Verdict: GUILTY!

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OK. I was out in my garden, and it's a pita to post from my phone.

Let's say 7 jurors think he raped Tori. 2 jurors aren't sure there's enough proof. So they go back and ask a question like "if he was there when her clothes were taken off does that make him guilty", then that could help those 2 jurors make a decision.

I think the other question had to do with... if TLM testified she killed Tori, and they don't believe her testimony, does that automatically make MTR guilty of the murder.

Just the way I'm reading things, MOO, all that stuff. I have faith in this jury.

Oh, and I checked my garden. My purple flowers have died off, but my Bleeding Hearts came out today... and my Star of David.
DUH! LOL I dont know why I didnt think of that. You would think that they would be allowed to stay for this.. JMO :) Wishful thinking is all

they can certainly stay outside and tweet if the lawyers get called in but I don't know how it works if the verdict is reached at say, 8 p.m. - not sure whether they're allowed back in for it or what

maybe someone can ask on twitter???
Reports of the jury at #Rafferty trial about to ask a fourth question are mistaken. No 4th question.

Clarification only 3 questions have been asked by the jury. No 4th.
I think they are almost ready for the verdict... Come on guys 4 mins and I have to leave..

I want to see the look on that jack a@@ face when they read the verdict. I am sure he will say he is innocent!!! Loser!!
So the judge leaves for the night? What if jury has more questions?

I don't know the answer. Maybe they will call them all back in or maybe they will be working late until 9 p.m. I'm really not sure.
I hope this break is to collect their thoughts. Have a group hug and deliver their verdict.
I told you between 4-6pm the my gut is pretty strong
Okay I am off, I will shut my big mouth until I get back tonight... You guys are amazing and I love you all for caring so much for this child. Its like we all lost a child that day and I am glad that I can share my thoughts with all of you. ***HUGS****
DUH! LOL I dont know why I didnt think of that. You would think that they would be allowed to stay for this.. JMO :) Wishful thinking is all

Most of the media and Tori's family are hanging around outside the courthouse. They seem to only go inside if the jury is brought back in the courtroom. If the jury has questions after 5, I believe media and the family will still be allowed into the courthouse as technically court is in session.

You took the words right out of my mouth Sillybilly... I agree 100% . They are looking for justification to find him guilty due to lack of physical evidence.

No IMO I think they have one or two in there that probably don't believe he did it
What! Ask the question first then go for the break.
I think there are smokers on that jury. lol

I know I have smoked ten cigarettes already, especially hearing their questions and knowing what we know
Okay I am off, I will shut my big mouth until I get back tonight... You guys are amazing and I love you all for caring so much for this child. Its like we all lost a child that day and I am glad that I can share my thoughts with all of you. ***HUGS****

LOL I can send you a PM if they reach a verdict if you want
LOVE this tweet:

If "common sense" prevails, the jurors will be going home tonight & #Rafferty will be starting his life sentence. #ToriStafford
No worries we are just entering our eighth hour of deliberation. The jurors just want to make certain the get it right. The guilty verdict is coming. Pfft he'll probably start crying and say "I didn't do it". The psychopath that he is. MOO

I think they are almost ready for the verdict... Come on guys 4 mins and I have to leave..

I want to see the look on that jack a@@ face when they read the verdict. I am sure he will say he is innocent!!! Loser!!
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