Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase #2

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Aww c'mon, I want Big Bertha to be able to give her a swirly at least once.

I'm sure Large Marge can't wait for the first Book Club meeting where Jodi plans to lead those lesser than her and "stimulate conversations of a higher nature"
Heh heh, it's like that all the time. Gang mentality. You are only wise and smart if you think and act exactly like ME! :floorlaugh:

Only, it really isn't so funny.
I can only speak for myself, but I never judged the jury. I was glad for the Murder 1 verdict, but I never said they were wonderful for handing it down. I thought it was the only just verdict and I prayed that they had the strength to make the right decision. I'm upset with this nonverdict because I hate the idea that the Alexander family has to endure one second more of this torture. What kind of "gang mentality" is that?
IOW, I don't think it's fair (or funny) to lump everyone here together...and I don't think it's right to make assessments of personal beliefs. If we can't come here to voice opinions, where should we go? jmho
As refreshing as her "honesty" was, I still think she was playing with the reporter. Just a feeling I have.

Oh was she what .. the last minute proved that .. she was acting it up big time for the cameras.
I just saw a post on FB where inside editione talks to the Forman and he said " I want to talk to Jodi and ask her what really happened?" OMG I Am:stormingmad::stormingmad:
Foreman dude looks like author Wayne Dyer...who also probably wouldn't jive with the DP. :)

:seeya: Hope all my WS Pals are doing okay today!

I'm still speechless about the non-verdict... Just reading, viewing, digesting at the moment. So proud of the 8 jurors who stood their ground on the DP... Wondering if the 4 anti-DPs were ever truly qualified for a DP jury in the first place... :confused:

This is how I feel... :rollercoaster: ... Stuck upside down at the top of a big loop... :anguish:

:praying: Praying for the Alexander family, Juan Martinez, and Det. Flores as they decide how best to proceed from here... :please:
@Bernina I am so sorry for your experiences with your ex. How awesome that you were able to free yourself from him! I am proud of you.

Ladies and gentlemen, everything she said regarding prison life is 100% correct.

Now, CMja has no game, no street cred, no experience with anyone other than "normal" everyday people whom she thinks buy her manipulations. If she does not get the DP and is sent to GP, she is toast, t.o.a.s.t., toast.

Someone posted a link on the TA FB page that was an interview with another female CM yesterday. IIRC her name is Angela and she's an AZDOC inmate. Unfortunately for CMja, people like this Angela are the norm rather than the exception in women's prisons.

If ja heads over for a Life or LWOP sentence, it's pretty much a done deal for her. The inmates will eat her alive. Trust me, many of them are already planning some "activities" for her - they hear and see most of what happens on the outside. ja should hope for the DP where she can bask in the loneliness and isolation of her cell while slowing going insane because GP isn't going to be all "reading groups and recycling programs" for her. It's going to be a tough row to hoe and frankly I don't think she's got the intestinal fortitude to make it.
Mr William Zervakos, seems like you are digging the spotlight something fierce. So were you too emotionally exhausted to finish the job? Is that what you were ultimately saying?

I feel like you failed too, fwiw. I feel like you didnt finish this job and you owed Travis a completed trial. With a verdict of some kind during the penalty phase. I really do.

I agree that it sounds like they did not talk this out enough, and it sounds like they allowed Wilma to put thoughts in their head, and make them emotional rather than basing the DP decision on facts, which is sad.

I will give him a SLIGHT break on feeling she was emotionally abused, only because he has not yet seen all that we have. I want to know how he feels after he sees her wicked ways. I feel like the DT was allowed to slander TA way too much, without having the context or more evidence of any verbal abuse, I don't feel it should have been allowed. They can't even prove it was him who typed those texts. JM had his hands tied a little. He should have been allowed to show that she ran around with people like Patty who had a history of drugs, and bad choices, and how her own parents felt.

Hindsight is 20/20, but I really hope this jury sees all she has done, and realizes that they were manipulated, and that the DT only used 'junk' to distract them from the 'TRUE' evidence... sadly for a few in the penalty phase it worked. I still will always be grateful to this jury for m1 and cruelty verdict...
MHO is that LWOP parole is an appropriate sentence for Jodi Arias. The murder was heinous and brutal, but when I think of the death penalty I think of murder for profit, murder of a child, serial killing etc... Nothing that Travis did to Jodi (continuing to have sex with her while having no intention of taking the relationship any further) merited her stalking him, let alone killing him, and he obviously didn't realize how sick and disordered she was or he wouldn't have taken the risk (one assumes), but many people apparently tried to warn him that he was playing with fire and he didn't stop, and those people didn't even know that he was in a sexual relationship with her (unless Chris and Sky Hughes know more than they let on on TV).

Travis was a person like any other, not a saint, seemingly a very nice guy with a good life ahead of him, but he did use a pretty girl for sex, whether or not she encouraged him, and that isn't terribly nice in anyone's book. They exchanged 85,000 communications, I don't think it would be ridiculous to suggest that the dysfunctional relationship between them was two-sided.

Dr. Drew talked on one show about how borderlines and larger-than-life, confident personalities like Travis can have this crazy, unhealthy attraction to one another that is ultimately destructive to both of them and I think that's what this was. I think that Jodi genuinely felt that she would never, ever have any kind of peace of mind while Travis still existed, and unfortunately she decided that meant killing him rather than herself because of her narcissistic or sociopathic qualities. She is nuts.

I completely understand that Travis's family have never seen the side of him that was crazily attracted to a Jodi and cannot believe it of him but hell, when I think of the most shocking and dysfunctional sides of my own or anyone else's personality my family would certainly never see it, it would be reserved for my own dark introspection and maybe the person I was intimately involved with.
My ex-DH was incarcerated in the San Juan Facility at Perryville from 1983-88. (I divorced him in 1985) It was a med/min facility then. San Juan was medium. You can look his Prison Id #37426 in the ADOC inmate data search. This was the last time he was incarcerated in Az, his previous incarcerations at Ft. Grant and Florence are not listed because their data base doesn't go that far back for repeat offenders. He went on to be incarcerated in California at Folsum, Solidad, and San Quentin. He was looking at a 3rd strike on his last offense, but San Jose, Cali. LE had beaten him so incredibly during his arrest (an illegal search when he was walking in the park) that they feared a lawsuit and cut him loose. They shattered the entire side of his face and his hip, among other things.

I have no sympathy for him. You reap what you sow. I was a stupid naive 17 year old who had never been exposed to the "Dark Side", and had known him from the time I was 6. He was a Marine with an honorable discharge. His sister was taken in by my folks as a foster for 7 years.

He became addicted to morphine while serving, guarded the medical tent. He was also on body bag duty, the planes would come in state, off load the dead, and he was one of those who had to inventory the body bag and compare the weight of the contents from where it came from to it's destiny. He also became a part of the military group that was portrayed in the movie "American Gangster". (I will NOT discuss the liberties or omissions that the movie misrepresented) When discharged he became a heroin addict, he was a member of the Old Mexican Mafia and the Nuestra Familia, 2 rival Ariz/Calif gangs, only because his brother in law, George Solano was a top dog in the NF in Cali. Both gangs were "blood in, blood out".

I can promise you all, that CMja will not make it in prison. Perryville was hard when my ex was in there. The guards will look away, rather then insert themselves in the middle of something. I personally "witnessed" an inmate RAPE his girlfriend on a picnic bench while there for a visitation one evening. She was screaming for help, and the guards turned their backs. I was strip searched on one visitation, with no exclamation, when showing up for another visit. Seems my ex had a scam going on and there were "gals" bringing in drugs to him. When he tried to assault me that evening during visitation, I ran to the sally port and the guards opened it up for me, closing it just as he got to it. One of the guards who took me back to the main entrance on the bus, gave me the low down.

He told me I did not belong in this environment, I was different than all the other women coming to see their husbands, and boyfriends. Everyone who was incarcerated in prison found "Jesus", it was just all part of the game while the inmates con their loved ones into bringing contraband into the prison and put money on their books. He told me I deserved and should demand better of myself. I was educated, I worked, I had a 2 year old daughter. My ex was being investigated for the murder of a top MM down in Florence, evidently "kites" had been found in his possession and eluded to the hit being orchestrated. The guard told me to get the hell out of there and never turn back.

Perryville is much worse now. It is a medium/maximum facility. These inmates have nothing but time on their hands to devise new ways of making weapons. Newspaper can be made into a shiv, a light bulb can be used to create an inferno in a cell, hooch can be made toxic to it's intended victim. No matter where you are placed, SOMEONE can always get to you, even in PC or solitary confinement.

CMja has no "Game", she has no affiliation, she's from Cali, and has no family in prison.

Like I said before, she is toast.

That being said, any talk about CMja having a cushy life in prison or getting less than Life (with or without parole) or DP should just be dropped. She will experience Hell on Earth. I can guarantee it. And that's not my opinion, it's the facts.

Everything you said. Just. everything. I know what you have written is true.

She will get passed around and used up thinking she's the smart one. She is headed for doom.

Again, I won't waste any sleep over it.

You are one strong chick.
and he seemed so tone deaf to the fact that someone was murdered and it wasn't their job to feel sorry for the murderer and find a "reason" why as if there is some rational one.

I'm really sorry he was the foreman. I'm frankly surprised they even convicted her and found cruelty with this guy's "leadership". And he has to come out with the Jodi was abused stuff-that was just too much. Did he see that poor family? Wouldn't you just not say anything about that rather than essentially help Jodi torment the victim's family yet again?

Maybe I'm just overly sensitive today but this guy reminded me of some people I always get stuck on committees with who think they're very astute and get off on tangents and waste time and make great "pronouncements". He also made up/misued words..just like Jodi!

So it's very difficult to divert -- divest yourself of the personal,

The momentousness, is that a word...

But what most bothers me is his emphasis and concern for Jodi, who "is a human being" "we're dealing with a human being" and "why did she do it" instead of focusing on the crime-you're tried for a crime not for your person-hood, everyone on trial is a human what, how is that relevant?

I didn't get any sense that they methodically worked through the mitigating factors as presented by the defense and weighed them against the aggravating factor of cruelty. That was a linear process they were supposed to undertake. Instead, it sounds like they looked at her and saw a normal looking girl and so convinced themselves that there must be a rational reason like abuse for her to do what she did.

Wow....finding a motive is not the job of a juror.

Now I am disgusted. He seemed like a pompous twit. He never even considered many people outside the courtroom have way more information than they did.

Yes, it seemed strange because it was announced they were going to do one -- then NO presser ...

But after hearing that jury foreman's comments this morning :

NO, it does not seem "strange" because I think he wanted to THE SPOKESMAN ...

JMO but I think he influenced the rest NOT to do an interview and that he would "handle" it all ...

Yep ... and knowing he fell for the abuse bs, pffffffttttt !

JMO and MOO !

That's exactly what I think! He gets up at 4 AM to do the GMA interview. Imagine how surprised his fellow jurors were when they got up and found out he blindsided them.
I haven't posted much since the mistrial on the penalty phase was announced because emotions seem to be running so high.

I don't fault the jury AT ALL. I was always doubtful that a death penalty verdict would be reached.

But remember, she is being punished. Each and every day that she is locked in a cell, she is being punished.

She cannot eat what she wants for breakfast, lunch or dinner. She cannot get quality art supplies. She cannot take a shower every day. She cannot visit one of the 1,000 places to see before you die. She cannot attend services at the temple. She cannot shop for a new dress or cute bikini. She cannot experience the promise of meeting a new "cute guy" who might be "the one". She will not have a child. She cannot get a suntan beside a beautiful resort swimming pool. She cannot learn a new outdoor sport such as kayaking or trail running. She cannot enjoy a lovely glass of wine, or her favorite mixed drink. She cannot have the pleasure of buying someone a meaningful gift. She cannot watch a beautiful sunrise or sunset. She will never have the pleasure of picking flowers from her own yard. She will never host a holiday celebration. She cannot stroke a dog or cuddle a kitten.

Sure, she may have a gleeful moment or two when she thinks she has "won" some issue or made some point, but she will never have happiness.

I am perfectly fine with life in prison for Jodi Anne Arias.

Touche. And I will go further: I've never been inside a state prison or known anyone who has (I knew a guy who went to county jail for a long time, but this is different), but from what I've read, state prisons are hell on earth.

Prisons are horrible, horrible places full of caged, human animals. I have a terrible fear of prisons, of cages. From what I have read, caging human beings changes them quite dramatically, making them into, well, humans that behave like caged animals. It changes people.

Wine and kittens? Yes, but it goes much farther than that. There is no free will in prison. Fear of others is rampant. Paranoia would likely factor in. The food is geared for caloric intake only; it is cheap and overcooked and looks like *advertiser censored*; it is no wonder that people lose weight (sometimes a lot!) in prison. Solitary confinement is typical for several years for those sentenced to life without parole; and even after that, moving into the prisoner population involves competition with other human animals who sleep in cages among their own excrement when the toilet backs up.

Eat or be eaten, so to speak. Someone like Jodi, who is slow on the uptake when it comes to dire reality, is not likely to do well there, especially for the rest of her life.

Some people commit suicide in prison. It is no wonder why.

So I appreciate your post but felt that I had to add to it. I hope you don't mind! :seeya:
I just am relishing the thought of the jurors finding out about the TRUE CMJA now. I imagine they will be more outraged when they see her smugness and lack of remorse during her interviews. I can't help it. This gives me pleasure.

I tend to agree, and I hope they admit it!
I just saw a post on FB where inside editione talks to the Forman and he said " I want to talk to Jodi and ask her what really happened?" OMG I Am:stormingmad::stormingmad:

And he thinks she is going to tell him the truth? Didnt he find out what really happened by viewing the mounds of evidence at the trial?

She had 18 days on the stand to tell what happened...FGS!
Foreman dude looks like author Wayne Dyer...who also probably wouldn't jive with the DP. :)


Lol, follow your bliss guy. Can't get away from him on PBS, although I do kind of like Dyer.
I was wondering if the some of the jury members did not give the DP because of JA's age at the time of the crime. Maybe 12 years being the average time on DR did not seem like enough time andthey could not stand the thought of killing her in her 40's. Debra Milken was not DR for 22 years before he conviction changed. My point I guess is that DR may be 12 years or 40 years - who really knows. I know I am rambling and I am sorry about that.
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