Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

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In answer to question, the case went to the jury for deliberation with the Moon in Pisces approaching Neptune (Arias). This took place in House 6 of the Submission to Jury Chart. When the Moon is in House 6, the jury is under strain and with Neptune, concerned over the mass of testimony and evidence. They now set about organising it as the Moon applies to Mercury and Mars (sorting). When the Moon is in a mutable Sign such as Pisces, it operates "after a while"& "pretty soon", as discussed here earlier. So we don't have a lightning 15 minute verdict nor one that drags on for weeks.

Thank you again!
I'm fairly certain this has been asked before, sorry I can't find it.
Are we going to be able to view the courtroom if there are juror questions?
If so, do I have to rely on HLN or can I go to azfamily?

I'm a little behind so you may have already received an answer.

I think we will be able to watch on any of the live feeds. WildAboutTrial has the seal up as I type.
This might be the day...


Wow, that's a powerful pic; a powerful statement!!!

Y'day I was so hungry fasting. I just kept saying that hunger was for justice for Travis. Today, I can't eat!
So scary, so sick, but she told the jury she did not have a mental problem. I really hope Juan has seen her disgusting gesture. :banghead:

Does anyone have a screen cap of the face she made during closing when Juan said "Jodi wanted Travis Alexander" and she made that face like ewwwww whatever. If I were a juror and saw that it would make up my mind instantly.
In answer to question, the case went to the jury for deliberation with the Moon in Pisces approaching Neptune (Arias). This took place in House 6 of the Submission to Jury Chart. When the Moon is in House 6, the jury is under strain and with Neptune, concerned over the mass of testimony and evidence. They now set about organising it as the Moon applies to Mercury and Mars (sorting). When the Moon is in a mutable Sign such as Pisces, it operates "after a while"& "pretty soon", as discussed here earlier. So we don't have a lightning 15 minute verdict nor one that drags on for weeks.

Tuba, thanks so much for explaining. I was seriously lost and needed a translation.
If the jurors want to have a read back or see exhibits do they have to ask or is it within their reach- does anyone know?

I'm pretty sure they would have to send a note to the Judge with whatever they want to review.
I bet, I am the ONLY WS MEMBER who does NOT watch HLN. In fact, I do not even know what channel it comes on nor do I know 99.9% of the people yall talk about that appear on HLN (minus nancy grace), nor do I even know what the hell HLN is (what it stands for and why people watch it as it seems most seem to hate it ?? ).

So, I sit her alone in my non-HLN corner. lol
Headline News.
The commercials are long, played every 30 sec. or so and are irritating.
The THs (Talking Heads) are irritating as well - except for Beth Karas.
I saw it when it happened..hope the jurors did too..

HOLY SMOKES That's the first time I watched this.


Wow she's nuts. I would love to know what Juan thinks of this gesture?

This is an obvious gesture towards Juan. WOW.
Morning y'all...

Like many of you, not really sure what to do with myself. It's amazing how I can get so involved in something like this, and then when it's over...I forget what I was doing before! LOL!!

I am bored with pogo. I am bored with gossip sites. I am just BORED!!!

It would be nice to have a verdict today. Just for the closure for the family!!! I won't panic until say Thursday though. After that, it's gonna be like OK, who's the holdout? And what side are they on?

Anyway, will be watching my phone and reading here occasionally!!

Hope you all have a blessed know, one blessed with a guilty verdict!!!
Its spring. Go outdoors. Get back to nature.
I ate (I was hungry) but now I feel like throwing up. Stress is not good for the body or mind.
WAT awarded me one of their famous mugs for my tip about being able to rewind 30 mins on their stream. The mugs are now for sale but I feel quite special, especially seeing they sent the mug to me in the UK :heart: That's Yorkshire Gold tea in there btw.

CONGRATULATIONS, that is an honor.
I'm afraid when they announce they have reached a verdict I may pass out and miss the entire thing.
TH on HLN just said that the defense offered 1st degree with life in prison and the State turned it down.

I think she is confused. Wasn't it 2nd degree that was offered?
I bet, I am the ONLY WS MEMBER who does NOT watch HLN. In fact, I do not even know what channel it comes on nor do I know 99.9% of the people yall talk about that appear on HLN (minus nancy grace), nor do I even know what the hell HLN is (what it stands for and why people watch it as it seems most seem to hate it ?? ).

So, I sit her alone in my non-HLN corner. lol

You're not alone! I don't have cable so I don't watch it either. I watched one video on their website with JVM discussing the trial and couldn't get through it - how does anyone stand that woman?
I'm double posting........... nerves. LOL
justice for travis
Sorry to hear the TH's saying decision will not come down today. I disagree. If they are in agreement, murder one is the only thing they can come up with. I look for a decision in the next 2-3 hours. Just to dot t's and cross i's.

I am too. Didn't the OJ jury come back in three hours and didn't the defense lawyers defend it? I believe the defenders lawyers and others said, well the jury listened to all the evidence for months etc, etc. my opinion only.
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