Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 and 05/07/2013

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Bus Driver News! I stayed on his route for three circles today. He kept looking at me in the mirror and even at one stage called someone on his mobile whilst looking in the mirror at me. He loves me. & bus driver and Schuby and Dr. Horn can have a double wedding.....:floorlaugh:
Good Morning!!!!Maybe today is a day for Justice all around!! We found those precious women and a child from Cleveland now lets get Justice for Travis and his family!!! Today is a good, good, good feeling it!! Meanwhile I hope it moves quickly because, I nervously snacked all day yesterday...waiting!!!:banghead: I pretty much ate a whole pan of rice krispy treats by myself:facepalm: Praying for Justice:please:
:seeya: :rocker: You are welcome. ;)

Maybe we could start a technical support thread?

I think it would help some members. What do ya think?

Hey! That worked! Thank you thank you thank you!
I think Donovan was on NG few weeks ago stating she was either visiting or telephoning JA as to what was to be tweeted.

Going off your post..

Here is the video from NG back in April. Jean was hosting that night and had Donavan on the show speaking about the defendant's twitter account.

CASAREZ: Welcome back, I`m Jean Casarez in for Nancy Grace. We are live right here in downtown Phoenix.

Everybody, we have a very, very special guest today. She does not normally speak out, but she has decided to come on, via telephone with us. Her name is Donavan Bering. She is a very, very close friend of Jodi Arias. And she is the one that tweets for Jodi Arias so that Jodi can communicate with Nancy Grace, the prosecutor.

Donavan, really appreciate you coming on with me tonight.


CASAREZ: All right, I have got to go to this first because I think we were all shocked when we first of all saw that she had a Twitter account. Whose idea was it for Jodi Arias to suddenly have this Twitter account?

BERING: Well, what is kind of funny is it`s not all of a sudden thing. The Twitter account has been up for quite a while. And I have been the one that has been helping get her quotes and things across that she wants to say. It has been up for about a month or two already. And it was really -- we just kind of talked about how she could maybe communicate because she doesn`t get to communicate with anybody really other than post cards and stuff.

And we had just talked about it. And I knew that people had Twitter accounts and stuff, and so we just thought that we would work on that. So I set up a Twitter account. And I was pretty much --

CASAREZ: Now, we all - Donavan, we all saw the picture on March 21st from court of Jodi, with her finger in sort of a peculiar position, a lot of us thought nothing of it, but now we read that there is a tweet that she sent the next day personally to Nancy saying Nancy, that finger was for you. Have a nice day. What is the back story on that?

BERING: Well, the story on that was, believe it or not, it was not done intentionally. And there was such a big deal made about that, you know, she was giving the finger. That when the tweet was done, it was done after the fact because -- I mean, none of us really noticed it until we got done with court. And here we see all over that she`s supposedly giving the finger, when actually she was just pushing up her glasses.

And so it just played off of that. It was not like intentionally done until after all the, you know, news about her having a middle finger up because none of us even had noticed that until after getting home from court. So it was an after the fact angle --

CASAREZ: So -- I see what you`re saying, so she is just reacting, responding, sort of being sarcastic, if I want to use that term. Now what do you do? Do you go to jail every day after court and see Jodi personally and get the tweet for the day or night? Or do you call her? How does it work?

BERING: No, Jodi has free access to the phone and whoever has money on their -- she can call them. And sometimes she`ll call me every night or a lot of times during the week, you know, she`s got trial. She may be tired, but she`ll call and she may say hey, you know, I really - I read this really cool quote. I`d like to tweet it. Or we may not even tweet at all, because it`s not done every night. But it`s between -- she only got very few tweets on there, just ones that are important to her or something that she may come up with. So a lot of them --


CASAREZ: Or you -- Donavan, are you concerned at all that Jodi has an image in court of being a very sweet, nice girl? I mean, that`s her image in court that we see. Are you concerned at all that these tweets, some of which I think are meant for the prosecutor about "little man syndrome," do you think that that could back fire?

BERING: Well, no, because I could understand how people are thinking things are being addressed to people. Number one, I wouldn`t put a tweet on there that was going to be offensive to anybody really in the courtroom if it was deliberate. And I know that a lot of people are saying that that`s, you know, aimed towards a certain person. But it wasn`t. I mean, it was just a tweet that she had come up with. And we put it on there. And then now with all this stuff that`s going on, I mean, you can look back and say oh, well, I can see where that shows that. But Jodi is not sarcastic about any of this. That`s the person she is, the person that -- who she is and who she is in the courtroom. It`s just that we have done -- tweeting like anybody does, I mean, you don`t really think too much of it until all of this came about today.

CASAREZ: How does Jodi feel the trial is going?

BERING: When we talk we don`t talk a lot about it. But I`m -- you know, I know that all she is hoping is that, you know, the truth is coming out and there`s going to be a good outcome. Because we don`t talk about it much. We try not to. Because she lives it all day long.

CASAREZ: Was she concerned at all with Dr. Richard Samuels and the fact he didn`t re-test or recalculate? And there were errors that -- immense errors that he seemed to make?

BERING: You know, to be honest with you, we have never discussed that. We just pretty just went on. I was over with, and then we went on to the next chapter of what was going to be taking place.

CASAREZ: All right. What`s the tweet going to be for tonight, Donavan?

BERING: Excuse me?

CASAREZ: What is the tweet going to be for tonight?

BERING: I have no idea. I have not -- I have not talked to Jodi, it has been a very hectic day since all this came out. It`s been -- accept phone calls and threats. And it`s just been a nightmare, so I don`t know if I will even be talking to her tonight.

CASAREZ: All right. Donavan Bering, thank you so much for coming on air, because you do not speak out. And I want to hear, we want to hear the other side to this because it is shocking, I think, to a lot of us and especially here on the show. So thank you, we will keep reading some of these texts but you take care.

BERING: Thank you so much for having me.


Joining us, everybody, tonight is Donavan Bering, she is a close family friend of the Arias family. Very close with Jodi Arias because she facilitates the tweets for Jodi Arias out of that courthouse. And we are taking your calls.

To Pam in Florida -- hi, Pam.


CASAREZ: Thank you for calling, Pam.

PAM: How long has Miss Donavan known Jodi and where did they meet?

CASAREZ: OK, good question. Donavan, how long have you known Jodi and where did you meet?

BERING: I`ve known Jodi for -- I want to say almost six years, I believe. I think it was 2007. And I met her when she was - when she first came to Arizona. And she was forgot -- brought here to -- the jail.

Full transcript of show:
Jodi has won and she knows it. Juan botched the case when he conspired with Dr. Horn to score a cheap shot against Jody. Unfortunately, this cheap shot was nonsensical crap (knife-first) and now the jury will either acquit on self-defense or convict of manslaughter. I'm 99.999% confident of that.

Well-I believe 100% that they will find her guilty of pre-med murder
any dr.s out in WS land?
I have a question regarding my finger.
I woke up a few weeks ago and it was stiff and swollen and has not been improving.
I know I will have to go med fast or one of those places but not until this verdict comes in..
Ouchhh my finger is hard to bend and type with sorry for typo's guys...:banghead:

Ouchie! Better get to the dr!
Good Morning!

Woke up with this song playing in my head. Want to share with all of you. If we receive verdict today, whatever that verdict be, I know I won't be alone with my tears.

For all of you! Thanks for giving me a place to be. Prayers for the Alexanders.

Lets get the ball rolling and silence her...

Much as I'd like to see her shut down, they aren't violating any policy. Donovan is simply doing the mechanical typing. She isn't misrepresenting anything. She is posting on behalf of JA, not attempting to dupe anyone. It's as if I broke my hands and asked a friend to post for me. I don't like that she has the privilege of giving Donovan the comments to tweet but I don't see any genuine violation. JMO
Morning all :seeya: I have a great feeling today, I really do. Today is the day.....I totally feel that. F/U Arias you are done. You can tell your lies to YOURSELF while in that cell for 23 hrs. a day.

Totally O/T Kyle had a terrible night and a terrible nurse.....I wanted to snatch her hair out. He was sleeping on his back and started to throw up.....I freaked out! Apparently he is allergic to codeine. He starts chemo at 11:00.....gotta kill that tumor named "Jodi." Hell she really is cancer.

Sending good vibes and love to the Alexander family.....hang in there! She's done :rockon:
The cheap shot is about soliciting false testimony for the sole purpose of contradicting Jodi's version of events. It was totally unnecessary in this case. But your points are noted about the manslaughter charge. I'll be very happy if she gets at least 2nd degree murder but I have this overwhelming fear that I can't shake. A fear that she'll walk because of the shady stuff done by the prosecution.

Please forgive me if I'm wrong, but it seems like your posts are mainly coming from a place of fear. I've seen your posts agreeing JA is guilty of 1st degree murder. I've also seen you handle, quite well I might add, a poster who was obviously from the pro JA site who was trying to justify JA's actions. Hang in there with us!! I really think this jury is very smart and has seen through the defense's bs. There will be justice for Travis!!!
Astral projection. You can contact Jodi for further information.

I thought it was ALV that could predict the future, read behind messages etc. I'd rather not TBH. Who knows... maybe astral projection follows the law of attraction too?
I spent the evening with several of the Alexanders last night and the mood is good, the feeling is optimism and the spirit is that this is all coming to an end soon. Our poster Jayarohh told me yesterday that he has this image in his mind today of all the weight the entire family has been carrying over this trial (and 5 years prior) is instantly transferred to the shoulders of Jodi Arias the moment she is convicted. I told them this last night and there were tears. Tanisha was particularly moved. <3
Welcome back!!!! I was deployed over there on 3 separate back 7 months ago. Finally retired after 27 years! Some very good friends are over there now...all are praying for the Alexander family and a quick Guilty verdict!! Isn't is amazing how this entire tragedy has transcended the Globe?

Hey Beaglemania, a big Salute to you. Yes it is amazing that what this creature has done has gone global.

But remember she wanted to be famous......I say ship her over to Afghan and drop her off and see how long she lasts.
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