Verdict: GUILTY for both Millard and Smich of 1st degree murder #3

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After a long and trying journey for Tim's loved ones, on Friday, June 17, 2016, a jury found Dellen Millard and Mark Smich both guilty of first degree in the murder of a good and decent man, son, husband and father, Tim Bosma.

Both Millard and Smich received the mandatory life sentence of 25 years, and both are appealing the verdicts.

We won't forget Tim.


Hearts and thoughts have been with Tim's loved ones on this very long journey,
and will continue to be with them for years to come.
:rose: :rose: :rose:​

Laughter and tears follow guilty verdicts for ‘despicable and callous’ Tim Bosma murder
Adrian Humphreys | June 18, 2016


Sharlene Bosma smiles and celebrates with her family and that of her late husband Tim Bosma, after the guilty verdicts of Dellen Millard and Mark Smich on Friday, June 17, 2016. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Peter Power

HAMILTON, Ont. — It was a day of strong voices, starting with each juror at the trial for the killing of Tim Bosma, standing one by one in a packed courtroom and declaring both Dellen Millard and Mark Smich guilty of first-degree murder.

Then came Judge Andrew Goodman, who broke with practice and addressed court before imposing sentences, saying Bosma’s killing was “reprehensible and unimaginable” and calling Millard and Smich’s actions “despicable and callous.”

Next, a spontaneous roar of elated cheers erupted from a crowd of onlookers who were not able to get inside the courtroom as the Bosma family walked out; another when the three prosecutors emerged in their black robes and a third for the detectives who led the chase to arrest the pair.

And finally, by dinnertime, after leading a large entourage — her “village” of supporters, as she called them — across Main Street to address the media and a swelling crowd of clapping passersby, came the remarkably poised words of a vibrant Sharlene Bosma, Tim Bosma’s widow.

Verdict Thread #1

Verdict Thread #2
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Whatever help any of us can give is so needed and will be so very appreciated.
Ann Brocklehurst ‏@AnnB03 16m16 minutes ago
Bad idea to slag off a murder victim's family on Facebook for making a "money grab," when your old campaign is still googleable

I wonder if ABro will deal with the issue of DM-positive social media trolls in her book?
Ann Brocklehurst ‏@AnnB03 16m16 minutes ago
Bad idea to slag off a murder victim's family on Facebook for making a "money grab," when your old campaign is still googleable

I wonder if ABro will deal with the issue of DM-positive social media trolls in her book?

Hmmmmm. I wonder who that post is about? lol :rolleyes:
Tim Bosma’s family launches lawsuit against his killers

In addition to the two convicted murderers, Millard's mother, Madeleine Burns, and his girlfriend, Christina Noudga — who is charged with being an accessory after the fact to the murder — are also listed as defendants in the lawsuit.

The statement of claim specifically notes that the transfer of properties from Millard to his mother in the days after his arrest in May 2013 was "a fraudulent conveyance aimed at protecting his assets from creditors and as such, unlawful."
In a statement of defence filed Nov. 6, Millard argues the sum of money sought by the Bosmas "marks vengefulness … without foundation" and calls for the action to be dismissed.

"From my own life experiences, I have felt the unimaginable grief and sorrow that stems from losing immediate family," he writes. "The Bosma clan have (sic) been victims of a senseless loss, a loss of one of their family."

He adds in his defence — which would have been filed before he stood trial and was convicted — that the Bosmas have been "re-victimized by a flawed police investigation. They are being wrongly incited to hate, and to blame me for their loss. However I am not to blame."

Well that's rich, even if DM isn't.
Ann Brocklehurst ‏@AnnB03 16m16 minutes ago
Bad idea to slag off a murder victim's family on Facebook for making a "money grab," when your old campaign is still googleable

I wonder if ABro will deal with the issue of DM-positive social media trolls in her book?

Does anyone have any idea what ABro is referring to in her tweet?

Who had a campaign going, and for what?


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Reminder: As per TOS, CN's parents are NOT sleuthable.

subscribed, this seems like a very interesting thread
So now that it's been made official about the Bosma's filing a lawsuit, it gives a better explanation as to why DM kept staring the family down in court and IMO it's not like the media and people made it out to be how he was creepy etc. He's probably pissed at her.

That would make sense if, during the trial at some point, it was made really iffy as to whether DM was responsible or involved. But as it turned out, I think 99.9% are in agreement that he is a monster, having planned this murder, carried it out in cold blood, and then trying his darnedest to escape punishment for himself. I said the same thing when I first heard about the civil suit, in that it brought new meaning to all of those stare-downs... but for me, that makes him even MORE psychotic.

Why should he be angry or surprised that the family of his murder victim are using every resource they can, to make him 'pay' and make him be responsible? Would he think for a moment that if the shoe was on the other foot, he wouldn't be doing the same? It's not like someone did all of this TO him, and he was just the scapegoat/fall-guy. It's more like he's thinking, wow, you nervy biatch, how DARE you stoop to hitting my family's pocketbook and get the one-up on me! What a truly sick, sick individual he is. It really makes me wonder what it is that RB knows about DM and his past that makes him believe DM is a 'sick twisted prick'. I'll bet there is a wealth of interesting stories there!

Also, I have no idea how it works as to which city a civil suit gets filed in, but I wonder if the B family chose London since it is further removed from the crime city, and the accused's home-city, such that it might be it more unlikely to garner media attention when media saw the lawsuit? ie I know that reporters keep their eyes on what is filed with the courts in Hamilton, and they report on what is of interest... likely the same in Toronto. If media saw this lawsuit way back in May, half a year prior to the commencement of the trial, would they have bothered to report it? Could that possibly be why London was chosen? Would this also mean that any subsequent civil trial would actually have to be held in London as well?
Sorry, I can tend to get on a tangent.. but further to the above.. wouldn't the situation be somewhat akin to say, a man who deliberately went out on a planned rampage to cause a horrific vehicular accident intended to crash and burn his victim so that he could steal something in the vehicle perhaps, and then take off from the scene before a huge fire erupts and perhaps erases some evidence.. subsequently get caught red-handed via letters he wrote, video recordings, witness accounts, and bushels full of circumstantial evidence.. and then sneer at the victim's family in court every day when they sued him for damages? Can one imagine how a civil trial jury might look upon the defendant if he was pulling those kind of antics in court towards the victimized family? Would/could such behaviour have a bearing on how much a jury recommended to be paid in damages to the family? Too bad we don't have access to any psych reports on DM, I'll bet they would be very interesting reading!
I wonder if DM would have grown to be such a monster if it wasn't for the money. Money was a tool for him to attract followers, buy drugs for his followers, buy equipment for the crime. If he didn't have all the money, would he have ended up on the same path?

I sort of think of the lawsuit aiming to take away all of his money as a method to make him totally inoffensive and unable to manipulate people, and access drugs. Without the money, DM doesn't have any power. In some ways it is right to take his money away because he never used it for a positive purpose.
I wonder if DM would have grown to be such a monster if it wasn't for the money. Money was a tool for him to attract followers, buy drugs for his followers, buy equipment for the crime. If he didn't have all the money, would he have ended up on the same path?

I sort of think of the lawsuit aiming to take away all of his money as a method to make him totally inoffensive and unable to manipulate people, and access drugs. Without the money, DM doesn't have any power. In some ways it is right to take his money away because he never used it for a positive purpose.

Indeed. It's real justice. They went to the Bosma's to take a mans truck for Free and now they have to pay with their freedom and their funds.
Bet now paying for the truck would seem like a real bargain.
Also the pain they cause extends beyond the Bosma family- so many people hurt including the community at large.
I wonder if DM would have grown to be such a monster if it wasn't for the money. Money was a tool for him to attract followers, buy drugs for his followers, buy equipment for the crime. If he didn't have all the money, would he have ended up on the same path?

I sort of think of the lawsuit aiming to take away all of his money as a method to make him totally inoffensive and unable to manipulate people, and access drugs. Without the money, DM doesn't have any power. In some ways it is right to take his money away because he never used it for a positive purpose.

I wonder if DM even had a clue that his 'friends' would have disappeared immediately, if his money had disappeared. I think (imoo) that DM has learning disabilities, and so I'm not sure that if he had been born financially 'poor', it would have made a difference to the outcome of his life. He prob would have gotten into just as much trouble, but in perhaps a different avenue. It seemed to be all about showing how smart he was, how much he could actually get away with, how stupid LE is, how easy murder is, and not necessarily all about the money. To me, it is a mistaken sense of superiority and intelligence. And the money gave him a lot more means to try different things to prove his point. I wonder if his mom always praised him for being soooo smart, even though he wasn't? He seemed to have been disliked during his formative years, by other students/peers.. maybe he took consolation in his imaginary superior intelligence. And it was easy to convince the low-lifes he hung out with that he WAS sooo intelligent (he could protect anyone from any possible consequences, right?). Would sure be an interesting read if we had access to psych reports, that's for sure. All moo.

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