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OMG HLN is making a mockery of ALV! Vinny asked whether ALV will get back on the witness stand. Everyone roared with laughter. Suffice it to say ALV is done!
Good night everyone. I can't believe I have been up since 5 this morning. Tomorrow will be another interesting day.
You know what's scary .. this side of Jodi we're seeing at the moment; the narcissistic, self entitled, lying, smug, snippy side ..

That's her good side.
Listen to what she said about why she went to see burns.

She said she'd done it to "keep up the pretense." She said "Oh, crap, I'd better keep to my schedule...."

Keep up the pretense, Jodi? You mean the pretense you started when you chose him as your "I wasn't in AZ" alibi?
That is pretty funny. So now Baez is trying to be the good guy. Interesting to say the least.

I have to say I had a huge laugh when they introduced him as one of the "BIG SHOT" (or something like that) lawyers. Jose B. was an awakening for me and after watching him in action (along with the other CA team) I got where all the defense lawyer jokes came from. I truly believed before that trial that defense lawyers defended innocent clients accused of something they didn't do, convinced guilty clients that they needed help, or reasoned with them (like explaining they should get a lessor charge because they were insane or something). I didn't know that lawyers actually lied and "played dirty" to get their clients off. I have learned different, from George Anthony was molesting the FELON to Travis A. was a pedophile - SICK SICK SICK! I have lost all faith and believe its all about recognition and celebrity rather than doing what is right. My poor husband,,, when I saw Jose and Linda on TV he had to listen to a 45 minute rant. I'm still upset about the FELON!!!!

Enough of that though, I am so sorry, this day is about Justice and I am over the moon happy it was served,,,, bless the state, jury, friends, loved ones, wonderful WB's, and bless Travis,,, what a truly WONDERFUL guy you are,,, your goodness will live on!!!!
She was charged with both counts:
1st degree premeditated murder
1st degree felony murder

The jury didn't need to be unanimous on both counts, they just needed to agree it was 1st degree murder.

The way the verdict was read was obviously too confusing for some of the TH's (Mark Geragos, Janie Weintraub) on CNN, since they kept stating it was a 5-7 split.

How the verdict was read
5 premeditated
0 felony
7 both premeditated and felony

12 premeditated (unanimous)
7 felony
I'm not an attorney or a talking head, but I understood it the first time around. ;)
I find a massive disparity between American courts and Canadian courts, just from personal experience as a juror in a Canadian court.

There is rigourous defence and then there is a smearing of the victim. I see no rigourous defence in the JA case. It is not logical or reasonable; it is all about smearing the victim. If the defence in the LM case smears the victim do you think that would be a rigorous defence? Because rigour is an intellectual definition. Trashing the victim is not.

My favorite disparity between the two systems is that we can retry an acquitted person if new evidence against them comes to light. :rockon:
You know what's scary .. this side of Jodi we're seeing at the moment; the narcissistic, self entitled, lying, smug, snippy side ..

That's her good side.


I'll be having nightmares for decades.
You know what's scary .. this side of Jodi we're seeing at the moment; the narcissistic, self entitled, lying, smug, snippy side ..

That's her good side.

That's so true!

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Calling Jodi's 4th grade art teacher ? Lol

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You know what's scary .. this side of Jodi we're seeing at the moment; the narcissistic, self entitled, lying, smug, snippy side ..

That's her good side.

Didn't know there was another side.

I know I've never seen it.
Originally Posted by Dana
Since everything has been already said and I'm blowing off some stress ..... I was thinking about all the companies that got a free shout out/free advertising from JA

Tootsie pops
Pop rocks
Budget rental

not to mention restaurants like Casa Ramos, Purple Plum ect
Can't think of any more off the top of my head.

I only bring this up because I heard Starbucks was giving 1/2 off Strawberry Fraps today, I'm assuming it was probably only in Maricopa County area.

Whatever the name of that beanbag thing that she was grinding with Ryan Burns on, cannot remember what it is called.
Kohl's, Rainforest Cafe, P.F. Chang's, Applebee's, Starbucks, Cinnabon, Toblerone
So can Juan play the post verdict interview during the DP phase?

I believe she is just using reverse psychology when she says this. Sorta like the fox saying "don't throw me in the henhouse." It's all an act, her thinking that if she says she wants the death penalty, they will give her life. Might not work. She might get just what she is asking for.

Many people in Grandma's age group can't stand for long periods of time. For something like this, it's best to have her seated in a wheelchair from the start, so the proceedings run without interruptions while they find her a wheelchair.

I think picking on Grandma is just picking on Grandma. Killer Arias has plenty of attributes to pick on without picking on Grandma. I'm sure Grandma is just reeling from this whole tragedy.

I have to agree with this. This level of strain and anxiety must have an acute effect on an elderly lady, especially one who's grand-daughter is on trial for such a heinous, high-profile crime. Had she wavered and fallen at any stage, onlookers could have equally accused her of seeking sympathy. It was probably considered 'safer' that she be in the comfort of a wheelchair for the duration of today's deliberations. Especially today. I feel awfully sorry for the woman to have to deal with this at the end of her life.

Exactly, thank you Juan Martinez for so succinctly explaining all the elements of premeditation...every way JA tried to hide the fact she was PLANNING on going to murder Travis.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Hopefully, I can find the transcript of this to read at my leisure tomorrow. I have heard so much talk about Mr. Martinez. I believe his performance throughout was highly commendable.
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