Verdict Watch 05/03/2013

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Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 8h
Hypocrisy bugs. Wish we could shine a spotlight on all of Juan's lies,lies he's made on record over the years in a court of law.

jodi tweeted this??? omg...i cant understand how she can do this...she is stalking the alexander family and tormentng them via the interet???how is this possible on a murder one rap??

i know, i know no precedent...watever...they need to put a stop this pronto.

Choose to read the tweets of the other 'Really' Jodi Arias instead. :floorlaugh: You'll feel better I promise!! JA is still losing in cyberspace IMO.
When we first got to the jury room there was an "ice breaking" period, maybe 30 minutes. (This was the 1st time we had been able to have more than "small talk" with each other since the trial began 2 weeks before.) Besides, the bailiffs were coming in and out of the jury room with evidence packets, transcripts, coffee carafes and ice chests with sodas. They also explained to us the meal breaks and bathroom breaks (escorted…ugh).

Once we were alone we elected our foreman. The choice was rather obvious after 2 weeks of lunches together. The stronger personalities with leadership qualities stood out. There was some paperwork to fill out about who our foreman was, etc.

Then we had a vote for guilty or innocent by a raise of hands. (This was the only time we didn't have a secret ballot.) If I recall there were 8 guilty, 4 innocent votes. The "innocents" spoke about their reasons why. Then the "guilties" tried to show them the "error of their ways" with evidence, transcripts, and good old common sense. At first it was normal conversation, but by the 2nd day of deliberations there were some pretty heated debates, and yes, some seriously "raised voices".

Every so often there was a secret ballot to see where we were. We never openly asked who had come on board with a guilty vote, but you could tell by how the conversation went and you could almost SEE the light bulb come on. This went on for 3 days and evenings, interspaced with boxed lunches and restaurant dinners until we had a unanimous secret ballot …and a great lobster dinner courtesy of the taxpayers of Ventura County, California.

Ours was not a murder case, so there was no deliberations on "degrees of guilt".

The fact that Jodi's jury went home in 55 minutes makes me think they only got as far as electing a foreperson. But I'm encouraged by KCL saying Juan says, "Come back for the verdict on Monday". His 25+ years of experience trumps my Magic 8 Ball.:drumroll:

Excellent summary. Thanks.

The thing that has always confused me is during instructions the judge read, it is clear that a single person should not let others sway their own decision, but then in those same instructions the judge talks about having to come to a unanimous verdict before it can be a final verdict. I am so confused because it seems so contradictory!!!
Hi My WS friends! I was reading at work yesterday, and kept seeing the comments about "elephants". And, then what do you know! I hear two others in my office talking, and one of them says to the other...."it was as big as an elephant turd" (not sure what he was referring to lol). I couldn't believe it! So, add me to the list that thinks all this elephant talk is a sign! A good sign!

Murder in the first degree, death penalty. I've never seen anyone more deserving. (and I consider myself a pacifist!)
Excellent summary. Thanks.

The thing that has always confused me is during instructions the judge read, it is clear that a single person should not let others sway their own decision, but then in those same instructions the judge talks about having to come to a unanimous verdict before it can be a final verdict. I am so confused because it seems so contradictory!!!

I think she meant they can talk and bring up any arguments that support their point of view and try to make the other jurors see their point, but in the end it's up to single person to decide what decision he or she should take. He can listen and he might end up change his mind, but he should do so voluntarily. That's how I understood the instructions.
also I can't beleive Nurmi expects the jury to belive that that litte tuft of yarn on the stairs is rope.

get of here..

That's Nurmi's definition of rope... :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
I confess, I had to clean the computer screen shortly after he mentioned it.
I have tears in my eyes as I type this. Was there anything that Jodi did not try to "rob" from Travis? She tried to destroy friendships, invaded his online privacy, his person space at home was violated, slaughtered him, and NOW this scam, possibly, to steal from him monetarily. I simply cannot FATHOM that type of evilness. Thank goodness she was unable to possess his soul.

......I couldn't sleep last night.... I can't even imagine the jurors. To be so close and still not being about to discuss it with anyone. What a burden.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I know.... me either !!!
My only fear about the jury is the number of older jurors. Many of them may not understand the youth of today, especially the more open and explicit sexuality. I worry that they don't understand that Jodi didn't get a brazilian wax just because se would be in a bathing suit. Talk about premeditation! She wanted TA to seduce her... It's little moments like this that cause me to cringe in fear. Please, please, please let this jury deliver us from evil and convict her of Murder One.

Don 't worry @ that! As an older person...I have know some of the stuff AND a lot of us grew up in the "free love" movement.:blushing:
Hi My WS friends! I was reading at work yesterday, and kept seeing the comments about "elephants". And, then what do you know! I hear two others in my office talking, and one of them says to the other...."it was as big as an elephant turd" (not sure what he was referring to lol). I couldn't believe it! So, add me to the list that thinks all this elephant talk is a sign! A good sign!

Murder in the first degree, death penalty. I've never seen anyone more deserving. (and I consider myself a pacifist!)

Whoa, now that you say it, I just read a very cute article about a Baby Elephant posted on,,20697176,00.html

Cool little sign. :)
Yes I believe she is very angry. If you watch any of the trial on YT check out the videos of the closing arguement, well JMs rebuttal before choosing of jurors. Depending whose video you watch there is a brief moment at around either 53:50 or 55:30 where JA draws her thumb across her throat in a throat cutting motion. Its done quickly and slyly but its not the first time she has done things when she thinks no one can see.
IMO JA does this exactly because she knows the camera is on her. She did the finger to NG and then had Donovan tweet the message. She loves the attention and infamy. The sooner the spotlight is off JA the better.
Ah, but remember with age comes wisdom. And all "older people" were once younger people and have been around the block a time (or two). Even though none of us can imagine our parents ever having "done it," of course we were wrong! Older folks know a thing or two about a thing or two...;)

(And it's not like this is taking place in a rural Bible Belt county in the southeast!)

I am smack dab in the middle of the Bible Belt and i am glad that this trial is not here. Also some of the rednecks would think JA is a hero.
also I can't beleive Nurmi expects the jury to belive that that litte tuft of yarn on the stairs is rope.

get of here..

LOL! I thought it was a ply pulled out of the carpet actually. Nurmi wants the jury to believe TA needed to bring up a carving knife to cut the wool that could have been pulled apart with a good tug. It just doesn't make sense Nurmi but thank's for trying.
Mod Note:

Gather your things....make sure you "copy" any posts you are drafting and get ready to move over to a new thread soon.

Will be opening a new thread and closing this one in 5 minutes.
I missed the feed that included the jury selection yesterday, I live in a rural area and my livestream kept cutting out...does anyone know if it is posted anywhere? TYIA
Do you mean jury instructions? Sorry, I don't have a link for you, but it will be on part one on croakerqueen's u-tube.
Someone may have transcribed it, but I haven't seen that yet.
I live in a rural Bible Belt county in the southeast and I know a thing or two myself. Nothing that came up in this trial came as any real shock.

Trust me. JA wouldn't be getting away with anything here. :twocents:

I have tears in my eyes as I type this. Was there anything that Jodi did not try to "rob" from Travis? She tried to destroy friendships, invaded his online privacy, his person space at home was violated, slaughtered him, and NOW this scam, possibly, to steal from him monetarily. I simply cannot FATHOM that type of evilness. Thank goodness she was unable to possess his soul.

You summed it up quite well. The one thing she could never take, and the thing she wanted the most, was his love. Look at his family, his friends, she could never steal, rob or destroy that which he willingly gave to them and what will stay forever with them. Smile for that.

It is the killer who has nothing and has no soul. A deserved torture unto itself.
IMO JA does this exactly because she knows the camera is on her. She did the finger to NG and then had Donovan tweet the message. She loves the attention and infamy. The sooner the spotlight is off JA the better.

Amen to that. Jodi Arias clearly revels in her notoriety - that was obvious to me from the very beginning when she actually giggled out loud while waiting alone in an interview room for detectives to continue their questioning.
LOL! I thought it was a ply pulled out of the carpet actually. Nurmi wants the jury to believe TA needed to bring up a carving knife to cut the wool that could have been pulled apart with a good tug. It just doesn't make sense Nurmi but thank's for trying.

whatever it was, it was a loop. or that's what it looked like to me. like FRINGE. not a rope.

i thought JM did a good job knocking down the 'rope' story. the DT grabbed on to one piece of evidence that wasn't tested and made a rope out of it, which they then used to lie about a knife being brought upstairs to cut it. pure and simple. just one of their many LIES.
Who are the "jurors" on after dark? And how many wanted to go with second degree murder?

Yes, but the same jury voted unanimously that Jodi lied, and they did not believe Jodi's version of the killing. So if that is true, then technically they should all go for 1st degree murder because every other charge has to rely on her statements and none of them are truthful!

By the way, there were two jury's last night, one in Phoenix and one in Atlanta. Did you notice the Phoenix Jury was 10 - 1 on the same question? That was amazing to me.
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