Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

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argh, staff meeting rescheduled for today 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM EST (10:30AM-12:30PM Arizona time)..
I hope I won't miss the verdict live!

Hang in there peeps, we're almost there.
I thought I saw juror #8 wiping tears right at the end of court on Friday. I feel bad for him. This trial will change the jurors lives forever...even the ones that were removed before the end. Praying they get it right.
I thoroughly agree LambChop, I was a victim. Not any longer, for a long time, decades now. The only people/reason to wear a "Survivor" shirt, imo would be for cancer, p e r i o d. Or surviving menopause (joking) LOL:floorlaugh:

k, this killed me :floorlaugh:
I'll be downtown at 12:30 every day this week either waiting for a verdict, seeing the verdict come in and/or sitting in the penalty phase.

I think today could be the day but we'll see...justice is coming.

Katie i just want to send you a massive hug :hug: for everything you do. you had me in tears earlier listening to you on Tricias show. we all love you :heart:
Did anyone else notice the tweet about Juan's lies in court and hypocrisy has been deleted? I'm guessing her attorneys talked to her.

:nono: It is still there.
Anyone know where there is a copy of the jury instructions that they gave this jury? The one talking about 1st degree, 2nd degree, there a copy of this anywhere?
Am sorry I don't have the link for you but I will always have the memory of when Juan picked UP the package of jury instructions during his rebuttal closing and all the jurors also loudly picked up theirs. It was this moment of unity in my eyes, the jury was listening. They were so with Juan they all picked up their packs as well and flipped along through them. You could hear the pages turning; in unison. I'm hopeful we will have a verdict today.
Compensate is the keyword. If you are not making that in your job you will not get that while serving jury duty, I believe.

I live in Illinois. Here, if you are a full-time employee, the employer is required to pay you while you serve jury duty.
If you are part-time, they do not have to pay you.
I think she already has her versions of "a normal innocent person's" reaction practiced for whatever verdict comes in.

What will be interesting to see is what she's decided a normal non-guilty person's reaction will be to being convicted of first degree murder. Do they wail, cry and profess innocence? Stand there shaking like a chihuahua with a single, large round tear falling down her cheek? Faint dead away?

It'll be something that she thinks will help her in the following phases.
Do we know anything official on how long the judge will give everyone to get to courtroom (or HLN) when jury says they have reached a verdict. I'm assuming 30 min. to an hour but I haven't seen anything to know for sure how far away I can go from home. I have signed up for WAT alert. I'm soooooooo nervous, and the jury hasn't even started yet today! I will be pacing the floor in another couple of hours!!

Wild About Trial tweeted they were told the media will be told 30 minutes before the verdict will be read.
Gotta go to work and cook for my living...
Meet ya back at the pass....:seeya:
Hi all. I have to go out today, hope I don't miss THE MOMENT if it comes today. Anyone convinced there will be a verdict today?

I have a feeling there will be. I think 2 hours.
Hey Sunny, OT question for you. There is going to be a trial coming up in MO in which I'm interested. Do they televise trails in MO?

None that I have ever seen...if you tell me which one I will try to find out. I have a friend at a local TV station
Did anyone else notice the tweet about Juan's lies in court and hypocrisy has been deleted? I'm guessing her attorneys talked to her.

Really, It got deleted. Huh!! Wonder why? I did see it along with another where she did not get her commissary things. Boo Hoo And another where the 9 days out of 10 that Nurmi does not like her sounds right.
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