Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

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anyone that is not from the US signed up to text alerts from WAT?

i text in and not had a reply yet? i tried cnn the other day but wouldn't send because im outside the US i assume

Catching up this morning, so someone may of already answered you.

I saw WAT post at some point over the weekend (on twitter) that the verdict watch texts are only available in the US.
I wonder how much help she had from Ms LaViolette.?

My guess would be a lot. Isn't Long Beach where she comes from? :waitasec:
I wouldn't be surprised if it was ALV's idea.

Good Morning, everyone! Praying for wisdom for the jury-and a speedy decision.
She has to have some contribution to humanity to tell the jury about during the mitigation phase. Why not a shelter you've never seen or been to. :jail:

She's going to keep up this abused-victim-facade all the way through the end. :banghead: I won't be surprised if she drags him when pleading the jury for her life.
Thanks, I was remembering this interview with Sheriff Joe

Sheriff discusses Jodi Arias’ life behind bars - YouTube

and after re-listening, he does say, if she is convicted and stays in his jail he would like to put her in a chain gang. Probably just talk by him during his inverview with NG. It wouldn't make sense that she would stay in a county jail vs state prison after conviction. In IL, where I am, a person found guilty only stays in county jail with a sentence of less than a year, any sentence over a year or 366 days+ you go to a state prison.

Thanks for correcting my wishful thinking!!!:facepalm:

That would make an interesting photo op...:martini:
Is it OK to post this in this thread? If not, Mods, please delete.

Saw this in the "A view from the inside..." thread and it made my blood run cold. No WAY that is a "scratching" motion.

She is the epitome of EVIL.

Thanks for that Jane ITA. I am a cautious and skeptical person and with all due respect to my friends here I have disagreed with many on suppositions such as JA was on her way to hurt someone else when arrested, but after listening to Chris last night I think there is a distinct possibility that you all could be right and then some. As I said last night in the crime radio chat her kind of evil will be a DSM dx before long.
please forgive me is this has been asked, but what happens until they come back with a verdict? Will they all be sitting in court waiting? or will all the TH's on HLN and such just be blabbing until they come back?
Happy Birthday, Snoopy1!
Just curios how many of us feel that today will be verdict day. I sort of thought the jury will go over all the evidence and reach their decision. Then they would all go home and sleep on it, come in on Tuesday morning, vote again and submit their verdict.

The evidence IS really clear though. I just didn't want to get my hopes up.

I think they will come back today with a verdict.
did anyone see JP on the Today show this morning talking about the case that shakk not be named?
This makes me sick...:banghead:

This rather reminds me of mom Anthony announcing to the media that she was donating Caylee's shoes. The charity wasted no time telling her, publicly, NO THANK YOU . YOU are not welcome here.

That Charity later received an outpouring of donations from folks, all over the world. No one wants blood money. NO ONE:banghead: Unless, of course you are ALV....isn't that a place she works? You just can't make this stuff up!

TruTV is replaying Juan Martinez, American Hero's closing arguments.
please forgive me is this has been asked, but what happens until they come back with a verdict? Will they all be sitting in court waiting? or will all the TH's on HLN and such just be blabbing until they come back?

They will announce that the jury has reached a verdict and set a time an hour or so later for the verdict to be read to give everyone a chance to get to the courthouse.

Happy Birthday Snoopy! :party:

Good morning happy that Travis and his family will finally get the justice they derserve and have waited so patiently for.

So glad it's all about Travis now instead of whosherdoodle.

I personally think they will announce a verdict has been reached just before lunchtime, and set the time for after lunch for the verdict to be read.
Well I just got a call from the Electricity people- there is a planned outage today :)banghead:) while they work on lines. Starting at 10am Eastern.
Can you believe this?

Can you stream HLN or better yet WS! on your phone Zsa Zsa?
I wonder how much help she had from Ms LaViolette.?

From ALV's website:

"Alyce LaViolette became an advocate and volunteer at the WomenShelter in Long Beach, Ca. (which assists women victims of domestic violence) as part of her graduate program at California State University at Long Beach in l978."

ALV lives and works in Long Beach. She may have been there since the late 60s when she got her undergrad from CA State- Long Beach.
I copied the link off IfIMay's post in that thread, so I take no credit. :) But I like your fill-in-the-blank!

And...Happy Birthday, Snoopy1!

AWWW - Thanks I LOVE it!!

And thanks for the birthday wishes! :blushing:
:puke: She makes me ill!

Jodi Arias verdict: Jodi Arias designs T-shirts to raise money for victims of domestic violence

Posted: 05/05/2013
Last Updated: 7 hours and 57 minutes ago

•By: Navideh Forghani

PHOENIX - Jurors in the Jodi Arias trial will continue their deliberations on Monday morning, but in the meantime, Arias is busy raising money for a special cause.

The accused killer is doing it through Twitter, from behind bars.

It’s a project Arias hinted about last week and while she didn’t unveil what she was working on from behind bars, we know she’s selling T-shirts to raise money for domestic violence victims.

You can buy them in black or white and they have the word “Survivor” written on the front.

The shirts will benefit the Long Beach Women’s Shelter and Reach Beyond Domestic Violence.

Read more:

OMG, How is this allowed??? She is IN jail. I don't get it. OMG
She's going to keep up this abused-victim-facade all the way through the end. :banghead: I won't be surprised if she drags him when pleading the jury for her life.

Anyone have an idea how the mitigation phasse works? I mean, if she's found guilty of murder 1st, then does she then confess everything and beg for her life? Or do they still try to keep the act going?
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