GUILTY VA - Noah Thomas, 5, Pulaski County, 22 March 2015 #4

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I wonder if this Sheriff is going to actually do the talking this time, or send his information officer out again. SMH I guess he was pressured into giving more info?

PULASKI CO. (WSLS 10) - Sheriff Davis with the Pulaski County Sheriff's Office will give an update to the public Thursday at 4 p.m. in regards to the ongoing Noah Thomas death investigation.

Assistant County Administrator Anthony Akers said the announcement comes after acknowledging the need to keep the public informed as much as possible, while maintaining the integrity of the investigation.
Well...I guess the sod placed over the tank was the reason he did not place himself in the septic tank.
We do not know it to be a fact that sod was covering anything or the reason he could not place himself in the septic tank. We have no proof of the condition of the lid, the hole, or the area surrounding it when Noah went in.
I think the Sheriff is going to announce he's joined Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other various social media sites. :D
I saw the parents, friend and Paul's brother Jason that's been in the news with the sister, Katherine yesterday. I didn't see Katherine, or the other sister, maybe it was just too sad for them and they didn't want to take the kids.
No, of course it isn't Noah's fault but it also isn't the responsibility of a stranger to make life fair for him. IIRC, Courtney said that Noah's mom called him inside 1 time of the numerous times that he played with her cousin's daughters. It sounds like she took advantage of a kind stranger and never even introduced herself most less offered to return the favor.

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But weren't the kids already out playing anyway?

My son and his wife had a little 5 year old boy that lived next door to them. They would hear a knock on the door and answer it and the 5 year old wanted to know if my son would come out and play ball with him. LOL! Cutest little fellah too. Now my son and daughter in law have two children but for some reason he liked the way my son pitched the ball for him I guess. Once he was tired and said he was going home one of the kids would walk him back over to his home. It wasn't until a few years later they met his mom and got to know her well. They would see each other out in their yards and wave.

Now I know my son very well and he loves kids and would die trying to protect them but the lady that lived close to them didn't know that. Although she may have asked around in the subdivision about them before she let him come over. I really don't know. He is a few years older now but still comes over on the weekend when my son is off work still wanting him to play ball with him.

I would never let any of my children go to anyone's house I didn't know well though.

But some I think are way too trusting even though my son's neighbor had no reason to worry.

It sounds pretty frightening when it is written out, doesn't it? From everything I have read, people are not only suggesting keeping an eye on children, but have an unrealistic expectation of surveillance 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week without fail. Has society has gone into nanny cam mode as a parenting model?

I see the pressure my own DIL places on herself to be the super mom/ super parent. We discuss the pressure coming in from all sides and how it is very difficult to maintain the level of perfection others place on parents today. So it isn't this case that opened my eyes to such a problem. But it is a problem concerning this case, imo.

ITA, and quite frankly some of the parenting comments on this thread are scaring the 'ell out of me.

When I became a parent I didn't stop being a human being, nor did I stop needing sleep, nor did I grow a set of expectations about the way someone else should raise their children. I feel so bad for this mother, if she didn't have anything worse to do with the death of her child than taking a nap. It's called empathy.

I hope the PC will completely exonerate her.
I guess we will have to wait for definitive news from sheriff.....I read several times that sod was on the top of the sewer top. I believe the twitter poster suri (sp) confirmed that it was. If and I say if someone placed him in the septic tank.......that person is pure evil.

Edited to add: I lived in a house with a septic tank for over 20 yrs and raised 3 children in that house. Every house in the neighborhood had septic tanks. I am very familiar with them.
We do not know it to be a fact that sod was covering anything or the reason he could not place himself in the septic tank. We have no proof of the condition of the lid, the hole, or the area surrounding it when Noah went in.

That is the most puzzling part in all of this. He was in the septic tank........that we know. So the ground had to be disturbed already if the lid was beneath the earth. Which makes me think the lid was above ground and may have flipped back down like it had never been disturbed or someone put him in there and then placed the lid back in place.

No, of course it isn't Noah's fault but it also isn't the responsibility of a stranger to make life fair for him. IIRC, Courtney said that Noah's mom called him inside 1 time of the numerous times that he played with her cousin's daughters. It sounds like she took advantage of a kind stranger and never even introduced herself most less offered to return the favor.

ETA: My youngest has 2 friends that stay with their grandmother across the road after school and during school breaks. During the summer the 3 of them spend the majority of their time here in the pool but once the pool is covered they tend to spend their time at her house on the basketball court so it all evens outs. It is the complete one sidedness of the situation with Noah that seems really off.

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Maybe so. However, we don't know if other children were invited inside to play with Noah or not. Maybe no one asked.

If the mother is as introverted as it appears so far, she could be crippled by the thought of getting to know her neighbors on a personal level. It must be terribly hard on a person unable to be social with an extroverted child.
{respectfully snipped} How do they get their pressers out, just thru the media?

I have been wondering this, too. I searched and searched for an official repository of press releases and could not find anything. The couple I have seen on SMS articles appear to have been scanned.

In reading the Pulaski County Patriot, I searched for "press release" and one post (unrelated to Noah) mentioned, "in the press releases sent to the media..."
So I think you might be right that they are only releasing to official media outlets.
ITA, and quite frankly some of the parenting comments on this thread are scaring the 'ell out of me.

When I became a parent I didn't stop being a human being, nor did I stop needing sleep, nor did I grow a set of expectations about the way someone else should raise their children. I feel so bad for this mother, if she didn't have anything worse to do with the death of her child than taking a nap. It's called empathy.

I hope the PC will completely exonerate her.

I just hope it gives us some answers as to what happened. If t exonerates her, great. If not, I hope an arrest occurs.

And as far as becoming a parent, for me personally, my need for sleep didn't change, but certainly the amount I got changed! I'm not one to really nap as it is, which is probably the reason I can't understand the need for it. If I feel dog tired I might close my eyes and try to rest my brain, but actually falling asleep is hard for me to do. Which is also probably why when I do go to bed I am out in a matter of seconds.
I guess we will have to wait for definitive news from sheriff.....I read several times that sod was on the top of the sewer top. I believe the twitter poster suri (sp) confirmed that it was. If and I say if someone placed him in the septic tank.......that person is pure evil.
Ksuri was there on March 27th, the day after they found Noah, and LE had released the scene. What she saw is mostly likely not how it appeared when Noah went missing or how LE found the area.

I have read the lid was ground-level and saw the photo used by one of the news sites.

But we have no solid proof either way.
Well of course "solid proof" is the ideal and what I want as well but I thought we could express our opinions on this site with the information that we have been given or sleuthed. I did not identify a person that put him in the septic tank, I just stated IF someone put him in the septic tank....that person is evil. Thank you for reading my posts and commenting.
This photo is from Suri Crowe's Twitter page. I dont know if anyone shared this pic of Noah yet but it just melted and breaks my heart! Just love the crazy hair!!!!!View attachment 72184
well....this is the one..........the one that broke my heart :(

bless you sweet noah :rose:

the answers will be found sweet boy, eventually, but you just run and laugh and smile and play in the the heavens..... :heartluv:
I think the Sheriff is going to announce he's joined Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other various social media sites. :D

LMBO, I don't think we should hold our breath for a friend request.

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ITA, and quite frankly some of the parenting comments on this thread are scaring the 'ell out of me.

When I became a parent I didn't stop being a human being, nor did I stop needing sleep, nor did I grow a set of expectations about the way someone else should raise their children. I feel so bad for this mother, if she didn't have anything worse to do with the death of her child than taking a nap. It's called empathy.

I hope the PC will completely exonerate her.
I can honestly say I thanked God and Jim Henson more than once for Sesame Street.

I hope you are right and the Sheriff ends the speculation today. Not expecting it though. Hype. More of "ongoing investigation", "can't get into that", "waiting on test results", yada yada yada. No real news of any significance. Updates and this sheriff don't seem to go together very well.
It sounds pretty frightening when it is written out, doesn't it? From everything I have read, people are not only suggesting keeping an eye on children, but have an unrealistic expectation of surveillance 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week without fail. Has society has gone into nanny cam mode as a parenting model?

I see the pressure my own DIL places on herself to be the super mom/ super parent. We discuss the pressure coming in from all sides and how it is very difficult to maintain the level of perfection others place on parents today. So it isn't this case that opened my eyes to such a problem. But it is a problem concerning this case, imo.

She *thought* she knew the location. Watching cartoons in the living room. When I go to sleep at night, I think I know that my kids are safe in their bed. I do not stay up to watch them to make sure. He was watching cartoons. Sounds pretty reasonable.

I work in a school, with Year 1 pupils - aged 5 and 6, so the same age as Noah. The class has a mixture of children from those with special educational needs and other specific needs, to those children who are attaining what they should be at that age, right up to those classed as "talented and gifted". I worked with last year's class too, so another 25 children of Noah's age, differing in abilities across the board. I can honestly say that there wasn't a single child in either class who I would 'trust' to leave unsupervised, even in front of a tv, for 2 hours or more. Simply because they are 5 years old, and are unpredictable.

We aren't allowed to leave any of them unattended even for a minute, let alone 3 hours. Even if they go in the tiny outside area (which is safety checked each day and contains no potential hazards such as water, sharp stones or uneven ground), an adult has to accompany them, even if its just one child.

Having worked with many children of this age, I can honestly say I have never met a single child I would trust to stay put and keep doing the same activity for 1, 2 or 3 hours. They flit from one thing to another all afternoon, their concentration is very limited. Not only that, they often do things we just don't expect - anything from throwing an object at another child without warning, to putting something into their mouth that they shouldn't.

I get that people think a child should be perfectly safe watching tv whilst mum has a nap in another room, but they aren't robots and once they decide they've had enough of watching tv, they will stop doing it and move onto something else. At that point, their sleeping mum has no idea what they are up to. Unless they are strapped into a chair, they could be running a scalding hot bath, turning the oven on, attempting to use a knife or even walking out of the house.

Just my opinion.
If Noah's death is deemed accidental, they need to show, with pictures, exactly how this was possible and make it clear so that this particular type of accident does not keep happening, Imo. It is not enough, Imo, simply to declare his death a "tragic accident." And if the tank lid was left off or was broken or faulty, LE needs to make every effort to determine who is responsible for that. Jmo of course
I can honestly say I thanked God and Jim Henson more than once for Sesame Street.

I hope you are right and the Sheriff ends the speculation today. Not expecting it though. Hype. More of "ongoing investigation", "can't get into that", "waiting on test results", yada yada yada. No real news of any significance. Updates and this sheriff don't seem to go together very well.

Well if the autopsy results weren't going to be available for another couple of weeks, this would have to be an update of some other sort. My best guess is they will say they have "detained" someone -- which doesn't mean arrested, right? But means they have a reason to suspect someone of something...? Or they are going to announced they've ruled out other means of death. Or something significant for the public to know. Man, really anxious.
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