GUILTY VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #7 Accused Pleads "No Contest"

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According to an audio recording of her interrogation, Lovell tripped and scratched her tracheotomy scar. After that David Eisenhower took a knife and cut where she was scratched.

Keepers said in the recording "David reached back into her throat and pulled," before he pushed her to the ground and held her there. In the recording, Keepers says that Eisenhower flipped Lovell over and stabbed her in the heart and stomach several times.

"We drove to North Carolina so he could dump the body," Keepers said in the recording. "Her blanket and the soap we used to clean her with are in a suitcase in my dorm room," she admitted.

I think I need to be reminded of why Natalie isn't charged with murder? She was clearly there from this description.

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So she gives a detailed description of what DE allegedly did while killing Nicole but she still maintains she was not present?


How does one trip and scratch their throat? Sorry, but it's difficult to believe that, or that Keeper knew so many gory details without having been at the murder scene. These details also indicate an extremely violent, sick murder. If accurate, DE sounds like a very twisted person who was enjoying killing this poor girl. Poor, poor girl. She must have been terrified and suffered horribly.

It's also difficult to comprehend why DE would go to such great lengths to murder, then escape, changing his identity, giving up his life and future just because he thought Nicole was pregnant (she wasn't) or that she would tell someone they had sex? Sorry, I'm not buying it. This was a "thrill kill" and the two of them were actually dumb enough to think they could get away with it. IMO, had he not been caught, he would have become a vicious serial killer.
Just evil!!! Why the heck kill ANYONE!!! Why did they chose Nicole???? WHY??? Her parents...I honestly cannot imagine knowing some lowlife scums killed one of my kids. I can't. But then to hear those details? I don't know how I would react, I just can't. That pain is something I hope I never know. That pain is one that I can't imagine.

And may need to rethink this case and the charges against Keepers! If she knew the trach was cut, and knew it was pulled out, then she must have been present. Therefore she is a murderer!
I can't imagine being the parents of the accused either. I think you carried a child in your womb, raised them from a tiny infant, and THIS is thanks you get???? THIS is the product??? UGH!!!

So thankful my kids are normal kids! Not in jail, or prison. So thankful they have a conscious. So thankful they are helpful, loving, caring, compassionate kids. As parents we seem to have plenty of guilt upon us for such trivial things....then to raise a child that derived pleasure from killing another human being? A child at that? It's beyond comprehension.
More details in this story:

Other details of the case that emerged Tuesday included:

n Eisenhauer met Lovell at a party, Keepers said, and thought that she was 16. Eisenhauer had incomplete memories of the night because he’d blacked out and woken up in a ditch, Keepers said. Lovell and Eisenhauer had kept in touch through a phone app, Keepers said.

n Investigators initially sought out Keepers as an alibi witness for Eisenhauer, who has maintained his innocence and said that after meeting Lovell on Jan. 27, he learned how young she was and left her. Keepers initially said Eisenhauer had come to see her and was “freaked out” by how young Lovell turned out to be.

He met her at a party, but passed out in a ditch and forgot what she looked like? Sure, he did.
So she gives a detailed description of what DE allegedly did while killing Nicole but she still maintains she was not present?


My sentiments exactly. She described the crime with a bit too much detail, if you ask me. That is, if she wants to keep up with her whole "I wasn't there when it happened" version of events.

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How does one trip and scratch their throat? Sorry, but it's difficult to believe that, or that Keeper knew so many gory details without having been at the murder scene. These details also indicate an extremely violent, sick murder. If accurate, DE sounds like a very twisted person who was enjoying killing this poor girl. Poor, poor girl. She must have been terrified and suffered horribly.

It's also difficult to comprehend why DE would go to such great lengths to murder, then escape, changing his identity, giving up his life and future just because he thought Nicole was pregnant (she wasn't) or that she would tell someone they had sex? Sorry, I'm not buying it. This was a "thrill kill" and the two of them were actually dumb enough to think they could get away with it. IMO, had he not been caught, he would have become a vicious serial killer.

I agree, it seems to me that she was there during the killing, and it was a thrill kill.

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Were all three sets ( victim, accused ) at court? Has anyone read about DE's parents? I haven't. I assume his defense will be to blame NK? Very, very sad case .
right.... most men who have killed someone will say a variation of "I murked them/they are dead" and not go into great detail.
So she gives a detailed description of what DE allegedly did while killing Nicole but she still maintains she was not present?

Keepers hearing day 2: She recommended spot for Nicole Lovell murder

"He said he was looking for a good spot to talk to her so that it was alone and out of the public eye. I helped him chose that spot," Keepers said.

"I said because there was a clear path" from the road "it would work," Keepers added.

Instead, though, Eisenhauer took Lovell to a different but nearby location in the woods near Craig Creek Road in Montgomery County, Keepers said.

She says DE asked her to help him kill Nicole, but she refused. She says she had a "comfort zone" of just advising him on the murder. Lol, sure. They discussed various ways of killing Nicole, including pills, etc. So how did they come up with DE's plan of cutting open her throat and reaching into her neck to pull stuff out to kill her, then stabbing her in the heart? That's deranged.

More here:

Hite said the interrogation went on for 16 hours the first day and 12 hours the second.

Keepers said in the video "I didn't think he was going to kill her."

Officer Hite said during the hearing that he didn't believe Keepers was being totally truthful during the interrogation.

First she says she helped DE plan ways to kill Nicole, then she says she didn't think he would kill her?
Keepers hearing day 2: She recommended spot for Nicole Lovell murder

She says DE asked her to help him kill Nicole, but she refused. She says she had a "comfort zone" of just advising him on the murder. Lol, sure. They discussed various ways of killing Nicole, including pills, etc. So how did they come up with DE's plan of cutting open her throat and reaching into her neck to pull stuff out to kill her, then stabbing her in the heart? That's deranged.

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First she says she helped DE plan ways to kill Nicole, then she says she didn't think he would kill her?

Exactly! Kind of like how at first she claimed she'd only helped him with the planning. Then she confessed the "code word" stuff, but only AFTER being confronted about the text she sent to DE that said "POLICE". (I can only imagine the level of excitement she felt over their "secret club's code words." TBH, I'm not sure I even believe that. Why would anyone who conspired to kill someone decide their code word should be "POLICE"? No one's that dumb. The vomiting bit she mentioned doesn't make any sense either. Furthermore, why would someone be eager to tell LE about the coded text if she went through with sending it? I could understand her eagerness if she was hoping to prove to LE that she genuinely wanted to help. Like... "See, I didn't send him a warning text because I wanted you guys to catch him.")

Oh yeah, she also said nothing about helping him with the body until she was confronted with the surveillance footage of the two buying shovels either.

I'm not sure if we should believe anything she says, actually. Now that I think about it. The only thing I AM sure of.... this girl has some major issues and it breaks my heart knowing that Nicole suffered because of them.

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Keepers hearing day 2: She recommended spot for Nicole Lovell murder

She says DE asked her to help him kill Nicole, but she refused. She says she had a "comfort zone" of just advising him on the murder. Lol, sure. They discussed various ways of killing Nicole, including pills, etc. So how did they come up with DE's plan of cutting open her throat and reaching into her neck to pull stuff out to kill her, then stabbing her in the heart? That's deranged.

More here:

First she says she helped DE plan ways to kill Nicole, then she says she didn't think he would kill her?

Also from article...

"This person is borderline psychotic and is at times psychotic," Mack said.

Keepers has persistent depressive disorder, panic disorder, borderline and avoidant depressive disorder and more, he testified. She sometimes experiences hallucinations and has a long history of cutting herself to try to relieve tension, he said. She adopts personas to try to deal with everyday reality and emotionally seems much younger than her actual age, Mack said.

Questioned by Turk about the relevance of the diagnoses to the confession, Mack said that the result of Keepers' mental illness was that she was very susceptible to being influenced by others, especially male authority figures.

Turk asked if Keepers' illness made her want to please others. "Sort of like a puppy," Mack said, adding Keepers would be a "good hypnotic subject."

ETA: She also breezily said, "I understand if I have to do community service for my part in this."

Yeah, you'll be doing community service, alright. Hopefully, you'll be making license plates for the community for the rest of your life.

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Judge Robert Turk ended the hearing saying that he needed time to go through lawyers' briefs, including more that each side plans to turn in soon. Turk said he also plans to wade through more of the audio and video from the 27 hours that Keepers was with investigators. The judge said that he will schedule a hearing in about a month to hear closing arguments about barring the confession. Turk said he will make a decision about the confession before a jury trial for Keepers begins on March 27.
Wednesday was Keepers' 20th birthday, and she spent much of it chained at the wrists and ankles at the defense table. As she had Tuesday, Keepers listened with everyone else in the courtroom to recordings of her voice made Jan. 30 and 31 last year. She often sounded incongruously cheery, making small talk with investigators between discussions of Lovell's death.
On another recording, Keepers breezily said, "I understand if I'm given community service" for her part in Lovell's killing.
Also from article...

"This person is borderline psychotic and is at times psychotic," Mack said.

Keepers has persistent depressive disorder, panic disorder, borderline and avoidant depressive disorder and more, he testified. She sometimes experiences hallucinations and has a long history of cutting herself to try to relieve tension, he said. She adopts personas to try to deal with everyday reality and emotionally seems much younger than her actual age, Mack said.

Questioned by Turk about the relevance of the diagnoses to the confession, Mack said that the result of Keepers' mental illness was that she was very susceptible to being influenced by others, especially male authority figures.

Turk asked if Keepers' illness made her want to please others. "Sort of like a puppy," Mack said, adding Keepers would be a "good hypnotic subject."

ETA: She also breezily said, "I understand if I have to do community service for my part in this."

Yeah, you'll be doing community service, alright. Hopefully, you'll be making license plates for the community for the rest of your life.

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The relationship between NK and DE has been puzzling from the start.

When reading that NK is eager to please, her statement that she had a comfort level she wasn't willing to go past (which sounds like ground rules a couple might establish in role playing), and the code words....just sorta seems like DE and NK might have been in some master/slave relationship.

I could be off base....but I'm getting that vibe.

The relationship between NK and DE has been puzzling from the start.

When reading that NK is eager to please, her statement that she had a comfort level she wasn't willing to go past (which sounds like ground rules a couple might establish in role playing), and the code words....just sorta seems like DE and NK might have been in some master/slave relationship.

I could be off base....but I'm getting that vibe.


Yes, I noticed that as well. DE seemed to be able to manipulate her and she was accustomed to him doing so. That tendency was probably why DE was drawn to her from the beginning. Probably also explains why he chose such a young girl like Nicole. He likes controlling people and once they defy him, he turns on them with a vengeance.
Also from article...

"This person is borderline psychotic and is at times psychotic," Mack said.

Keepers has persistent depressive disorder, panic disorder, borderline and avoidant depressive disorder and more, he testified. She sometimes experiences hallucinations and has a long history of cutting herself to try to relieve tension, he said. She adopts personas to try to deal with everyday reality and emotionally seems much younger than her actual age, Mack said.

Questioned by Turk about the relevance of the diagnoses to the confession, Mack said that the result of Keepers' mental illness was that she was very susceptible to being influenced by others, especially male authority figures.

Turk asked if Keepers' illness made her want to please others. "Sort of like a puppy," Mack said, adding Keepers would be a "good hypnotic subject."

ETA: She also breezily said, "I understand if I have to do community service for my part in this."

Yeah, you'll be doing community service, alright. Hopefully, you'll be making license plates for the community for the rest of your life.

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Doesn't this also beg the question of why her parents thought she could handle college???

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Also from article...

"This person is borderline psychotic and is at times psychotic," Mack said.

Keepers has persistent depressive disorder, panic disorder, borderline and avoidant depressive disorder and more, he testified. She sometimes experiences hallucinations and has a long history of cutting herself to try to relieve tension, he said. She adopts personas to try to deal with everyday reality and emotionally seems much younger than her actual age, Mack said.

Questioned by Turk about the relevance of the diagnoses to the confession, Mack said that the result of Keepers' mental illness was that she was very susceptible to being influenced by others, especially male authority figures.

Turk asked if Keepers' illness made her want to please others. "Sort of like a puppy," Mack said, adding Keepers would be a "good hypnotic subject."

ETA: She also breezily said, "I understand if I have to do community service for my part in this."

Yeah, you'll be doing community service, alright. Hopefully, you'll be making license plates for the community for the rest of your life.

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When my daughter was away at college, she and her roommate got 'community service' for having a joint in the side pocket of the passenger door. That is what community service is designed for. NOT for the brutal killing of an innocent young girl, ffs.......:no:
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