Verdict Watch 05/04/ and 05/05/2013

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I hope the jurors just disregard everything but the events from May 26th to June 5th and then her subsequent behavior as a suspect. That's all that really matters.

I don't like all this that they have to "think like a battered woman" stuff because she was not a battered woman. And even if she was, what she did would be far beyond what I think a battered woman would do.

I wish there had been more testimony to combat her behavior like at the memorial etc to prove she wasn't suffering any PTSD either.

Agreed. And given that Juan proved she lied on the stand they are within their right to disregard any or all of her testimony. And if they were to do that, then by extension, they should disregard Samuels, laviolette, and geffner's testimonies as well ;)

And I changed my avatar as well!
Have we had a "If you were a juror what would you find JA guilty of?" poll?

Do we have a deliberation thread? I'd like one of those.

Jodi, in my view, is guilty of 1st degree murder, premeditated murder, and burglary of her grandparents' house.

I'd also convict her of felony murder, If I could, because she killed Travis in the act of the felony of robbing him of his life and his soul.
So do we know which hand she was stabbing him with? Seems it would be kind of hard to cut the hand you're stabbing with.
Respectfully snipped.

It's quite common for the hand wielding the knife to get cut. The blade and handle can become very slippery with blood, and the hand can slide down onto the blade inadvertently. Then, perpetrators tend to leave their DNA behind, a la Jodi Arias, for identification.
I dont think the men on the jury will buy the abused story and Alice didnt help that out at all. DT kept the sex going maybe hoping that the guys would be fantasizing about sex with Jodi. I hope these guys are sympathising with TA and thinking "No piece of tail is worth dying for."
I hope the jurors just disregard everything but the events from May 26th to June 5th and then her subsequent behavior as a suspect. That's all that really matters.

I don't like all this that they have to "think like a battered woman" stuff because she was not a battered woman. And even if she was, what she did would be far beyond what I think a battered woman would do.

I wish there had been more testimony to combat her behavior like at the memorial etc to prove she wasn't suffering any PTSD either.

I hope they disregard everything but what happened in that bathroom. All elements for M1 are in that room in her actions! She killed him 3 times. Even if the first kill was in self defense, there was the second kill. And even if the second kill was in heat of passion there was a third kill. The third kill was Murder 1 premeditated and with malice.
nurmi also objected to the word 'slaughter.' i believe they also kept JM from referencing the fact that she showed no remorse.

i thought the latter was a bad ruling because even IF you killed a man you had loved in self defense......wouldn't you at least feel bad that he was dead? maybe NOT be picking up random men on the flight home from his memorial?

A woman from Kentucky called into a HLN morning show, said she had been in a very abusive marriage, husband beating her...backed her into a corner and she shot him 5 times--killing him. She said, the police said it was overkill, yes...I don't think she was charged, as abuse was very bad.

This woman did not believe Jodi. You could hear the pain in her voice, the remorse. She said Jodi had nothing (remorse or pain) in her for taking another human life, especially someone she claimed to love. She did not believe Travis abused her either. This woman said taking her husband's life ate at her everyday, knowing she killed someone, a man she loved.
I will start stressing after an hour. I figure they need to come in, get a drink, ask about their weekend, etc. but it really should not take that long after that. The longer the day goes the more concerned i will be they are considering the other options, and reading the manslaughter or self defense portions
Hi everyone,

Thought it was about time I joined. Only recently discovered this site and it is an amazing place.

I came to this trial late only about a month and a half ago......I vowed never to get invested in another trial after the mess that was the Casey Anthony trial. I watched every second of that one online and was devasted by the verdict. Never knew about WS then. I wish I had.

However, I caught a glimpse of the wonderful Juan Martinez and was drawn to what an amazing job he was doing. I had to watch after that. It`s not always easy as like few others I`m in the big time difference to Arizona, lot`s of late nights!!

Like so many on here I have so admired Travis`s family, how they have the strength to go through this is beyond me at times. I truly admire them and think it is wonderful what people are doing to help them, Katiecoolady is a name that stands out, an amazing lady. Loved the story she told the other day about meeting Juan at the courthouse and getting to chat to him.

I have been truly shocked at the depths this defence team have sunk to, I thought I hated Jose Baez but oh my.....that was nothing to the contempt I feel for those two. Their experts have been jokes particularly ALV, I admired JM even more on how he managed to show her up for what she was. It is shocking how unprofessional JW was all through what I have watched but when Juan was doing his closing she behaved like a sulky child.

Travis Alexander seemed like an amazing young man with everything to live for. His life, and what his family are going through has touched so many people in so many ways. Like all of you, I now await a verdict.

I can only see a pure evil premeditation here and pray this jury who have asked so many clever questions, see that too.

I have confidence In Juan`s closing. I thought it was amazing and not ashamed to admit I cried along with you, as well as wanting to cheer him. What a guy he is.......and I love all his quotes that are coming out.

I haven`t mentioned JA in my little introduction.....think it`s all been said really. But I do believe in good and evil and I honestly believe we have seen pure evil right there in front of us every day in the form of JA.

The Good??? Juan Martinez, Det Flores and the Alexander family with their supporters.

I pray we get a quick verdict and Justice for Travis.

Now to work out how to get a blue ribbon on my avatar!!!

:seeya: Hello and :welcome:
I hope they disregard everything but what happened in that bathroom. All elements for M1 are in that room in her actions! She killed him 3 times. Even if the first kill was in self defense, there was the second kill. And even if the second kill was in heat of passion there was a third kill. The third kill was Murder 1 premeditated and with malice.

I like the way you labeled all the kills, and I completely agree.
Hi everyone...some of you mentioned leaving your shopping carts when a text alerted you to a verdict in the CA case. I was just picturing all the abandoned shopping carts all over the country. Too funny,
Jodi deserves Death Penalty--Evidence is Overwhelming: -----JODI STALKING (Point-1)
1. Travis told her to stay away and she moved 272-miles to be closer to him.
2. Jodi was “clingy, smothering, and stalking.” (Travis’s Friend).
3. Jodi stalked previous boyfriends.
4. Text—“How evil you are you, worse thing that happened to me.” (Travis)
5. “Countless times you have prevented me the decency of privacy.” (Travis)
6. Arias snuck in house, laid on couch.
7. Arias hide in closet when he was gone or when he was on dates.
8. Arias peaked through windows while he was with another woman.
9. Arias showed up on dates and other social functions uninvited.
10. Arias showed up on doorstep and threatened to kill herself if he wouldn’t let her in.
11. Arias snuck in doggie door, and later hid behind Christmas Tree.
12. TA finally gave her a job cleaning his house, and slept in his bed without his permission.
13. Arias slashed his tires twice in two different locations so she had to be following him.
14. Arias slashed the tires of a girl friend of his.
15. She hacked into his emails.
16. She hacked in to his Face book.
17. She hacked into his ATM/Bank accounts.
18. She sent threatening e-mails to his friends, especially girl friends.
19. “We saw the evil look in her eye, we told Travis we don’t want her around our children and we don’t want her around here.” (Chris Hughes)
20. “I am extremely Fearful.” (Travis)
21. Turned her jealousy of a planned trip to Cancun into a Rage.
22. “Jodi was obsessed.” (Sky Hughes).
23. “Jodi was Clingy, like Fatal Attraction.” (Clancy)
24. Travis would question her, ‘Why you in the house, why are you here?’ (Zach Billing)
25. “She told me she snuck over to his house and looked in the window.” (Jodie’s father).
26. “She haunted him; every girl he met a girl she would text and send these crazy e-mails, saying you are a *advertiser censored*, and you shouldn’t be dating Travis.” Chris Hughes.
27. “She was obsessed with him and she didn’t want my brother to move with his life.” (Travis’s sister)
28. “In the end he was scared but he just couldn’t get her out of his life.” Chris Hughes.
29. “It takes an evil, evil person to do what she did.”
30. “My spying ex.” (Travis)
31. “Don’t be surprised if I end up dead.” (Travis)



1. Faked Journal entries.
2. Broke into TA’s face book, sent messages to herself.
3. Hacked into his ATM, Bank Records, and E-mails.
4. Robbed Grandparents of 25-calibre GUN, $30 cash, and a stereo.
5. Dyed her hair a different color.
6. Drove 90-miles out of her way away from home town to get rental car.
7. Used rental car, specifically asked for not red, so she could presumably not see any stains/blood to clean.
8. Borrowed two gas cans, and bought a third.
9. Turned off cell phone so it wouldn’t ping off towers.
10. Turned her license plate upside down.
11. Brought gun and knife to crime scene.
12. Showed up at Travis’s house early in morning.
13. Locked Travis’s dog in a closet so he wouldn’t get in blood.
14. Waited until he was in vulnerable position in Shower and naked.
15. Arranged for date with Ryan Burns and was to arrive same night as murder.
16. Malice: “Intent to kill or harm.”
“Wrongfully causing the death of another human being, after rationally considering the TIMING---OR---METHOD of doing so in order to increase the likihood of success or to evade detection or apprehension.”

1. “He had it coming.”
2. Wanted make-up in jail and smiled for her mug shot, saying that’s what Travis would have wanted.
3. Showed more remorse on police video tape for dog she kicked (who then disappeared).
4. Made out/intimate relations with Ryan Burns immediately after killing.
5. “No Jury will Convict Me.”
6. Morbid curiosity of autopsy photos to help build her case.
7. “No reason to be sad, smile and say Cheese.”
8. Cried about what SHE would miss out on during police interrogation.
9. Frequent smiles and giggles during proceedings.
10. Lied about pedophilia after killing, and forged papers to kill him again.
11. Lied about domestic abuse after killing him thus killing him again.
12. Filed motion saying if convicted remorse would not be a factor in penalty and she would never apologize.
13. Said in police interrogation tape that TA’s murder was a temporary loss for his family and they would get over it.
14. Savage and brutality of killing—29-stab wounds, shot in head, near decapitation.
15. Sent twenty Iris’s to his Grandmother after she killed him.

DANGEROUS JODI (Likely to Re-Offend) Point-4
1. Frequent rage and physical violence toward mother.
2. Lied about Marijuana she was using on roof of house.
3. Attacked and kicked dog who ‘disappeared’ and never came back.
4. Kicked and broke walls and doors and smashed things.
5. “Her own actions scare people”
6. Stalked and used the men in her life prior to Travis.
7. Practiced Witchcraft in a prior relationship.
8. Gave Chris Hughes such an evil look that he told Travis not to bring her around anymore and he didn’t want her around his children.
9. Threatened TA’s female friends.
10. Broke in Travis’s email, Face-book, and ATM and sent messages to herself.
11. Broke into Travis’s house several times and was there uninvited at other times.
12. Stalked Travis at his house and on his dates.
13. Slashed all four tires of Travis’ car twice.
14. Slashed tires of a girl acquaintance of Travis once.
15. Travis friends called other friends out of fear of Jodi.
16. Peeped outside TA’s window when he was with someone else.
17. Broke into Grandparents house and stole gun, $30, and stereo.
18. Turned license played upside down to evade police.
19. Turned off cell phone, dyed hair, and borrowed gas cans to evade police.
20. Premeditated and planned attack on Travis.
21. Hide gun and knife from Travis for several hours.
22. She and NOT Travis, had a morbid curiosity of the “Psycho” movie and combined that with her own psychosis, personality disorder (black and white- no gray, go from loyalty to intense rage).
23. Stabbed Travis---29 times.
24. Cut a gaping hole in TA’s neck.
25. Shot TA in head.
26. Removed evidence—gun and knife from crime scene and destroyed/hide evidence.
27. Removed (Stole) car mats from rental car and did not return them.
28. Had a 9mm gun, 2-knives, and a box of ammo in her car when arrested.
29. Forged pedophile papers prior to trial.
30. Lied throughout interviews and trial, falsely claimed abuse.
31. Narcissist and above the Law.
32. Six disciplinary actions In Jail
A. Fight with cellmate
B. Disobey return to cell
C. 3-different violations for hiding pens
D. Hiding various creams.
E. Hiding various pictures.
33. Accused prosecutor of being threatening on the stand.
34. Broke pencils and gave other people the finger.
35. Tweeted derogatory statements to Nancy Grace and Prosecutor.
36. Borderline Personality Disorder: Past behavior=future behavior.
I will start stressing after an hour. I figure they need to come in, get a drink, ask about their weekend, etc. but it really should not take that long after that. The longer the day goes the more concerned i will be they are considering the other options, and reading the manslaughter or self defense portions

Really, I expect a day or two simply because they heard SO much information and if they have been following the rules, they're gonna want to finally talk about it with people. I can't imagine they wouldn't want to talk about it for at least group therapy with each other.

So I think after they get all the talking out of their systems, they can go forward. Maybe a day. Maybe 2. They heard 56 days of testimony, so....
I will not start stressing until around 2 pm Arizona time on Monday...haha ...well, I say that now...
Hi everyone,

Thought it was about time I joined. Only recently discovered this site and it is an amazing place.

I came to this trial late only about a month and a half ago......I vowed never to get invested in another trial after the mess that was the Casey Anthony trial. I watched every second of that one online and was devasted by the verdict. Never knew about WS then. I wish I had.

However, I caught a glimpse of the wonderful Juan Martinez and was drawn to what an amazing job he was doing. I had to watch after that. It`s not always easy as like few others I`m in the big time difference to Arizona, lot`s of late nights!!

Like so many on here I have so admired Travis`s family, how they have the strength to go through this is beyond me at times. I truly admire them and think it is wonderful what people are doing to help them, Katiecoolady is a name that stands out, an amazing lady. Loved the story she told the other day about meeting Juan at the courthouse and getting to chat to him.

I have been truly shocked at the depths this defence team have sunk to, I thought I hated Jose Baez but oh my.....that was nothing to the contempt I feel for those two. Their experts have been jokes particularly ALV, I admired JM even more on how he managed to show her up for what she was. It is shocking how unprofessional JW was all through what I have watched but when Juan was doing his closing she behaved like a sulky child.

Travis Alexander seemed like an amazing young man with everything to live for. His life, and what his family are going through has touched so many people in so many ways. Like all of you, I now await a verdict.

I can only see a pure evil premeditation here and pray this jury who have asked so many clever questions, see that too.

I have confidence In Juan`s closing. I thought it was amazing and not ashamed to admit I cried along with you, as well as wanting to cheer him. What a guy he is.......and I love all his quotes that are coming out.

I haven`t mentioned JA in my little introduction.....think it`s all been said really. But I do believe in good and evil and I honestly believe we have seen pure evil right there in front of us every day in the form of JA.

The Good??? Juan Martinez, Det Flores and the Alexander family with their supporters.

I pray we get a quick verdict and Justice for Travis.

Now to work out how to get a blue ribbon on my avatar!!!

Really, I expect a day or two simply because they heard SO much information and if they have been following the rules, they're gonna want to finally talk about it with people. I can't imagine they wouldn't want to talk about it for at least group therapy with each other.

So I think after they get all the talking out of their systems, they can go forward. Maybe a day. Maybe 2. They heard 56 days of testimony, so....

Thats pretty much my thoughts as well... I originally thought maybe Tuesday? But we shall see...
Beach, the horoscope and the copy (my letter and analysis) are all my own handwork. No other entity or person is involved, no copyright is being infringed.

This breaks my heart and makes me very angry.
For those of you who are fasting -- it is after 3 pm here on the east coast and while experiencing some hunger I thought of the Alexander family, especially the younger sister who is definitely too young to look so stressed -- this is helping me stay on track --
A woman from Kentucky called into a HLN morning show, said she had been in a very abusive marriage, husband beating her...backed her into a corner and she shot him 5 times--killing him. She said, the police said it was overkill, yes...I don't think she was charged, as abuse was very bad.

This woman did not believe Jodi. You could hear the pain in her voice, the remorse. She said Jodi had nothing (remorse or pain) in her for taking another human life, especially someone she claimed to love. She did not believe Travis abused her either. This woman said taking her husband's life ate at her everyday, knowing she killed someone, a man she loved.

It wasn't me I swear! Bless her heart!!
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