Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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Just read this on the facebook page..

"Angela Simpson, the Phoenix woman who impaled, stabbed, strangled, beat, and extracted the teeth from a disabled man -- then dismembered him and set pieces of his body on fire -- was sentenced today to life in prison for the 2009 murder."

Life, not death. Lord knows why they even have the DP if they don't want to use it.

ETA: This murderer said she should have gotten the death penalty!!! Only fair she said!

Watch this, posted earlier. She said she regrets only torturing him three days. She wished it could have been a week. She said she deserves the DP but is ok with LWOP
I can understand the foreman's statement about connecting the brutality of the crime when looking at Jodi. Sometimes I look at her and I just can't believe she slit another person's throat. Just imagine what it takes to do that to someone?

I might feel like that if Jodi hadn't confessed, but with the confession, it s what it is no matter what Jodi looks like or what her size is.
I think it's like this...imagine if someone came to you and said the young daughter of your neighbor commited a horrific, horrific crime where she stabbed her boyfriend to death. You would understanably be shocked, and WANT TO FIND A REASON AS TO WHY. What happened, did she snap? Did she have a mental breakdown? And keep in mind you had never heard anything bad about this girl, and she seemed really sweet and innocent. SO SOMETHING MUST HAVE GONE WRONG.

Oh, I know what you're saying, and I completely agree. Normal people cannot accept his kind of abnormal psychology. This woman is a sociopath. Unless you have had dealings with an extreme narcissist, or someone who denies reality when it is staring them in the face, you have never had that "lightbulb" moment where you realize there is something really wrong with the way this person sees the world. I have had that experience with my own mother. I've had that jaw-dropping moment of realizing that "she is actually looking right at me and claiming that something I know to be true is not true. And in front of my DW, who also knew it was true. That's a moment you don't forget. And that is also when you realize that somebody truly can be that delusional in their thinking if it suits their narcissistic agenda. So I wouldn't have any trouble at all realizing what I was looking at with Einstein, and never did. But obviously some of the people on the jury haven't had that experience, and they're looking for normal answers to an abnormal situation. They are wasting their time.
Just had this conversation last night. What other sentence takes decades to be imposed? I just barely started talking about this w Samantha because she opened the door with me this week. I've never imposed anything about my opinions about anything on them but she asked so I gently shared some of the aftermath of the DP just for some kind of solace *just in case* it's needed at any point.

With that being said I have little to no doubt Juan Martinez will retry this phase, maybe get a new jury consultant, maybe do some things differently and still pursue the ultimate sentence for this ultimate evil.

But what I know personally, there would be benefits to the family and only the family should she get LWOP. Either way she will never get out of prison nor have the sorority life she imagines prison to be.

The DP is so controversial and polarizing, it makes it more difficult for juries to reach a verdict, and it is apparently a huge weight on the system considering the extensive appeals process when it is imposed. I'm wondering if it's really worth it. Then there are the numerous cases in which the convicted was found to be innocent, such as Kerry Max Cook that I mentioned earlier. AZWatcher is right, the DP definitely has baggage.
That's pretty harsh. They worked their butts off doing their civic duty. So some couldn't agree with death. Yes, that sucks, but should we throw them all under the bus?

I think that's unfair. Unless you've walked in their shoes, don't judge.

We are allowed to judge. This is America. We all sat here an watched the same trial. Saw the same evidence presented and whats more, we stayed up late into the night watching interview after interview.

We are entitled to judge if we so chose.
My take is, yet again, the defense got a great upper hand at the mitigation/Jodi Show....I love tomatoes....throw bricks if you hate me!!! LOL

Steven and Sam spoke to the jury and broke ALL our hearts....then....defense favorite trick...the stall tactic....wait days....JA get up with her tales of woe, JW gets up with her power point presention - why did visions of Baez dance in my head???
She's yelling that Travis is evil, "I hate you", etc.
THEN, the jury gets the to deliberate.

NOW, what do you think was fresh in their minds???
Thank God HLN is "remembering Travis" with clips of everything his friends said about him.
I saw the snippet this morning where the foreman talks about believing that she was mentally and verbally abused. That had to have an effect on how he presented things to the jurors.

I'm reeling from the fact that the lies worked. Abuse will be the number 1 excuse for every murder. It was all lies and it worked. Ye gods.

I believe he voted for life.

I keep thinking of when JW was stressing that JA had a mental issue & that she didn't ask for it & couldn't help it. I think that stuck w/the jurors. They didn't understand the difference between mental illness & personality disorder.
The way Juan Martinez was with her... He's known for having an aggressive style..
Jury Foreman.
Odd comment.

Maybe because he's a resident of the area?? It doesn't seem to be anything that was kept a secret. Juan's been doing this a long time, I don't think it's at all unusual a local would know of his style and comment on it. Everyone else did.
ITA. Abuse is the buzzword.
JMO I think it might have been quite hard to steer the jury in another direction when the foreman had such views. It takes patience and openness to continue an authentic dialog, discussion. I don't think they deliberated enough, but as bits and pieces come out, I see why they gave up.

I don't think Travis abused her like domestic violence. She stalked him and he felt suffocated and lost his temper verbally and i really think she pushed his buttons. She did admit on the stand she did things to provoke him.
There is no evidence he hit her. She said there are people who saw the bruises, wouldn't these people come forward if they knew this to be true?
even so, i don't see how that's a mitigator. they had a fight and angry words were spoken. we also never saw HER side of that exchange. why is that?

didn't that text exchange go on for quite some time, and we never saw the whole thing? what was SHE saying? that's what i want to know. surely TA wasn't just ranting away with no input from her!

I agree.
A post (somewhere back there in these flying pages) that I made earlier points out why I don't count it as a mitigation issue. Briefly, exception not the rule of his actions/words toward her, he obviously felt she had betrayed him in a very MAJOR way but we don't know what it is, we didn't see what crazy carp she texted to fuel this fire, etc.
I don't agree that it is a mitigator.
But the juror does. As they learn more about the victim, JA, what others have said, etc... It would be interesting to see what they feel six months out from here.
I don't want this to come across as an insult or anything. It is not meant that way.

This is MOO. When I saw the jury getting on the bus after the verdict I was stunned to see the age demographics. To me they looked like they were getting on a seniors casino weekend bus. Honestly, that was my first thought and my second was that may have been part of the problem there. That generation may not "get" how relationships are these days or how people text each other. They may have looked at Jodi as somebody who could be their daughter.


Yes, and we are not attacking, just analyzing. YES, that is exactly what I saw and thought when I saw that video. I only saw 3 young people on the whole jury. Of course, of course it makes sense hear this young woman crying on the stand about abuse, abuse, abuse...then you hear the sex tape and the cursing words from Travis in the texts...and they were probably thinking, well there is something there. ANd they were seemingly all white. So white and older, they were probably raised in the "days of respect," where you just didn't talk to a woman like that. They couldn't see Jodi's part in it b/c she didn't show it in the text messages, I'm sure her parts were mostly in actions. So they could not SEE THOSE ACTIONS leading up to the killing.

I don't know, I don't mean to offend anyone either, I'm just trying to analyze this.
Me too...

I was looking very forward to hearing their thoughts but felt confident that "abuse" would not have been coupled with "-ive" by any stretch of the imagination when talking about TA. I.e. "She totally lied about the abuse but we couldn't kill her because she's a sick puppy vs. we had to consider that he was mentally and verbally abusive." (<--just typing this makes me ill).

I was stunned by the hung jury outcome but not surprised. The rationale, however, actually surprises and horrifies me because of the double standard. If the jury had seen photos of JA decomposing after being slaughtered like an animal, there is no doubt in my mind that Travis would have been UNDER the jail. No matter what purportedly "abusive" IM's she had sent.

She will still be adequately punished no matter the outcome, but I just hate that her machinations had any effect at all on otherwise reasonably minded people.

I can't stand that they had to base thier knowledge on only a few texts and none of the background info. If they see her demeanor on they stand and hear her contradict herself and not believe physical abuse or never abusing any other girlfriends WHY believe she was verbally abused? I would think ok what was done to make him say that stuff.....jeez, I'm very disappointed.
I actually wish the jury foreman had kept quiet for my own sanity. I could live with it if there was any reason other than abuse that the holdouts decided they couldn't skin her miserable hide....but there is just no way to justify this:

"Speaking to Good Morning America, he admitted he did not think Jodi did herself any favors when she took the stand for 18 days because she had so many contradictory stories.The hardest part, he said, was having to sit six feet away from Travis Alexander's family while listening to all the horrific things that happened to him. 'Until you are face to face with someone who is going through that, you cannot put it into words,' he said. 'If you cannot feel that then you have no emotion, no soul.
'But we couldn't allow ourselves to be emotional and for that I am very proud of my jurors, they did a fantastic job of holding it together - though it was a different story when we got into the jury room.Speaking about Travis Alexander, he said: 'I am very sure in my own mind that Jodi was mentally and verbally abused by him. Is that an excuse? Of course not. Did it factor into the decision we made? It has to.'


Yes, listening to him speak is more depressing to me than the non verdict.

He failed to see the psychopath. Hope he starts seeing it now, though I doubt it. He will have to justify his grievous error.
I might feel like that if Jodi hadn't confessed, but with the confession, it s what it is no matter what Jodi looks like or what her size is.

Logically I know she did it. Jodi is a few years older than me. I guess being a woman in her same age group, I just can't believe a person could do that. I don't know if that makes sense.
I can understand the foreman's statement about connecting the brutality of the crime when looking at Jodi. Sometimes I look at her and I just can't believe she slit another person's throat. Just imagine what it takes to do that to someone?

But she has admitted it & there are pictures!!!
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