Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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I think when the jurors came in with the question after only deliberating for an hour yesterday....that should have told us then that there were jurors not willing to go with the death penalty....that was just too fast.....IMO they should have never been on the jury to begin with.....and I am not bashing.....
Doesn't it then go to the judge to decide? ty

Yes, but the needle is dodged at that point.

The judge is limited only to a life sentence.

The judge may not sentence the lying torture murderess to death. Only the jury can do that.

And if the next one whiffs, no needle.
Nancy just read Donovan the riot act...and then cut her off! LMAO!

Nancy being surprise!

Donovan saying the family is upset cause they were told it was just a question. Well, there were other questions and Travis' family showed up. They could have been there and chose not to be. Don't blame the court or anyone else!!!

Is Donavan, a convicted arsonist, now the official spokesperson for the Arias family?

So what about the civil suit?

The family has a year from the date of sentencing I believe. I would have to look up the statute again. Since she hasn't been sentence yet they still have plenty of time, but I wish they would file soon so she can't make any money on Travis's death.
Justice will come, it's just going to take a little longer. I bet JA is really sorry she did those interviews now.

ON a positive note, she will remain in closed custody and can no longer give interviews
Sheriff Joe..always and I mean always is under fire from the ACL and the feds hence his " open door policy".. ..IMO re: JA ..he has taken back his "open door policy" in her case..and betcha is that he will cite " security reasons"..or other equally effective reasons to justify his shut down decison.....SJ will explain soon ...I rather liked his "let her talk and hang herself appproach" but hey I am not there...
I just believe that someone bought the DT mitigation. In retrospect, I think they played that very well. I don't think that the difference between mental illness and BPD was explained enough. You have to admit that CKja's little show was nuts. The things she said, book club comes to mind. Someone could have thought she was mentally ill, almost child like. That and no witnesses, especially her family appeared to be neglect. We all know better but they did not. They really did not get to see the REAL JA as we have.

Someone could not go with DP for a mentally ill, abandoned person. I cannot fault them for that, that was what was presented to them and they bought it. (I only think there were 1 maybe 2)

IMO, they followed the law. Not their fault that the DT was very underhanded and lied just as well as their client. Something needs to be done about that!

I so agree with all you stated. One or more jurrors saw her as mentally ill, and thus could not apply the death penalty.

Back to lurkdom.
Donovan was on NG saying they were all there nearby also. I thought maybe she meant her and some others, not the family. But apparently they were there. Strange.

Victims of the machine, I guess, :rolleyes: even though everyone else was able to make it today and yesterday.
Earlier I was questioning the judge's decision to lift the ban on interviews while the penalty phase was in deliberations. I still question it. I tend to think that Sheriff Joe may have had an ulterior motive for allowing them once the judge lifted the ban.

You have to admit - her depravity was on full display for everyone to see. There is a treasure trove of issues in those interviews, if this phase is retried and JM gets to use some of those clips, there should be no doubt to a jury of reasonable people that this little murderer has nothing of value to offer this world or anyone present in it, and has no redeeming qualities in spite of Wilmott guilting the jury.

My sentiments exactly, Charlie. I am convinced that a fresh set of eyes and ears will be all the more willing to send our little Einstein to the injection table. She's outsmarted herself again! Hmmm, seems to be a pattern there.
I will give my two cents, knowing that there are other lawyers on this thread who practice criminal law and will correct me if I am wrong. But, this is what I see:

1. Jodi is on lock down, no interviews, while this drags on. That appears to be the same as if she is on death row. This could go on for an extended period due to the next phase.

2. Juan and his office (with input from the family) can offer a plea of life in prison if she gives up her appeals. This would be huge if accepted. Waiving appeals would get us farther than life would have gotten us today.

3. It may take a while, but I believe there are many, many people who are not familiar with this case. Not in that immediate area, but as many others have pointed out, some people have never heard of it.

4. This is not a win for the defense. Even if there is a plea bargain, this is no win for the defense. They are at the mercy of the prosecutors. Even if Wilmot and Nurmi get to leave, JA will be forced, with other lawyers, to move forward if the prosecution decides. I personally believe it would be harder to find a lawyer to accept her case than it would be to find a jury who would hear it.

5. God has a purpose. I know this. The Alexander family will need our prayers and our help, but there is a purpose here. I am so grateful that, whatever the deadlock, it didn't happen until now. THAT IS HUGE. I would much rather have a mistrial now than on any verdict prior to this. She is convicted. That part is done. That is a huge blessing. The same individuals who couldn't agree here could have held out then. That did not happen. Sometimes instead of looking at what has been taken away, we must remember what we have been given. What was given to the Alexanders is huge. They saw this through to her conviction. At this point, other decisions may need to be made. But, she is convicted and MOST IMPORTANTLY Travis' name has been cleared. There is no doubt about that and that is worth more than anything, even JA's death for her crime.

This jury has been a blessing. There is a purpose in this part as well. This will be alright and it will turn out for the greatest good - whatever that may be. I have no doubt there are angels watching over the Alexanders, on earth and in heaven. They are special people. Let us not forget them in our prayers in the months to come. Circle the wagons! - A Mormon pioneer saying :)

Loved your post. A voice of reasoning. A new mini trial isnt going to be a picnic for Jodi. She had months with these jurors. She has already been convicted. She may even have to decide to LWOP and keeping her trashy mouth shut or go thru a new trial with 12 new people that may not care at all to stick a needle in her. The worst part is what the Alexander family has to go through. My heart breaks for them.
Mormon Attorney..

OK, this time you have made me break down and cry. I don't know who you are, but every time I've felt real despair or anger about this trial I've come across one of your posts. What a spirit of light you are.
I wonder if the Alexanders can do their own media spree. Maybe get their side out to the general public that may be sitting on the next jury.
As long as we stay within TOS, I think it is ok for sleuthers to post their thoughts and feelings. If we are angry, we are entitled to be so. If we are sad, same deal.

No one should feel that they dont have a right to express their anger, disappointment or frustration. Or opinions, for that matter.

Thank you very much for saying this. I thought this was the case, but I was being made to feel otherwise.

I guess it's time for me to pack my bags and get out of here for a while.
I feel sorry for the Jurors, especially the ones who knew, when they read and see what Jodi really done and lied about with Travis Alexander. Shame on the system that lets the victim not have a voice and be slandered only because they are dead and cannot speak for themselves. Does anyone truly believe that Travis Alexander knew he was being taped in that sex call? what was that, what did you say?

Travis Alexander should have documented, called the police --each and every time Jodi entered his house without permission, broke or hacked into his accounts, stole from him, slashed his tires repeatedly, his friends tires, blackmailed him, physically abused him, (and she did). Travis Alexander, a domestic violence victim that did NOT survive.
I just want to apologise for my earlier guffaw of asking 'what is the significance of that date' in reference to june 4th.

I extremely stupid and embarrassed

:seeya: Oh, don't be -- it's been a very stressful day and a long 5 months ! A lot of info to keep track of ...

After the Casey Marie Anthony trial, and now the Jodi Arias trial - I AM DONE. I will not be here for a long while. I need to get my life back, and realize that no longer in the USA justice is not served. I have been an advocate for justice -- but I am broken.

Best of luck to all of you. May we meet again someday.


((Melanie)) I feel exactly the same way. Read Mormon Attorney's posts... they may not change your mind, but I swear they will help start healing your heart.
Jurors watching HLN right now and thinking OMG what is this .. is this the same trial we were on .. what's this about headstands? Interviews? Doggie Boy?
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