Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

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Speaking of the defense, it was unnecessary for Nurmi to tell the jury that 9 days out of 10 he did not like JA.

Now I wonder, was this some type of ploy to make the jury feel sorry for JA, in that awwwwww, what a terrible defense she has, even her lawyer does not like her. :banghead:

I think his point was that the jury shouldn't convict her because they don't like her. Iow, they both have a job to do and their job has nothing to do with personal feelings about the defendant. That's how I took it, anyway. jmo
I noticed that when it happened live....definitely did what was alleged in that video

OMG after watching that, I feel like you too that that is EXACTLY what she wanted to do. I think her little actions like middle finger, throat slashing motion, etc., that's her way of getting her "anger" out or else she would just lose it and start making faces at Juan, and prob. her defense told her to not do that 'cause it looks bad for her. So she's getting her anger out this way. I'm sure you guys have noticed whenever Juan is getting into testimony that looks really bad for her, she starts doing the pencil eraser thing under her desk...whatever she does with it it's obviously to ease her tension....looks like she just jabs at it over and over with her thumb. It is SO OBVIOUS to me that she has major anger issues boiling within her at ALL times.
Why would anyone who was a victim of DV wear such a shirt?????? I would think you would want to forget you were ever in such a relationship not to be constantly reminded by a shirt you would wear to give power back to your abuser. Survivor reeks of ....... I was a victim. Part of healing is saying I am no longer a victim, I took my power back. Part of taking your power back is being able to feel normal again. Personally I don't even think ALV would agree with these shirts as they would advertise the fact that this woman is, in fact, in a vulnerable place and could be re-victimized.

Jodi has no idea what it feels like to be a victim.

I thoroughly agree LambChop, I was a victim. Not any longer, for a long time, decades now. The only people/reason to wear a "Survivor" shirt, imo would be for cancer, p e r i o d. Or surviving menopause (joking) LOL:floorlaugh:
There better not be any migraine delay! I hope the HJSS would finally put her foot down and haul her hind end in anyways..
Let's get a verdict today!!

Hi pip :seeya:. Could you reduce the size of the pics in your siggy? It's blowing the margins and makes it hard to read the thread. Especially for those of us at work trying to do it discreetly :blushing:. TIA!!

I'm here with all of you and counting on you to ring the bell when the verdict comes in. Justice for Travis!!!!
Good morning everyone! I am giddy with excitement that we should get a verdict today, aside from the fact that I am having a horrendous day at work already. Can someone give me a rundown of today, or where we can keep an eye out for a verdict...just live stream HLN?
I think you're right, this case did not get the media that CA trial got BUT the Alexander family is not a circus sideshow. Caylee's whole family was crazy and constantly putting themselves in the media spotlight. It was truly the gorey accident that no one could look away from. No one in that family was grieving the poor three-year-old. Travis' family has honored him in the most respectful and dignified way.

I think it is a distinctly American cultural phenomenon that murder trials prove to be of high entertainment value especially if they involve young Caucasian participants and especially if a young becoming female is presented as – “the vixen”.

Observers justify the televised trials based on “public right to know” which is actually code for “TV cable company has opportunity for high viewer ratings and thus high profit value”. HLN has parlayed this trial into a ratings blockbuster and exploited every aspect of the trial into a ratings triumph. HLN has presented this trial as a “MUST SEE SPECTACLE”. HLN coverage will breed newly minted talking heads – lawyers who would rather be famous and be seen on TV than actually doing law. There will be new Pollitan, Karas , Caseras- like pundits. Drew prostituted himself by becoming an MD crime fighter- commentator in the name of “stellar ratings for the Dr. Drew Show”.

“IF it bleeds, it leads” goes the broadcast logic.

The intense TV scrutiny of the JA trial has polluted the process of justice and “15 minutes of fame” has taken its place. Celebrity is what it is all about and the JM worship is part of that Church.
Juries are obviously aware of fame celebrity potential and will be affected.
The Simpson and Anthony juries aborted the justice process and arrived at the wrong conclusion by dint of notoriety.

Should the JA jury deliver something other than a 1st degree murder verdict it will be because of the fulsome TV coverage and the need to “be looked at and studied by the masses”. After the verdict is rendered, there will be a veritable feeding frenzy led by JVM and JaneKAY Saurus seeking comment by each individual juror.

I think live coverage of infamous murder trials should be rethought because such scrutiny tends to contaminate the results.


This was noteworthy, folks! Broken fingers, being slapped and choked out, witnessing pedophilia, not noteworthy!

She makes my brain hurt :banghead:
years ago i was sitting in my car and this song came on. i was dealing with some very hurtfull things and i felt this song was a message to me. i hope if travis family hears this they can feel many wish they can shelter them from the storm . so many emotions will come to them no matter what the jury decides. i saw one of the sisters head tilt back during testimony and thought shes going to faint right now. looked like she almost did. thank you for every one of you who has tried to be a shelter for the family in some way. if you read here, posted or just lurked the energy will reach the family of travis. travis is now a concrete angel - jodi is sure the worst thing that happened to him. bless you all who care. a tear sheds - travis was abused to death by jodi

Judge Perry has Baez pegged right when he said he came across as a used car salesman.

And a lot of people have been taken in by those kind of snake oil salesmen.


Shame on you P12. Glad it wasn't me. Lol.

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Aw bless jodi helping victims. What a gal. Seriously what victim would want a t-shirt announcing
their hurt and trauma to the world ? I think this is such a bad idea.

On the verdict patience ........ its going to take sometime for each of them to express their thoughts
and feelings. They asked good questions have faith let them do what they must in their time.
we want them secure and confident in their decision. Breathe people
run errands take care of yourselves and your loved ones. The verdict will come.
I'm hoping we don't have to wait past noon for a verdict. I would think after this long there is not one juror who hasn't made up their mind. Maybe someone has a hard time deciding between felony murder vs. premeditated but I can't imagine even one of them chosing another option.
My stomach is in knots. I woke up and prayed for Travis and his family and the jurors and justice.
I want justice for Travis and I want it NOW!!!

(Hey…it works for my 2 year old grandson!) :floorlaugh:
My stomach is aflutter in anticipation..I couldn't eat a thing right now! I would imagine the murderess must be wracked with vomiting and diarrhea by this point if this is how I feel!

I fasted my evening meal yesterday for I'm famished! :dance:
....listening to BLUE Rodeo, making BLUEberry Grunt, while wearing my BLUEJays hoodie...
....picturing and hoping that..."somewhere over the rainbow, skies are BLUE...and dreams that we've dreamed of really do come true..."

Dreaming and channeling Justice for Travis......
Mods, if this does not belong here, please move to the appropriate thread..

This site has some autopsy pictures I haven't seen yet.. including one of his full face including the eyes, as well as a lot more back and chest stab punctures, including a more-opened gaping neck wound. Have you guys seen these? Warning...most graphic ones I've seen...




I haven't looked at those and I won't, but I hope JM puts them up during sentencing phase. :stormingmad:
Sorry had to laugh.I know it was scarey for you:):scared:
Yesterday I prepared as if for a siege. Cooked up a pound of hamburger, a package of Italian sausage, a bunch of chicken parts; prepped veggies for salad. So while we're on Verdict Watch, I can throw a decent dinner together in a nanosecond, if need be! I owe my hubby wholesome meals this week. :) Good thing he's into this trial, too!

(P.S. When I pulled out the drawer beneath the oven, there was a rat snake curled up there! Two days ago there was a mouse in my bedroom! I feel like I'm living in a hellish version of Animal Planet. :( Apparently, the mouse skittered in through an entry hole behind the oven and the snake followed in hot pursuit. Anyway, managed to trap and remove both critters, found the entry hole and plugged it up. DRAMA!)
video that sums up all the penalty phases pretty well for what will happen to Jodi

:please: Murder1


This is what worries me. The jury has been doing it's duty for so very long now. I don't know about AZ, but in my state it's not mandatory that company's pay their employee's for serving jury duty. The company for whom I work does not. I was recently called for State Grand Jury which was 19 weeks, one day a week. I could not afford to do that, I had to claim hardship.

Does anyone know what AZ's law is regarding pay and Jury duty?
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