Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

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Yup, Alyce works out of Long Beach. Guess dear Alyce is more vested in JA than we thought.

Well, ALV has already destroyed her career and reputation for Jodi, she may as well go whole hog, I guess. This trial has been disturbing in so many ways, but watching ALV self-destruct was just riveting in a train-wreck sort of way. If she is behind this latest stunt, then she needs to step far, far away from anything Jodi related, and get herself some real therapy, because I think she's done lost her mind :moo: :moo:

I had a restful weekend, stayed away from any JA news for the most part, got a phone call from my sailor recruit at boot camp (woot woot), and just got my emotions back in check after a very emotional end of last week. I am hoping for a max verdict today, but if our jury needs more time to dot the i's and cross the t's, let them take it. I want that Murder 1 verdict signed, sealed, and delivered perfectly :rockon:
Just you watch.

If ALV publically denies anything to do with JA's T-shirt bs, that will indicate to one and all that the rest of JA's DT and Dwitnesses will be next on JA's hit list.

That psychopath will ruin everyone, given the chance. That's why she needs to be in solitary confinement on death row.
There really can be no peace without justice. There can be no justice without truth. And there can be no truth, unless someone rises up to tell you the truth.

Louis Farrakhan
When I was on a jury (civil) we picked our foreman, went over the instructions and the foreman asked if there were any questions. We went around the room and discussed certain highlights of the case that we thought were significant (because this was just civil). One juror had a question and we submitted it to the bailiff. We were told to wait 1/2 hour and then were called back into court where the judge read the question. Once the question was answered we returned to deliberate. The foreman then went around the room and asked if we had any more questions and if we were ready to vote. We were all in agreement which we pretty much knew from the first round of discussions that we were ready to vote. This may have taken us about 4 or 5 hours total.

I would think the majority of this jury might have discussions about whether it is Felony Murder or Premeditation and at this point they do not have to agree, only to Murder 1. There may be one or two holdouts for 2nd degree but I doubt they are married to it. Acquittal was not asked for by defense. They only asked the jury to find her guilty of manslaughter.

These jurors have not been able to discuss this case together. Aside from that some of them have bonded so they may want to discuss some aspects of the case. But a couple of those jurors are real smart cookies and have really paid attention to details so let's have confidence in them to do the right thing.

And I think it's "noteworthy" that both Juror 5 and Juror 8, in very brief comments to I think ABC15, said they felt honored to be on the jury and will miss their fellow jurors - so I think these jurors all have a real bonding with each other, and that is why both 5 and 8 wanted to come back into the courtroom...I think it was actually b/c they missed their friends.
Good Mornin' :wave:

I think I'll have this for breakfast...with a heaping helping of Guilty of 1st degree murder for JA and the death sentence!

My stomach is aflutter in anticipation..I couldn't eat a thing right now! I would imagine the murderess must be wracked with vomiting and diarrhea by this point if this is how I feel!
IMO, the jury in the Anthony trial just truly had no clue about Circumstantial Evidence. I think in Travis case - circumstantial evidence was expounded upon by the Judge, by the Prosecutor, and in jury instructions so much so that the jurors will have no problem in using their common sense to see that the evidence is overwhelming. I'm secure also in the fact that the majority of the jurors are what I would refer to as seniors -- I also think they probably will be more mature in their thinking. I feel certain that Arias will receive a just verdict in this case.

I completely agree. I loved Juan's example of circumstantial evidence:

Woman sleeping on the beach. Wakes up and sees footprints going past her blanket. She didn't see or hear anything but it is still evidence somebody walked past her.
Was watching the 2nd Batman with Kyle last night.....and the Joker says this

“You see, in their last moments people show you who they really are.”
The Joker Heath Ledger

My mind went straight to JA :stormingmad: THANKS beeyotch for ruining another of my favorite things!

No, don't give her any power. Consider Travis. The haunting photograph of him looking directly into the camera. He knew he was going to die. Those were his last moments and he wasn't a rabid foaming beast like Arias.

He looks sad yet almost accepting of what Arias is. He looks as if he feels sorry for HER.

So yes, people do show who they really are in their last moments.

Please, please, please. Let there be a verdict on this day.

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I'm just having problems thinking about what is it that they can discuss? Abuse...lie. Gas cans...lie. Pedo...lie. Camera dropping...lie. Jodi's version of killing...lie. It's like, they got nothing to work with here.

I've never been on a jury, but if I were, I'd suggest working with jury instructions and definitions as suggested by the court.

It would only take a several hours, max, unless someone begged to differ over whether the defendant's behavior did/did not fall within a definition. Anyway, that seems like the most logical way to proceed.
As one who followed this trial from start to finish I conclude the overwhelming evidence supports 1st degree murder. I cannot imagine how any thoughtful intelligent observer would reason otherwise. The trial lasted far too long gratis the defense team. A great deal of the defense expert testimony is bilge and not very useful in judging the central question of intentional murder or heat of passion murder.

While I think it is appropriate for a jury to reason its way to a guilty verdict inside 4-6 hours I simply do NOT think this jury will do so.

I think the jury will probably formally and systematically review the defense testimony coupled with all the forensic evidence and witness testimony. This review process will occupy at least 1-2 days.
Hence I do not anticipate a verdict announcement until at earliest Wednesday.

Also I would reason that if the jury goes beyond Thursday in releasing a verdict this would be an ominous sign that there might be a hung jury or there is a problematic dispute between 1st and 2nd degree murder. If verdict watchers are still in limbo by late Thursday or Friday we all can start to worry.

It seems this has been a very attentive jury with proclivity to copious note taking. Therefore there will be little need to go over prior evidence - presented in January and February- in great detail in order to refresh memory. Hence this jury should not need a lot of time to sift over 600 plus exhibits and thousands of pages of testimony.

Seems to me that the problem with the option of heat of passion is that it was really never talked about during the trial but only entered as an after-thought during Nurmi's closing argument. I don't know how the jury could truly consider it since there was no reference to it at all during the trial - from what I saw anyway. However, it could confuse the jury into reasonable doubt but only if they sympathize with JA, which they are not suppose to do. I'm just thinking every which way the jury might go with this. IMO, it was clearly premeditated.
Good Morning! What time is it? Justice for Travis time!! Let's ROLL.
Well, ALV has already destroyed her career and reputation for Jodi, she may as well go whole hog, I guess. This trial has been disturbing in so many ways, but watching ALV self-destruct was just riveting in a train-wreck sort of way. If she is behind this latest stunt, then she needs to step far, far away from anything Jodi related, and get herself some real therapy, because I think she's done lost her mind :moo: :moo:

I had a restful weekend, stayed away from any JA news for the most part, got a phone call from my sailor recruit at boot camp (woot woot), and just got my emotions back in check after a very emotional end of last week. I am hoping for a max verdict today, but if our jury needs more time to dot the i's and cross the t's, let them take it. I want that Murder 1 verdict signed, sealed, and delivered perfectly :rockon:

Oh I'm waiting for the day when I can send ALV a letter and tell her what I really think of her. I'm soooo invested in this case that I didn't want to send her any kind of contact after I heard Nurmi blabbering about "witness intimidation"...I thought it best for people to contact her AFTER the trial so there's no risk of mistrial or anything. But I for one am gonna tell her exactly what I think of her her sellout to Jodi.
please forgive me is this has been asked, but what happens until they come back with a verdict? Will they all be sitting in court waiting? or will all the TH's on HLN and such just be blabbing until they come back?

Snoopy just wanted to wish you a fantabulous birthday! :cupcake::Happybirthday::bdsong::balloons: A really good present to get would for Travis to get justice today and JA be convicted of M1.

The attorneys usually stay close ......even in the courtroom and the family too. JA doesn't have to be there but may.......she will be brought in though if the jury asks in questions.

I would like one day of not seeing Jodi until the jury says they have rendered a verdict!
Gauntlet, really liked your post. It is my deeply held belief that the comparisons come from a place of real PTSD (not kidding). This nation was and is collectively traumatized by the verdict in the CA case and likely still grieves the loss of this helpless little girl, as well as the loss of their faith in the justice system . It is my opinion that many people have been triggered by this case and the similarity is this; another innocent victim at the hands of a cold and calculating woman who deceives shamelessly to spare her own neck. Honestly, the feelings of fear/anxiety, helplessness and horror at the prospect of the justice system failing another innocent victim is understandable and expected. I deeply believe the outcome of this trial is important for so many reasons; e.g., restoration of faith in the justice system, justice for a victim that was trusting yet brutally killed, and the inequality of justice based on gender.

In my eyes you are so right about forgiveness, it is not a gift to the one being forgiven it is healing and peace for the one forgiving. JMO but I believe that forgiveness is in many, many people's heart but that process is not likely to begin until people know what punishment JA will receive.

This exactly.

If there isn't a murder conviction here my faith in the jury system will be beyond shattered. I do NEED a conviction here. I still can't watch the reading of the CA verdict. It causes me great anxiety.
Good Morning Peeps.....

Judge Perry, now on NBC Today show! I like, trust and respect him. He has an uncanny understanding of the law, quoted cases, many, many, many of them from memory, did his rulings in open court, as it should be. His record speaks for itself. His career spans far and wide from the one case of Casey Anthony.

So great to hear he felt the state did prove her guilty of murder one!
From the Orlando Sentinel

" When Perry read the jury's verdict, he said he was surprised, shocked and in disbelief.

Perry said Anthony portrayed the wrongfully accused mother in front of the jury but once they were gone, she "transformed" in a "very commanding" and controlled defendant, who at times scolded her own attorneys.",0,6011812.story

Probably should just sit on my hands, but.........this guy infuriates me! He handpicked his precious jury! How could he possibly be surprised, shocked and in disbelief?? Oh well....doesn't matter now. Caylee was denied justice in this mans courtroom. :stormingmad:
Thinking now that JA may have stolen a chef's knife from one of restaurants she worked in and wondering if she returned it. Did JA return to work after the murder? Ugh!
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