Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

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Other than anti-victim links, what others aren't allowed here? I'd appreciate a brief heads-up so I don't ignorantly tresspass the rules.

There is not a list of specific sites, if the mods deems it necessary they will block a site.

I would suggest previewing your post before submitting, if one feels a link is in question.
It brings tears to my eyes that most EVERYONE is using the support Travis Ribbons. It shows solidarity on our part, and seeking that justice we (and his family and friends) desperately need.

Travis WE are here for you. We have been here since January. Justice will prevail. "MARK MY WORDS"

Oh thank you Beach!!!!!! I wanted a ribbon and your help is appreciated.:seeya::seeya:

Could someone please give me the info to add the ribbon to my avatar?? Please and thanks!!!:seeya:
I was just rereading the jury questions to JA. [ame=""][/ame] I know that these questions didn't come from everyone, and people have left and they are now short of the alternates too BUT the questions are a good reminder of what the jury are thinking about.
Good morning everyone!

Today has finally come. I have complete faith in this jury. Who would honestly believe that someone doesn't remember all of that? Woo-sah....

Positive thoughts. And vodka. (when word of the verdict comes of course)


....BLUE Goose Vodka....
Will the courtroom activities be streamed today? I'm sitting here on the edge of my seat for 9:00 am AZ time, but just realized the feed may not be up at all until the verdict is reached. Anyone know? TIA
Not having followed the CA trial at all, I Googled the CA jurors this morning to see their reaction to the overwhelmingly negative public reaction to their verdict. A number of them feared for their lives once their names got out. At least one moved out of state. None seem to have anticipated the reaction.

BBM - doesn't surprise me with that bunch. That's all I'll say about that.

I'm naturally suspicious of charmers, especially those trying to sell me something. Juan Martinez doesn't rely on charm at all. In fact, it's almost like he goes out of his way not to people-please. He exudes passion, intelligence, integrity, and a clear sense that he's not trying to fool anyone.

I loved watching him KEEP FROM using snarky or prejudicial language. When he'd micro-pause before a description and I'd think "Uh oh. How's he going to say that?" and he'd ease out a perfect word, not inflammatory, not cynical, not abrasive, but just perfect. IMO, this happened all through his closings.
Do we know anything official on how long the judge will give everyone to get to courtroom (or HLN) when jury says they have reached a verdict. I'm assuming 30 min. to an hour but I haven't seen anything to know for sure how far away I can go from home. I have signed up for WAT alert. I'm soooooooo nervous, and the jury hasn't even started yet today! I will be pacing the floor in another couple of hours!!
I originally thought that it would take 2-4 days before the jury came back with a verdict. I just watched some of Juan's closing arguments on TruTV and am sitting her sobbing after hearing again about the brutal, heinous way Travis was murdered. There is no reason the jury shouldn't come back with a verdict of 1st-degree murder (both premeditated and felony) by the end of today. Let's keep praying that Travis receives the justice he deserves!
I saw that and agree. I hope some (if not all) of those jurors saw his interview. Shame on them for letting CA walk the streets.

I just hope these jurors get it right. This young man needs justice. What JA did was overkill out of rage and if they can't see that ... lord help us all.

I just saw this on my homepage ~ Judge Perry was SHOCKED that the jury found CA innocent of 1st degree murder
I mentioned the CA trial only because of the P12, not because of any similarity in the cases as I find there to be none. I was, however, incredibly confident in the evidence presented in the CA trial, much like I am for this one. This is where the comparison comes in. I am gunshy because 12 people in Florida didn't want to spend any more time finding justice for Caylee, they only wanted to get home. They didn't ask for a single shred of evidence before coming back with their verdict. That is not justice and it certainly isn't how our system is intended to work. I'm still very frustrated by that verdict and to know that our system has the ability to be so incredibly faulty makes me a bit gunshy.

But...I have much more confidence in this jury. I hope they do the right thing!

The "right thing" in that case can only be defined by those who heard the case with no media, no message boards, no external input. "Justice" is not defined in this case by non-participants who add their own personal motivation (they wanted to go home) when none exists.

Justice is not defined by how many question the jurors ask during deliberation. If that's the case and this jury returns a guilty verdict quickly with no questions does that mean justice was not served and they just wanted to go home? I doubt it. One cannot have it both ways.

Like the results or not, the CA case worked EXACTLY how our justice system is supposed to. Twelve people shielded from the media come up with a decision based on the evidence THEY say, not what everyone else saw. Because a verdict doesn't meet with public approval doesn't mean it was wrong and if one still feels that way it's prudent to remember that 12 people, (who do not deserve name calling or speculation on their motives or intelligence, they did their civic duty and it wasn't to please the public) none of who witnessed anything on the media all came up with the same decision. If one still feels the need to assess blame one might ask if the prosecutor had done his job would 12 out of 12 people felt the same?

I for one would like this day (and any others) to go by without bringing up a trial from years ago, because the mention of said trial always comes with nasty statements about those doing their civic duty and I would like to thnk by now, this board is above that kind of behavior.

That's my personal wish.
Anyone know where there is a copy of the jury instructions that they gave this jury? The one talking about 1st degree, 2nd degree, there a copy of this anywhere?
I have to work from 12-5 eastern time!!
Please wait for me...

LOL I was hoping for 2PM Eastern time so you'd be home by the time court was in session given how they never start on time.

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Hi all. I have to go out today, hope I don't miss THE MOMENT if it comes today. Anyone convinced there will be a verdict today?
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