Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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Nah, I disagree, I thought from go that their greatest hope was keeping her off death row. They can now say she didn't go down on their watch.

It's more of a win for the lawyers (if they are able to get off this case) than for JA. Death row is still calling for her...
Has anyone heard about the interview Hayden was going to do with Juan following the verdict? tia
So I'm somewhat stunned. But I find it's far better this way rather than how the CA trial went.

She is still convicted. She is still incarcerated. She will still pay. It just isn't today.

And as a note, as a person who stood firm and hung a jury, please don't crucify someone for following their conviction. I understand the anger, and the outrage, but I have to say, it may not be that someone lied on the voir may be that someone truly believed that they could vote for the death penalty and did not feel that JA deserved it.

I have been that one person. I have been the one locked in a jury room. I've been the one who was assaulted verbally and physically in that jury room. I have been the one who had to reach waaaay down inside and then stand firm to what I matter what.

Please don't hate that juror(s) who had a belief and followed it. It takes a lot to stand takes an awful lot. No belittling. No, please...because I've been in their shoes, and know what it's like.

Be kind to the juror(s).

And I believe that there will now be a plea deal.

I also believe that if there is any family that could use some donations, it's the Alexander family. They've been there for months, and they will be there again for months. I can't imagine how hard it's been for them consider giving a donation to them, even if it's just a few will go far.

Herding Cats
Dear Alexander Family and Friends:

“I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.”

Your faith has a legacy of moving forward beyond all obstacles, and finishing. Your family has a legacy of moving forward too. You have said that Travis was your strength and encouragement. Travis is still with you, and he is still your strength and encouragement, and he is round about you now and always to bear you up. There is NO empty chair. Hold fast to these truths.

We will still be here for you too.
I don't see how this is a huge win for the DT. Their client has been convicted of first degree murder (a huge DT loss), and a verdict of especiallty cruel (another huge DT loss).

The penalty phase will go ahead with the same 2 options, life or death.

Their client will never get out of prison. That's a huge loss for the DT.

But she didn't get the needle and that was their goal. It IS a win for them. A mistrial is always a win for the DT.
This is just my opinion but if JA doesn't qualify for the DP then WHO does qualify? The entire way from premeditating a brutal murder thru til now she was nothing other than the personification of cold, calculated, and evil. What she did in terms of premeditating TA's murder, the lengths she went in both doing that and in trying to cover herself after, the WAY that she brutally murdered a defenseless naked man three times over, the fact that she has NOT learned a thing from what she has done and to this day has absolutely NO remorse for what she has done and for all the lives that she has ruined (and continues to do her best to ruin), and the fact that she tried her best to manipulate and scheme the jury just shows what a cold-blooded monster that she truly is. If all of these factors proving that she is a monster added with the simple fact that the aggravators strongly outweighed the questionable, possibly non-existent mitigators wasn't enough for one or more juror(s) to issue the DP, then the logical conclusion one could come to is that such juror(s) were incapable of EVER issuing the DP. If they couldn't find JA eligible, then the fact is that they are/were never going to be able to find anyone eligible. Maybe he/she/they put too much faith in themselves during voir dire but when it came down to it, when the clock was striking midnight, they learned different. The unanimous decision today shows that no matter how qualified a convicted murderer may be in a trial, if there is/are one or more jurors that in the eleventh hour find out he/she/they morally/personally cannot bring themselves to issue the most appropriate DP decision then it delays -or even worse yet screws up- justice from being served, when it need not be so. Maybe what we can learn from this is is if you are ever called in on voir dire and are asked if you could give the DP if necessary, to make sure that you realize what your answer to that question MEANS and NOT naively answer it. If the unanimous decision came to be via any other possibility the only other situation that I can think of would be that one or more jurors didn't believe that JA met all of the criteria for/most deserved the DP. And if that is the case then I would have to ask if they were paying attention from guilty phase/verdict until now because I thought it was crystal clear that after seeing/hearing everything that was presented that JA most definitely qualified for and most deserved the DP as her appropriate punishment. This is just my opinion and how I see it, and others are entitled to feel different about it.
Hey holdouts:

Jodi Arias was arrested while making a getaway in a rented car with a gun and two knives hidden in the engine. How redeemable is that?
Juan looked so disappointed .. can hardly imagine what he is thinking / feeling ..
Nah, I disagree, I thought from go that their greatest hope was keeping her off death row. They can now say she didn't go down on their watch.

Agree. Anything less than DP was a win for Willmott/Nurmi
I am so sorry for the pain of the Alexanders upon hearing that the jury could not reach a verdict. They have been very vocal in their desire for the death penalty and this has been an incredibly long and tortuous process for them.

My prayers are with the family, as they must feel even more devastated today. Let our prayers lift them up in hope and love.

With great tenderness,

After 14+ hours of deliberation they are done? Wow. The trial lasted 4 months. Somebody had vacation plans I guess. That is unbelievably disrespectful of the victim and his family. The inmate shouldnt get consideration now that she has been convicted. At least do the family the courtesy of trying a little harder.

I agree with you and I hate feeling the way I do about the jury. I think it was too soon to give up but I guess Memorial Day weekend coming up was a big kicker for them.

And I can't help feeling like if it were Travis on trial for stabbing Jodi 29 times and shooting her in the face and slashing her throat........he would be on his way to death row RIGHT NOW.
I would be happy if pros took the DP off the table and agreed to LWOP. She would probably never be executed anyway! DP is a crock! I agree with DP, but it is a crock!
John Gilliland ‏@AZRadioNewsGuy 35m
Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery says he intends to retry the #JodiArias penalty phase

Levi Page ‏@Levi_Page 13m
That nut job Donovan Bering tweeting for #JodiArias is on @NancyGraceHLN whining she wasn't allowed in court. STFU you convicted felon.

Please give JM the strength to settling. Can not happen!!

I hope this is true! No settling! Let's do it again and this time JM will be even better! Justice for Travis!

p.s. I suppose this means that none of us is allowed to get off this trial and go back to our real lives until this is over. A couple of months more...:scared:
My husband wants his wife back and I need to put my marriage back on the front burner.

You peeps are the best folks on the interwebs!

Please keep this in mind: CMJA will never be a free woman. She thinks she has won this battle. Maybe. But not the war. She will be defeated.

((((Websleuthers))) :hug:

(((Alexander Family))) :heartbeat:

But she didn't get the needle and that was their goal. It IS a win for them. A mistrial is always a win for the DT.

You're correct.

Sometimes ya gotta be careful what you wish for.

She earned a death sentence...

Either way she will never set foot outside as a free woman

Either way she will die behind bars.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Like how would they even believe anyone could know that? Too bad so sad they took a Grand Canyon tour while their daughter was on trial for her life. Oh well.

Funny, going to the Grand Canyon has been my dream throughout my life and I came so close once. Campsite reserved, luggage packed, and ready to go! Then my husband's grandma feel ill. She tried to insist we still go, but there was no way we would have done that. It was a good decision as she passed a few days later. So no, I don't see how they were able to go to the Grand Canyon while there daughter was waiting for a verdict of life or death. :facepalm:
I'm not allowed to post?
John Gilliland ‏@AZRadioNewsGuy 35m
Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery says he intends to retry the #JodiArias penalty phase

Levi Page ‏@Levi_Page 13m
That nut job Donovan Bering tweeting for #JodiArias is on @NancyGraceHLN whining she wasn't allowed in court. STFU you convicted felon.

YES .. NO NEGOTIATION .. they're still going for the DP .. Juan has more time to get those interviews in, and more time to strike down mitigators with evidence .. I think it's going to be fine people! The jury did their best, at least they didn't all cave and go with life :)
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