Verdict Watch 05/03/2013

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Maybe they're praying to the Wizard to give Jodi a soul?

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That would be like praying to God to give her a conscience.

Did you see her chasing Granny, in her wheelchair, down the street and asking her for a comment?? :banghead:

Yea, sometimes Jane Valez Mitchell is out of bounds. Grandmothers have a special place in my heart. :cheer:
If you haven't already, please join me and 37 others to "light a virtual candle" for Justice for Travis. I know we can do better than 38 folks to say a special prayer or just light a candle from wherever you are in the world. I'm sure Travis and his family could use our support.

I just hope they're reading here and see/know that folks here got their back no matter what the outcome. We will never forget you, Travis! Your heart will live on in ours forever.

Please feel free to add/share this link to everyone you know!

This deserves a bump or two, or three! :seeya:
I was thinking of what I would do if I went back into the jury room. I realize of course that the jurors are in a different situation, and even though we've watched the trial we're not in teh courtroom and not under "admonition." But if I was sent to go to the deliberation room to review the me it's like the defense didn't really give any evidence. I cant' really find anything that they said or presented as concrete evidence. Then today Nurmi was trying to throw in that well, we don't know what the blood on the wall meant, blah blah, they were both fighting for their lives, this dragging picture means this, this blood means this. WHEN THE WHOLE TRIAL THEY HAVE HARDLY EVER EVEN MENTIONED THE STABBING. I'ts always been sex, sex, gunshot, sex, sex, sex, pedo, abuse, blah blah. Then at the end he's expecting the jury to suddenly consider all this other stuff that they themselves refused to even acknowledge??
Nope ... not a joke ... Jodi's BFF from :jail: "tweets" for her ...

Oh, that would be Donovan, who sits there in the front row "drooling" over her :puke:

They pass the notes with the tweets through the mit spec ...


I know they've been doing so for the pasr few months, just am disgusted beyond words that she would grab for the publicity within minutes after the jury began deliberating. My bad. That' precisely her MO.
Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 7m
Group Prayer scheduled this Sunday,6p.m. PST. Go to "JodiAriasfriendsand family" Facebook group for details. Thank you and God bless.

That's alright, Jodi, you have your scheduled prayers; there are people all over the country praying for Travis.... no schedule needed, 24/7.
How long did they deliberate today?

I would say they didn't have time to deliberate today.

Once in the deliberation room they would have to decide who they want as foreperson and then they had to workout their time schedule too.

They will go home and rest over the weekend after a long day and come back Monday and earnestly start deliberating.

Sunny in AZ posted this in the last thread.

It was actually the Wendi Adriano case. Someone posted this great link earlier this week where some of the jurors from that case gave an interview. It's a great read.

It is about the jurors who gave Wendi Adriano (AZ) the death penalty.

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JM getting the messages on the magazine highlighted today was brilliant! I forgot to comment on that. "Jodi saying "****ed", "interview was brilliant", "talk to me before you testify". Ha!
Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 27m Just the friendly FYI,:I am NOT profiting from my artwork: But it seems like everyone else is.

Ummm....then why is she selling it? Oh right, her mother is the one profiting. Got it.
I know they've been doing so for the pasr few months, just am disgusted beyond words that she would grab for the publicity within minutes after the jury began deliberating. My bad. That' precisely her MO.

She is always the master manipulator.

I think the three alternates were Ponytail, the elderly male, and Barb, a lady in her 40's.

I am sure the elderly male and Ponytail were both pro prosecution. The elderly male paid close attention and ponytail took detailed notes.

I LOVE when Juan says:

Jodi planned to murder Travis. She did. Yes she sure did.

I'm still having warm fuzzies over his closing. So exquisite.
What? What did she tweet?

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she tweeted she put up more art for sale (oh and that she does not profit from any artsales - um ok) and trying to set up a group prayer for her, blah blah blah....
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