GUILTY VA - Tina Smith, 41, slain, 12yo daughter abducted, Salem, 2 Dec 2010 - #5

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As far as a family member going, with the press attention they may have just gone more quietly and not traveled with the detectives and went separately. Considering the likelihood that she is going to have to talk to detectives about sexual abuse they may have gone with a female family member as well. Either way I think someone has already gone to be with her, unless in her trauma she has said she doesn't want that yet.
:waitasec::waitasec: Is there something wrong with me for wondering if Brittany had a dog and if it is still alive? It was reported that her father asked her dogs name and his dogs name to verify it was in fact her.

Also, was the car at the airport or in a parking lot NEXT TO the airport? Did I miss an update on that detail?
Here's an interesting article I just ran across searching for a possible mug shot of JE. (Didn't find one.) It puts into question that a possible third person being involved in the murder. Remember his car was found in SE Rke, and somehow he ended up with TS's car. Anyway, thought someone might want to read it, it gives you something to think about.
:waitasec::waitasec: Is there something wrong with me for wondering if Brittany had a dog and if it is still alive? It was reported that her father asked her dogs name and his dogs name to verify it was in fact her.

Also, was the car at the airport or in a parking lot NEXT TO the airport? Did I miss an update on that detail?
Today they showed a pic of the family last night making a statement after they found BS and her aunt was front and center with approx 10 family member around her. To her left, was someone holding a dog. I wondered then if it was her dog and it was strange to see a dog in that setting. I'll see if I can find the pic again.
Someone else mentioned 'sunshine laws like FL' last night. What is that? I'm not familiar with that and I was curious last night but didn't want to look like a dummy.

A simple explanation from my brain dead mind tonight is, court dockets/proceedings, documents, transcripts...even mug shots can be requested by the media to be published, and they are.

Certain things, of course the courts will deny pending trial. That's how we all got to see thousands and thousands of things related to the Casey Anthony case in advance of the trial.

If I left something out, or said it wrong... sumbunny please feel free to correct me/or add. I've simply got to catch some Zzzz's now. Nighty-nite all. lol
Someone else mentioned 'sunshine laws like FL' last night. What is that? I'm not familiar with that and I was curious last night but didn't want to look like a dummy.

Sunshine laws basically means that pretty much everything doing with the government is public info that can be released to the public.

It's unfortunate that there was so much corruption in my state that led to the Sunshine Laws.
A simple explanation from my brain dead mind tonight is, court dockets/proceedings, documents, transcripts...even mug shots can be requested by the media to be published, and they are.

Certain things, of course the courts will deny pending trial. That's how we all got to see thousands and thousands of things related to the Casey Anthony case in advance of the trial.

If I left something out, or said it wrong... sumbunny please feel free to correct me/or add. I've simply got to catch some Zzzz's now. Nighty-nite all. lol

It's not just related to court/crime stuff -- it's all interaction with state and local government and government entities. Just to give an example, I could go and request copies of all e-mails sent to or from my county commissioners or the Superintendent of my school district and would receive them under the Sunshine Laws.
:waitasec::waitasec: Is there something wrong with me for wondering if Brittany had a dog and if it is still alive? It was reported that her father asked her dogs name and his dogs name to verify it was in fact her.

Also, was the car at the airport or in a parking lot NEXT TO the airport? Did I miss an update on that detail?
I couldn't find a picture but here is the video from wdbj7. It's very good, shows her family last night and LE at Tina's house. And they reported the car was found in an ajacent lot to the airport.
They found Jean, they found Brittany, they found little Natalie:-(, now hopefully the little Morenci boys can be found also..
I couldn't find a picture but here is the video from wdbj7. It's very good, shows her family last night and LE at Tina's house. And they reported the car was found in an ajacent lot to the airport.

Thanks for looking for the pic. I know I saw a pic of Brittany with a dog - wonder if it was the same one.

So, the car was in a lot next to the airport - thought so. Thanks! Nights all and thanks for all the great links!
It's hard to say what lot they meant. The long term lot is "off site" and then you take a tram, but is still technically part of the airport.. There are tons of independent lots as well.
The car was in a lot at the airport? You're kidding! OMG! How in the world did I miss that one. I better start looking at other cases besides Haleigh. You are talking SFO, aren't you?
Local SF news on tv is reporting that he did a google search for the best place to be homeless and San Francisco came up on top so that's why they came here.

That the word is out..d#$n.
Yes, they found it at SF International Airport. They had run out of gas (I'm thinking this is what he told BS to get them out of the car though) and had taken a bus to the area they were found. They were panhandling with cardboard signs.

They could easily get lost with all the panhandlers here with those cardboard signs... :waitasec:

Well, I guess they have to get money for gas. It was 3.59 last week and I heard it is going up. Food is probably the highest in the nation...just guessing.
Japandaa, you are sooo crazy! :)
We didn't learn much today, did we? I did hear them report that LE went to the house to look for something in the backyard. Last night they were just reporting that they went to the house, not searching the yard. They arrived right after SF called about finding BS so, IMO, I think BS must have told them where to look for the murder weapon. They did say that JE is the prime suspect now in TS's murder. I wish we had a picture of the backyard (*cough*Japandaa*cough*hint) since the one from Google Earth is from 2006.
Something else I was thinking about, since BS was TS's only living child and TS was not married, any life insurance she may have through her job wil go to BS. That child will need all the help (monetary) that she can get. I hope nothing comes out to jeopardize that.
I also find it odd that no one from her family went to CA with the detectives. Is this normal to you all?

Since she's only 12, I'd hope they would put it in a trust. The way the economy is, if she could find a very good broker (ethnical) she may do very well...with part of it.....good time to get in. There's the mother's house also to think about. Main thing is to find her a stable environment and some counseling..... and I pray CPS does a good job of overseeing that..I'm curious where BS will want to go. She's been through so the whole family has in the past 18 months.
Yes, they found it at SF International Airport. They had run out of gas (I'm thinking this is what he told BS to get them out of the car though) and had taken a bus to the area they were found. They were panhandling with cardboard signs.

This makes me ask the question...What will LE do with the car? Will they bring it back to VA? Surely, LE will want to take a good look at it?
Here's an interesting article I just ran across searching for a possible mug shot of JE. (Didn't find one.) It puts into question that a possible third person being involved in the murder. Remember his car was found in SE Rke, and somehow he ended up with TS's car. Anyway, thought someone might want to read it, it gives you something to think about.

Someone had mentioned seeing him in stripes, but I guess it was a local in CA seeing it on their local channels....I can't find one either.

I think someone was involved in helping them and knew of their getaway, but not sure of him having help with the murder, but it seems there is always a chance for a quirky twist in a murder case.

I have held back since seeing yesterday's PC, but Lavinder did not look happy anymore. Maybe he was just tired, but it bothered me.

No reflection of you finding the article sam24, but that writer s***s. He's into controversy, etc. and a back page baby, imo. NI should be interested...then again, maybe not. :innocent:
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