Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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Absolutely, she was a psycopath that was ruining his life. She stole from him, slept under his christmas tree, slashed his tires, peeked into his windows, moved to AZ uninvited, came into his home unannounced, emailed his new paramours...couple that with her smug and calm demeanor in the face of her own horrid behavior and I can only imagine first the panic and then the rage that TA felt.

I would have texted her things that were ten times worse. Heck, I want to say some of them now....


I understand, I guess I just don't understand the middle part of the equation, determining the cruelty. Most states have in their statute that if convicted of M1, the prosecutor has the option of going for DP or LWOP.

For example, in NC, killer was convicted yesterday of M1. Since it's a DP case, the jury goes straight to deliberations of penalty. There is no determination of cruelty. IMO, if you are convicted of pre-med murder, that's cruelty worthy of DP consideration.

And thank God for that verdict! That poor child - beyond sad...

RE: BBM ^ See, I didn't consider that AzWatcher. I assumed that, because they'd found her guilty of M1 AND eligible for DP, they didn't buy the abuse, so I saw it as a non-issue during their sentencing deliberations. I never for a moment that they would/could find her guilty of M1, which obviously implies that they didn't buy the self defense claim, decide that it warranted consideration for the DP, but then decide that her life should be spared because they believe she was verbally/emotionally abused by Travis. I don't get it! Is the JF saying that, had Travis not verbally/emotionally abused Jodi, then none of this would have happened? Someone help me to understand this (please)! :scared:

The foreman didn't say that was the decider. It was on the list of mitigating factors. Nurmi made sure ... as did Jenny ... that the jury understood that they only needed ONE factor to be present to not go with Death. Mitigating factor is not an excuse. it's sort of a separate issue. A reason ITs life should be spared.
Unfortunately I agree. There are people that just can't wrap their mind around a woman doing the things JA did. I remember when the Boston marathon bombings happening and the internet exploded with pics on trying to find who did it, my first thought was:

Did anyone consider if the bomber was female?

In my experience women are much more manipulative & vicious than men. I am a woman & I have a very small group of female friends because they can be so mean.
I don't think they believed he was physically abusive at all. I think they latched onto a few of his words that needed no corroboration. *advertiser censored*, three hole wonder, when he said he "pretty much raped her" yada yada ...

But there were 1000's of texts and emails...and we only know of a couple of times where Travis got really ugly with her. She just would not leave the man alone and he wanted her out of his life completely, she was his stalker, she was probably threatening him with the sex tape, threatening to tell everyone he was a pedophile (which he was NOT), threatening to destroy him. Why could the jury not see this? Was it the presentation of the information, was it a lack of information, was it just the fact that Jodi is an attractive, young woman? I just don't understand, dammit! Whatever it was, I hope the SA figures it out before the next jury hears the evidence.

I hope the jury now sees everything and realizes what a horrible mistake they made by not giving her death. She will torture the Alexander family forever if she isn't put to death.
This jury is a joke. Simple. How does this jury sit on one of the longest trials in history, agree on M1 AND cruelty which essentially opens up the doors for DP - and they can't agree? 8 to 4?

Don't come in here saying that we should respect the jury and that they've done a great job. They didn't. What they did was extend this trial another 8 weeks and NOT give closure to the Alexander's.

Don't say you are dp qualified then second guess sentencing Jodi to death if you feel bad that she's too young or it's her first crime, or whatever lame and insufficient excuse those 4 juror's made. Travis' life was taken in the most brutal way.. and you come back hung jury?

I'm done with this trial. I'm glad it'll be off for 8 weeks or however long. This is exactly what is disgusting with our justice system. The DP/LWOP should be majority vote, because if the juror's decision comes down to personal beliefs on sentencing someone to death.. you're pretty much SOL.

That's pretty harsh. They worked their butts off doing their civic duty. So some couldn't agree with death. Yes, that sucks, but should we throw them all under the bus?

I think that's unfair. Unless you've walked in their shoes, don't judge.
I don't think they believed he was physically abusive at all. I think they latched onto a few of his words that needed no corroboration. *advertiser censored*, three hole wonder, when he said he "pretty much raped her" yada yada ...

Yay Nurmi did his job well with drilling that nonsense in their heads. They sound bad taken out of context....mean sure....but apparently they couldn't see the forest through the trees. Travis seems to have been immature in a lot of ways but deliberately abusive? I don't see it. I need to introduce them to my ex for real examples a verbally abusive situation...yeeesh. Or heck there are plenty of examples around here of far more scary abusive situations than i have ever seen they could look at.

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Beth Karas was just on HLN saying that there were only two options that she would have life without parole or the death penalty. Beth that is not correct. If it goes to the judge she can get 20 years! How did Beth just say that and she does not get it correctly I am confused

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It should be very, very interesting to see what happens in the mini-trial...

Come on, JA, we are all waiting to hear from ALL THOSE WITNESSES you said could confirm your bruises, abuse, PTSD...
If you weren't sure you needed them before, you certainly know it now...
Get them on the stand under oath or just STFU and quit lying.

(she has got to be soiling her striped pj pants thinking of all the stuff she said in those last interviews. LOL wonder what her excuse she will dream up for not producing the evidence, witness, etc. now? Although no one believes her, she was saying her DT made the decisions not to call family, not to call certain other witnesses, etc. What will be her excuse next time?)

RE: BBM ^ Same story, just a different jury/day - they were threatened... :banghead:
Jodi, in her interview said she does not believe in the death penalty but that is exactly what she did with Travis. She had a choice to stop, to seek help and she did not stop. She made the decision that Travis would die because he "insulted" her and called her a sociopath. Obviously the only justifiable response from her for the name calling is death. Not just death but one that was horrific.
I'm still in disbelief that this case had a hung jury. I suppose it being 8 men and 4 women had to do with it after seeing Jodi naked, on the stand for 18 days, and her before killer pictures. I think it's interesting that the 1st degree murder/felony murder was an 8/4 split as well. Sorry if this has already been brought up. I just got to work and watched the foreman interview.

My heart goes out to Travis's friend's and family.

OMG...I never even realized she was nekkid when on the stand. j/k with you.
Beth Karas was just on HLN saying that there were only two options that she would have life without parole or the death penalty. Beth that is not correct. If it goes to the judge she can get 20 years! How did Beth just say that and she does not get it correctly I am confused

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I hope someone corrects her. It's a huge difference.
Thanks, that' how its done here in Georgia

I'm in GA too, and saw there's only 1 woman on death row here. Apparently, it's hard for most juries to give a woman the death penalty, since less than 2% of those on death row nationwide are female.
This is a dumb question, but were they actually allowed to consider the possibility of LWP as part of determining if she deserved death? I thought they were only allowed to consider life or death.

During the closing remarks, JW kept emphasizing to the jury what "life" meant: that CMJA would be in prison forever and never released. That simply wasn't true and there was a skirmish about it.
Agreed! How in the world are they going to seat a jury who hasn't seen any of the side show?

It's the penalty phase. They aren't retrying her. They are going to get all that information in a condensed form except they may have more information than the last jury because of all the interviews she has done. They just get to decide if she get the DP or Life. They already know she committed the crime.
Just read this on the facebook page..

"Angela Simpson, the Phoenix woman who impaled, stabbed, strangled, beat, and extracted the teeth from a disabled man -- then dismembered him and set pieces of his body on fire -- was sentenced today to life in prison for the 2009 murder."

Life, not death. Lord knows why they even have the DP if they don't want to use it.

ETA: This murderer said she should have gotten the death penalty!!! Only fair she said!
Oh, I know. That's the tragedy, for sure. But now that it's done, for my part, I need to focus on the positive -- they did convict her of murder with extreme cruelty. I think her best shot at LWP was with this jury because of the time the defense spent dragging this thing out. Another jury will be, IMO, much less sympathetic when they hear why this one convicted her. They may leave for deliberations shaking their heads and saying, "Why the heck are we even here? It's obvious what ought to be done." In my view, they may be much quicker to sentence her to death. All Einstein the legal expert has done is delay the inevitable and ensure that it will be that much more wrathful when it does arrive. There's just a wave of energy building, waiting to wash over her like a breaker at Waikiki. I smile at the thought.

Hello Sleuth,
I never thought about it that way but you could be right in that it may actually be easier for them to give DP because they did not get to see all the baggage that Jodi portrayed. Interesting.

My biggest fear is we wont get that chance. I have a really bad feeling that the DA will just not try the 2nd time and just give it to the judge to decide LWOP or LWP. To save a ton of money and also I think the family maybe has had enough of this madness and they may want it to end too.

If the judge gets it, I cant read her and really dont know which way she would lean.
LOL you mean Ryan Smith? I was wondering when someone would start that fan club. :floorlaugh: I'm tellin' Mark!

I can only stomach HLN coverage when Ryan, Joey, or Beth is reporting; I trust their facts and their presentation isn't part of the insane, circus-like, sensationalistic, blood-lust-stirring, ratings-inflating, speculation-as-facts, shrieking TH mentality.

And yes, Ryan is really fine :).
Was the foreman "The Artist" (#18) after all? It sounds to me like he DID fall for the Arias BS, or at least a lot of it. Emotionally and verbally abused?? Once again, the way the defense cherry-picked the texts and IMs and pushed the REPEAT button so many times seems to have confused the jury (or at least the jury foreman) on the limited use of strong language by Travis overall throughout their relationship. Since they were not privy to the things she had done to Travis precipitating those texts/IMs, they bought the lie. Hearing this, I'm AMAZED that they found her guilty of M1. I'm once again disgusted with the entire judicial process and/or the overwhelming lack of knowledge on the part of the majority of people about the characteristics and, in this case, evilness of some personality-disordered people. I guess some of us just know too much about this and will never be able to relate to people who remain ignorant of sociopaths, narcissists and their ilk.

The judicial process is geared toward protecting the rights of the accused. Too bad that more of her behavior could not be admitted as evidence for the jury to see her true nature.

That said I think AVL may have played a role in this juror's views in believing her claims of abuse. The Court allowed her to restate JA's testimony as fact. The Court also allowed her to read her journal and text messages to the jury. This juror may not have believed JA's statements, but he may have believed AVL.
LOL! In AZ they have BIG spiders and scorpions :)

No I can't do that. I went insane spider killer about a month ago on a spider in my kitchen sink. Thing was the size of a water buffalo (okay okay about the size of a dime but when it comes to things like that they look 1000s of times bigger then their actually size) Outside my house we have 3 Texas Spiny lizards. Those things pay no mind to me but one keeps me prisoner in this house b/c it likes to chill in the sun right by my back door. We call them mini gators. Scorpions I would die right there on the spot. I doubt that kind of stuff bugs CMJA though. I picture her petting things like that. Her holding her little pet scorpion while her spiders and roaches crawl all over her.
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