GUILTY VA - Noah Thomas, 5, Pulaski County, 22 March 2015 #4

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If that septic tank was open enough (or the lid was broken or inadequate) and LE knows this and doesn't say so, then shame on them, IMO.

The Sheriff can't stand social media and is angry at the rumors and speculation when he can put this all to rest.

By the way, this is coming from a die-hard LE supporter.

If that lid was bolted down or under sod, this was not an accident. Then we have LE saying that nobody else's child was ever in danger. (paraphrasing). Well, if they can say that with certainty, they should SAY this was an accident.

IMO, there are only 2 scenarios here.
1) Accident
2) Parent involvement.

Obviously, I hope it's #1
From my memories of years ago with friends who were from there, and a few visits with their family, the area is beautiful, simple country living, very community oriented. When I've seen the photos of the vigils and balloon releases those people really care about one another, and this has hurt them, it's not just a media story. Most have known each other all their lives. They don't like alot of intrusion on their lives, the media being all over there with this story is probably very upsetting and totally unusual. I can see why the Sheriff doesn't have all the technology up to date, because it's not been necessary. It's probably been a media frenzy there when this came out, and maybe why he's being very careful in what he says and does. It's not a highcrime area and he more than likely thought he'd find Noah and not how it ended up.

The income is not high, both parents probably work, not unusual for a family to have just one car.
Please remember:

Family are considered victims. We do not speculate on or accuse family of involvement or being responsible when there are no supporting facts provided by LE/MSM.
Can someone tell me what the time difference is for the press conference please? Here is it 8.16pm.
I work in a school, with Year 1 pupils - aged 5 and 6, so the same age as Noah. The class has a mixture of children from those with special educational needs and other specific needs, to those children who are attaining what they should be at that age, right up to those classed as "talented and gifted". I worked with last year's class too, so another 25 children of Noah's age, differing in abilities across the board. I can honestly say that there wasn't a single child in either classes who I would 'trust' to leave unsupervised, even in front of a tv, for 2 hours or more.

We aren't allowed to leave any of them unattended even for a minute, let alone 3 hours. Even if they go in the tiny outside area (which is safety checked each day and contains no potential hazards such as water, sharp stones or uneven ground), an adult has to accompany them, even if its just one child.

Having worked with many children of this age, I can honestly say I have never met a single child I would trust to stay put and keep doing the same activity for 1, 2 or 3 hours. They flit from one thing to another all afternoon, their concentration is very limited. Not only that, they often do things we just don't expect - anything from throwing an object at another child without warning, to putting something into their mouth that they shouldn't.

I get that people think a child should be perfectly safe watching tv whilst mum has a nap, but they aren't robots and once they decide they've had enough of watching tv, they will stop doing it and move onto something else. At that point, their sleeping mum has no idea what they are up to. Unless they are strapped into a chair, they could be running a scalding hot bath, turning the oven on, attempting to use a knife or even walking out of the house.

Just my opinion.
I have a great respect for teachers. I would not expect a teacher to leave a child unattended for 1-3 hours. Nor would I expect a teacher to watch children around the clock at the same level used to perform the job.

If a parent takes preventative precautions such as keeping knives in a safe place, using child proof knobs on their tubs, and taking the oven knobs off so little hands cannot turn them on accident...they are simply doing their job. Poisons should be put where little hands cannot reach them. Medications should be kept in a locked box or cabinet. I could continue down the list of the ways I childproofed my home, but I won't.

My children watched their favorite show and then moved on to play with their toys provided in a safe environment. The reason I didn't worry as much I guess is because I took every precaution to provide a safe place for them to live and be kids because I knew I could not watch them every second.
I have not read on here once anyone pushing for 24/7 "super mom" surveillance. Perhaps you were speaking of reading it in another location, but I think everyone here has been reasonable in their thoughts and experiences shared. Just because we don't agree that parents should know where their children are and whom they are playing with, and those parents, doesn't not make us radicals.. That's stretching what has been said.

Many of us are parents, and so when the topic of parenting comes up, we all have our own yardstick to compare to. The problem is, we all parent differently yet we all love our children fiercely. I tend to be in the more laid back parenting camp, but we also live on acreage, I have all boys, and they've always been able to go outside and play without supervision. I have not watched them every second of every day, but I can't fault a parent who does! If I lived somewhere else or didn't have such rough and tumble kids, I probably would be more of an eagle eye with them.

I did have to step away from the case for a bit because I was struggling with wanting to blame the parents for napping, when I know that I've been guilty of taking naps while my kids were young. Talk about hypocrisy on my part! It's madness I tell you, madness!

Having said all of that, I do hope that we hear some actual facts today at the presser today.
Well if the autopsy results weren't going to be available for another couple of weeks, this would have to be an update of some other sort. My best guess is they will say they have "detained" someone -- which doesn't mean arrested, right? But means they have a reason to suspect someone of something...? Or they are going to announced they've ruled out other means of death. Or something significant for the public to know. Man, really anxious.
Oh I wish we could take bets here! ;)
@CameronOAustin: #NoahThomas presser in about 25 minutes. Sheriff Davis and CW Attorney Mike Fleenor are here. Still unclear of topic.

Does CW mean commonwealth attorney, called DA in other jurisdictions?

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@CameronOAustin: #NoahThomas presser in about 25 minutes. Sheriff Davis and CW Attorney Mike Fleenor are here. Still unclear of topic.

Does CW mean commonwealth attorney, called DA in other jurisdictions?

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Yes, we have Commonwealth Attorneys at each county.

winterrose types faster than I do :D
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