Verdict Watch 05/03/2013

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Let me see how much my Criminal Justice classes stayed with me. They will be determining Aggravating and Mitigating factors, correct?

Yes, JM will show aggravating factos and the defense mitigating factors. I think we'll definitely see a bunch of Jodi's family members take the stand!
In the grand scheme of things, Jodi killed Travis 3 times over, there are no indications that he abused her, and she clearly took steps to cover her tracks in AZ.

Felony + M1 + Monday = guilty verdict.
So there's the rest of 1000 places she'll never get to go before she dies and two things she'll never get to eat again before she dies


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I have to say I also agree. I can not stand to listen to Holly H. on HLN, and most of the other attorneys. Some of them are very young, very little experience, and evidently few clients of their own with the availability they have to sound off for HLN, yet they are on there post grading Juan Martinez with a C! Mr. Martinez is the one who handled this case since 2008, showed up every day, represented the case without a cohart, and yet they are sitting in a studio passing judgement. Why are they all (prior) attorneys or prosecutors at their age?

I also agree she did not kill Travis right away because she had to wait until they were alone and she wanted him in the shower in order to limit his ability to fight back. She did not stabf him when his back was turned as he could have whirled around at that time and possibly have stopped her. She waited until he was sitting and not able to move as quickly. The gunshot, imo,was to silence Travis's death sounds as the room mate was returning. She did not want anyone to know she was there.

I think she was directing that photo session and had to wait until he was vulnerable and on the shower floor as you say. He could spin around in a flash and overtake her from a standing position.
I believe she had him sit on the floor of the shower, take a few pics, then told him, "That was a great pic, now put your head back so the shower water runs right into your face- it will be such a cool shot, I just want to try it because I saw this in a magazine, blah blah blah" That's when she first stabbed him, while his eyes were shut and he was sitting on the floor, completely vulnerable.
I tend to think there is something big, such as your description, that is missing with respect to testimony presented during trial. I heard no testimony about what was found on Jodi's computer or her so called messed up hard drive. Something, or several things are missing in this overall picture. JMO - it appears to me the judge has bent over backwards for the DT with regards to what is probative and what is prejudicial. One has to wonder how much actual evidence of misconduct, perhaps felonious conduct, there is related to Ms. Arias. (i.e. no tire slashing could be directly questioned by JM, no questioning the stolen ring, Travis's journals being taken and so on, the list is long). I also think somewhere there is some kind of evidence that ties Gus Searcy to Jodi with regards to the 10 May tape recording, I do believe the two of them were up to something with that. I also think there is something tied to MM other than the forged letters that was not on the up and up so to speak, but again no testimony.

Sad to me, but it appears that just about anything that would give a honest look at Jodi's manipulation or wrong doing other than killing Travis was pretty much left out of this trial. As such, her motive(s) for murdering Travis could not be presented. I realize motive is not a required aspect, however if one exists, I fail to see why a judge should ever allow the facts of that to be excluded. Seems to me evidence of motive is very probative even if it shows the defendent to be a fraud, a thief, or some other delinquent. Especially when the defendent's choice of defense is total character annihilation of the victim.

Very excellent post! I understand the need for a fair trial, but if the defense is allowed to introduce unsubstantiated claims about the VICTIM, the prosecution should certainly be able to bring forth any substantiated evidence concerning the defendant!

Prejudicial or not, it's evidence, and the defendant should NOT have greater rights than the victim!
I believe that comes in during the sentencing phase. Lawyers?

KCL has, in her thread on the forum, and outline that Beth Karas gave her, regarding all the phases that this case will go through. I will try to find it.
Just throwing this out because I cannot wrap my head around the things Nurmi said in his closing. Could it be that he really does hate JA and wants the jury to vote for the DP? I want to think he made all the errors and threw out all the known lies to give them that chance.

i don't think that was his intent. i think he knew his client is pretty unpopular with the jury from the questions they asked, and he was just telling them he knows she's no saint and wasn't going to claim she is. i think he believed that was a good thing to do----tell them you don't have to LIKE her. it's not a requirement.

his closing was a mess, IMO, but he had very little to work with because their whole case is based on what SHE says happened, and they know that's a big fat problem.
Ah, but remember with age comes wisdom. And all "older people" were once younger people and have been around the block a time (or two). Even though none of us can imagine our parents ever having "done it," of course we were wrong! Older folks know a thing or two about a thing or two...;)

(And it's not like this is taking place in a rural Bible Belt county in the southeast!)

And those "older folks" probably grew up in the 60s-70s! They may be a lot more experienced, adventurous and open-minded than one thinks! :blushing:
My only fear about the jury is the number of older jurors. Many of them may not understand the youth of today, especially the more open and explicit sexuality. I worry that they don't understand that Jodi didn't get a brazilian wax just because se would be in a bathing suit. Talk about premeditation! She wanted TA to seduce her... It's little moments like this that cause me to cringe in fear. Please, please, please let this jury deliver us from evil and convict her of Murder One.

Don't worry about the older jurors. If they are in their sixties then they grew up in the era of the nineteen sixties, well known for "sex ,drugs and rock and roll". There's probably not much that would shock them but they have maturity too so I think they will do a good job.
you know, someone mentioned BTK on here...somemone from Witchita ...and I have also noticed the resembelance, in tone and gaze...

BTK confessed and plead guilty so long as he was allowed to stand up in court and recount all of his evil deeds for the world.

jodi is a sexually fueled killer...she is aroused by blood and death and control...she is not only a grifter but a drifter as well...I can totally see her in a fifties b movie about evil women who kill...torpedo *advertiser censored* and bleach.

she has absolutley no concience and deflects any and all possible inferences that she was vctimized, ill, or hurt...because then she looks like an actual victim...which she would never be...I was facinated at how in her liewhere travis slapped her...she couldn't bring herself to be actually slapped in the face...rather she had to sort of avoid his it was her points off for no facial contact...then we move on to the he didn't make contact where he intended...oh no! because brilliant jodi ann blocked that points off for travis.

I am sure jodi despises being called a defective personality disordered person...because she has no personality...and this guy was a problem...she had to whack him...
I think JM could not have done a better job. He was fantastic, wonderful, and every other good adjective, BUT juries will forever freak me out since CA trial. I couldn't imagine anyone ever finding her not guilty of all counts. I'm so scared of that happening again, and it has nothing to do with the job JM did because I think he did everything he could. Apparently the Pinellas 12 just didn't get it. I'm traumatized forever.

I have to believe that lessons were learned from "The Pinellas 12". It wont happen this time. Stay positive. That's all we can do.
I think we're all celebrating Juan's good work. We just need to have faith in the jurors, and for myself, their questions were proof enough.
They were obviously paying very close attention, and their questions were insightful and revealing. I hope they will be thorough and fair in their deliberations, and I hope the Alexander family doesn't have to wait long for their long awaited justice.

Do we need a new thread?
I think she was directing that photo session and had to wait until he was vulnerable and on the shower floor as you say. He could spin around in a flash and overtake her from a standing position.
I believe she had him sit on the floor of the shower, take a few pics, then told him, "That was a great pic, now put your head back so the shower water runs right into your face- it will be such a cool shot, I just want to try it because I saw this in a magazine, blah blah blah" That's when she first stabbed him, while his eyes were shut and he was sitting on the floor, completely vulnerable.

THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I THINK!!!! 'let the water hit your face....yeah, like that.' and BOOM, she stabs him. makes perfect sense to me.
About Jodi's tweets.

Her tweet about praying? LOL, there ain't enough prayer in the world to keep her from getting what she deserves. You have to repent to be forgiven and she has done the opposite of repent. She has reveled in her sins and continued to lie.

Her tweet about not getting her commissary order? Oh LOL. Ironic that Travis family is doing a day of prayer and fasting and now Jodi didn't get her snacks for the weekend. God has a funny sense of humor sometimes! And for her to mention Santa Claus? LOL, Santa doesn't deliver to naught little nasty murderers, she might as well get used to that.

Her tweets will soon come to an end. Donovan is just in it for the publicity and it will soon fade away.

Love this post SwampMama!!
So right ... JA continues to revel in her sins.
I totally beleve she intentionally made what happened after her brutal murder of Travis as awful and heartbreaking for Travis' family as she could.

Tick Tock JA.
You're time in the media spotlight will be coming to an end verrrry soon.
Your legal team is gonna drop you as soon as they can.
You're not famous JA -- your an infamous lying murderer.
Soon ... The media will move on to the next story and you'll be like a piece of used toilet paper.
That is our Katiecoolady. Look at her KCL thread here on Web Sleuths to see the evolution of it all. It is really something. A shining example of how much good there is in the world.

Yes, thank you. I just realized that after watching the clip Elle put up and I updated my post to clarify. Wow. I didnt recognize her at first. This is great to be part of a great group of people here at WS. We are truly victim advocates here.
Nurmi is absolutely right on this point. There is no consent to sex when one is unconscious or asleep. I can't even understand why any man would WANT to stick their wick in a sleeping woman anyway. What, she's just a piece of flesh for a guy to get off on without any participation or even interest on her part? They can't be bothered to wake her up first? There's only one reason a guy has for penetrating a sleeping woman and that's because they don't want to deal with the possibility that she might refuse - they want to have sex and don't CARE whether she wants to or not and don't CARE that she's not sexually aroused which is often physically as well as emotionally painful. YES, penetrating a sleeping woman without her consent is rape.

That said, plenty of partners have implied consent when it comes to what is ok and what is not ok concerning their sexual relations, and this can be one of them as long as it is clear between them that doing this is ok. But it's still obnoxious selfish behavior, and I'm damned as to why any woman would be ok with it no matter how much they love their partner.

Nurmi was only wrong for bringing this up because from Jodi's own mouth we learned that she LIKED being woken up by Travis penetrating her, and there was likely implied consent between them that this behavior she not only consented to but enjoyed. However, I think the whole story of Travis doing this is rubbish to begin with.

I'm so revolted by this attitude that as long as a woman is having a sexual relationship with someone that anything goes between them whether she consents to it or not and that having a sexual relationship with someone gives their partner a license to do with her body whatever they like as if she's nothing more than a mound of flesh that they own.

Raise your hand guys who don't see any problem with their partner waking them up by jamming a cucumber up their backside without lube when that's not something that you've ever consented to before.


IMHO I don't know anyone who doesn't like being woken up this way.

Would it be different if woman woke up her partner by pleasuring him? Don't know any men who wouldn't welcome that either!
you know, someone mentioned BTK on here...somemone from Witchita ...and I have also noticed the resembelance, in tone and gaze...

BTK confessed and plead guilty so long as he was allowed to stand up in court and recount all of his evil deeds for the world.

jodi is a sexually fueled killer...she is aroused by blood and death and control...she is not only a grifter but a drifter as well...I can totally see her in a fifties b movie about evil women who kill...torpedo *advertiser censored* and bleach.

she has absolutley no concience and deflects any and all possible inferences that she was vctimized, ill, or hurt...because then she looks like an actual victim...which she would never be...I was facinated at how in her liewhere travis slapped her...she couldn't bring herself to be actually slapped in the face...rather she had to sort of avoid his it was her points off for no facial contact...then we move on to the he didn't make contact where he intended...oh no! because brilliant jodi ann blocked that points off for travis.

I am sure jodi despises being called a defective personality disordered personbecause she has no personality...and this guy was a problem...she had to whack him...

This is where I think Jodi could lose it in the courtroom. During the penalty phase when people come in and describe how "off" she is, how strange she was etc.
She thinks she is fine, that she's bright like Einstein!
No more Travis bashing will be going on, just Jodi and her "disorders" which she does not think she has
I think JM could not have done a better job. He was fantastic, wonderful, and every other good adjective, BUT juries will forever freak me out since CA trial. I couldn't imagine anyone ever finding her not guilty of all counts. I'm so scared of that happening again, and it has nothing to do with the job JM did because I think he did everything he could. Apparently the Pinellas 12 just didn't get it. I'm traumatized forever.

I don't think you have anything to worry about here... lol. Different case entirely. The question of Jodi's guilt is not on the table. All the jury is deciding is the degree of guilt.

There will always be people upset about a verdict - if it didn't go the way they thought it would. In any "either / or" situation - someone gets disappointed.

I think we can all be very confident, though, that there will not be an acquittal.
THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I THINK!!!! 'let the water hit your face....yeah, like that.' and BOOM, she stabs him. makes perfect sense to me.

I may be in the minority but Travis looks under duress in that last photo. His look is part fear- part disgust imo, but more than simply "hurry up and finish" to me. I don't think most men would willingly fold themselves up and sit down on the shower drain by choice.
And that lie about 'losing' the charger was a weak one. If your phone charger is lost in your car, where is the first place you would look? Under your seat. So how is it she 'couldn't' find it--yet when she is recovering from a massive traumatic event, and coming out of a fog, she suddenly 'finds it' under her seat?

That is such an obvious lie, especially when coupled with the fact it gets lost as she enters Arizona, and is found as she leaves the state. :liar:

Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 8h
Commissary didn't arrive this week. It's like waking up on Christmas morning and discovering that Santa skipped your neighborhood.
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Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 8h
Hypocrisy bugs. Wish we could shine a spotlight on all of Juan's lies,lies he's made on record over the years in a court of law.


Talk about the psychotic, pathological lying, throat slashing, murdering *advertiser censored* calling the upstanding kettle black...
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