Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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Funny how some people process the facts differently, or maybe it is the lack of common sense, jury foreman says JA was abused on GMA:banghead:. There was absolutely no evidence of any abuse except for the text in May, NONE, foreman dismissed facts and testimony that this psycho was stalking Travis, hence the reason for him to lash out like he did in that text, before that text there isn't a shred of evidence of any verbal/physical abuse of any kind, go figure, one instance equals abuse:banghead:
Well, based on the fact that he thinks TA abused JA, it was probably the survivor t-shirt.

So many THs said that the fact she showed the t-shirt sealed the deal for her, and I agreed. But now we learn that the jury foreman bought into her claim that she was abused.

Well he's about to have his eyes open, isn't he. Wait till he hears about the tweets and hears the interviews from the Hughes. It shows how manipulative she really is.
Well he's about to have his eyes open, isn't he. Wait till he hears about the tweets and hears the interviews from the Hughes. It shows how manipulative she really is.

Yes, agreed. This gentleman will probably be shocked when he sees the interviews and tweets.

I just read (missed the interview) that he felt TA was mentally abusive to JA.


I'm sad to say that it doesn't surprise me. I knew they didn't buy the physical abuse but I think at the end of the day the Defense really pulled a Hail Mary Pass in the Mitigation phase. IMO, she pulled off the act of a mentally ill abandoned child. Travis was a strong person by all accounts. It wouldn't be too hard for them to make that leap given the evidence that was presented to them. This little girl this and this little girl that (that is exactly what she came off as). The jurors did convict her of murder 1 and cruelty. But I think they needed a "why" and the DT gave it to them at the end. Although it was all an act.

I do not think that our system is fair, it pulls the wool over peoples eyes. They don't get to see ton's of evidence that would tell the real story. Blatant lies are allowed to be spewed in court and presented to a jury. Good, loving people's characters are allowed to be torn to shreds without a shred of evidence. This is justice? I'm sorry but I don't see how.

I pray for the Alexander Family to have the strength and I am behind them in what ever decision they decide. Travis is the one who did not get a fair trial.
With all that said, I don't blame the jury for anything. They followed the Law.
IMO, the DT was criminal and very underhanded. Do anything, say anything and they did.
Funny how some people process the facts differently, or maybe it is the lack of common sense, jury foreman says JA was abused on GMA:banghead:. There was absolutely no evidence of any abuse except for the text in May, NONE, foreman dismissed facts and testimony that this psycho was stalking Travis, hence the reason for him to lash out like he did in that text, before that text there isn't a shred of evidence of any verbal/physical abuse of any kind, go figure, one instance equals abuse:banghead:

He must have been an ALV believer.
Well Perryville sounds like the right place for CMJA. In my state the prison system is a picnic by comparison. They can wear their own street clothes here. They can and do hold small jobs for minimal pay. They can have a garden and have their fresh veggies. They can and do socialize with other inmates. They have libraries and exercise equipment. JMO

GMA interview with jury foreman. I'm shocked at what I heard. They actually bought into her claims??? ALV must have been better than we all thought.

You know, they get a freaking interview with him and don't as questions like:

You convicted her of murder 1, so you believed she premeditated the murder?, The gas cans, the gun etc, Why do you believe she was mentally abused? Oh forget it. I have too many questions.......
Respectfully snipped...

Question/concern: Could JSS's display of emotion while addressing the jury be cause for the defense to request a new judge?

This judge was not the appropriate judge for this case, MOO. The crying at the end confirmed it.:twocents:
I am NOT speaking directly to the juror's opinions, but I get that it's possible that some bought into ALV. Critical thinking isn't particularly valued these days, (to some, maybe many?) it's considered "judgy". Can't carefully evaluate, it's said by someone who has "credentials", so it must be absolutely true.
It drives me nuts, BTW.

Yes, this.
I'm sad to say that it doesn't surprise me. I knew they didn't buy the physical abuse but I think at the end of the day the Defense really pulled a Hail Mary Pass in the Mitigation phase. IMO, she pulled off the act of a mentally ill abandoned child. Travis was a strong person by all accounts. It wouldn't be too hard for them to make that leap given the evidence that was presented to them. This little girl this and this little girl that (that is exactly what she came off as). The jurors did convict her of murder 1 and cruelty. But I think they needed a "why" and the DT gave it to them at the end. Although it was all an act.

I do not think that our system is fair, it pulls the wool over peoples eyes. They don't get to see ton's of evidence that would tell the real story. Blatant lies are allowed to be spewed in court and presented to a jury. Good, loving people's characters are allowed to be torn to shreds without a shred of evidence. This is justice? I'm sorry but I don't see how.

I pray for the Alexander Family to have the strength and I am behind them in what ever decision they decide. Travis is the one who did not get a fair trial.
With all that said, I don't blame the jury for anything. They followed the Law.
IMO, the DT was criminal and very underhanded. Do anything, say anything and they did.

When the court decides some evidence is to inflammatory or prejudicial it really protects a defendant and the jury doesn't get all the facts. As in JA's after murder 1 presser.

GMA interview with jury foreman. I'm shocked at what I heard. They actually bought into her claims??? ALV must have been better than we all thought.

ALV was claiming physical abuse and DV. They didnt buy her self defense claims at all. I think they hesitated at the DP because they thought TA had some part in leading her keep the sex going. (At least for a period of time)

I wouldnt call what he did abusive in a DV way..and i dont think the jurors thought that either. If that was the case...many many many women could claim DV ..including me. (This unfortunately is very common)

Dont start giving ALV too much credit. If they bought DV they would have never given murder one.

"Little girl" Really? :banghead: She was 27-years-old when she murdered Travis and 32-years-old NOW - she is certainly not a "little girl." That statement alone is extremely revealing... :banghead:

TO be fair, I don't know if he said Little girl or little woman or something... But IT is true that most the reported say in person she is very slight and so them already imagining a woman could do this, and then a pretty woman and then a small slight one, I think was hard for him.

XXXXXXX TO CLARIFY! HE said.. " Young Woman" Not little girl.. That was my interpretation and what I remembered but I was wrong.

Just wanted to clarify.. I just listened again and it is his tone about her that I think made me think about his answer that way. My bad.
Last night on HLN After Dark they also spoke of how CMJA walked to the end of her defense table trying to get the jurors attention as they were led out of the courtroom. Why? to thank them? Obviously, in her twisted mind, she thinks she won. When she finds out the split was 8/4 her narcissism will lead her to believe she can turn 12 around if she gets another chance so I don't see her taking a plea deal. Nope, she wants to stay in the spotlight as long as possible!

When was it announced that the jury was split 8 to 4? I assume the 8 was for the DP.

"Little girl" Really? :banghead: She was 27-years-old when she murdered Travis and 32-years-old NOW - she is certainly not a "little girl." That statement alone is extremely revealing... :banghead:

I agree. Revealing and offensive. I feel for the prosecution team, but hope they are learning more about the critical thinking skills of the general population.
He got (and empathized) with her age. Ok.
Sounds like he just didn't identify as much with the brutally murdered victim.
Well he's about to have his eyes open, isn't he. Wait till he hears about the tweets and hears the interviews from the Hughes. It shows how manipulative she really is.

Agreed and how about her lil tidbit about not having to worry unless you abuse her etc. (paraphrased).
IMO, that is exactly the kind of parenting that helps create BPD. Inconsistent, disturbed attachement- there for the child 2 times out of 5. So, there for Jodi and concerned for weeks and months of trial, somehow not there the day of her judgement. Messed up.

Personal opinion: I would respectfully venture the hypothesis that the majority of Borderline persons are born that way, although I totally agree that having parents that ran hot and cold would not help a BP's emotional state, that's for sure!

Would love to hear any other opinions on that, and certainly don't mean any offense to those with BP. :twocents:
I agree. Revealing and offensive. I feel for the prosecution team, but hope they are learning more about the critical thinking skills of the general population.
He got (and empathized) with her age. Ok.
Sounds like he just didn't identify as much with the brutally murdered victim.

AGAIN! That is not what he said. That was my fault and my impression.. When I listened to it again he says Young woman. IT was his demeanor about it that to me left me with thinking that. I could have sworn it was what he said but again, That is just perception..

I APOLOGIZE for the misunderstanding.
I agree. Hearing that did give me pause. How in the blue hell can you go sightseeing while your daughter/sister is waiting to hear if she will live or die and that decision can come at any moment? How can you even think of that while you wait? I would be sick, I would be ready at any moment, just like the Alexanders.

Maybe they did it as a ploy though. To push the whole negligent family think. But it would make sense if Jodi's sociopathy/extreme narcissism came about, due to emotional negligence and lack of bonding formed by the parents. It's possible. A combination of nurture and nature. Like, they love her, they just don't do it right?

I agree.

Isn't horrible that they (the DT and Jodi) have caused us to even have to consider manipulative reasons for certain actions?

Sandy Arias has been at trial every day for her daughter. She's visited her in jail every week, supposedly. I don't think, at this very critical point, she'd just on her own, decide, hey, I'm going to go hours away and who cares about a critical verdict? I just don't see a mom doing that. And she can't be that dense not to know that oftentimes there is a big push to try to come to a verdict at the end of a week. And a long weekend.

So, that leads me to believe there's more to it. On all these other court weekends, she could have gone to the Grand Canyon. Why now of all times?

I'm not usually a conspiracy theorist, LOL, but I think there's a back story relating to the DT.
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