school is a tough time for any girl, popular or otherwise, and I think after a fellow classmate passes, many other students who were more like acquaintances or 'non-bullies' or maybe even just someone who she sat next to in a class that had to partner up with her during class, but didn't talk/hang out outside of class. I feel like those types of 'friends' wouldn't be as likely to participate in the bullying/torment at school, but they probably did not feel close enough to her to try to protect her.

one of my favorite movies is My Girl. Does anyone else remember in My Girl 2 (after Veda's best & only REAL friend Thomas J has passed away so maybe at the very end of My Girl, actually) where the kids ring the door bell & are all making fun of Veda? They encourage Judy to make fun of Veda, along with them. She is looking to the ground & doesn't participate in making fun of Veda, but doesn't tell the other girls off & go to Veda's house to play with her instead, either. She says something trying to be 'nice' to Veda, but she doesn't outright do anything to stop the bullies, though when they are older in the 2nd movie, Veda & Judy are 'friends', yet (imo in her quest to be cool/liked) Judy allows her male friends to make fun of Veda when they are trying on sunglasses, calling her Grasshopper etc. maybe Nicole's life was somewhat like that. Plenty of 'friends' but no loyalties?
We know more about NL & NK than DE.
Childhood friends, high school, neighbors,no one saying a word.
Usually we hear something.
The news isn't even digging in to his life.
We have just heard from college and he was only there a short time.
Just in response to some of the posters above, I think that many schools do have "internet safety" seminars. Maybe not "enough" of them and maybe not really great ones, but I know I had one in high school and I am late 20s, so they have been doing them for at least 10 years.

This is a personal opinion, but I'm not sure you can always blame "outside" sources for not doing enough to help bullied kids or kids that engage in risky behavior online. What if the school HAD approached Nicole's parents about her talking online to older boys? What would have happened? It would not have blindsided them (as they knew to a large extent) and chances are many parents would be upset with the school for meddling in their business or telling them how to parent. There isn't always a perfect answer and there aren't always good ways for there to be checks and balances.

And that isn't to blame anyone necessarily. The fault lies squarely on the shoulders of those who murdered Nicole in cold blood.

However, as parents we have to be the ones on the front lines for our kids. We have to make the tough calls. We can't rely on friends of our kids telling resource officers things and then in turn hoping they will create files and paper work and do it all for us. We have to educate them on internet safety. If we see something inappropriate (suggestive half naked pictures of boys on public facebooks) then we have to speak up. We can't be afraid of not being our kids' best friends. We have to respond to them in real life, not on facebook, not on social media. And we have to teach them that real life is lived outside of the internet, and to make the real world the best world, not create false worlds online.
A lot of people know about Nicole's communicating with older men on-line. She told friends. One friend apparently even claims she told a resource officer in school, but the officer disputes it. Apparently even Nicole's parents knew at some point (her phone got taken away but apparently quickly returned).

I guess she just told the wrong people? Or did she tend to be a little on the dramatic side and a little manipulative (no offense meant, many, many teens are the exact same way!) so that people didn't take her seriously, along the lines of "oh that's just how Nicole is". I've wondered if that is why the resource officer (if he really was told about the problem) didn't followup. "oh no, not another problem with Nicole", and misplaces the note, not taking it seriously. She did come across as manipulative and dramatic on some instagram posts: a young lady crying out for help. I'm trying to learn something from this, to never take any interaction with a teen for granted.
Has anyone looked into the comic drawing posted to her FB on Jan 26?
We know more about NL & NK than DE.
Childhood friends, high school, neighbors,no one saying a word.
Usually we hear something.
The news isn't even digging in to his life.
We have just heard from college and he was only there a short time.

Nothing other than he was a runner and an insignificant dorm mate who once attended a very small Christian school before moving to MD. Not a word from or about his parents...wonder if it is because of shock/privacy or washed their hands of him. He sounded like pretty much a loner, who preyed on the vulnerable.

I would imagine the reporters are trying to dig something up and a WaPo article is coming...
Not really too strange, to me. A lot of tween/young teen girls think (that particular version of) Loki is a cute boy. They don't care he's anime. IMO I doubt Nicole posting it has anything to do with the mythological background.
I'm starting to lean towards DE as the mastermind. Based on the fact that he did not waive his Miranda rights and chose to remain silent. (as far as we know). The fact that NK waived her rights has me wondering why: did she think they would go easier on her if she cooperated? Don't most people know you should never talk to detectives without your lawyer present? Wouldn't her parents have instructed her to wait for her attorney ? Or is she a people pleaser who thought she could talk her way out of it?
On the other hand, DE seems to be stone cold sober, not giving anything up, remaining silent. They takes a very strong-willed individual to be able to do that, IMO.
i wouldn't think she would know or care about the mythlogical background either. IMO Someone in college (DE,NK) might very well. Just thinking maybe NL met DE or NK throught a comic forum or fan page for the character? I know that the possibility isn't that great but this case has me racking my brain as to why they did this.
Not really too strange, to me. A lot of tween/young teen girls think (that particular version of) Loki is a cute boy. They don't care he's anime. IMO I doubt Nicole posting it has anything to do with the mythological background.
I agree. The Marvel universe Loki (from Thor and the Avengers) also has a huge teen girl fanbase right now, as well.
A lot of people know about Nicole's communicating with older men on-line. She told friends. One friend apparently even claims she told a resource officer in school, but the officer disputes it. Apparently even Nicole's parents knew at some point (her phone got taken away but apparently quickly returned).

A kid takes that issue to a police officer? Sorry, kid, I call flower fertilizer on that one.

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I'm starting to lean towards DE as the mastermind. Based on the fact that he did not waive his Miranda rights and chose to remain silent. (as far as we know). The fact that NK waived her rights has me wondering why: did she think they would go easier on her if she cooperated? Don't most people know you should never talk to detectives without your lawyer present? Wouldn't her parents have instructed her to wait for her attorney ? Or is she a people pleaser who thought she could talk her way out of it?
On the other hand, DE seems to be stone cold sober, not giving anything up, remaining silent. They takes a very strong-willed individual to be able to do that, IMO.

I was just about to mention that---the reason he's choosing to make use of his right to remain silent, whereas NK chose not to, might just come down to their individual will-power. LE probably didn't have enough info at the time to convince DE he should talk, but by the time they talked to NK, they probably knew the two were together on the day NL went missing or knew she had some knowledge about her whereabouts based on the 'POLICE' text she sent him. They probably didn't have that kind of knowledge to use as leverage when they arrested DE. LE can, and will, lie to suspects to get them to talk. They might have said something like... "look, we've already spoken with DE and we know you two were together that night. If you scratch our backs, we'll scratch yours." Then, she probably said the bit about not wanting to go to jail and they probably told her if she helped them find NL, she might not go to jail but definitely would if she didn't. So, she started talking.

ETA: Although... I am surprised that she told them as much as she did and admitted her level of involvement... even if she's still not being completely truthful.

ETAA: Maybe that's why she looked so pissed in her mugshot photo? Because she thought LE would let her go if she gave them information but then got arrested anyway. She has little to no deductive reasoning skills if she actually believed she wouldn't go to jail but it's possible, I suppose.
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